@Dallas Mavericks

The SHOCKING Truth About the Mavericks Free Agency…

The SHOCKING Truth About the Mavericks Free Agency…

he [Music] perfect [Music] y perfect [Music] how’s it going everybody what’s good digest family it’s your boy Marcel and it’s been a while since we’ve gone live how y’all doing how’s y’all summer going hope hopefully everyone’s doing well but talk to me people talk to me we got a offseason live stream awesome dude you’re absolutely right where we’re going to go over the free agency the trade Acquisitions take a look at the roster I was thinking you know every stream that we’ve done you know that’s not a watch long we always do some form of tier list I think we should do a tier list for I don’t know maybe we don’t do a tier list but I do want to go over our roster our lineups where the where the Dallas Mavericks looks compared to the rest of the league especially rest of the West the West is fairly stacked so I think we can do a tier list for the west and see how we compare with the rest of the West and on all the teams um we’re going to go over a couple of the stuff just have a conversation about the Mavericks if youall want to ask some questions if y’all got some topics you want to talk about we can talk about them and then we’re GNA do a giveaway like I said we’re GNA do a giveaway on every single month on this channel uh the only way to enter that giveaway is to become a channel member and it’s never too late until I hit that spin the wheel and this time I have the wheel set up the wheel is ready to go so we will do the uh giveaway two lucky channel members will receive some Dallas merch um probably going to do some finals merch some stuff like that but um but yeah how’s everybody doing man talk to me people we got like 40 people in the chat which is great 50 people man how y’all doing talk to me talk to me but um anyway let’s get into it right so free agency has been pre crazy the Dallas Mavericks have made some moves we got Klay Thompson right we got Klay Thompson we got rid of Tim Hardway Jr which I think is a big plus I think that alone should increase our odds of winning the championship uh we got Naji Marshall um we got um we also got Quinton Grimes we’re going to talk about our free agency pickups we’re going to start with Klay Thompson right because I’ve been seen in the comment section I’ve been seen on Twitter um a lot of a lot of Mavericks fans aren’t really sold on Klay Thompson and it’s like the same rhetoric over and over and over again he’s injury prone he’s passed his prime his defense is trash the Dallas Mavericks defense has fallen apart all because we lost Derrick Jones Jr I feel like that’s not a real genuine statement I don’t think that’s a high IQ statement to say that because we no longer have drik Jones Jr that we’re just done that we’re cooked right I think I don’t know I feel like that’s just kind of following what the haters are saying right people that aren’t Mavericks fans are going to say that were cooked non- Mavericks fans are going to say oh the the the Mavericks have no defense now what are actual Mavericks fans saying what are people that are like feeling that the Mavericks can actually win the whole thing what are they saying I feel like that’s where you’re going to find the realm of reality people that support the Mavericks of course people like me there’s a little bit of a delusion with my fandom CU I feel like the Dallas Mavericks can win the next three chips but we got to be honest with ourselves so I’m I’m going to throw this up real quick we’re going to take a look at Klay Thompson give me a second here we’re take a look at the stats because we have a conversation we need to have hold on one second I got to see look I thought this was already fixed take a look at the stats real quick let’s throw that up here I see yall getting active in the chat I’m G get to that in a minute but yeah so Klay Thompson stats right here I’m gonna try to keep it kind of off to the side here we go so for the season he averaged oh 173 and two cool um if you’re worried about Klay Thompson not being um a big factor on our offense you’re crazy because Tim Hardley Jr as our third highest scorer last year only averaged 14 points on horrible efficiency so Klay Thompson is an upgrade right um what let’s let’s look down here so we want about injury-prone hopefully this is big enough for you guys to see hold on let me let me alter this here we go that’s better there we go okay so Andre prone let’s talk about him being injury prone right he had two injuries he had an injury uh what at in the finals of 20 18 2019 playing the Toronto Raptors Klay Thompson got or Klay Thompson gets hurt mess up his knee miss the next season The Following season I want to say during the off season in between he got hurt again messing up as Achilles oh no two major injuries prior to those injuries his rookie season was the only season where he didn’t play 70 or more games okay Klay Thompson has played like all 82 games his sophomore year his third year he only missed one game like Klay Thompson is a pretty durable person now injuries do happen especially when it comes to your MCL your ACL your ailles all that stuff it’s hard to bounce back but how did he bounce back okay he did not start in the next season right so 2021 2022 he did not start that season he came back I want to say like in the middle or towards the end started and played every game averaged 29 minutes a game coming off of those two injuries was averaging 20 points a game good efficiency 90% from the free throw line what shooting 38% from three on nine attempts a game like come on 42% from the floor that’s good the following year 69 games the efficiency actually improves to 41% from three 43% from the floor he’s 87% from the free throw line averaging 21 points a game and then last year so let’s talk about last year right because I think that’s what everybody wants to wants to like pull up as far as like oh Klay Thompson’s losing it whatever whatever let’s let’s let’s take a look at last season played 77 games he started 63 so about 14 games he was coming off the bench where you can argue that he actually had pretty decent numbers off the bench I can put up here in a minute but Klay Thompson was going through something right when you are a athlete your emotions tie heavily into your game right if you’re upset with the team if you’re not mentally in it if you feel like any offc Court situation is is affecting you it’s going to affect the way you play now Klay Thompson didn’t have a bad season but if we want to hold him to his own standards it was his lowest season one of his lower Seasons averaging 17 points per game um what was that 2.3 assists and 3.3 rebounds while simultaneously shooting 92% from the free throw line although Klay Thompson does not get to the free throw line often he averaged about 1.8 free throw attempts a game good hit them all if you’re only going to go to the line twice hit both but he also shot 38% from three on nine attempts 38% from three on nine attempts is pretty darn good if you’re going to give me three or four threes a game I’ll take it I’ll take it while also shooting 43% from the floor okay so people want to say Klay Thompson’s wash people don’t say Klay Thompson isn’t the same Klay Thompson or did he feel disrespect expected from the team that he gave his all for that he went out and got injured while trying to win for and he felt slided by that team and was mentally checked out he didn’t want to be here anymore right I don’t know how far cuz I mean we’ll never really know but I don’t know how far Klay Thompson’s distaste for the for the Golden State Warriors runs deep I don’t know if it was this season or the season before but I got a little uh theory that I want to run by you guys right just rock with me imagine this you are considered one of the greatest three point shooters the league has ever seen your teammate is arguably number one and you are number two you win multiple championships for this team you you end up getting injured you rehab and you come back and you fight harder for this team and then you see over the summer one of your teammates knocks out one of your teammates the teammate that gets knocked out gets traded to another team that same player who knocked out his teammate who they got traded that player is suspended for multiple games not his and and it wouldn’t be his only suspension That season but is then rewarded with a threeyear hundred million contract and you’re asking for something in that same realm because you still produce at a at a decent clip you are still a contributing factor to your team and they say no now I understand at the beginning of the season they did offer him a deal but he declined it which he has every right to because he he feels like he deserves more but towards the end of the season your team doesn’t really want to give you any kind of contract and then if they were to bring you back the reports are saying because we can only go off of what we know or what we hear that he was going to come off the bench for Brandon pinski your sophomore player you’re gonna have Klay Thompson come off the bench now I’m not saying Klay Thompson is above that because maybe there’ll be moments where he comes off the bench for us I don’t know I don’t know what Jason kid’s GNA do we all know that Jason kid just kind of does whatever he wants right but for for all that to happen you are going to be a Hall of Famer no doubt you have four championships you are one of the contributing factors one of the big factors why your team ever had success and then you watch your teammate who always gets suspended who’s always getting in trouble knocks out a teammate and gets a three-year $100 million contract yeah I’d be upset too i’ I’d be mentally checked out the disrespect there is no Splash Brothers Without Klay Thompson just like there’s no Splash Brothers Without Steph Curry yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s wild to me but there were other reports that also said that Klay Thompson went to Steph and said I don’t want you to convince them don’t use your influence don’t don’t don’t Strongarm them them into bringing me back if they want me back they’ll have me back and if they want me back they’ll pay me and they didn’t and he’s now at Dallas Mavericks so Klay Thompson in every sense of the word and for all tense and purposes is a good pickup for the Dallas Mavericks if you’re a Mavericks fan and you don’t believe Klay Thompson is a good pickup you just don’t know basketball and I hate saying that about people but that’s the honest truth Klay Thompson is a Hall of Famer he’s a four-time NBA champion five-time All-Star what he made all all defense in 2018 2019 what that was the year and that was that he end up getting hurt right so come on like we need three-point shooting we saw in the playoffs where the Mavericks couldn’t couldn’t shoot the ball from three at all where in the finals Luca still didn’t shoot the three ball well but had more threes made than the rest of the team Klay Thompson helps that Klay Thompson also helps with spacing they are either going to have to respect Klay Thompson’s shot or they’re going to be just screwed on defense because if Klay Thompson gets the ball in the corner it’s lights out the one thing that this Dallas Mavericks team loves to do with players is oh you’re a shooter go on the corner and wait most of the players that we had do that they just weren’t effective at it Max he’s not that great at it Josh Green was really good at at the corner three Tim Harley Jr wasn’t the best at it um Reggie Bullock was relegated to sit in the corner shoot threes he wasn’t the best at it Klay Thompson can sit in the corner all night and drain threes and that’s just the truth of the matter right and if you’re going to have to guard Klay Thompson and respect a three-point shot okay cool there’s Kyrie oh you’re going to switch off okay cool there’s LCA oh there’s you know what I’m saying so like having Kyrie I’m sorry having Klay Thompson opens up her offense not just for himself but for the rest of the team and that’s the beauty of it so Klay Thompson that’s a good pickup I’m ready for the rookie I’m not the rookie year I’m ready for the opening night our first home game and I need Klay Thompson to drop like four five threes and just have every Mavericks fan on board that yes this is it this is what we’ve been waiting this is what we’ve been missing right but not only Klay Thompson we also got Quinton Grimes and Naj Marshall I’m gonna look up Quinton Grimes real quick we’re gonna take a look at him and see what type of player he is and what he brings I’ve made videos about it but I don’t think I really got into too much depth I don’t want to bore you with a bunch of stat talk and and and and nerd lingo in my videos right I’ll say that for the live streams but Quinton Grimes is a developing player been in the league for about three four years now yeah I want to say this is about be his Fifth Season played with the Knicks got traded to Detroit it is what it is in New York if you’re not like a high contributing player like I feel like in New York your stats dictate your minutes if your stats aren’t that good you’re not really going on the floor where we saw that with not even just uh Dennis Smith Jr but also Kevin knocks right regardless how you feel about those two players they got abandon in in New York even Evan forier got abandon in in New York towards the end of his time there where it’s like you’re just not getting minutes and that’s what they do but Quinton Grimes is going to provide great defense for us he’s a good Wing Defender he’s very very active on defense but he averaged about7 steals for his career he one 1.5 assists 2.5 rebounds point3 blocks averaging about 8 point 8.5 points a game shooting about 37% from three on five attempts is pretty good 37% on five for a career I like that now if you look at his Detroit stats not that great he only played six six games after he got traded let’s not look at that but if we look at his stats in New York they’re pretty good let’s see if I can pull it up good Lord all right so New York stats pretty darn good if we just look right here on this little highlighted part 8.6 points per game what in New York he shot 76% from the free throw line 37% from three on five attempts while shooting 43% from the floor he’s going to provide a good level of three and D for the Dallas Mavericks that we’re definitely missing and I feel like if we talk about who we got to replace who right we got Klay Thompson as an upgrade from Tim Hardway Jr that’s a fact that’s just a pure fact that’s a Snapple cap fact right Quinn Grimes in my opinion is the replacement for uh Josh Green I think Josh Green provided great hustle he provided good effort you know he was really good at just placing himself where he needed to be for a rebound for a cut for a dunk a layup he was really good with that his