@Detroit Pistons

Pistons Sign Tobias Harris, Hire JB Bickerstaff?! – From Half Court Episode 152

Pistons Sign Tobias Harris, Hire JB Bickerstaff?! – From Half Court Episode 152

[Music] what is going on I want to welcome you from half court today I Shawn Murphy joined by crunch times own our own Jeff I AFR Jeff it’s so good to see you slow week so appreciate you making the time to be able to be here not a lot to talk about so good to see you man yeah it’s uh nothing I mean I can’t wait to talk about a bunch of nothing I mean Tobi Harris yeah who cares JB bicker staff ah yeah it’s just gonna be a lot of flapping our lips for the next hour you know what I mean perfect time to do the podcast yeah perect Jeff this might I we were texting this might be the most filled episode as far as news updates things going on if not in a year maybe like ever recording this podcast so this is going to be a really interesting one troy is not with us today as he is traveling to go see family for the holiday the nerve the absolute the ga of the guy you know uh no but uh obviously hope wishing Troy well and we’ll see him back here next week but nonetheless that doesn’t stop us from having a lot to talk about and Jeff before we get into everything I just want to let the people know to like And subscribe the video down below so you don’t miss any of the content but also that you can see more jeffi Fred over at crunch time with Jeff Boer and the boys Monday through Friday on crunchtime Jeff any special things of crunch time coming up you want to plug uh well we’ll be breaking down all the Pistons news tonight 8m well it still be Wednesday so it’ll be 8:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. tonight and yeah Pistons Lions um whether from half cord or crunchtime Sports we got it covered so appreciate the plug yeah man absolutely and not too much longer till Lions season either we are we are in Striking Distance of football being back so that’s going to be great too but Jeff we got a lot to dive into and there’s so much to talk to I don’t even know where to get started so I’m going to lay out a couple options for you and you tell me where you want to start does that sound good you want to go with the Pistons hiring JB bicker staff as their new head coach the Pistons drafting Ron Holland number five overall or the Pistons making the move of getting Tobias Harris and free agency that’s just a small sample size that doesn’t even get to the rest of the leag Jeff where do you want to start I’m gonna do the old media trick we’ll save the gravy so we’ll get into not that this specific topic is any less gravy but JB bicker staff let’s uh let’s break that down first we’ll get to the debias hair yeah absolutely about 12 days ago as of recording the Pistons officially moved on from Monty Williams and they wasted no time with their search and they found their new head coach according uh first broken by uh Shan shirani and James Edwards III uh JV bigger staff is going to be the new coach of the Detroit Pistons he came in sold them on a vision of developing the team moving the franchise forward thicker staff has 94 wins in the last two years in Cleveland and also was the coach for that team over the last five years was instrumental in the development of guys like Darius Garland Evan Mobley Jared Allen uh other players as well Jeff I know uh this isn’t a sexy coaching hire like perhaps the Monty Williams coaching hire was this time last season however if you look at JB bicker staff’s you know resume at all this stops one thing he’s consistently been good at is setting a culture and helping teams develop and they’ve always left in a better position than when he’s found them so I’m curious what your thoughts were when you when you first saw the news and now that you’ve had some time to digest it what do you think of the JB bicker Sapphire for Detroit Pistons yeah I don’t hate it at all and I I recorded a video today just diving into his last four years five if you include the time he was the interm head coach with Cleveland and I I want to say this before I get to the Pistons angle from JB bicker staff’s perspective when you look at the jobs he’s taken in the NBA as a head coach they haven’t been the most favorable they’ve been actually tough jobs for him so we have to look at that context as well and he’s going into another tough job worst team in basketball record-wise over the last couple of years but when you look at what he did in Cleveland the thing that I love the most and we mentioned this with James bgo is uh James brao offensive minded It’s a different flavor JB Becker staff more of a defensive minded head coach and Cleveland the last three years has been a top seven defense I mean they were sixth last year first the year prior and seventh the year prior to that offensively in 2022 and 2023 he was top 10 in offense and top 10 in defense so you know given the talent he had the last couple of years in Cleveland I would say that’s really where JB was in the best position possible when they got down of the Mitchell and you saw the wins won a playoff series this this past season against Orlando Magic and seven loss to the Celtics of course who went on to win the NBA championship so you’re getting a a head coach who’s been in the league for a while as an assistant and a head coach I think like 20 plus years in the NBA but someone that players respect players like a defensive minded head coach and I know people go right to to offense but people forget how bad this team was defensively so I think he can help in that area as well and he’s also had experience with Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland now you’re walking into a situation with Kate Cunningham and Jade Ivy so I like the hire we have to accept uh Pistons fans have to accept and we the media have to accept that this job is not enticing I mean James brao pulled himself from consideration so you know people thinking they were going to get the best head coach on the market it’s just not how that works and I think JB Bickerstaff isn’t some guy that you’re just kind of like all right we’re gonna settle for him he’s a good coach now you know we have to when people bring up okay when I mentioned this before how they have to get this H you’re right what I mean by that is someone that can kind of get this franchise back to kind of stability it’s not the you’re not hiring JB to be like okay JB biger staff you’re our Championship head coach but someone that can just put this thing back on the tracks and I think JB can do that yeah I think and I think it’s great that you said that because quite frankly people just have to reframe their expectations with what it looks like to get you know like a successful head coaching higher I know people want to see the Pistons the back in the back of the you know like back in the top of the standings you know competing for you know like for playoff games and for championships but really they need to get someone who like you said can set the table can you know get this team heading in the right direction foundationally and and you know like with JB bicker saaf you know exactly what you’re getting and this isn’t a guy who you know was you know like unlike Monty where you had to like really entice him to you know like even consider taking the job like this is someone who almost immediately after being let go from Cleveland he was the first person to meet with the Pistons organization when that job opened up and he was you know he was like ready to go right then and there and you know being being close to them in the division even though obviously he seen the struggles of the Pistons he has to like something about this job in order to actually want to take it and take that leap so you know I am curious to see what he can do again I know people bring up the you know concerns of what he could do in the playoffs but if you’re telling me that the Cleveland Cavaliers uh ultimately failed this year because of JB bicker staff I don’t really think you watch the Cleveland Cavaliers and even then how are they getting B past the Boston Celtics you could have had prime Phil Jackson with Pat Riley as his assistant coach you weren’t beating that Celtics team with that Cav’s roster especially with Donovan Mitchell injur yeah and that’s that’s the thing I look at is winning a playoff series and the Pistons are just trying to get to the playoffs um I know ideally we and at least me I’ll speak from my perspective I mentioned Chris Quinn or other assistants that are available because especially for me and I’ll just speak for myself I’m one of those guys that look at assistance across all sports and think you want to find the next great head coach you know people go well you’re hiring guys that have been fired but you have to understand