@National Basketball Association

Big Al Jefferson’s Artful Low Post Game

Big Al Jefferson’s Artful Low Post Game

by rzoneking


  1. EagleswonSuperBowl52

    When I was first getting truly into basketball, I remember watching a Hornets game and everytime Jefferson got the ball in the post, he would waste 10 seconds just standing there and slowly turning around. And then he scored almost every single time. It was right then and there that I realized that the best player in basketball wasn’t Lebron. It wasn’t Kobe. It wasn’t Durant. It was Al Jefferson.

  2. NotManyBuses

    I’m trying to tell you guys, this never went out of style in the game. Look at Jokic. If you can still demolish people in the post you can win

  3. In a way, Jefferson is responsible for at least 2 championships

    We traded him for KG who won us a championship

    And then we traded KG for the Nets picks that won us a championship

    2-Time NBA Champion Al Jefferspin

  4. blinkomatic

    NBA needs to bring back rules to encourage post play

  5. genius286

    Wow, I completely forgot he was even on Charlotte.

  6. Acrobatic_Advance_71

    He was a cheat code when you played with him in NBA live or 2k.

  7. Cpt_Jumper

    Read this as “awful low post game” at first I was thinking EXCUSE ME?!?! 😂

  8. CbBrown1988

    A Mississippi legend that use to go crazy in the paint

  9. BetweenTheBuzzAndMe

    that one good 2013-14 year in Charlotte is still my favorite team ever. Possibly the best three-month stretch by a player in franchise history, and it would not surprise me if our 20-9 record after the all-star break is the best 29-game streak in franchise history either.

  10. BigDMike1990

    I still remember when LeQueen dropped 60, only because Al Jefferson was trying to duel him and dropped like 40 and 20

  11. New_Essay_4869

    I loved the Jazz witb him, Millsap, and Devin Harris

  12. Andreslargo1

    This is like Hakeem post moves but just slightly uglier. Not even an insult, just Hakeem was super smooth.


    Look up his high school stats if you wanna get your mind blown lol specifically his senior year

  14. ThinkingMSF

    There were Celtics fans in 2007 who argued we should not have made the trade for KG, because going out in that deal was a young Al Jefferson and the first-round pick mocked to be Steph Curry.

    Minnesota used that pick on Jonny Flynn instead because Wolves are gonna Wolf, but still.

  15. Dudedude88

    Wow he’s quick. I forgot al jeff could be young

  16. SamuraiZucchini

    Hurt so bad when Big Al got plantar fascia just in time for the playoffs

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