basketball IQ was somewhat lacking I I and I love Josh Green Josh Hustle Man green I love him I really wish he’s still a Maverick but it is what it is we can’t get too attached to our role players but Josh green on defense was sometimes a liability just those careless fouls that just never really amounted to anything like like why’ you do that like that wasn’t the right move and let’s not forget how Josh Green cannot navigate around a pick and roll if the if the if the offense is setting up a pick and roll and Josh Green is running around the screen he gets stuck every time I don’t I don’t get it but Quinton Grimes I think fixes all those problems s he’s a better guard for the pick and roll he’s 6’5 he’s a shooting guard like and he’s still developing that’s and that’s the beauty of it he’s still developing he can still get better and coming off the bench he’s definitely going to be a spark plug alongside that demon we got sitting there waiting in Naji Marshall let’s take a look at Naji Marshall if y’all haven’t looked up Naji Marshall’s like highlights go and do that go and look up Naji Marshall’s highlights because that man is tenacious on defense just like Quinton Grimes he doesn’t give up but I think of Naji Marshall very close to PJ Washington when it comes to defense right PJ Wason is a very active Defender stays in front of his man he’s he uses his body a lot on defense which is which is good sometimes it does lead to fouls we saw it only a few times with PJ but he is a dog he doesn’t back down you can’t you cannot Punk PJ Washington and the beauty of it is Naji Marshall is very much the similar player you cannot Punk Naji Marshall there’s a there there was a game where Naji Marshall literally just chokes Jimmy Butler Naj Marshall ain’t going back down to nobody and the fact that he’s just he has active hands on defense just like Quinton Grimes gets the steals gets the little Pick Pockets he played alongside uh GTA over there in New Orleans who is always notorious for getting those steals maybe he’s going to do that here but here let me throw a stats real quick for Nai Naji Marshall he’s 26 years old he also fits our timeline which is great only been the league about four years he was he wasn’t really in the starting role that much in New Orleans only a handful of times each year only once last year 21 times a year before but most likely he’s going to come off the bench a lot of people wanted Naj Marshall to start and have Clay time come off the bench I don’t think that’s going to happen I don’t think that’s the reality of it all but with the defense that Naji Marshall brings is going to be amazing what I hope to see maybe not your starting lineup but a lineup you have Kyrie Luca and Clay your offensive threats you have PJ Washington and Naj Marshall to guard the wings and then you got Derek ly down low do you understand that with that lineup alone with that lineup alone wait did I just Nam six players I just named six players hold on K Luca clay and I’ll just throw in Nai and PJ they can handle down low right but you have to understand that with Nai and PJ on on the floor at the same time Luca Kyrie and Clay don’t have to guard their best players Luca Kyrie and Klay arguably will never have to guard the other team’s best players that’s a fact we have defenders in PJ as a starter but also Defenders like Quinton Grimes and Naji Marshall Off the Bench who will gladly pick up the other team’s best player meanwhile Luca Kyrie and Clay can all take a break on defense and just guard whoever that they want meanwhile you got Derrik ly Daniel Gafford they’ll obviously guard The Bigs but with PJ and Naji being able to pick up the other team’s toughest assignment I understand everybody says that Derek Jones Jr was our best point of attack Defender and losing him is is such a horrible thing I want to I want to debunk that I want to debunk that because first I will give all credit to drik Jones Jr he was a great player we picked him up at the at the end of free agency last year with our 15th roster spot it went to Derrick Jones Jr he worked his way into the rotation off the bench he worked his way into the starting lineup when Josh Green got hurt and then he became a better Defender this idea that from the start of the season last year that Derrick Jones Jr was our greatest Defender is very odd to me because that was never the case it wasn’t until the end of the season leading up into the playoffs that darrk Jones Jr Bloss him to a better Defender I don’t know if that was him playing for a contract I don’t know if maybe the defense changed a little bit because I’d argue at the trade deadline when we got um PJ Watton and Daniel Gafford that helped open up our def more so where we where everybody is playing defense not just a few people we’ve got everybody playing defense right so now that we don’t have Derek Jones Jr and people are saying we don’t have a point of attack Defender I I say we’ve got about two or three now I think PJ washon can be a great point of attack Defender I think Quinton Grimes is was Nai Marshall why because they’re very active maybe not as much as PJ PJ sometimes those smaller guards really blow right past him but I think Nai Marshall and Quinton gmes can definitely play that point of attack Defender and actually go off and actually do something on defense I think I think that’s just the beauty of it all we have options and that’s a good problem to have if Jason kids unsure what our lineup’s going to look like if Jason kids unsure of what our rotation is going to look like because we have so many options that’s a good thing and I know a lot of people out there are fans of Maxi kba and I know that my video about Marcus Morris being better than Maxi ruffled some feathers I saw the comments I it doesn’t bother me but I’d argue that we don’t need to play Maxi unless we absolutely have to I think Maxi is another year older he’s dealing with injuries back to back his pinky toe his his shoulder I mean if he is healthy to start the season is he any better than anybody that we have right now that’s currently in our rotation Maxi is not better than our starting five that’s for sure Maxi is not better than Gafford he’s not better than Aji Marshall he’s not better than Quinton Grimes so where does Maxi fit in that I don’t know I mean maybe out of necessity at the four if we need it but it is what it is s reborn say Quinton Grimes and na are both better Defenders than DJJ stop the DJJ propaganda please he good because of Gaff and PJ thank you thank you then there’s Max saying PJ’s not a good point of attack Defender um and na are probably yeah that’s what I’m saying PJ can be he can be but I also said I think ni and Na and Quin grams are definitely better I’m not trying to take anything away from uh Derek Jones Jr he earned his contract three years $30 million that’s the biggest contract he’s ever gotten arguably if he took the three years $27 million to stay that’s still his biggest contract of his career whatever happened happen it is what it is wish him nothing but the best have fun in Los Angeles with the Clippers right but we are good our whoever thinks our our defense is going to get worse you don’t know ball you don’t understand what we got don’t think that we lost these players for nothing first of all trading away Tim Hardway Jr is a huge plus we don’t have to worry about an inconsistent shooter who never plays defense and honestly and I’m not trying to start a whole Tim Harvey Jr hate train Tim harway Jr has zero basketball IQ the amount of times he just shoots the ball the moment it gets in his hands is ridiculous to me and a weird fact but it leads into my point of him just having low basketball IQ is that Tim Harvey Jr is the leading player in Mavericks franchise history he is number one for the lowest turnover rate Tim Harvey Jr does not turn over the ball why because he just misses he just shoots the ball it’s hard to turn over the ball if you don’t dribble there have been games where he does turn the ball quite often but for his entire time as a Maverick he has the lowest turnover rate in franchise history cuz he just shoots the ball we saw in the playoffs that one game I think it was against the Thunder he shoots the side of the backboard gets it back then just airballs it like bro what what what are you doing somehow his Dad tried to defend it saying everybody shoots the side of the backboard yeah but I don’t need that from a guy who’s supposed to be our third scoring our our third highest scorer right our third scoring option should be doing that so losing Tim Harvey Jr alone is a plus if that was the only move we did that’s a plus but we got Quinn Grimes we got NJ Marshall who are just going to be great lockdown Defenders we can mess around with the lineup a little bit more whenever whenever Kyrie or Luca or even both of them go to the bench we don’t have to worry about the other team going on a run we can literally have a very offensive stacked lineup and then when those guys are tired throw in a defensive stopper where yeah they may not score but neither will the other team and then when your offense is ready bring them on back I think that could really work but a few players that I think we do need to talk about as far as where they’re going to be in the Dallas Mavericks rotation in the lineup and the roster is Dante exom and Jaden Hardy and I guess to an extent Maxi klea before the towards the end of the season leading to free agency I said there’s two groups of players that summone will be moved the first group of players is the Old Guard you have Maxi Dwight pal and Tim Hardway I said one of those three players will be moved it was Tim Hardway Jr we still have Maxi who will ride the bench will be a backup player he’ll be like he’ll be like Dwight pal you’re only in for emergencies probably going during garbage time I still believe that Jason kid will experiment with the lineup a little bit so where it’s kind of just who knows who’s going in there you know what I mean but in that first group of the Old Guard Yeah Tim Harvey Jr got traded we still got Dwight po still got Maxi kba the second group of players where someone will get traded is our young guys Jaden Hardy Josh green and potentially omx I don’t want to see omx traded I’ll say that very clear and I will say it every single time I absolutely love omx and I’m glad that he’s still on the team I’m excited to see him play next year if he’s in a rotation I feel like with the changes that we made I’m not sure where he’d get minutes but I’m loving it anyway if he does Josh Green got traded because of his contract and he does have value he has playoff experience he has finals experience he has a lot of he has a high motor and a team like Charlotte cool pick up you play alongside lamelo ball Brandon Miller Grant Williams go right ahead Josh Green may actually look great over in Charlotte and the other player Jane Hardy not sure where Jane Hardy fits in our rotation now I really don’t because he’s a ball handler who’s a little bit selfish there’s times where Jane Hardy gets the ball and just goes to attack which is good I’m glad that Jane Hardy doesn’t doesn’t panic he doesn’t second guess himself that when he gets the ball the first thing he wants to do is score I’m all for it and then whenever Jane Hardy’s in garbage time you usually see him passing more but whenever he’s on the floor with Luca or Kyrie he definitely attacks more maybe that’s the game plan I don’t know he’s going to his third year and if we’re going to see an adjustments if we’re going to see any improvement from Jane Hardy he has to play more he has to get minutes so in the regular season Off the Bench you got Daniel Gafford because Derrik live is starting it was announced it’s for sure a done deal Derek livley is our starting center and obviously Daniel Gafford will be his backup we have Nai Marshall we have Quinton Grimes to back up the wings right they’ll be they’ll be replacing probably PJ and Klay Thompson and then you got Dante Off the Bench right Dante is supposed to be our third ball handler and then you’ve got I guess Jaden Hardy to be the the shooting guard I guess that’s your starting five I I’m not starting five I’m sorry I guess that’s your backup five Off the Bench you got Dante XM Jaden Hardy nii uh Quinton Grimes and Gafford okay that’s fine we’re pretty deep we’re we’re actually a pretty deep team when you when you really look at it we’re pretty deep the Dallas Mavericks are in a really good situation but then that also leaves with a couple other guys down on the end of the bench your Maxi kelas your Dwight Pals Marie Morris AJ Lawson some of those guys omx as well who knows what their men’s are going to look like but the Dallas Ms are in a good spot I think that we did very well in free agency I argue we won free agency we pulled off the very first ever six team trade to get Klay Thompson right we pulled off a crazy trade to get him we Lo we got rid of Tim harway Jr we got defense back we got scoring back we got upgrades people upgrades the team’s in a good spot but how do y’all feel man if y’all could grade uh Nico Harrison in the Dallas Mavericks offseason moves so far what would you grade it A B C D or F I’d say it’s a a some people may say otherwise but sound off in the chat what do yall think is a proper grade for what we’ve done so far we are not done we still have one rer spot open like I’ve said in my last few videos we had one roster spot open we got a couple million dollars um there’s rumors of getting Marcus Morris there’s I saw yesterday that Landry shamut is now available that we may go after cool Malachi Flynn who I’m like I don’t think we need guards I think I I think a lot of you guys share the same sentiment as as myself that we need another four a backup four shooting forward do we need a four right that’s what we need but regardless of what direction that the team wants to go I think we’re fine um I’m seeing b a easy a plus b Easy A A minus a yeah B to a yeah B it gets an a once we get a good 15th man that’s fair and a lot of people say that that last roster spot doesn’t matter but I’ll bring it up again Derek Jones Jr was our 15th man we got him paid so that last roster spot could go to someone who’s you know a sneaky pickup a sleeper you know someone with good potential let me see a that can be turned to a plus if Maxi gets upgraded Marcus Morris for The Vibes and shamut for the buckets B+ D has made some of the best moves posting so far yeah with limited Money And Trades easy yeah I think that’s a good point as to why this is a a move or the entire offseason has been a a move we had very little draft picks to move at Le not very valuable draft picks and we had arguably like some of the lowest value players that we can move as well and somehow we get a a Hall of Famer and Kay Thompson and two young Defenders that can also shoot the three ball and Quinton I’m sorry yeah and Quinton Grimes and Naji Marshall