like if you’re if I’m a hot commodity as an assistant do I really want my first opportunity to be at the worst team in basketball like there’s the side of I can turn this thing around and really make a name for myself if you want the challenge but then there’s the other side of man if I don’t get this thing right and I’m mountain in two years boy it could really hurt my legacy and it’s something that James bgo went through with Charlotte now he’s like I ain’t doing that again with the Detroit Pistons like that’s a common thing so like you said earlier you nailed it manage your expectations and if people will just look at JB and see what he’s kind of done for players as well I I I think this is a good fit he’s going to hold guys accountable which is someone you kind of need I mean Monty you had to give a significant amount of money just to take the job and now JB takes it um so again four years with a fifth year team option um let’s just hope he makes it through the contract like Monty was the year in so you know if you get four years out of him that’s a success you know he’s a guy who’s always seemed really subdued just from the other side you know like observing especially like off the court but when he’s actually coaching like some of the clips I’ve seen over the last few days this guy’s a fiery dude you know what I mean like I I I think he’s someone that you know especially with a young team is someone that can connect and you know Inspire and gets along get gets along with those guys and I think he can potentially hit the ground running I’m looking forward to seeing what that looks like and especially you know like Ron Holland I know he mentioned like oh yeah know I’m I’m sure whoever you know whoever will be my coach I’m sure you know I’m sure they’ll love me I’m sure I’ll love them I think it’s a great coaching hire even for the you know the young talent that you have in place so um yeah and and on top of that too you’re bringing in some veterans I mean Tim Hardway Jr on an expiring deal and Tobias Harris who just signed to a which we’ll get to later you got a good mix now and I’m sure they’re not done might even take on more assets with another player with an expiring deal but even offensively I know it’s probably people’s biggest uh like okay we’ll see last year they were 18th in the NBA off in offense offensive rating but D Garin Mitch and Moy missed 30 games about each so you know the year prior they were top 10 in offense so he’s capable um now is he the best one of the best coaches in the league no you weren’t kidding that but he is I don’t think he’s a bad hire B he meets I have no problem with this yeah 100% And I still think even though this is a really important hire I would still argue that Fred vincon is still potentially the biggest hire the the Pistons made in the coaching staff this season like I don’t think people understand like how good of a shooting coach he is like I I’ve been list listening to you know like more podcast just the more I hear about Fred Vincent it’s like he’s one of the two like people regard him as one of the two best coaching like shooting coaches in the world this is the guy that took Lonzo Ball’s broken ass jump shot and turned him into a 40 plus percent three-point shooter before he went down to injury like this guy knows exactly what he’s doing in that realm so get him with Ron Holland get him with assar Thompson immediately even get him with Kad iy as well get more comfortable and consistent with their jump shot too and I you know those are the types of things I think you can see that long you know that long effect but also getting them with a head coach who also has experience in Player Development who has a track record with getting other guys you know like to an area of their potential that we possibly hadn’t you know seen coming I think it makes a lot of sense so agreed Fred Vincent I’m excited for him he’s got a he’s GNA be working a lot of overtime but he is uh I mean you talked about Lonzo ball he worked with Brandon Ingram as well so every every time he’s he’s worked with a player they’ve at least seen positive results and there’s plenty players mention herb Jones Trey Murphy yep great and it worked out for all of them yep 100% so it’s going to be really good you brought up a couple of veterans that the Pistons went out and got as well and I think that’s a great next direction to kind of look at is not only did the Pistons you know go out and hire their head coach there was also the draft we’ll get to that in a minute because you know obviously this wasn’t as big of a draft class we didn’t do a ton of draft coverage this year but nonetheless still a big deal but perhaps the bigger thing and the more controversial thing is the free agency side of things the Pistons went out and traded Quinton Grimes to Dallas in exchange for uh the contract of Tim Hardaway Jr the expiring contract along with three second round picks according to Vince Goodwill Jeff the Pistons want to try and take those three seconds and somehow turn those into a first so if that’s something that could possibly happen I think that makes that trade even better my tra my feelings about the trade are almost exactly my feelings about the the head coaching hire where it’s not sexy but I think it’s necessary and you look at you know like Accord like stat news posted this like last week when the trade happened like Tim Hardaway Jr had almost a hundred more threes last season than the Pistons leading three-point shooter yeah so when you talk about getting AI ible three-point shooter on the team he definitely fits that belt yeah uh and you even go bigger than that and I saw uh a post uh today as well going through some of the Acquisitions uh and shout out to Brady Fred because he put this out but fio shot 50 53% on Corner threes last year Tobias Harris shot 40% on Corner threes last year Tim Hardway Jr shot 39% on Corner threes last year and assar Thompson shot the highest percentage of corner threes for the Pistons which is 23% so we’ll get to the debias air stuff but Tim Hardway Jr can can shoot the ball and I know people uh and I get it right it’s what have you done for me lately and we’re we’re gonna get to that with Tobias Harris because people bring up the donut but to Jr it’s the same thing like oh he’s a guy who was out of the rotation in the playoffs like guys let’s not forget who Tim Hardway Jr is he’s not the Savior but he’s definitely gonna help out he gets face to floor and he shoots a pretty good percentage from three on high volume which is something that you look at a better Defender um he’s not a great defender but he’s capable so I like it it’s it’s an expiring deal you took on assets which you already said what Vincent Goodwell reported which you know hopefully down the line you could turn some of those seconds into a future first which you can use to go acquire Talent some some big time talent but he uh he’s somebody that you could potentially flip at the deadline given there might be a contender that needs some bench depth and I think Tim arway Jr is another capable guy so I don’t I don’t I don’t mind this deal at all they have to find a way to spend their their cap space and you’re not going to sign a bunch of free agents and I think efficient way to do that is to trade for guys that are on expiring deals and collect assets it’s the smart thing from Trent so I saw this trade I was a big fan of it no issue at all for me yeah when you’re in this stage when you you know when you’ve been as bad as the Pistons have been over the last few years and you own as little draft Capital as you do that’s just not a position you know that’s just not a position that you can be in that that equals success so you know even though it’s some more of the you know like I know we’ve had to use the term a lot of like the laying the concrete and it’s not you know it’s really not the sexy move at all you know it is some of the things that the Pistons have missed like that perspective and that you know the importance of managing those assets I think you know with respect to Troy Weaver I think trj and langon is a little bit more calculated in that light so um you know and and obviously I know people have wanted to see a little bit more activity as far as more players being signed but I think when you look at you know TR like trading for you know like using your cap space in that way like you have to essentially let the free agency markets start to play out and see what teams start need to start making moves I mean Klay Thompson just sign of the Mavericks which we’ll talk to that later that requires a three team trade to make that happen like all the other moves that happened this off season a lot of them will need teams to cooperate to to move asset to make that like to move salary