and we never moved a first round pick just saying just saying a so far wouldn’t mind a couple more moves that’s fair and never let see B+ Trey pal for hook pory and Maxi for oh my gosh I don’t know these players sign another defensive player need Point attack Defender like Dennis Smith Jr I think Dennis Smith Jr so so let’s so let’s go into that right let’s let’s transition into that last roster spot between Dennis Smith Jr and Spencer Den Wy I think it’s going to be between those two and in my video I I talked about the strengths and weaknesses the plus and minuses and what benefits do you get from both players with Dennis Smith Jr he’s younger he fits he fits the timeline but in reality he’s a shorter guard he doesn’t shoot the ball very well he can attack the basket he plays very good defense against smaller guards which is something that derck Jones Jr did what Derrick Jones J also did was provide a lot of athleticism that Denis Smith Jr can also do I think he could catch a lob easily and like I mean he fits the timeline he’s good friends with Luka still but he doesn’t really have any chemistry with the rest of the players which isn’t a problem at all but him and Luca are still good friends but they haven’t played in years so it is what it is and does he take Dante’s spot like if we do get Spencer or Dennis Smith Jr are they taking Dante XM spot I think that’s something that not a lot of people have talked about is that is Dante’s job still his job is Dante still going to be that third ball handler or is Dante getting pushed to the end of the bench with maxi kba that I don’t know and I feel like if you bring in someone like Spencer deny then yes Dante is immediately getting pushed I say that Dante is a better short-term fix and Dennis Smith Jor is a good long-term fit but with Spencer dividy after Mavericks fans boo him to infinity and we’re just over our hatred for him for what he said which I don’t think it was that bad I mean he made his own decision it is what it is I don’t think he would have got a lot of minutes with us last year but I think he could get more minutes this year if we get spenc Den witty who arguably played his best basketball in recent years with the Mavericks okay cool you’re a third ball handler you’ve played alongside Luca and you also played alongside Kyrie okay cool and the thing is about the Dallas Mavericks what I always find so funny is that when it comes to some of these players we always spin the block we always spin the block mean we always come back around and see how you’re doing and see if you want to come back right we did it well before Luca got here right but then even with Luka I mean we had Seth Curry like three times um where if we get Spencer D we this the second time Dennis Smith junr the second time we’re always going back to our old old teammates and bringing them back but with Spencer Den witty you get playmaking I still think D can score you know create his own bucket which is important um with Dennis Smith Jr you don’t really have a whole lot of scoring but you have great defense and good just they both do facilitate pretty well Den Smith Jr is a good ball handler um he’s not timid like Dante ex him and I think that’s the one thing that’s going to separate them from Dante is Dante second guesses himself a lot very rarely do you see him just attack and be aggressive but when he does he’s fairly successful doing that a lot of times he will defer and he will kind of like you know shrink a little bit but with Dennis Smith Jr and Spen you you won’t have that problem and I was really disappointed in Dante in the playoffs because playing overseas you know the atmosphere of basketball overseas is just incredible and it’s crazy it’s high energy and you would think that this would be no problem for Dante and unfortunately it was right so with that last roster spot I know people are saying you know let’s get a big which I agree we do need just another four maybe a five but if the organization wants to get another guard I say get Spencer deny sound off in the chat if I if you had to choose between Dennis Smith Jr or Spencer Den wty who are you choosing Den witty or Dennis let me know sound from the chat because I I say spencec because he’s older more experienced I mean you can probably throw whatever contract at him and he will take it just to come back and possibly win and you won’t be stuck with him long term however with Dennis Smith Jr you can get him on a on a cheap contract he can continue to develop on this team but like I said if you bring on Denis Smith Jr what happens to Jane Hardy and even with Spencer Den witty it’s Jane Hardy’s future is fine because eventually whenever um Jane Hardy’s ready then what he’s done right let’s see what y’all say Dennis for sure Dennis exm can guard Wings he can Dennis Smith Jun yeah a lot of people saying Den Min live needs to be shooting mid-range jump shots and and shot up uh shoot up spot up threes consistently this season Jason kid will be the death of this team if he doesn’t let live shoot the dam ball that’s fair Dennis 100% Jay saying Dory FY Smith I do miss Dory not gonna lie denan jul of course I don’t mind Spen witty but I prefer dis J because of the defense that’s fair NBA Med trying to make the clay acquisition seem bad too the media does a no ball uh honestly the the media is trying to make our pickup of Klay Thompson bad because they wanted the Lakers to get him if the Lakers got clay they they they’d say that’s the biggest signing in all of free agency D junor is never welcome in Dallas again I don’t mind Marcus Morris at all yeah that’s fair D witty he looked like somebody’s uncle in the lers but he was fire on the mths yeah I might be Petty but I don’t want dwy after the yeah his unloyal yeah Den Smith junior DW he talk crazy yeah so that’s why what I’m saying I’m saying hold on why would we want Den witty when he already chose the clown Lakers show over us get Dennis Smith Jr okay so I say emotions aside you put aside how you feel your personal biases toward um Spencer Den witty face value I think it I’m not against Dennis I mean I’m fine with either or and I think it would be hard for me to choose if I can get both I get both right you wave Lawson you get both cool I’m fine with that but if I had to choose I say Spencer D because if it helps you right now it helps you right now long term you get Dennis Smith Jr but if you want to talk about Jaden Hardy and his future you choose Spencer Because by the time Jaden Hardy is ready to step up and take a bigger role Kyrie’s older Spencer’s older okay Jaden hard go ahead if you get Dennis you got Dennis and Jaden Hardy kind of fighting for who should be in that spot and eventually you probably would have to pick one of the two whether you lose Dennis or you lose Jaden Hardy it’s complicated and this is why the GMS get paid millions of dollars to make these tough decisions and shout out to Nico Harrison yet again can’t can’t give that man enough credit because I don’t think we trade away Josh green if we don’t have someone like Nico Harrison right if you still have if you still have um um wow my brain’s going blank oh my gosh if you still have Mark cubin good Lord if you still have Mark cubin making the decisions he probably waits to get Derrick Jones Jr and then you don’t get Klay Thompson and then you don’t want to trade Josh Green I think Mark Cuban’s relationships with these players is it any front office’s relationship with a player can be detrimental when you’re not ready to make the tough decisions and a good example is the Toronto Raptors when they traded away Demar D rozan their Cornerstone player they’re they’re number one who wanted to stay in Toronto you trade him for Kawhi Leonard and you win a championship right it takes tough decision making it takes a GM who has vision and who is willing to make the tough decisions for the better of the team now speaking of demard Rosen we got to talk about the West we got to talk about the West because the West is stacked the West is stack there’s something I saw on Twitter that I want to bring up that I think is just outrageous do y’all call it X or do y’all call it Twitter I still call it Twitter because I’m not calling an X at all it’s so dumb uh let me see is it on my old account I want to show you all this tweet that I saw I thought was just crazy did I like it where’d it go here we go this right here some I want to bring up to y’all yeah just goingon to shrink this up just to put into perspective how crazy the West is right these are the allstar caliber players in the East you have 18 hold on let me fix this a little bit let me fix a little bit there we go there there was more hiding there we go so in the East you have 18 All-Star caliber players who’s that you got Jimmy Butler Scotty Barnes lamelo ball Dame Lillard Tyrese Maxi Joel embiid you got Jason Tatum Paul George Giannis you got fron Vagner you got Jay Jaylen Brown you got bam aab bio you got Pao B Caro you got Kade Cunningham you got uh Trey young Donovan Mitchell Jaylen Brunson and Tyrese halberton those are your All-Star caliber players in the East let’s take a look at the West okay you got three of them things you got Luca donic you got Deonte Murray you got Kyrie Irving you got Zion Williamson you got Brandon Ingram you got Klay Thompson you got uh what is his name Jared Jackson yeah Jared Jackson Jr on the dang uh Grizzlies good Lord uh you got another guy on the Grizzlies my brain is going blank I did not get out of sleep guys I apologize you got Desmond Bane I’m tripping Desmond Bane you got Jaylen Williams you got Shay Gils Alexander you got Chad hram you got um I can’t remember anyone’s names on the Grizzlies joh Mor good Lord I am tired you got demard de roosen clay Demar de rozen you got quii Leonard James Harden Damonte sabonis dearen Fox uh Carl Anthony towns you got Anthony Edwards Nicola joic LeBron James Alfred sangon Devin Booker Anthony Davis you got um Jamal Murray good Yama and Steph Curry good night I sorry I couldn’t remember names it feels like when you’re on the Grizzlies I just forget who you are but anyway that stacked that is stacked and it’s going to be very interesting when next next season’s Allstar comes around because you could argue on the East okay cool only three of you guys may not make the allstar is it do they pick 15 they pick 13 I can’t remember how many players they pick but it’ll be maybe five players not getting picked out of that East list cool half the players on that West list ain’t making it to the all-star game that’s crazy and the Dallas Mavericks got three of them things but it’s wild right so with all these uh with all these Acquisitions all these trades the West continues to get stacked right the Dallas Mavericks did everything that they could to make sure that we stood out because just last night Demar de rozan was traded to the Kings now does that move you guys does that put fear in your heart does that shake you in your boots no it shouldn’t DeMar rosen is a great player I love him when he was on the Raptors I was a big fan love him I have his even Chicago I have a Chicago Jersey in my closet I’m a big fan of him but does he move the needle for the Kings maybe maybe with Malik monk Kevin herder sabonis Fox yeah cool will they be a problem for the Mavericks no their defense doesn’t stack against our defense our shooting is better it is what it is right but I mean look at the East hold on let me throw it back up bro look at the East I and now let’s look at the players who were on the west that went to the east I think it’s just Paul George right Paul George the only that that changed conferences yeah Paul George the only one in the East that or I’m sorry from the West that moved over so you could argue that it’s only really 17 until ball George got there right that’s crazy that’s crazy and I feel like for the East the teams that are most likely to come out are obviously the Celtics Philadelphia should but they can never make it out the second round right and maybe the Bucks I feel like those three teams are always the top three teams over the last like five years the Bucks the Celtics and the Sixers cool for the West man the Thunder got better they got oh Isaiah hartenstein and a couple other picks I’m sorry other pickups as well the Pelicans got Deonte Murray scary and they’re probably GNA keep Brandon Ingram scary uh like I said the Kings got demard de Rosen but we got Klay Thompson we got Marshall right we got Quinton Grimes we’re good the thing is and the one thing is Marcel’s day drinking I know I swear I’m not day drinking I know this is this is an energy drink I got this at bues yesterday I had to get it but I’m drinking an energy drink I promise I actually don’t drink sup Joe glad you here but but I think the Dallas Mavericks are in a good spot I don’t want people to look at that graphic and think we’re cooked cuz we’re not a a stacked team you don’t need to be a super team to win anymore you could argue the Celtics were but that’s neither here nor there but as long as you have a good Supporting Cast and you’ve got good stars and your role players can back up those Stars you can win a championship I mean the what the Bucks did it the Raptors did it the Lakers did it um who am I missing the Celtics I guess just did it you know the last few teams it was a different different team over the last like five six seasons where there really weren’t a super team it was just a team with stars and just a good quality cast right I know there’s a team out there I miss what nuggets did it um bucks did it um yeah lers did it Raptors did it s did it okay so anyway it is what it is but um Michael dug say Marcel are you drunk enough to think Mavs get Paul Reed uh Paul Reed’s a name that I saw what he got released right from the Sixers very interesting let’s take a look at him I’m not day drinking I swear I’m drinking an energy drink cuz I am tired I’ve also been kind of sick lately so I I did take some uh Pepto Bismol for my upset stomach your boy is sensitive to spicy food now I don’t know why I love spicy food let’s a look at Paul Reed right I know his name has been kind of floating around let’s take a look he’s a 69 Center size power forward so he’s a smaller big how old is he he’s about what is it he’s H 24 H and he got released yeah yeah yeah okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let’s take a look at this 19 points a I’m sorry 19 minutes a game he started about 24 games but he played all 82 last year as a backup big he averaged 7.3 points one block point8 steals 1.3 assist six rebounds he doesn’t shoot the three ball that’s fine you’re a big shot shoots 54% from the floor which a free throw percentage 71% from the free throw line okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hey hey hey I need y’all to let me know in the chat don’t one this pulling up would you rather have Paul Reed or uh Den witty or dsj I I would lean towards Paul Reed I’d rather bring