to make that happen and so um I think the Pistons playing the patient route on that makes a lot of sense what have your what have kind of been your thoughts so far yeah I know people uh they see the acquiring assets for draft capital and they they try to bring up Troy Weaver but people forget what Troy acquired versus what now Tran’s acquiring I think what Tran has acquired it’s only been one one player but Tim arway Jr I think is could be moved and and boan could have been moved but I think the Pistons waited too long to kind of deal him away but Joe Harris like I think Tim Hardway Jr in all due respect to Joe Harris is going to have more of a market despite how his season ended with the Mavericks so it’s it’s not just acquiring assets that are expiring it’s acquiring assets that could potentially be flipped and even if he doesn’t be he doesn’t get flipped you get a guy for a year he leaves you get the money you get to go spend it elsewhere so it’s really no it’s like it’s there’s no risk I mean you’re just taking out you’re basically just pushing the money into next off season which you will have more spend in a different free agent class in a year where you’re expected to now take a bigger jump so um this makes sense not only for the for the near future but more the long-term future so no issue I don’t I didn’t really get the upro I mean there was a little bit of an uproar I know most people are okay with it but people were like freaking out about it it’s like come on Quinton gu Quinton Grimes to me good Defender but he’s not someone you’re looking at going okay he’s a future part of this core I mean he played very very bad his tenure in Detroit I know he was injured he was dealing with some things but he only played six games but the six games he played he shot 15% from three so people are like we lost a great three and D Wing it’s like guys with all due respect the Knicks traded him for a reason yeah he’s not someone in my opinion that you’re pounding the table to resign this off season so you got a couple seconds in an expiring deal I’m cool with it I think he can be a good fit in Dallas I think you know I think he can definitely make the rotation I don’t know if he’d make their playoff rotation especially with some of the moves they made today but you know definitely curious to see how he does in Dallas but you know I definitely think Detroit got a more reliable three-point shooter in return than Grimes another move that they made as well the long rumored uh free agency signing has finally happened Jeff the Tobias Harris to Detroit move is official and I think he the question wasn’t really whether or not Tobias Harris was going to come to Detroit because I think there was a sense that that that reuniting was going to happen I think the question was how many years and for how much money and uh you know what we learned today is that is according to reports Tobias Harris has signed a two twoyear $ 52 million contract with the Detroit Pistons clocking them at about $26 million a year there are no options however it will already immediately be an expiring deal after this season and you’re getting a you’re getting a starting quality player who is an experienced that that can help this locker room right away what are your thoughts I know I know when I was on crunch time last there was a pretty controversial debate about Tobias Harris and I know that you have some people on your show that are not a fan and there was the hot take of Brandon ingrams better than Tobias Harris which I mean that that one yeah I mean yes yeah and I want to add to that too the thing about Brandon Ingram and I guess on paper everyone can admit yeah we’re in sh Brandon Ingram now I would ask you where where are you getting the assets to go get him you know like where uh Nicks own your first round pick the let next what two to three years it might be three but I don’t know if it’s two or three um but regardless yeah it’s just not happening so when you when you look at who was available OG’s gone Haren Stein’s gone then there were some good uh there were some good solid additions you could have made Tobias sis was the best available I mean you you got a guy who just two years ago not this past season um which he didn’t play B last season but the season prior he was 1.1% from three from being a 40% shooter in 2.4% from the from the free throw line for being a 90% shooter he already shot 50% so two years ago he was a combined what three four% from being a 50 4090 guy so when when you talk about someone that has played here before all right the other part is he fits a need he’s a a wing who can shoot the three ball great at spot up in the corner which Jay NY driving to the basket Kate Cunningham driving to the basket you have to you have to pay attention to who’s in the corner and it allows you to now play a Ron Holland to play an assar Thompson because you have someone who is a an absolute threat not just scoring the basketball with with good efficiency but someone that can spot up and take threes and and knock him down with catch and shoot opportunities so is he a guy that’s gonna you know take this team to the seven seed no but Sean we talk about it all the time you want to improve you’re the worst team in basketball can we get to 2530 wins I think Tobias Harris does that and I think he also helps your franchise player who you just gave an extension to it’s it’s a two-year deal which I love by the way it’s not long term you got him for two years there’s no team option or anything it’s just strictly two years $26 million I said 20 to 25 it’s one more million more than I I predicted so I’m not going to throw a hissy fit over one million I absolutely love it Sean I think he can bring not only on the court with all the stuff I just laid out but off the court an opportunity to kind of Mentor a little bit not that he’s strictly just a mentor but help out Ron assar Thompson some of these Wings young Wings you have so I love it from all angles I really don’t have an issue with this deal at all I know some people were talking about the price point which guys you’re the Pistons you won 14 games you’re not you don’t you can’t pump your chest out and tell free agents to take a discount I mean what do we do you’re going to have to overpay for any free agent and I think they signed the right free agent Sean that was available um in my opinion OG and all these names were talked about but I I love the debias s’s move shot love it yeah 100% And you know like like I I don’t know if this is very controversial or not but like I don’t even think this is like if at all like that massive of an overpay if anything like I think this is about what he’s worth you know like it like the real problem with Tobias Harris in Philadelphia wasn’t Tobias Harris it was the fact that they chose bias Harris to pay a Max contract over Jimmy Butler which was obviously the wrong move Absolut and he was miscast in his role in that situation and he talks about you know like how he was in the playoffs I get it but I don’t want to hear anything about Philadelphia in the playoffs and and and the problem not involving a certain Joel embiid who needs to be healthy for them to even be a serious consideration during the playoffs right and especially you’re talking about you know just getting there in the first place this is a guy who the last time the Pistons you like were in Playoff scenarios he was you know either on the roster or traded for the guy to go get us there right so um you know he he obviously has experience of playing in Detroit he was there the season the LCA you know like was uh you know like was built and was you know they were brought in so a lot of history there but you know also just a solid you know like High character veteran who not only can help this locker room on that side but what have we talked about what the Pistons needed all of last year veterans who can actually play on the court and the Pistons got two guys that are 32 years old that both are known for their dur durability so you know we could talk about all these players abilities but the most important ability that the Pistons needs availability and both these guys are goingon to have that yeah you nailed it by the way with the High character and Tran mentioned it um and it reminded me of what not not saying he is Brad Holmes but that mindset of we value character I can appreciate from any uh person in a position of leadership because I think people leave that out a lot of the time um some guys in power positions it’s like you look at Talent you look at ability and you just kind of forget the human being he values that and Tobias Harris is a great dude great human being not saying you paid him just for that but someone that you’re not going to have to worry about in the locker room and