Paul Reed in than Dennis or Spencer because he’s also only 24 24 you can back up you know uh Derek lby or Daniel Gafford or you can back up PJ and Naji Marshall right this is a much better fit we have enough guards yeah I think we should definitely pick up Paul Reed hold on hold on hold hold on yeah yeah Paul Reed I like that yeah yeah hold on yeah sound off in the chat Paul or the other two yeah I you know what I’m might have to make a video about Paul Reed I have to make a video about Paul Reed hold on hold on hold on he can’t shoot 54% from the floor I’m fine with that his three I don’t need my big you know he doesn’t have to shoot threes but 54% from the floor is nice Daniel gaffer and Derrick ly are in the 60s and 70s range so I’m fine with that let me see get rid of Lawson and get dsj and Reed I’m with it I’m with it he shoots the midi really well oo I like it when a player can extend that range the mid-range is a lost art that I feel like not enough players are really tapping into but I’m fine with that Paul re would be lowkey crazy okay Paul re is actually good he had some good stretches with embiid out not gonna lie okay Rich saying Marcel just keep in mind there will be movement at trade deadline so two first and super Dwight two first super Dwight layup line Max he will get as someone uh Reed isn’t the worst I like Reed though he can shoot minis I like that got get rid of P yeah Smo saying he got released because they needed the cap space to sign Caleb Martin which is wild Caleb Martin took less money to go to Philly I can’t remember what the numbers were but apparently he was offered way more money to stay in in Miami and he chose to go to Philly and if he wants to win a championship go right ahead he was in Miami for a good minute and he would he sees what he’s seen he knows what he knows so maybe he just wanted to change his scenery shout out to Caleb Martin but um I’ll say Paul Reed 30 37% from three he can space the floor is he 30% of was like worse than that Paul Reed okay hold on hold on he shoots 36 he last season last season he shot 36% from three and he attempted 7 threes a g i don’t need him shooting threes if you’re going to shoot 36% from three I need at least like four attempts a game at least four attempts um um I don’t know who knows maybe that can change right Derek Jones junr changed his three ball his his three got better but you know I’m not mad at it I think it was 16 mil but I could yeah maybe but no yeah okay okay I might have to watch some film on Paul Reed would y’all want to see a video where I deep dive and try to convince Nico Harrison to get him I like that I like that pickup I really do I’ve been I so I’ve been keeping up with all the fre and see all the players getting released signed trade all that stuff and I’ve been I’m not trying to be one of those like online GMS those armchair GMS who are like oh Nico should do this n should do that I know a lot of fans were kind of worried about what the Mavs were doing because we were watching a lot of stuff happen but Nico always gets his man if Nico wants a player he’s going to get him and it’s crazy to say that because he’s only been here for about like three four years but think about it he wanted PJ Washington we didn’t get him in the off season but we got him at the trade deadline and I saw a report the other day that we apparently offered the Knicks Josh Green for Quinton Grimes and they said no and eventually trade him to the Detroit p and then what happened we got our guy Nico if Nico wants you on the team you’re going to be if Nico wants you in a Mavericks Jersey you’re going to be in a Mavericks Jersey Point Blank period And I know some people are saying that they wanted Jeremy Grant I’d argue that what we did is better I don’t think Jeremy Grant would have been a better pickup than Klay Thompson I I really don’t if somehow you get Klay Thompson and Jeremy Grant hey that’s that’s stacked that’s crazy but I think it was because and I could be wrong I’m just speculating here but I think getting Jeremy Grant may put a clog at the forward cuz PJ back up PJ playing the three who knows I don’t know what that lay what that lineup looks like but but I do like uh I do like Paul Reed I I I like what I see I think that fits better but um but yeah if if if Nico wants you in a Mavericks Jersey you’re going to end up in a Mavericks Jersey that’s crazy but’s see the D wty memes would be funny after calling Lakers as his father then come back to his mother is us the corner okay P could be a backup four exactly yeah yeah nle must be thinking about Paul Reed he’s got to he’s yo he’s he’s got to I mean if I got to make a video breaking that down I’ll do it I’ll I’ll I’ll watch a bunch of highlights footage I’ll look at the stats I’ll do it uh best move is all together every move they did until now yeah the whole thing every move we made has been great I don’t think there was one bad move and I ain’t gonna lie like I miss Josh Green I like I do I miss Josh green but it’s not to the point where I wish we didn’t trade him you know it it sucks it is what it is you know Josh Green provided some good moments but I like what we got wow and nicks lost Bogden and Alec from that trade exactly and they sent like five first round picks for Miles Bridges it’s crazy Jeremy Grant was the reason why the Nuggets lost in the bubble bed would take minutes away from omx but I want to see if g-league shooting can be repeated in the NBA yeah that’s one thing people said that omx omx did shoot very well from three in the g- league and obviously some things don’t translate from the G League to the NBA but I feel like if you can hit threes anywhere you can threes right but there’s a lot of things that go into it Richard K saying Marcel Nets are tanking they’re projected to get flag so look into the trending Watford he is 69 240 41% from three depends on what they want many teams will try read yeah now yeah yeah teams will want him I mean he’s 69 a power force SL Center you could go small with him and I’d rather go small with him than Maxi I mean i’ have to watch more footage on them to really give you that honest opinion but I mean just from what I see I like that better Marcel we had a big discussion on Discord yesterday about Paul Reed man and where was I why did you not add me to that Discord call bro uh average a block and six rebounds and under 20 minutes a game yeah that’s very impressive Paul Reed that’s crazy that’s crazy let’s throw that back up this man 19 minutes a game was getting you six rebounds God dang and that sometimes in the playoffs that that that kind of felt like an issue for us that we just couldn’t grab boards we couldn’t get you know the right amount of rebounds but there were more times than not that we really killing it on the boards which is always a good thing but Paul Reed I think would be a good pickup I I think I agree with you guys I’d rather take Paul Reed than um Dennis or or Spencer but if I can get both I would the G league is going to be sad when they lose omx from the G League yeah I went to a few of the Texas Legends games omx is the truth I’ve nicknamed him the Lethal Weapon because that boy lethal he can shoot plays great defense it’s just it’s all about how it translates to the NBA and we’ve seen him say how like Kyrie kind of mentors him which is very important so hopefully we see something good do you like the fit of dsj I do I just don’t know where he goes like we are a deep team this team is very deep the Mavericks are a deep team we’ve got options our lineups can be messed around with I talked about how I would love to see a pick and pop with Derek Lively so he can just shoot the threes more I need to see that Tim harway Jr couldn’t even do that 19 minutes that Infamous 19 minutes and he couldn’t even commit a foul he didn’t even record one foul he had 19 minutes of cardio in a playoff game Paul Reed means Dwight pow doesn’t play 500 minutes next season it also means we don’t have to deal with um Maxi now I understand there are many people out there that are fans of Maxi CBA cber or however you pronounce it I understand that and I don’t want to I don’t want y to think that I’m hating on Maxi or think he’s trash I like Maxi honestly I preferred back when we had Maxi and Dorian I love seeing both those guys on the floor right the problem is we can get a better player I’m not saying Max he’s washed up I’m not saying that he’s bad he’s cooked he’s done they are better players there are better options I feel like a lot of fans of Maxi a lot of fans of a lot of Mavericks players you fall in love with the person over the player and what I mean by that is you like him for who he is and you convince yourself you like what he does on the court not realizing that that’s kind of average that we could do better like I love Josh Green I miss Josh Green I really do we got upgrades though right like it’s fine right and same for Dorian FY Smith I absolutely Miss Dorian FN Smith I would love to see Dorian FN Smith come back but we got better options right so you got to detach yourself from your fandom and how you feel about the player versus how you feel about you know well the person versus The Players what I mean Smo said regular season Advanced stats look good for Reed but he had a net rating of minus 49 and 43 minutes in the playoffs he’s young he’s young that’s fine and he was also playing for the 76 years and there just a horrible playoff team but that’s fine um experience is how you get better in the playoffs the fact that Luca just had had his first Finals run oh best believe the next time Luka goes there he’s going to go off and go crazy and especially if he’s healthy he’s gonna go off and go crazy right experience for when it comes to playoffs experience is the greatest teacher and I’m not worried about a couple young guys who played bad in their first playoff run right get Maxi out of here he’s washed I wouldn’t say that how to pronounce kber CBA see I’ve said kba and I’ve had someone tell me it’s kber I I don’t know man as y’all know if y’all been following this channel enough I am horrible at pronouncing names I butcher everyone’s names if you are a if you were born on planet Earth odds are I’m going to mispronounce your name and I and I do feel bad and when I made that Melvin ainsa video I feel like I just mispronounced the name when I made that video I try to look up how to pronounce it and I’ve seen people pronounce it two different ways I was like I’mma just guess they’ll correct me in the comment section Maxi the most versal defender in the league you’re crazy Maxi was hurting the playoffs just like Luca his shoulder literally separated give him a chance this year he’s harder to replace than you think I I agree and disagree Maxi was injured that’s the one of the main reason why I’m not going to give him too much Flack right we got to do the same for we we did the same for LCA LCA got some Grace and some mercy because he was injured uh shout out to Miguel casata thank you for subscribing um we gave Luca some credit in just some some leeway because he was hurt I’ll do the same for Maxi but I do believe that you can replace maxi I don’t think it’s that hard I I do feel like some people over inflate his value in what he does what he does is great but I think you can’t replace him Emil Frederickson said CA is washed he is old injury prone his conre is hting the team uh Michael says honestly if Maxi plays up to his best level for a long stretch he’s great but he’s always injured yeah Max came back early for an injury to his yeah and we saw that in the finals he came back and just he kept you know he was laboring that arm so yeah I get it he was injured we all saw it remember when Max T thank you Michael Douglas thank you uh axley saying Slovenia didn’t qualify for Olympics so luga can rest and have his best season in the NBA and bring home the ring yes now I want to say this okay hold on Smo says I am German it’s Cleber see that’s what I’m saying people tell me it’s Cleber then people tell me it’s cber if you are German and you tell me it’s cber I’m saying actually kber I’m saying that anyway but I want to say this right now in front of all 200 of my loyal family members shout out to you guys for watching the stream tuning in I want to say this right now that a lot of people have been showing their true colors and just in my opinion just disgusted in how they’ve been acting towards Luca and playing the Olympics I was worried about Luca playing because I don’t want him to get hurt but that does not mean that I was sitting here praying that his team doesn’t qualify for the Olympics if you are an american-born individual you may not be able to grasp this concept but for someone like Luca who comes from a smaller country who who has who has a sense of pride in playing and representing his country and wants to do everything he can for his country because before he’s a Maverick he’s a Slovenian first and foremost and that’s something that Maverick CH just have to come to terms with he is a Slovenian before he’s a Maverick first and foremost I wish him nothing but the greatest success while playing for his country but as fans of LCA as fans of the Mavericks we also just want him to be healthy if we lost in the finals and Luka wasn’t hurt sure go ahead go and play for your country we we’ll we’ll root for you but let’s not get it twisted right let’s not get it twisted let’s not sit here and say that we hope or you know we that that we were praying for Slovenia to lose so he can get rest and win for us I don’t want to get hurt period not hurt so he can’t play for Slovenia not hurt so he can’t play for the Mavericks but don’t don’t if if you’re a digest family member don’t sit up here and just celebrate the fact that svenia lost cuz he’s he is physically hurt but he’s also you know he’s going to feel some type of way that he couldn’t you know get his team through into the Olympics right we got to have a little bit more we can’t be too selfish we can’t be too selfish right it’s the offseason LCA does not stop playing basketball he if he can play He will always play that’s just what he is we can pray for his health but we don’t pray for his failure you know what I mean but that’s what it is I saw Cleaver but I have no TI to I say cber but I have no ties of Germany yeah um Luca can do whatever he wants exactly I feel coach kid favors Maxi in rotation which hinders the team performance and I’ve said this before Alex that I think it’s because um Jason kid just has a old school mentality when it comes to basketball how um if you’re an older player and you have and you have tenure on a team you should get minutes over a younger player and that’s just something that a lot of coaches have have biases and and habits I think that’s Jason kid’s habit that if you’re an older player you will get minutes because in this current NBA young guys will get all the minutes over older players that just happens if a German