I love the point you brought up about durability played in 70 plus games last three years so I mean that’s that’s also a good thing and 31 years old in the NBA come on guys you can play another five years so he’s he’s someone that I think this year um is is is certainly going to help out I mean this is a team that was not only the worst three-point shooting team but they they didn’t shoot a lot of attempts they just could make any and now you got someone who two guys in Tim Hardway too I know it’s an expiring deal but two guys that are not just able to hit threes but hit threes at like six seven attempts uh on good percentages by the way so yeah I I love this for Detroit and they’re not done either expect some more moves here yeah and and I imagine that you know like day one I imagine Tobias might start the season as the team’s you know like second option I can imagine him being pretty involved in the offense day one but you know especially if they are are you know going to play around with that jadeen Ivy K Cunningham you know partnership you know depending on what they do with the rest of the offseason obviously you know like I I definitely see like throughout that time Tobias slowly slipping into more of a third fourth option I I think I think Tim Hardway Jr you know he might start off the season in the starting lineup but I think he’s almost certainly a lock at a certain point to be your Sixth Man or someone coming off the bench and the nice thing about having more quality veterans like these guys is if if you have players on your team that are you know that are young rookies or prospects that just aren’t ready to play you don’t have to throw them out on the court and that is a you know that is a huge thing because the Pistons just had over the last two years especially the last couple years in particular a lot of guys who would just get exposed on a regular night in Night Out basis and couldn’t have that room to develop yeah and he’s someone that also doesn’t need a ton of shots to be productive which I I do he’s not inefficient someone someone who’s inefficient going to take a lot of shot attempts he can get you 11 12 13 shots a game and be fine I he doesn’t a lot of shot clock either to get a shot like he’s a catch and shoot guy no I so I think it in terms of the basketball fit uh more than just yeah the the X’s and O’s yes but also his he’s not going to take the ball out of kade’s hands or nothing like that so um like you said earlier the whole second third option thing it’s like okay you won 14 games of course he’s going to get more opportunity here but let’s not act like we we have to focus on the big picture like yeah next season you hope you hopefully or at least you hope that Tobias Harris role just kind of minimizes this year depending on what they do in fore agency they they still got some money left about 20-ish million he’s gonna be your second third uh leading score probably your second to be honest with you I mean if you average as 20 I think that probably puts him second t g have 23 24 but that’s not something that you look at him be like oh this this guy he’s he’s in a bigger role than he deserves I mean yeah he went from a team that was competing for Championship to now your roster which is the worst team in the NBA like he’s going to have a bigger role but I think someone that can help you Sean we talked about with JB get you back on the rails I think Tobias Harris can help you get back on the rails a little bit not saying he’s gonna double the teams wins but make you just at least make him a little bit more watchable that’s what I think Tobias Harris can do 100% you’re getting two highly competitive veterans who know how to be NBA players and they can come in and teach these guys how to be pros and I think that’s something that you know that they were sorely missing you might have had guys that could do that from the sidelines now you have guys who can do that on the court in real time and that plays a massive difference so you know I I I think overall a lot of good moves so far another pretty big move that is looming for the Pistons in free agency is the contract extension of K Cunningham it was reported yesterday that a deal has been reached however it’s been uh re reworded and clarified by ESPN and others that uh the Pistons have and and and Cade are in discussions on a four-year uh Max extension for Cade in Detroit or five-year excuse me extension for Cade in Detroit this was you know pretty inevitable this is the rookie maximum extension you know that all players get you know like when they’re when they reach this point of their career when you know when you put up the numbers that Cade puts up you more than earn that type of thing and I think especially when you look at the The rosters and the adversity that Kade has had to endure in Detroit his first few years and how he’s responded to that I think those are more than enough reasons to give him you know like to give him that um you know like not only that opportunity but that trust you know like I I think that’s more than enough reason to make that contract offer and to believe that he’s the guy that you can build around over the next few years to come what were your thoughts when you saw the you know the extension go down and you know are you excited about the prospects of what Detroit can do as Kade Cunningham continues to Blossom in his game yeah it makes me excited uh to be able to cover this team with that man uh for another five plus years hopefully for the rest of his career I just think Kade is he’s just special and and the thing people have to understand with Kade is well first part I’ll say is we knew this was going to happen because the NBA has incentivized incentivizes teams now with this whole like you get more money if you stay and you sign it after your your rookie contracts up so we knew this deal was going to get done um now the second part is people have to get out of their minds uh he’s not Luca donic he’s not you know Anthony Edwards but you know what he is a really really good player which is hard to find um very hard and we know I mean we’ve covered this team and we’ve been Pistons fans our whole lives it’s hard we haven’t seen too many Kate cunninghams I’ll tell you that and usually the even the team in 2004 which had success for a long period of time that was acquired through trade through fre agency to have a homegrown guy like Kade conningham as special as he is people that look at him and look at the Pistons record and say man that guy you’re paying that guy haven’t watched any Pistons basketball if if you’re locked in in watching games I know it’s been rough but you get to watch Kate Cunningham you know how special he was last season the biggest question to me and it’s not really a question because I think over time this will kind of go away but really right now with three seasons one of them he missed most if not the entire season yeah you look up you would look at availability but other than that the dude can do it all like he’s a he’s a true Swiss army knife and someone that you want to build an entire team around so yeah get him help get him Shooters that’s what he thrives in being in that position he’s going to draw so much attention uh defensively that if you have guys that are capable of knocking down shots like yeah he’s going to thrive in that and the fact that he’s been as prod Ive as he’s been in this situation Sean I know you get more attempts but he’s not shooting I mean what he’s doing I know the turnovers have been high but Detroit at least locked down a very very good player so this is a great move I’m glad trj and langon got it done I just out of curiosity I wanted to do the search I know we’ve I think we’ve talked about this number before but I wanted to know how many different teammates has Kate Cunningham had in his career since starting in the NBA and I found the number and Jeff I just want you to guess I just want you to try to guess oh my gosh I know this high this number is high I know this number’s high I’ll go 20 46 oh my gosh it’s even higher than I thought yeah that’s a lot 40 six teammates Sean throw in there three different head coaches and this isn’t and mind you this isn’t like this isn’t due to like this is post pandemic this is like from 2021 on has had 46 teammates wow so you you talk about the you know like the lack of stability on on the coaching bench but on top of that the lack of stability as far as what he’s had around him on the roster you bring up all those other rookies he might or like all those other star players like he might not be Luca donic he might not be Anthony Edwards he might not be uh Tyrese halberton but you know what all those players have had help actual tangible help yep and and the the real point is if you get that alongside