breaks bakes you a cake what would you do if a German chocolate cake I eat that Maxi also plays good D on Jimmy Butler Maxi when healthy plays good defense like I I’m I’m not saying he doesn’t but don’t act like there’s not better options clay and Kyrie can’t do whatever they want Maxi’s always done that he can’t really block shots in the paint but he can switch to anyone yeah he also Alters a lot of shots too there’s a stat that shows that Maxi like Alters like the highest percentage of shots which is important um let me see Jeremy doesn’t even want Maxi but our love him what does that say I don’t know uh Dev guarding a player doesn’t mean escort him to the rim yeah as an English descendant Germans are scary but Russians are scarier Fair Nick was legit praying on their downfall yeah no you’re not going to see me you’re not going to see me do that and also I want to make it abundantly clear because I’ve had a few people kind of chime in this is Maverick’s digest this is not Luca’s digest this is not svan digest I will speak on Luca playing in the Olympics I I made like one video on it but I do not know enough About Slovenia their team the Olympics I really I really don’t watch it so I won’t make content on that I’ll leave that to the people that do follow that I did watch his game against um what was it New Zealand when they stomped him I was watching that when I was at work shout out to my boss I was working and watching the Olympics but uh you know I I just don’t I like to stay in the realm of my own knowledge and I’m just not that knowledgeable on the Slovenian team but I watch Luka play you know I support him but I can’t even pronounce half those players names and if I made a video on that I’d just be talking about Luca and again this isn’t Luca’s digest Maverick’s digest um let me see here it’s only the German team captain who has some brain farts about Maxi in my opinion he is a great player who’s great pce for national team that’s fair uh David say what’s your favorite realistic trade Target man I don’t know I don’t think that we need to make a trade I a stretch four I don’t know who that could be I mean I’ve always wanted Jordan Clarkson on this team I think Jordan Clarkson makes this team a championship ready team if we’re not already I I mean I think we are but Jordan Clarkson just is the icing on top of the cake the cherry on top all that if we get Jordan Clarkson That’d Be Crazy Dave say all great to me yeah random saying hear me out I think clay should be in the second group with the younger ones so we can have more defense in the starting lineup so yes we’re going to transition into that because I took a poll I put up a poll on this channel and you guys I love y’all I really do but I’m I’m keep it a buck y’all disappointed me y’all disappointed me in what y’all said I’m I’m going to pull it up we’re going to take a look at it as I shame my entire fan base here we go a little poll that I did the other day say who would you like to see be our sixth man Off the Bench and we’re going to break this down I said Daniel Gafford because Derek L is our starter so obviously Daniel Gafford would most likely be the first off the bench someone said Daniel Gafford can’t be a six-man because he’s a center or you know he’s a big Nas Reed just won six man of the year as a big so yes so Daniel gav can be our sixthman Dante you know maybe he’s our sixthman because he’s our third ball handler maybe he’s the first one off Off the Bench Naj Marshall Quinn Grimes those are our new pickups maybe they’re the first ones off and I said other cuz you know say whatever you want it only allows me to put up five options so I always try to put other so look in the comment section right I’m going to do this I’mma just controll F and type in clay let’s see how many times clay gets mentioned Klay Thompson Klay Thompson Klay like y’all just kept mentioning clay 16 times let me just keep going how many times are y’all going to say clay how many times y g to say clay y’all really say Klay toson Off the Bench 21 times Klay Thompson Off the Bench why y’all keep saying Klay Thompson Klay Thompson was it only 21 times there’s about 90 comments look there’s more Klay Thompson right here like why did y’all say Klay Thompson so much there was these 27 times out of 98 comments 27 times y’all say Klay Thompson coming off the bench we have to have the conversation digest family family members fam fam we have to have a talk about this Klay Thompson not coming off the bench he is not he just left his team that he won championships with partially because they wanted him to come off the bench he’s not doing that here he did not take less money to come off the bench Klay Thompson is a starter Klay Thompson is a starter okay he is not coming off the bench he is a starter now I understand the thought process behind maybe he comes off the bench as to to keep good scoring Off the Bench and you know add more defense to the starting lineup I get that again Jason kid might have the lineup looking weird Kyrie May Come Off the Bench right the lineups are gonna be very weird till we kind of find what works right but Klay Thompson is not coming off the bench unless he’s hurt unless he’s not feeling it he is not coming off the bench I don’t think that’s going to happen so shame on the 27 of you guys who put Klay Thompson in the comments section although I did say other if you really do feel like Klay Thompson cool but I just don’t think that’s going to happen but the Dallas MERS in a good spot um do y’all want to do a tier list I kind of want to do a tier list of of the of the West and see how we how as fans do we stack them up y’all want to do that sound off if y’all want to do a tier list of of the Western Conference or if you want to do a tier list of of both conferences we could do uh you know if they’re a playoff team or no we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll do different tiers we’ll do a tier if they are Championship bound if they’re a playoff team a playing team or if they’re just a lottery team sound off do you’all want to do a tier list I I have fun doing that with you guys I let y’all kind of dictate how that looks and then I get the flak online saying that I made a bad tier list although it’s you guys that make it but y’all want a tier list I kind I’m kind of feeling a tier list how y’all feeling how y’all feeling as I pull up tier list maker because I really want to do it anyway I like doing this with y’all it’s fun let me see what y’all say know go to comments the West yeah yes tier list maybe or of a new team we could do a tier list we look we can do mobp tier list we’re also doing our giveaway we’re doing spin the wheel don’t worry we’re goingon to do that we’re GNA end with that but yeah man y’all want to do a tier list I like doing tier list guess what we’re doing a tier list so ah let’s pull it up all right let’s see here let’s do just a blank one where is it where is it this is the same website I use here we go create tier list interesting what is this hold on they have a live voting tier list can y’all vote for my stuff online what Okay We’re not gonna do that we’re gonna I’ll probably do that another day that’s kind of cool oh snap so okay hold on I’m sorry there’s a tier maker live website where you can like make a tier list and like have people like vote live that’s that’s actually kind of cool all right so we’re going to do just this and we’re going to change it up so here we go let me edit this we’re going to do it of the West and then we’re going to do one of the east or do you want to put just the entire NBA do you all want to do separate ones for each conference or should we just do it all in one let me know but the S TI going be replaced with uh hot keys are always messing up here let me just there we go okay Championship bound I’ll put finals bound finals bound uh play off bound play inbound Lottery team yeah we’ll do like that just four we don’t we don’t need a fifth one we’ll do it like this yeah g do both can we do a live one next time I do a uh a tier list I’ll I’ll I’ll set it up for a live one CU I think that’s actually really dope but um all right we’re going to do one of both conferences in one so this is going to be the entire NBA let me make a little bit bigger why y talking about bread in the chat y’all getting that bread sourdough bread pumpernickel bread all right I like sourdough sourdough is actually really good all right let me do this all right cool cool cool let me put this over here okay cool so what is this go away all right so the Boston Celtics where you putting them where are you putting the Boston Celtics sound off which which tier do the Boston Celtics go I feel like we know where they’re going got to make a new folder Boston Celtics where are we putting the Celtics finals I feel like that’s kind of self-explanatory that yes they’re going the finals where is it where is it I got too much crap on my computer F tier yeah Celtics are obviously final bound that’s where they’re going right that that’s where they’re going the next is the Philadelphia 76ers wait a minute hold on let me pull up a better list I want to go in alphabetical all right so next is all right this is not an alphabetical order this is going to be in a random order next is the Brooklyn Nets where are the Brooklyn Nets going Brooklyn Nets I’m sorry I know I said Philly but Brooklyn Nets where are the Brooklyn Nets going are they a playing team or they are are they now a lottery team Michael Douglas play nice yall seeing playoffs for the Nets for Brooklyn yeah it’s Brooklyn now I’m sorry H I need to find a better picture can I get rid of that I don’t like that picture guess I can’t get rid of it that’s lame when I put it up I can’t get rid of it lame okay Lottery y’all seeing Lottery yeah it’s a lottery team that’s self all right the New York Knicks the New York Knicks where are the Knicks going where we putting the New York nickel boers where did Nicks going are they a playoff bound or they finals bound where they going where they going uh let me see here MAV finals bound is not good because technically you can only have two teams up there real Contender yeah I’ll change it um huh it’s not finals bound but finals Contender I guess why does it look like that can we Center that finals tender hold on I don’t know what say I’m just keep it finals bound I’m going just keep it finals bound I don’t like how it’s all looking I’m G keep it finals bound otherwise I’m gonna be nitpicking about it uh Nicks or playoff bound e playoff real Contender I’ll change the real Contender yeah I cannot type what the heck I don’t like how it looks like that but all right Nicks or playoff bound playoff bound yeah contenders okay we’re going to call it contenders we’re going to call it contenders all right they’re the contenders the chick contenders finals Contender Conference Finals we’re going to put them in playoffs they’re playoffs contenders what y’all think can the Knicks make the finals they’re overrated add Contender that add Champion okay okay okay we’re going to pause this real quick and we’re going to fix these tear so we’re all on the same page I apologize all right the top tier for a team that can make or win the finals what are we calling them are they contenders finals bound what are they called We’re GNA fix this rename the lottery team to pit of despair what are we calling this the top tier you can make the finals what are we calling them what are we calling them I’m just going to call them a finals team they’re a finals team finals team playoff team playing team and Lottery team leaving at that leaving at that obviously the Celtics boom they’re a finals team the Nets are there we’re going to put Knicks in playoff we’re good we’re good they’re they’re a playoff team they can make the playoffs but maybe not the finals we’re going to leave it at that because I will nitpick that all right the next team is the Philadelphia 76ers where do you see the Sixers where do you see the Philadelphia 76ers sound off in the chat team can contain Conference Finals I’m not going to nitpick first second third round I’m not doing that I have OCD and it would kill me but where youall put the Sixers Nicks are a finals team Nick’s healthier okay I’ll put Nick up there I’ll put Nick up there Nick are final team okay okay okay okay okay okay 76ers we’re the 76ers where do the Sixers go playoff uh Knicks are second best team in the East so I put them in final that’s fair playoffs Knicks are above them playoffs embiid hasn’t been out of the second round yeah they’re playoff team okay we can agree on that we can agree on that Sixers they have not under embiid and since this time there’s never never made out of the second round so that is what it is okay cool cool we’re right we’re back on track all right next is the Toronto Raptors where are we putting the Toronto Raptors I got a hot take but that might be my bias because I still got love for my for for my Raptors I don’t think they’re a lottery team I think they’re a playing team but as the MEO how how do you feel about the Raptors sound off for the Raptors Lottery lottery I don’t think they’re a lottery team I think they’re a playing team I think they’re up here I I don’t know they’ve got the reason why they fell to the lottery is cuz literally everybody got hurt and they just decided to tank the rest of the season but I mean they’ve got good young talent but I think playing though you only put the top team of each conference in the finals tier I’m putting everybody in the finals tier Sixers plod they’re they yeah playing playing yeah lottery I think they’re a playing team I I I don’t think they’re going to be in the lottery next year I think they’re going to be in the playing but it is what it is uh not Lotto but not playing they’re kind of like in the middle yeah no clue the Raptors could be playing if healthy they’re good Scotty Barnes is good you got um RJ Barrett you got uh Manuel quickly they got a couple good young guys over there as Michael Douglas says depth of Hell okay okay you know what I’m making a new tier I’m making a new row are y’all gonna like this NBA poverty oh no you can’t see it hold on hold on hold on there we go we got a poverty tier now we got a poverty tier okay there’s a certain team I want to put there there’s a certain team I want to put there playoffs like the Knicks I don’t know man I don’t know Raptors are definitely definitely playing Team all right next team is the Chicago Bulls oh good lord where youall put the Chicago Bulls young champagne say not every team can be a finals team it’s only two teams okay finals teams as far as they can make the finals not that we think that they’re going to make the finals but I think the Knicks are a good enough team that they can make the finals they have a good chance at it but you know I’m not trying to break down every single part of the playoffs and like you know predict everybody but um yeah Nets and whiz and poverty yeah charlot Hornets on that tier net should be in poverty I don’t know the Nets just got like a bunch of picks so they’re definitely a lottery team but it is what it is but Bulls Lottery y’all a little bit nicer than me I was going to put them in poverty I say Bulls are in poverty I say Bulls in poverty because they trade away demard de R rozan and uh Alice Caruso and they got no first round picks back that’s poverty that’s poverty I think the Bulls are a poverty team but let me know if yall agree Bulls poverty I say Bulls in poverty Nets are poverty at least the Nets got first round picks you know I mean they’re going through rebuild right like that’s just a lottery team it is what it is they have Direction somewhat the Bulls have no Direction the Bulls are a poverty team but what y’all think I think Bulls are poverty for sure Michael Doug said Bulls aren’t poverty what you mean they got no first round picks Bulls Lottery they still got LaVine and Kobe white okay if we’re doing by conference then that’s fine okay so Bulls I’ll put him in L in Lottery team but I mean the fact that they a got no first round picks back for their trades it’s whatever Bulls to right now that okay yeah no I’m putting the Bulls back down there bull bulls back in poverty all right because they ain’t got no first round picks they they look I don’t know if you could trade uh Alex Caruso for Josh giddy on 2K and would go through Bulls got Jos giddy so they automatically H all right the next team is the Cleveland Cavaliers the Cleveland Cavaliers where are we putting them guys bulls have their own first or not um they don’t have enough I’m just saying you trade away dear and Caruso and you get no first round picks back to me you’re poverty bulls or I mean Cavs I’ll put them in playoff team they got especially because they kind of they didn’t lose anybody yet we’ll see they kept uh doin Mitchell um I’m not sure where Darius Garland’s going to go not sure J all you know there’s a couple players when the cavys got knocked out there was a whole lot of drama that came out that I think no one really talked about the how Jared Allen didn’t get an injection to numb the pain and his teammates were upset uh you saw um Donan Mitchell was unsure if he was going to resign Darius Garland wanted to be gone and then there was news that apparently the Cavs were told don’t draft Evan Moy he doesn’t want to be here drama but Cavs playoffs yeah definitely a playoff team why does it keep popping up all right the next team is the Detroit Pistons Marc only read opinions from Richard to me Joe you’re not wrong all right the Detroit Pistons where are we putting the Pistons are they a poverty team they’ve been making some moves they’ve been making some plays are they a poverty team I don’t know where where you put them they’re definitely somewhere down here but where do you put the Pistons where did the Pistons go shout sound off in the chat I say they a lottery team who did they get in the draft who did the Pistons get Pistons drafted who they get draft I honestly wasn’t even paying attention to the draft draft was so lame uh Ron Holland and cam Spencer not sure if that will help them but let me see L Pistons are poverty Lottery lottery poverty they never get a top pick anyway you Detroit is finals Lottery and three years the horns will be a playoff team Pistons just set the record for most losses in a row never forget that’s true they’ve been they’ve been somehow convincing players to come there it’s true it’s tough it’s tough it’s tough I’ll put pistons in Lottery because I feel like okay so this is what I’m saying yeah borderline poverty yeah borderline poverty so the reason why I wouldn’t put them in poverty is because they have picks they they they’ve been making moves right trades pickups like they’re doing something it just for for whatever reason last year they just couldn’t get wins but the organization is doing something they’re not just sitting on their hands like the Bulls right I’ll put them in poverty I’m sorry Lottery but probably towards the end probably towards the end uh next up is the Detroit I’m sorry not the Detroit I did that uh the Indiana Pacers where do you put the Indiana Pacers sound off what’s good Ed how you doing R uping the Pacers Pistons are poverty I I don’t think so the best team sucks that we don’t get to see K coming full potential yeah uh they are playing TJ and to’s haris definition of poverty they’re tanking bro but yeah Pistons where so Pistons good Lord Pacers Pacers Pacers Pacers where we putting them playoffs yeah I think they’re playoff team for sure they honestly in my opinion they overachieved and I’m not saying that in a bad way but I didn’t think that they’d make it to the third round but they did shout out to them playoffs yeah Marcel what’s up Houston is saying G and Smith really being shaped or shopped just asking not telling um they are I think I don’t think Houston’s really going to move um their young guys I think they’re using that as bait to see what the price is for players I don’t think they’re getting traded playoffs yeah definitely playoffs Pacers play in off team n they’re definitely making the playoffs especially with how weak the the East is they could easily be the fourth best team I believe so yeah that’s a no-brainer the next team we’re going to do is the Milwaukee Buck the team that’s kind of disappointed in the last few seasons yeah last two years the Bucs have been did the Bucks lose in the first round the last two years in a row not a good look not a good look let see they played injured Nick and Bucks yeah I was hoping the Pacers would chip the Celtics so he could sweep them in the finals I was hoping for you too hoping for it too playoffs for the bucks yeah yeah I think that’s they’re obviously a playoff team playoff team yeah can they make the finals okay hold on is healthy bucks healthy bucks can they make the finals do you I think that’s a real question can they make the finals or are they just GNA make the playoffs and just lose bucks final team because of Giannis playoff H playoffs they will still be good in the regular season yeah playoff uh I put him I put him right there yeah however the Bucks have a lot of issues that they need to address um they’re not getting younger they’re getting older you know what I mean they are they’re not that good yeah I mean okay they are good but they have issues right so this is so let me go on a little rant real quick I’m about to go on a rant about how the Bucks are poorly managed you win a championship with Mike buholzer who is a good coach he is he is proven the next year you lose in the first round to the mil on the Miami Heat with Jimmy Butler who then makes it the final the heat do you fire Mike buher because he lost in the first round and let’s not forget his brother died in the first round so he’s probably not you know mentally there okay you then hire Adrien Griffin over Nick nurse weird Adrian Griffin’s never been a head coach and then Nick nurse won a championship as a head coach but okay Adrian Griffin does a pretty decent job you have like the best defense in the league you’re a top three team in the East you then fire him for Doc Rivers you fire Adent Griffin and higher Doc Rivers thinking that’s an upgrade you lose in the first round and then and then you hire Darvin ham after he gets fired from the Lakers what are y’all doing what are y’all doing I highly believe I I truly believe that the Bucks listen too much to Yannis I think Giannis talks too much to the front office and I feel like he does play a weird game where he’s like oh if you don’t do what I want I’mma leave that sort of thing because why is his brother there I will argue anybody till I am blue in the face that the nasis is not a good basketball player there is nothing that he does at a good enough level to Warrant a roster spot doesn’t do it doesn’t do it doesn’t do it so the buck Stu anyway rant over bucks they’re a playoff team they’re a playoff team the next team the next team the next team is the Atlanta Hawks Atlanta Hawks where we putting them I kind of want to put them borderline poverty because they couldn’t get Alexander assar and uh they also still haven’t trade away Trey Young from what I heard apparently there’s no market for him books are kind of cooked yeah I used to F with akumo but his but his trading everybody everything hasn’t look good no lottery Lotto whoa the NASA goed y’all crazy the NASA trash who would you rather have the NASA or bronny bronny at least Bron’s young and has the DNA LeBron James I can shape that you can’t shape the nases how old is the nases a TMO and see that’s the thing the nases won’t get better Brony can get better how old is old thanasis this man’s 31 years old the is 31 years old he’s not getting any better bro the nasis sucks bro his best year in the NBA he averag three points a game this dude is trash but shout out to Yannis for getting his brothers paid I guess but anyway back to the back to the thing playing Team Lottery wh where we put the Hawks H they have Alexander SAR they have Trey young they really haven’t done anything else I’m putting him Lottery lottery Adrian Griffin is legit worse than doc l i f the Bucks that’s fine but if Adrian Griffin is worse than than doc then that’s like saying that this pile of poop is worse than this pile of trash both Trash N the nas disrespect won’t be tolerated that’s fine the the nas disrespect y are crazy in the chat the nas might be the next MJ the Nas is goated uh yeah I’d say they’re all right so Hawks Hawks mes who who cares about the 15th spot on the roster Dar Jones Jr was our 15th spot it can be good but I don’t know I feel like it’s just there’s better players that you could go and I don’t know and this the fact that he actually gets minutes most 15th spot players don’t get minutes he gets minutes it’s weird uh yeah but J anyway back to the Hawks we’re done with the books back to the Hawks deont Murray’s gone there just Trey young they have um what’s the name from Houston good Lord uh Clint capella they got Alexander star but I still think that they’re I’ll put them in playing I think they’re a playing team I don’t want to underestimate I think they’re playing team I just fell to my knees and Target after the Nast dude’s trash bro he does nothing good I kind of want to play like a a highlight reel the nasis let me stop hating let me stop hating he’s in the NBA and I’m at home right but yeah they’re a playing team Hawks playing Team anyway onto next one Charlotte Hornets Charlotte Hornets where we putting the Hornets oh man where we putting the Hornets are they uh playing team I think the Hornets are playing team who do they draft who do the Hornets draft lottery but they have a good future if they trade their future lottery for the Hornets you’re making me cry Jaylen Johnson promising stop hating I’ll never hate all right so the hit selected TI Jane Salon I know I messed that name up and KJ Simpson don’t know those guys playing maybe poverty oh Hornets Lottery Hawks keep Dyson Daniels and JJ and trade everyone else they all suck oh Lord playing playing for the Hawks I feel like they’re a lottery team still I’m sorry Hornets Hornets Hornets Hornets trash like miles Brides playing if lamelo can stay healthy okay so yeah healthy Hornets I think is a plan I think a healthy Hornets is a plan if you because Brandon Miller is a good player Brandon Miller is really good Marshall already turning into Tim senior with the the nasis hate yo it’s true though bro there’s nothing special about that guy he doesn’t do anything good he’s 31 years old look look y’all bringing me back to the nasis I’m going to say one thing and we’re done with the nases he’s not getting better he will not get better he’s 31 years old he’s he shouldn’t be in the NBA but anyway we’re done here we’re done here the Hornets playing team for sure fully healthy yeah they’re a playing Team I’ll give them that look at that the next is Miami Heat the Miami Heat fully healthy they lost they lost Caleb Martin or was the other Martin I’m pretty sure it was Caleb Martin horn is healthy is playing but like Maxi that’s asking a lot y’all crazy all right the heat um they’re a playoff team it don’t matter if they’re the first seat or the 10th seed they can make the playoffs um fully healthy yeah I it’s weird because I did the Heat at anybody did the did did the heat get anybody like what moves have the heat made this off season the heat don’t make a lot of moves they what what is Pat Ry doing over there put Miami on the seventh seed they can they can still make the playoffs right like it it doesn’t matter where you put them they can still make the playoffs they’re a playoff team though for sure for sure what y’all think sound off Marshall how many teams are making the playoffs and playing 12 this tier list is just where like obviously not everybody’s going to make the finals not everybody’s make the playoffs but fully healthy you know these teams have a chance they lost Caleb Martin for nothing yeah someone told me to check Discord real quick oh Lord is it did did you message me hold on I don’t want to show it on screen hold on what am I checking in Discord hold on stop hating on the nases he’s an next MJ and you can’t tell me otherwise you are delusional we’re done here we’re not talking about them anyway the heat are definitely a playoff team it doesn’t matter what seed they’re going to make the playoffs and they can ruin your playoff run that’s for darn sure all right next is the Orlando Magic Orlando Magic where youall put the magic they actually made the playoffs they lost in the first round they’ve got a lot of young Talent that’s only going to get better right I think jayen Suggs who was a top pick a few years ago is going to be a good six-man for that team poo banero and frons are going to be the driving force I feel like hot take I don’t know if y’all feel me on this I feel like they overpaid overpaid frons I think frons was was was overpaid I don’t I don’t think he was worth all that money but especially when you’re G have to pay Paulo B Caro as well but um but they got a lot of good talent definitely a playoff team I think we can I I don’t think that’s a an argument and props and the magic I really didn’t think they’d ever get good M playoffs yeah definitely play off your shirt yeah that’s a Nob brainer but um let me see here next team we’re going to do is the Washington Wizards where y’all putting the Wizards where y’all putting the Wizards a team that’s just never been good the NBA contracts are getting out of hand yeah thought Orlando lost second round no they lost in the first round did they pretty sure they lost in the first round lost to the Cavs yeah they lost to the Cavs in the first round yeah as a German I actually agree but they played his upside they paid his upside yeah it’s just what’s under poverty it’s just poverty make it a Wizards category for the Washington