K Cunningham I wager he might not be like the the ceiling of some of those guys but damn if he won’t won’t be close and there’s really no way of finding out unless you get that guy the exact thing that he needs help yeah and that and that’s the thing that I think people get lost in translation is the team has been so bad and people are frustrated but also forget what they have in a in Kaden Cunningham I mean what you look at his numbers too look at his his rookie year which I thought he he should have won rookie the year but that’s nor not here nor there but this past season average 224 and seven the only players that average that Nicole yic LeBron James Luca donic and Damen Lillard and since 1980 there’s been 77 instances of 224 and and like so it’s not something that just commonly happens I know people are averaging a bunch of points this or that but not only that he makes his teammates better Sean and you just went through how many 46 46 46 teammates and he’s stilling good about eight assists a game with with not that Co cohesiveness that consistency hopefully he’s able to get that but man it shows how smart of a basketball player he is so gosh that’s a lot 46 in three different head coaches that is wild by the way with just the move to Detroit’s already made this off season like not even counting any other potential trades he’s already going to be at 50 by the time the season starts yeah that’s unreal that’s like and I know it it’s it’s repetitive but it’s true it’s it’s true it’s been rough from the top down and hopefully trer langon and and JB Bier staff can provide some stability for him because uh you don’t want fourhead coaches and you know six seasons that would not be ideal yep without a doubt I mean for for reference okay I mean LeBron’s had like 200 plus teammates but like when you’re already getting close to that and you’re like only a few years in you’ve been on one team one four way there yeah exactly I think that says a lot but but nonetheless I I think you know again we talk about you know like we talk about character and I think people hear that and they think it’s corny but it’s a legitimate thing you know I think like guys like Drew holiday going to two teams um and in those seasons immediately helping them win a championship is not a coincidence I think character has something to do with it and you know like with Kade the the thing that was the most impressive to me was you know like I I think you you you would have seen you know especially during that type of losing streak during um you know like those types of you know woes that the organization has faced I think a lot of stars in this league or you know throughout Sports would have publicly asked out or you would have started hearing leaking of you know of of you know like things against other players against people on the staff you got none of that out of Kade Cunningham if anything you know he was up at the podium almost each and every night taking accountability and looking for ways to get better and he only improved his play as the as the losing streak went on and we know it didn’t get as bad as it was because of him by any stretch of the imagination so um you know continuing to see you know like what the Pistons can do around him you know the the the the ceiling on him is is really high and and time only tell will only tell what he can be but again it’s you know it’s it’s similar to it’s similar to like when you’re watching you know like a rookie quarterback you know who doesn’t have an offensive line or doesn’t have a receiver they can throw it to it’s like you can have freaking Joe monana back there if you don’t have anyone you can rely on how how successful are you really gonna be and you got to think of humbling it is for Kate I mean he’s he was a number one pick he’s been one of the best players in his class dating back to when he first started playing basketball has always been the best and now you get to a point where you get drafted to the worst team and you’re still the worst team what three about to be four years into his career and that can do a lot to a player mentally so to your point his leadership which is something that the Pistons valued over Jaylen green his maturity he already had a kid at that point very wise more wise behind his year Beyond his years the maturity you see that and that’s someone that in my opinion you don’t really question when you’re paying that amount of money to like that’s a guy you want to keep around and and even look at a guy like Jaylen green Jaylen green could score the ball but man you the the off the court stuff you hear about Jaylen green you don’t have any of that with Kade Cunningham there’s not really any you don’t have to worry about him where he is at in the off season you don’t have to worry about him during the season off the court he’s just someone that you just don’t really have much question marks about which is what you want in a franchise player you don’t have to worry about him the guy just loves basketball loves his family I me it says a lot too that you know like Tom gor is he was asked Point Blake like you know are you guys you know do you see Kate Cunningham as a player you can build around like do you want to give him that extension and like he he flat out said like not only like you know we want you know like we’re definitely going to be talking with him like with that exent but it’s like he was like we’re so blessed to have Kate Cunningham as our you know as our franchise player as like as our star we can build around and you know I I I think that’s the important thing to keep in perspective is where would this team be if they didn’t have k run inham you know like that’s that’s kind of a morbid thought but nonetheless they do we’re blessed for it and you know definitely you know once that deal does get reached you know definitely happy for Kade and his family more than deserving for that deal but Jeff another massive thing that we have not talked about yet and it’s happened about a week ago is the NBA draft has happened the Pistons we we brought up his name a couple times has selected Rod Holland out of the g-league ignite he was on the team that the only team in basketball that maybe had a rougher time than the Pistons last year he was on the g-league ignite who only won two games last year they went two and 32 however uh however I mean first of all it’s a ton of kids going up against all like grown men and the g-league night was kind of declining as a program they literally shut it down after this season but it wasn’t because of Ron Holland he was he averaged 19 points um he he was 27% from three but every other area of his game he was really solid average two and a half steals seven rebounds three assists he’s a guy that you know very similar to an assar Thompson type um archetype where he could do a lot of different things but you know especially his his uh versatility on the defensive side of the ball is something that stands out right away um I I I’m really impressed with you know like with what I’ve seen as far as you know like the potential of R Holland and just like listening to him thus far he does sound really mature for an 18 yearold kid um but Jeff what were your thoughts when the draft pick went down I know Pistons fans wanted to see you know that immediate impact of a shooter you know I know Dalton connect was a really popular name he fell all the way to 17 that was pretty crazy but what were your thoughts on how you know just on the draft overall I think he’s got one of the highest up sides in the entire draft um that’s how I feel about Ron howand he was someone that was mocked months ago as someone to go high in the draft and then all of a sudden he started falling to top 10 late top 10 and he’s someone I didn’t really talk about much because I thought another team would go grab him I talked about Cody Williams I talked about similar uh prototype of players wings now when you when I saw the Ron Holland selection I thought to myself okay so shooting the ball is something that you know people want better shooting more shooting but people didn’t have an issue when When Brad Holmes would come out months ago and I know Brad Holmes has a track record but Brad even said it and I think GMS think more like this than we think Brad said free agency is where we address needs the draft is where we draft potential it’s where we we draft the best player available so I don’t think TR and L I think it would actually be irresponsible of him to sit there and say okay we have guys with higher ceilings that that we see can become really good players but we’re going to take a just a shooter just because he’s a shooter and we need shooting I think that’d be irresponsible so for him to take Ron Holland I have no issue I I love the draft pick I think he’s a freak of an athlete and with Fred Vincent we just talked about earlier I think he’s gonna be very very intrical with with Ron H’s development and when Tran spoke about his character that and again this goes back to who what he values he’s first in the gym he he’s up every single morning he’s a leader in the locker room amongst young guys right he doesn’t like to lose hates losing and I think with the Pistons he’s you know it’s it’s a trait you want here you want a guy that just hates losing and very very competitive and you see what the nexted Shawn Michael Bridges OG and anobi why are all these teams getting wings right you look at the Celtics Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum you need wings I don’t have a problem with drafting another assar and I think that’s disrespectful I think Ron Holland honestly might have a higher ceiling I have no problem with those two I think eventually one of them develops a shot hopefully two of them you could play them together so I have no issue with it I love the draft pick yeah I I agree uh he he compared himself to like an earlier career Mel Bridges which I think is a really good comparison not the like the not the Mel Bridges of right now where he has that really developed offensive game more so like that defensive specialist you know who who who really is an athletic player who can get um you know really it’s like what like getting down to the basket how like his downhill speed is just also really Elite he’s a guy and get over the basket he was number two in his high school class before you know like he got to you know the G League ignite I wonder where he would have fallen in the draft if he went to college instead but you know nonetheless I’m excited to see what he can do and you know again the nice thing about going and getting uh you know a Tobias Harris and going and getting a Tim Hardway Jr is you don’t have to start him day one you don’t even he doesn’t even necessarily have to play more than 101 15 minutes a night day one even if you find that he he might even need a couple a couple weeks to go back to the g-league and play with the crews and and get him more touches in that way you have that ability because you have players who can come in and and can reliably fill minutes and so whereas in the past Ron Holland might have been our number two or number three Option Day one and that’s a lot of pressure to put on a rookie so you know the fact that the Pistons have like built more depth in that position already in such a short amount of time like he’s someone who who is you know has the potential to be a you know like one of if not our best player in the future but right now he can just come in and just be a star in his role I think day one he’s already one of your better Defenders so that’s someone that I I would you know I think immediately can make an impact defensively now when you look at offensively uh again a guy who’s gonna uh run the basket make plays Second Chance points like he’s a free kind of like what assar was last year in a way where they’re just going to get every rebound possible offensive and defensive like they’re just absolute animals and and that’s why uh just the freak of the freak athlete that type of wing the Pistons you can’t have enough of them uh especially in today’s NBA so I I I think Ron Howen can develop into a very good player I mean you look at Jaylen Brown Jaylen Brown wasn’t a great shooter coming out he’s actually really really bad coming out of Cal I think that’s the where he came out of wasn’t great but developed a shot years into his career and I think Ron hen if he does that boy the Pistons got a damn good player and they’re going to see the fruits of their labor in years to come when you look back at this draft it wasn’t the deepest draft but at number five I thought the Pistons got really good value I did yep and the the thing that stuck out to me that makes me just you know even the floor of Ron Holland I’m really uh optimistic about because uh this quote really jumped out to me it said I’m going to keep doing what it takes to win games diving on the floor for loose balls and making 50-50 plays I can defend every position and I improved as a facilitator quite a bit playing with other great players like the dude is you know like he talks about like working his ass off but he he’s a he’s a dirty Scrappy player too like this isn’t a guy you know who just wants to get all the touches offensively and you know and just do all the flashy things like this is a this is a Workhorse type player so you know I again really high upside and you know as as you alluded to a minute ago when you when you win 14 games you’re in no position to be drafting for fit you have to you have to draft for upside get the player especially when you are in the top five you have to go get a player that you like someone you think you can build around and someone you think can be the best player in this draft and I think he definitely has the potential to be the best player in this draft we look back yeah I I mean that’s the thing the dton connect stuff I and I thought dton was a was a I wouldn’t be upset with the pick but man I understand that the the reasoning for reaching for a player with a significantly higher upside like that just he makes sense um I think at his worst like you you pointed out he could still be very very good defensively and even if he doesn’t put together all this this these offensive skills that we foresee happening he’s still going to be a really good really good role player and that to me is like not in a draft where it wasn’t the deepest I mean you go through and look at the top 10 picks I think there were other teams that reached uh worse than the than the people say the Pistons did like like really bad reaches so we shall see uh I think I mean you when you look at from the number one overall pick from Zachary R AET to number five with Ron Holland I don’t I call me crazy but I don’t think it’s a a significant drop off like it I think they’re all pretty close and and that’s why I think Ron howand could very well compete to be one of the best players from this this draft class yeah I I I honestly think there there is going to be very little difference especially early on between Zachary Reet and and Aon Holland there was not a obvious number one player in this class whatsoever so you know if anything I I I think being in five being at the fifth pick in this type of draft class is almost a blessing in that sense because you can kind of you know just go off of what the board gives you a little bit or as if you’re Atlanta you’re just having to make this impossible guess of who’s going to be the best player out of this pool of players when there is no consensus there is no player that clearly sticks out and I mean in my opinion that’s when you get the number one like the Anthony Bennett picks of the world and I don’t want to make that like classification to an Anthony riset right away but it gave me some bad Anthony Bennett Vibes when it was going down and and here’s the thing with trun from from Tran’s perspective Troy Weaver’s first first draft it was kilan Hayes and then Tyreek Salton turned into the player he was right after he was taken a couple picks after I mean how would Tran look if he took dton connect to Ron Holland went seven and Ron Holland became a really good player and that was someone that people or Cody Williams or whoever it’ be luke Gard Donovan Mitchel all over again and that’s what you don’t want so I think for for his first draft like I I think and this is the because even when Troy was fired people still brought up that Killian Hayes draft I don’t think this is going to be a draft um in that people look back in in four years and be like man you could have had Doan connect I think Ron Holland is going to be very very serviceable if not very very good so they’re going to get everything out of this Fifth Fifth overall pick I’m not worried at all and they also got Boby uh in the other I think that was the second round yep Bobby Clinton I was just about to bring him up I was just about to say am I the only one that thinks that Clinton could potentially make the rotation at some point too like looking looking at his you know just like his Tool Shed like what he has already he’s coming in already as a like a as a competent shooter he’s someone you know that looks pretty stout defensively as well as well pretty good athlete played in Australia like and for quite a while was also someone who was trending to be a first round pick I don’t know how this guy was at 37 I’m not saying he’s going to come in and play day one in fact I think he’ll probably be with the crews for the majority of the season but I mean Jeff am I crazy to kind of like this second round pick do I am I