Wizards where did I put it is this where that’s not it hold on poverty poverty ain’t never been good trash trash so bad there is not a single bright spot in Washington players go there to get paid and leave no one goes there to they go to get paid and leave below party North Korea good Lord crazy France is getting paid more than Luka yeah it’s wild it’s wild it’s wild why is Bros tiles always dramatic because we’re dramatic over here bro what you mean what like what you mean what you mean z what you mean we dramatic over here so anyway next team we’re gonna look at is the Denver Nuggets we’re out of the East into the west Denver Nuggets where you put him breaking news MTH trade Max keeper AJ lost in 28 oh my good Lord Cameron get out of here I hate it hate it here hate it here all right Denver Nuggets where we putting them they lost in the second round they lost um kcp they don’t want to pay people they’re being cheap are they still a finals team are they still a finals team Washington Sol picked to next party good Lord cuz we dramatic over here duh are they still a finals team top of playoffs or maybe in finals I don’t know are the Nuggets still a finals team did they like who did the who did the Nuggets acquire this off season I can’t remember like did did did the Nuggets do anything to like improve let see before the game against Minnesota I would put Denver up there with the Celtics and Knicks but now playoff team yeah I’m putting Denver right here you are a playoff team joic is joic ah I think it takes more than yic to be able to get to the finals though but I mean they can play better this this year I mean we’re just speculating we’re just guessing they got Dario SAR okay did that move the needle if they get West brick second round exit Wild playoffs but not finals yeah I don’t think that they’re a finals team but I mean I could be wrong I could be completely wrong you know anything can change anything can happen right breaking news Luka Don retires because of ref gate oh Lord all right the next team is the Minnesota Timberwolves sorry is good but they still La a good bag of playmaker all right Timber we’re putting the Wolves Denver for the second round but not to the finals now that Casp is gone yeah I was hoping we picked him up I think he just wanted too much money wanted that bag Timberwolves um I don’t think they’re a finals team they H I don’t think they did anything they got rid of Kyle Anderson what did they do like did they add anybody y’all think they’re finals contenders what I don’t know man who do they do they trade they what three hours ago oh snap this is the news uh former Timber rves guard Jordan mcclin signs with a king So they lost somebody but they got Joe Engles wolves somewhere around finals and play actually I would put the wolves in the finals really Celtics have a problem with this team especially if Hardy breaks out uh the rookie PG hell no ref finals Rob Dam math teacher Joe Engles too so all right are they a playoff team or yall think they’re a finals team I don’t think they’re a finals team but what do y’all think y’all may know more to me finals is stretch that’s what I’m saying they got some pretty good experience this year they could potentially make the finals so you’re saying that so you’re saying that there is a chance that they could beat us to go to the finals Adel says I’m out Marcel much love have a good rest of your day hey drizzle appreciate you big dog take care and we need to be MJ for the Wolves to make a finals run I don’t want to disrespect them but like I just don’t think that they really did anything ah are they a finals team what other team in the west would we put finals OKC I put OKC I’m trying not to be too much of like a Mavericks fan right playoffs they lost bench players and and older players uh New York City looks so scary I’m loving the West getting stronger sir aside from the mths of course I just assume Aunt learns enough and improves a 22-year-old whose first major run was the postseason yeah the a hype train and here is insane us and woles and fin you know what I’ll put respect on it I’ll put respect on it I could be wrong but I’ll put respect on it I’m trying not to be a hater I’m not I’m trying not to be like a super fan right now but um they can do it what do you mean Marcel we’re definitely going to the finals of course of course but if there’s any team that could beat us to get there I’ll put the Timberwolves up there and that’s not even biased we were there last year we automatically get our spot of course yeah the Mavericks are up there of course you already know but the Thunder the next te is the th Thunder Okay C Thunder where we go where we go where we go mes they could beat us not saying they will but OKC Mavs Wills are the top three yeah yeah I’m trying I’m trying not to have my biases I’m I’m trying not to be a homer right I’m trying to be a fair basketball fan but the Oklahoma City Thunder where do you put them I think it’s obvious they’re a finals team I think that goes without saying they’re a finals team like for real like they got they made the Right Moves they they they resigned the right players they’re young and getting better they’re going to be a pretty tough team to beat timberl they could make it to the finals if luck is on their side but I think second round is the best conclusion since the West is quite stacked but yeah I think they’re finals yeah finals they’re stacked yeah they they got Isaiah hardenstein to deal with Gaff and Lively but we got Gaff Lively right everyone really forgot about the Nuggets now that we forgot about the Nuggets just they kind of fell off other teams got better they have not really improved other teams are improving and they’re just kind of in the middle yeah played off but wasn’t impressed with the coach of the year yeah they have a valid point guard now y wolves right yeah after those moves they should be favorites yeah yeah I think that’s fair Thunder up there is fair next up is thank you Elizabeth Romero appreciate you next up is H the Portland TR Blazers Portland Trail Blazers is there any moves the MAV is still going to take uh give me Paul Reed par oh yeah they also got Caruso duh that’s crazy I think next year would be in the finals but Rob will be good uh but he won’t be out his best and that’s what they need yeah OKC straight to the finales no question asked hardenstein yeah but Portland sh Blazers what y’all think they really haven’t made too many moves this offseason surprised they’re not going full rebuild mode and just selling the team they’re lottery or yeah I don’t think they’re poverty but they’re definitely lottery I think they’re a team you just don’t really think about like eh you’re there you know you got scoot Henderson who definitely definitely disappointed this last season he may go down as a bust hopefully not but I don’t really see anything good happen for Portland I don’t see it I don’t but they’re a lottery team I think that goes without saying playing is definitely being optimistic though I didn’t realize they finished last in the west year yeah Poverty of course Lottery poverty Portland’s Lottery poverty there these ah it’s like borderline they got Denny though but I think they’re just a lottery team they’re probably a few moves away from being a playing Team the next is the Utah Jazz who did miss the playoffs last year but they were in the plan though right I think they’re in the plan what do you think about Mavs adding J sharp and summer league roster don’t worry I got a Summer League video coming up I’m save it for that video but um Jazz where put the Jazz scoot will take another two years to really fully develop hey I’m not I’m not I’m not saying scoot’s done he’s cooked but for all the hype behind him definitely didn’t live up to it but the Jazz I think they’re a playing team if they trade marinan and John Collins they’re definitely a lottery team I think they’re a playing team as a m fan the only team I’m scared of in the west is the thunder because they keep getting better and better I almost won that last year uh Jazz suck lottery for Utah they are tanking and I didn’t see them make any moves Lottery hard rank Jazz without knowing if they trade lar yeah it is but with the roster now they can make the play in but they but they should be a lottery team right that’s tough they’re like borderline like I put them borderline playing lottery I really love getting banovich and deand Hunter from the alien Hawks I want sadique Bay I want a healthy sadique Bay God dang it Lottery team yeah yeah we put him in Lottery 75 centers crazy for Ms elizeth I got a video on buddy bro don’t worry about it they are trading Lori until it happens we’ll just put him in lottery for now think a safe bet next up is the Golden State Warriors now they did lose Klay Thompson to the good old Dallas Mavericks but they’ve been making moves they’ve been making moves but are those moves from the Golden State Warriors enough to go back to the playoffs and go to the Champions to the finals I might not be able to stay for the whole stream today are you doing a giveaway today Marcel yes LED after this um uh tier list I am doing the giveaway and I’ll make a post about it for the channel members so if you’re selected you’ll know uh jazz is trying to get all the first round picks yeah wasn’t Baye hurt most season yeah sharp would be nice to train for lively how to play against 75 wmy poverty playoffs Lotto wow playing you’re all over the place all over Place playing for the Warriors they made the Right Moves play in though they got a fight to get in there remember the playin is what the seventh to the 10th seed yeah seven to 10th seed is playing so yeah they could be the seventh seed the Splash Buddies I love it yeah jary sharpen 75 yeah don’t worry I got a video on them I got a video on them playing at best L wors yeah yeah they they can float between these three but we’ll have to wait and see we’ll have to wait and see the next team we’re going to do is the Los Angeles Clippers the Clippers lost Paul George um they got Dereck Jones Jr they got what Martin no not Martin who was it they got from Houston that went to jail and had who was that who was the dude that they got I forgot was it something Porter Kevin porter porter I think let me see but yeah for the Clippers can we put them in Pari just for the PG fumble playing oh you think they’re playing oo you don’t think uh Kawai and James Haren can give him the playoffs they were just a fifth seed playing they might be a playing Kevin por J that’s what it was yep seven seed kbg yep Clippers playoff six seed okay I think play in Jan sharp went from 68 to 75 is crazy that is wild Kevin Porter that’s who it was I’m sorry y’ I got my memory is crap I think I’m losing my voice I’m getting sick y’all yeah the playing team but we’ll see Porter Batum and DJJ man I like getting pal from the Clippers when oh I like nor pal too Clippers are a playing team but they can drop to lot team true true true all right the next is our favorite team to talk about the Los Angeles Lakers LeBron James dropping what he had four points in his debut where we put the Lakers where we put the Lakers it’s weird because they can be a playing team they should be a lottery team they can be a playing Team where we putting the Lakers Lakers Lakers Lakers we’re putting Lakers sound up in the chat for the lakes for the lake show playing playing see yeah that’s what I’m saying like they can be a playing team but they should be a lottery team they could be a playing Team easily Lakers definitely playing yeah yeah as long as you got LeBron and AD you’re not going to be that bad as long as they’re healthy really over bronia when are you dropping vid on summer league roster it’s on the way it’s on the way don’t worry about it it’s on the way playing not better than top four Memphis will be back yeah Memphis Memphis healthy will be a problem Memphis healthy will be a problem but we’ll see though we’ll see but yeah definitely a playing team next up is the Phoenix Suns where are we putting the Phoenix Suns I know where I’m putting them and I’ll argue anybody on this poverty the sons are poverty I don’t care that they made the playoffs they are poverty the suns are poverty poverty it’s poverty it’s poverty why are they poverty well they have no first round picks to like 2030 Bradley Beal has a no trade clause you are paying Devin Booker Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal $150 million that’s poverty that’s poverty you have no Direction you have no you have no money no picks no Aura poverty it’s all good Elizabeth you’re good but yeah poverty definitely poverty if there was a tier below they’d go there and it’s because of all that Talent all that all that potential you you are horrible you’re a poverty team but both can be true yeah they could be a lottery and a poverty team at the same time that’s true though you think Luka will actually lose weight and build muscle because I seen him in the Olympics and he looked the same so I’m giving I’m not worried about Luca’s body at all though look Luca does crazy stuff with his current body shape it’ll be ridiculous to ask him to change his body just to I’m not wor about it P yeah still the same they will be swept in playoffs yeah they can make the playoffs and still be a poverty team so luuka has been paying his child support to to the Suns to the to the Suns I mean sons in the poverty make a different level for them Malone honestly I should just the Suns level Sun straight poy less that zero yep negative zero all right the next team we’re going to do is the Sacramento Kings they kept Malik monk they traded literally nothing to get demard de Rosen where do we put the Sacramento Kings the kangs their playoff team they missed the playoffs due to injuries let’s not get it twisted they lost in a play in they’re playoff team though Luca Aesthetics you see physically as a luka you will always see yeah I’m I’m I you’ll never hear me talk about lca’s body a lot of people talk about Luca he’s lose weight I’m like it works though dude’s a walking triple double yage is Big you a see people yelling at yic lose weight nah Luca’s fine playoff tomorrow yeah they could be playoffs yeah they’re definitely playoffs definitely playoffs o Debo over there yeah definitely making the playoffs for sure of course of course of course it’s this team all right y’all the next team need yall to sound off nothing worried about luuka at all the focus is on role players know what to do yeah Fox is fast player league so I’m y crazy Phoenix all right I’m all over the place I’m sorry I’m losing my train of thought the next team is the Dallas Mavericks where are we placing the Mavs where are we placing the Mavs I I’m being a little selfish Dallas Mavericks where you putting them finals of course yeah finals put him in the Dallas tier put him the Mavericks tier people more concerned about his body than the actual team improving yeah I’m