liking this second round pick more than I should you’re liking it the perfect amount and I I’m actually with you Sean I don’t have an issue with this because of where he was mocked I mean he was widely projected uh among a lot of different analysts and Experts of him going late mid to late first and you got him in the second round so he’s not to me he’s a second round pick but value Great Value uh for for the size the shooting ability the upside I mean I I think in Boer is well connected in Australia just because back when he was coaching s spsu there’s a lot of Australian players that they brought in from overseas and a lot of those guys play in Australia and they know Boby and they told uh Boer that man he’s got a high upside they they all love Boby out there they think he’s a very good player and he wouldn’t be surprised if he’s one of the better players Australian players in this draft that played in Australia wink wink Alex star also did as well so you know I I I’m I think traan langon I mean I know it’s maybe we’re just we’re hyping it up but it’s fair though I mean B’s a it was a great Prospect a lot of people Bobby like I said late first round mid first round and they got him in the second yeah there’s a lot to like about his game a lot to like about his intangibles I’m looking forward to seeing these guys play in Summer League which you know it feels like it’s a long time away Jeff we’re like two weeks away from Summer League already I know it’s moving fast now Sean we had a dead we had a dead little space there now we’re moving now we’re things are very much moving right now I mean we’re 50 minutes in we haven’t even gotten to the rest of the NBA I mean for the final like 101 15 minutes like do we just do the spark notes of what’s gone down in free agency as a whole I mean you got Paul George going to the Philadelphia 76ers you got Klay Thompson officially leaving Golden State and going to Dallas and and what’s going to be a sign in trade as it turns out I feel like the the team that I I think deserves the most attention and and not this not the most positive light is the Los Angeles Clippers now the trade they made to go get Paul George it’s important to note it was essentially a trade that also got them Kawhi Leonard so they made all those they they they they were essentially getting two players in that deal however to lose Paul George for nothing when it’s been widely stated and reported that the Warriors would have given you Jonathan kaminga Moses Moody Chris Paul a first round pick like you would have gotten legit pieces back and they said no we don’t want him going to Golden State so we’re just going to let him walk for nothing when we gave up Shay guildas Alexander all these picks and by the way the team we traded all this stuff to they’re in a contention to go win a championship and they haven’t even used any of those picks yet realistically and meanwhile here we got a 30 plus kawhai Leonard who we gave the extension to in all those years and money but not the guy who was actually healthy who was was actually available in playing when you made your Western Conference Finals run like it just not a lot of things here are making sense to me Jeff when when you saw that that Paul George is going to Philly what what was your thoughts when like when you saw that the Clippers just let him walk it was odd I saw the the trade package talking about with golden state I thought that was a great trade off I mean it depends how it was all going down if Paul was was like no I’m out I’m out there’s no chance or if the Clippers were like no I’m okay we’re g to try and resign them regardless it was dumb I thought the 76ers got this a great for them you replace Tobias Harris with Paul George the only thing I have the only issue I have with Paul George and it’s not even with Paul it was it was with Paul and Kawai they are one of the most underachieving probably one of it’s they’re up there yeah underachieving onew punch I’ve ever seen am I lifetime at least talent wise those those two it should have resulted in at least a finals appearance and they just were not available whether it was kawhai dealing with the injuries or Paul dealing with different injuries it’s uh I think they they significantly underachieve so I think a split had to happen but it doesn’t really make sense I thought the Warriors would have been a perfect place for him uh especially for the Clippers to kind of jump start getting assets for him but hey makes no sense to me but hey Paul in Philly gets a Chase a championship so let’s hope Joel two Joel and Paul two guys that can’t stay healthy see how that goes yeah and and I mean especially heading into their new Arena to you know lose that type of star and you know now you have yes you brought back James Harden yes you brought back Kawhi Leonard it sounds like the rumors suggests that they they might be going after Demar D rozan to fill that Paul George slot but that’s a pretty signif like with all due respect to Demar de R Roan that is that is kind of an all Grand Paul George at this point you’re not you’re not getting back that that same level of production and I mean we all knew this team probably wasn’t going to be very competitive in the west going forward they already were ousted in the first round with those guys on the court together but this this just makes what already looked pretty bleak in in La just look infinitely more Bleak for for the Clippers I mean especially when you when you see SGA just blossoming the way that he is over in Oklahoma City right now with all those players and and the the excitement and the buzz that’s happening in OKC you gotta be sick to your stomach you’re Steve bomber Sean I’m sick to I’m sick to my stomach and SGA was never a piston I’m just sick that we traded the pick away for Blake Griffin which we could have had SGA I can imagine having SGA and then not having him and he becomes one of the best players in the in in the National Basketball Association so I it’s a very very uh it’s going to be it’s going to be a long a couple years for that depending on how this I think Tyron Lou is a really good head coach I think kawh Leonard’s very good I thought that kawhai comparing him to the best player on planet Earth when when he won the championship I but to me you look at post that Championship it’s been more of a going with the flow Kawai in my opinion it just it seems like he won he won the NBA Championship he got paid he went to LA where he wanted to go where he’s from and now it’s just been like he’s just kind of content it just seems like he’s he’s load management missing games he it’s a very weird and then you have Paul George which he’s he’s missing games and it’s it’s it was a weird experiment uh but we shall see I’m I’m excited to see the 76ers I would still take Boston over them but you know I think they’re trying to put together a championship roster so trying to make moves yeah certainly try and defend Jason Tatum or Jaylen Browns he’s an upgrade there over to Bas SS I I I I think at the minimum you’d have to put Philly as the second best team in the East right now I think Boston until beaten until proven otherwise I think Boston’s the best team in the East I think you’d probably have to put Philly second New York third but I mean nonetheless you’re you’re getting a lot more of a competitive conference there up at the top and you know I although I do think it makes Philly a lot better it still does come down to cool but like will this make like Joel embiid actually healthy and available come come April or May like you know with all due respect to the you know like to the Great regular seasons we’ve seen from Joel embiid I don’t really care if he wins another regular season MVP award I care if he wins a Finals MVP y I care if he wins like an NBA championship as a whole and so you know Paul George can definitely come in take off the pressure make it so that Joel embiid doesn’t have to play as many minutes each night if you can most nights keep Joel embiid like at or under 30 minutes like going into the playoffs like I think that would be huge for you know for their chances so I think that’s something that definitely could potentially be afforded to them by this move but you know again when it actually gets down to crunch time there like Joel embiid and and Paul George are two players that um are not known for the crunch time ability if anything that’s what they’re questioned for so I’ll be interested to see how that Dynamic plays out but I mean if if you are Philly you have to be a static because when you traded James Harden this was like the best case scenario was somehow ending up with the top star in free agency like a Paul George and you went and got exactly that now you have a very small window you got to capitalize on it yeah I