not worried about L’s body at all Travis is anyone else is anyone else lovenia got eliminated early so Luka can get more rest I’m not I I’m not happy that his team failed I’m happy that he can get rest I’m not happy that his team failed I’m not going to be happy for any failure so no I’m not happy that they failed but I’m happy he’s going rest yeah Dallas mck Champs finals that’s where we’re going that’s where we are no conversation needs to be had we’re going there up next is the Houston Rockets Mar can we trade for baby Kong a god TI y’all funny the Houston Rockets where are the they missed the finals last year we knocked them out could even make the play in as long as we makes shots I can kill this go by looks like yeah uh the Rockets the Rockets the Rockets the Rockets Lottery team playing [Music] team they say playing Team yeah yeah finals you crazy playing Team mavi’s finals but yeah Rockets Rockets playing team I think they’re a playing team they have a lot of good talent uh alfredson goon is the truth hopefully he comes back healthy because he is a good player he’s and I personally am am a fan of his it took me a while um did I say missed the finals they missed the playoffs because they they missed the playin rockins and Kings should be solid next season I think they’re playing for now though I got to see more um and I’m sound like a salty Raptors fan but I don’t think Fred Van does that team any justice to be honest with you but um I think they’re playing team dark hor to make the playoffs yeah you can say that too yeah yeah I say Kings I mean Rockets definitely a playing Team all right the next team we’re going to do we’re going down to three more three more we’re doing the Memphis Grizzlies where do you put the Memphis Grizzlies and this is a healthy Memphis Grizzlies where we putting them they did get um Zack Edy to play alongside John marant Rockets trash y’all crazy the Grizzles the old Grizzle Grizzles where the Grizzles going where you put them where you put them Memphis I say they’re a playoff team maybe play in but they’re definitely a playoff team wild card I think wild cards yeah appropriate Rockets playing playoffs for sure yeah playoff easy yeah it’s like on paper yeah y’all should and I mean who knows what’s up with um Stephen Adams if he’s going to be healthy but like is Stephen Adams still on the Grizzlies yeah he is yeah yeah I’m tripping playoffs easy when healthy yeah healthy and no offc court Antics yeah throw to Ward Conference Championship goes up I35 you darn right yeah I think uh playoffs is good for the Grizzlies that’s fair all right next up is the Pelicans very interesting with the Pelicans they did make the playoffs last year they lost or in this past season they lost in the first round I think Adam so I don’t know why I think Stephen Adams is on the um Rockets what team is he on right now what team is he on he is on the Rockets that’s right I’m tripping he’s on the Rockets which is just so weird he’s not on the Grizzlies anymore so anyway that’s what got Zack he but yeah anyway Pelicans I think they’re a playoff team for sure they got Dante Murray Lord so that’s a thing to play alongside Brandon Ingram if they keep him and Zion good Lord play in a lot of players gone from previous season yeah they also kind of trim their fat they’re definitely a playoff team definitely a playoff team defion play in they’re playoff team I mean on paper I think they’re going to be a lot better I mean they’ve got uh herb Jones still so they picked up jontay Murray plus Zion playoff team yeah yeah it’s G man it’s G be tough all right the last team before we go into our giveaway the San Antonio Spurs who just got Harrison Barnes former NBA champion isn’t it weird to think that Harrison Barnes wanted chip with the Warriors how long ago good Lord where the Spurs at they all L team or playing Team L team playing Team Spurs Spurs Spurs where you put them it’s crazy to think the Spurs would make the play in with CP3 we could say they’re borderline Lottery the the spur is gonna be ninth seed the West is pretty stacked though I’ll see you later Marcel keep an eye on the summer league roster much love keep up the work appreciate you Mavericks got a shot better than last year yeah Lottery lottery playing Lottery playing oh man 73 look shout out to room he’s always putting this comment on Lally every video 7 foot3 kaoto philipo sensation available M th I Center yeah let me see here they got CP yeah playing I think they’ll be a playing team wmy full year surely playing yeah and I think if wm’s not on a minut restriction remember wmy hold on let’s take a look because I think what’s wild about Victor wiama is his stats compared to his minutes played for rookie year dude was putting up 21 points three blocks 1.2 steal three assists and 10 rebounds a game shooting 79% from the floor 32% from three 46% from the floor averaging 29 minutes and from for most of the games he was on a minute restriction Unleashed wimy playing about 30 plus minutes a game good night but I say they’re a playing team at best playing team will Luka ever get MVP with wmy coming up the windows there we got to hurry up Wy Wy fully healthy and plus if y’all watching what he’s doing in France right now I saw this man do a step back three between a leg step back three I’m like who let you do this it’s crazy so my guys have a good day oh see you Smo appreciate you but um that’s that that’s it I’mma take a little screenshot of our uh little tier list for the upcoming season where we think teams are going to be their potential we got three poverty teams in the in the bull Wizards and Suns although the Suns could be a playoff team still be lar team I really appreciate your up to date M keep on doing this hope one day I’m going to meet you hey Renee I appreciate you thank you thank you I appreciate all the support from you guys but that’s the um that’s it I’m going to post it I’ll get all the all the ridicule for not knowing basketball but um yeah so to round out this wonderful live stream we’re going to do our giveaway we two lucky digest family members are going to win some Dallas merch and what merch is it I decided to give away some finals merch um let me fix this real quick CU it’s all over the place uh I’ve done jerseys but I’m going to do finals merch whether that’s a hat a shirt a hoodie we’re going to get into it but it’s going to be some finals merch so I got all the names here already we’re gonna do two spins I it’s crazy like I’m not I I get I don’t know why I get nervous or is anticipation I’m not even on this but it’s like hey let’s see it spit it let’s see it who gets selected oh Ed D was almost you but shout out to jam Rod Jam Rod you won I’m I’m you’re probably not in this live stream which is fine I’m gon make a post to just the channel members so y’all know you have won and you’ll I’ll show you how to reach out to me so we can talk about getting your merch but we’re going to remove the name for the Second Spin because we got the 12K by Friday so let’s go again you see a dog reflect on team yeah my dog T go over to sleep all right the next winner is almost feel Eagles but it’s dark gifts we got our two winners shout out to you guys I will be putting a comment a little post um let y’all know that y’all won but you know what you know what I feel a little generous we doing another one we doing another one I want to do a third one ah ah y’all always show me love and support man all the money that I make literally goes back into this and when y’all donate when y’all become channel members I literally just give it right back I give it right back so Willam William Norman you are also a winner so you three guys won the giveaways I will make a little um a post for just the channel members so that You’ all know with directions on how to reach out to me so I can get you your your your prizes it will be Dallas merch it’ll be finals merch but shout out to the three guys um but yeah it’s it’s it’s crazy the off season ain’t over yet there’s more there’s more to cover more to go over I’m going to be making a video dropping tomorrow about our summer league team as summer league started yesterday um go over a few players who I think the Mavericks should definitely think about keeping I’m not going to do too many um Summer League videos like I’m not going to recover the summer league for every game that we play but you know I’m definitely going to give you guys update on omx I’m watching for omx so I’ll probably do a video on omx that 75 Center we have a 7 foot five Center on our summer league I’m definitely going to be doing a video on him so I think that a player who we could possibly actually put in our rotation but it is what it is um thank you guys so much for showing love and supportting this channel it really means the world to me we’re on a road to 15K at the time of this live stream I’m currently sitting at we not me we are sitting at 12,2 249 Subs which is crazy I started this channel five months ago you guys been showing me nothing but love and support and I appreciate it I want to hit 15K before the start of the Season or at least before the end of the year I think we can hit it um really quick though before everybody starts funing out let me see how many people we got here okay we okay yeah people are starting to leave but really quick um I am going on vacation for about a week um from July 18th to the 25th the videos will be a little bit slow but I have a laptop and I’m bringing my webcam and mic so I’ll still be able to put out videos and I’ll try to make them good quality they may be a little janky and ghetto but um for for that week content might be a little bit slow but if there’s anything pressing and crazy I will be posting it but I feel feel like I’ve worked my butt off so far this year I definitely need a little vacation so I’ll be gone for about a week the content will still be flowing just maybe not every day I’ll give my editor a break yeah yeah yeah I know you’ve been putting them comments I’ve been seeing them you think he’s slick waking me up at 2: a.m to make a video yeah y’all think it’s me going crazy with the videos no it’s my editor who is bugging me almost every minute to make a video all right and then he wants to clown in the comments I see him I see him but anyway anyway man y’all y’all y’all take care I appreciate y’all I love y’all oh why is this up anyway I love y’all I appreciate y’all uh stay tuned for the next few videos that I’m G to be posting out um we got a really cool oh snap before we go I’ll make a post but really quick we are doing something special this upcoming season with our tiers um our Channel member tier so obviously with the first tier is like $2.99 you’re entered into every giveaway you get cool little you know your names highlight all that cool stuff we’re going to be giving we we’re trying to revamp the other two tiers so it’s more incentivized we are doing a MBA fantasy league for the upcoming season the only way to enter our fantasy is to be part of that second tier where the winner will literally be getting like I think the second tier is like $10 and so let’s say we get 10 people right it’s $100 right the winner will get $100 right so pretty much however many people join that is creating a pot of money that will then go to the winner second and third place you’ll probably get like a give you know gift card whatever but um yeah so I’ll make a post about it that we’re doing a fantasy league for the second or higher tiers and then I’ll think of something cool for the third tier we’re working on it but fantasy league for the second tier and above I’ll put out more information probably after this video I I meant to bring that up earlier but I totally forgot but yes I’m out of here I gotta walk this dog I got to make dinner I gotta be an adult but y’all take care drink water [Music] peace perfect [Music] perfect a [Music]

Marcel Martin does a full recap of the 2024 NBA Free Agency, trade talks and rumors.

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Mavs Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumours on the Dallas Mavericks. This includes coverage on players such as Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Lively, PJ Washington, Daniel Gafford, Jason Kidd, Mark Cuban and more!


  1. You’re underselling my man Kleber…he’s going to be in some gnarly 5-out rotations with Klay, Naji, Grimes to create open driving lanes for Luka or Kyrie while the other rests 🙏

  2. I been a fan since the 80s. If they kept their POA defender DJJ. and got Klay (or get a younger more agile klay in Kennard who is probably a better 3 point shooter at this point)
    as the THJ back up replacement and if Kleber wasn't injured and playing like he did before he got seriously hurt. They may..May have won the series.
    Naji is not a guard defender. he's a great forward defender. Now the mavs are gonna rely on Grimes and Exum to do what their 3 starting guards cannot(off the bench).

    We can safely say it was subtraction by addition. What ones rules out. We haven't a clue till we see it. Remember the bar is now not the finals but to win it all.

    Regardless about Kleber. Unless they trade Naji, or PJ, they are gonna have to use Kleber as salary to make any serious moves with pick(s) at the TDL. If he's hurt, which is certainly possible. Than the team is probably gonna want to be compensated for taking him(as he's not expiring) So now it's two 1sts and not one as they got rid of their 2nds.

  3. Klay isn't the same player. and his defense is washed as his driving skills. And yes he sacrificed a lot for GS. Course they both got well compensated.

    GS was fools to resign Draymond. I think they were actually scared about his mouth(in the media and podcast) attacking them left and right. He was upset that there wasn't a big contract waiting for him. They have no control over that guy at all and afraid to let him go as they know TNT was ready to a talking head(which probably would have been 10x worse for GS public relations wise than Shaq whining about the Sacramento Queens (and if those refs didn't screw them, those queens would have knocked them out) But he got his way and got to talk his mouth. How it works unfortunately.

  4. Klay had his worst season and it was still better than THJ's best season. We are going to pay him less money. People don't realize that we don't need 2016 Klay. We just need him to make wide open shots and give effort on defense. Klay is going to shoot 43% from three and is going to play better defense than the last couple of years. DJJ was never a great defender before and when we got PJ and Gaford he flourished. Naji has the potential to be our Derrick White. Quinton Grimes is Green but with better defense.

  5. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring someone back that people want to boo. Why bring negativity into such a positive organization and team?

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