agree I mean even the uh even you look at the Warriors side them trying them declining toh trade clay to the Lakers in a sign in trade with DLo included in that package they trade up just let him walk to Dallas uh with with other actually was there will still be a a sign and trade in order to make it happen because that’s how clay can get you like his most money and that’s how they can make it work with salaries but I mean it definitely feels like the Warriors you know kind of a similar thing with how the the Clippers lost Paul George it was kind of the respect thing with clay and and the Warriors so it is a is kind of a a similar situation where now both the the Clippers and the Warriors are kind of like finding themselves going well now what yeah yeah they said no to the Lakers like screw that I don’t want D I want I don’t know what they got with the Mavericks deal I don’t know what they got in return I didn’t see that yeah it’s still getting worked out I think it’s probably going to be a few days before we actually see that become official uh but nonetheless yeah I mean the the one thing that has been reported is that it looks like they’re now shifting their focus to Lori marinin which I think that could be really interesting especially you know like what that would look like with him and Stephen the pick and Ro but nonetheless I think you know it’s one of those um it’s it’s one of those things where you know ultimately Ty will tell right absolutely it’s G it’s gonna be a lot more interesting and I mean with uh with Clay I think Dallas is just a phenomenal fit for him he’s used to playing off the ball and you know with a guy like LCA donic who has the ball so much in his hands to have a reliable guy to kick it out to like like clay at the end of the shot clock but also you know to have Kyrie there as well I mean I I think Jeff this is the exact type of move that Dallas needed to put themselves in position to make another finals run like this is the type of move they needed to improve that roster to make to make sure that this wasn’t a you know because in my opinion if they just ran it back no changes I I don’t think that roster makes it back as constructed because you got such good shooting in a vacuum out of PJ Washington and Derrick Jones Jun are you getting that again in a playoff run I don’t think you are yeah you get the experience with Clay you get someone that isn’t quite I would even say quite he’s not close to the same Defender he was but he’s 34 years old he wants to be comfortable and in Dallas he can be comfortable like you like you nailed just a couple of seconds ago he doesn’t have Luca is gonna dominate the basketball Kyrie him and him are GNA dominate the basketball so that opens up opportunities for Klay to do what he does best which is just shoot the ball which he’s one of the best at it and catch and shoot uh opportunities which he’s going to have a lot of them in Dallas so you know does this put them over the Celtics I it moves him closer I mean Clay’s a a good pickup for them he could and you could do a lot of things with him you could play him at small forward he can he can play um defensively I’m curious to see how he looks this season but you could play him a little on Jason Tatum in those situations you have PJ four you know they have some good bigs so I think klay’s a perfect fit in Dallas and you look at the state taxes I mean yeah he’s going to get most of that money if not all of it so good for him financially and it’s good for him on the court so I love it uh Dallas Mavericks are an organization guys like to play for and Clay you get to go to Dallas get to be comfortable get paid why not yeah exactly get keep most of it and Cali doesn’t take half of it love it and now I think by far one of the most interesting things on the NBA calendar is going to be the four matchups between the Dallas Mavericks and the Golden State Warriors because that’s going to be absolute fireworks seeing clay going up against his old teammates I think there’s all love there between Steph clay and Draymond I imagine it really seems to me like the beef is more with the with the top of the organization and Clay but nonetheless that’s going to be absolute fireworks yeah in FA at Golden State yep that place is gonna be rocking Y and Jeff the beauty of of the NBA is you can even have uh stories especially in the summer that break right at the buzzer of you recording the podcast and that just happened right now because as reported by Chris Haynes Boston Celtics and star Jason Tatum have reached an agreement on a five-year $315 million supermax extension with a player with a player option it is the largest contract in in NBA history comes on the same day as the D as the Derek white deal being announced as well as the Celtics ownership announcing that they’re going to be selling the team over the next few years so a lot of stuff going on in Boston but the one thing that is stable is the core that they have in place Jeff they’re paying a lot of money but if you’re gonna if you’re going to be locked into the second apron it’s the type of roster that Boston has right now yeah uh yeah and homegrown players players they drafted Jason Tatum’s a guy that you want to forever be in a Celtics uniform it’s not someone you want to let go and I know he didn’t win Finals MVP but he was don’t don’t get it twisted I he’s their best player he will win Finals MVP in the future I feel comfortable saying that yeah he’s a very good play top 10 player in the NBA uh this and with the cap going up guys getting paid I mean when you have Tobias Harris uh and players like that making around the 20s 20-ish million yeah Jason Tatum he’s making 60 plus I guess the number is at this point like that’s GNA be the asking price I mean that as the cap goes up and and Deals get closed with the NBA and and TV deals these guys are going to get 60 eventually they’ll get 70 it’s going to continue to go up so I know the 60 is shocking it’s a lot of money but that’s years down the line when that contract kicks in and the cap will already be significantly higher and you’re gonna have other guys making 50 60 anyway so yeah this made sense great move by the Celtics to get this done get them locked up oh yeah without a doubt I mean you’re GNA have like you now have another four or fiveyear window to to go out and and win more championships you know you you have you have Chris tops porzingis Drew holiday Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown Derek white all locked up which is absolutely huge and you know we were talking about a year ago now of is Jaylen Brown is Jason Tatum are they worth being a $600 million Duo is that the duo that can get you over the top and we learned this season unequivocally yes and until proven otherwise like they they are the best team in basketball we saw J we saw Jaylen Brown’s game elevate with with the contract that he with with the contract he got I think we’ll see the exact same thing with Jason Tatum yeah agreed yeah and so re really happy for them the the thing that’s going to be the most interesting is is what happens with the ownership with the Boston Celtics because for one how much is that team going to sell for because good Lord like you might see we might see the first NBA team sell for like 10 plus billion dollars with with how with what that Brand’s worth what that organization’s worth I can only imagine Bill Simmons is probably scrambling right now calling all of his rich friends trying to make something happen but you sell High Sean sell high they just won a championship you sell it y I mean hey no better time to dip out than getting the 18th Banner right yeah no question yeah well we won’t be dipping out here anytime soon here at from half cor we’ll be keeping on bringing epis episodes each and every week like this one Jeff thanks so much for taking the time and for those of you listening thanks so much for joining this if you like the video please sure to like it down below subscribe to the channel but also follow my guy Jeff on X jeffr check him out on crunch time with Jeff and Boer and the boys and also you can find myself at seanp that is going to do it for today folks thank you so much for listening we’ll catch you guys next time from half court be sure you’re subscribed [Music]

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Tobias Harris, JB Bickerstaff, Detroit Pistons


  1. They picked up Beasley from the bucks 1 year for 6 mill they may use the exception so the 6 mill won't count against the 26 mill we have left in cap space and we can still be a 3rd team in a major trade

  2. The league has waived a few players and in different positions , can you do a video on who’s available for nothing that can help us ?

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