@Oklahoma City Thunder

Hartenstein Reveals TRUTH On Signing In OKC…

Hartenstein Reveals TRUTH On Signing In OKC…

Isaiah hartstein is officially a member of the Oklahoma City Thunder as he signed his contract with the thunder today and had his first little press conference presser with the Oklahoma City media whether it’s you know local news channels with members of the Thunder such as Nick Gallo and Paris Lawson a few of those uh people were there interviewing him asking him some questions on why he chose Oklahoma City over returning to a team like New York or going somewhere else like Orlando I know Detroit was in the mix I believe there was one other team I can’t remember who it was but I’m pretty sure there was also a uh if my Math’s right fifth team in there with us competing for Isaiah hartstein this summer so there were a lot of questions asked what broke down his decision to come here along with some like you know just kind of extracurriculars of what actually appealed to OKC and what made you know his final decision and so here on Thunder digest we’re going to break it down here in this video today before we get all this though I just want to take a moment and say if you guys find yourself coming back on a regular basis and you enjoyed the content here on the channel go ahead please hit the Subscribe button it’s totally free to do and it’s the best way to support the Channel with that out of the way we can go ahead and get into the video talking about what Isaiah hartenstein had to say at his first little press conference you know and meeting with the media as an official member of the Oklahoma City Thunder so we’re going to go ahead and get into the first set of quotes here right now and it just kind of talks about you know how it was a tough decision right just little context it goes into how it was a tough decision uh because it came down between New York and Oklahoma City his final two options there and so it was just tough for him to actually decide okay do I go to OKC or do I stay in New York and take a little pay cup for a longer deal and he broke that down and answer that kind of question here in this comment if I’m honest it was hard I was in a situation where I love my teammates out in New York carstein said I really appreciate what tibs and Leon did for me and the fans in New York showed a lot of love the appeal to play for a title contender aler hartenstein in OKC he can make a stellar front court with Chad holgren the pair of seven-footers provide the Thunder with Stout Rim protection but going into this situation this is very exciting hartenstein said from afar I always saw how the culture was especially since they’ve been in OKC how they established a culture this is by Clemente almanza and of course if you guys have been on the channel before and You’ guys watched these videos or subscribed you know I love to bring in his articles all the time I think he’s the best kind of beat Rider and reporter out there covering the thunder right now and so I love just bringing in his quotes and his articles and kind of bring him on these videos and break it down what he kind of puts in there and so definitely go check him out but that’s the that’s the first thing that really stood out to me for kind of one of the first things that I saw is how he had a tough decision to make and ultimately he chose OKC because he thinks we have a better chance of winning it all if he came here than staying in in New York he’s trying to get a ring he is and he also said later on I don’t think I included it we might go into the second you know quote that I have here break down what he says there I don’t think it’s included but he also talks about how he wants to do what’s best to help the team win how there is a question asked like okay we’re all you know OKC is considered one of the favorites now maybe even the favorite to win at all after you came here along with Alex cruso and the reigning of Aaron wiins Isaiah Joe what do you have to say about that he said we haven’t proven anything yet we’re 0 and O and I love that mentality on the team that shows that he’s here willing to kind of do whatever it takes to win and bring a championship to Oklahoma City he doesn’t care if he’s necessarily a starter off the bench you know as a role player as a six-man he doesn’t care as long as it brings a ring to OKC with this quote as well when he was talking about there saying like he’s you know he saw a championship opportunity in OKC and that kind of just shows he saw that more here in OKC than in New York if you stay at the Knicks so he’s like okay I’m going to do whatever it to get this ring and add it to my resume and help me get a bigger deal in the future with another team and kind of secure you know like a long-term deal with another team when that time arises because I’m not sure if he’ll be here for his third year of his contract since it’s a team option we either going to trade him or we’re going to decline that team option and use it for extension somewhere else so it’s definitely interest interesting to see what the future holds for him because we know for two years he’ll for sure be on this team all right I have a good feeling if he plays like he did in that back half New York he’ll be on this team for a long long time and can potentially win us two rings I think he can get us one I think he can help us get us one but there’s also potential to go back to back if everything plays out the correct correct way now getting into the second quote here all right he’s kind of talking here about another reason that came into his decision for OKC and this is what he’s talking about the style of player I think really fits me I’m a high IQ player they have a lot of guys who cut so I think to me I’m one of the best passers in the NBA the Thunder landed their biggest fish yet since they relocated to OKC I love that their biggest fish yet Perhaps this is the dawn of a new era where Modern players are more open to playing with the Thunder than previous generations the finances are likely the biggest reason but it’s still shocking to see an NBA player willingly choose OKC over the bright lights of New York keep that in mind all right he willingly chose OKC over potentially the biggest Market in the entirety of the NBA you can get in your head ofhe head you know stuff about like oh la is a bigger Market no Boston’s a bigger Mark of how much success they’ve had in the past few years you can go ahead and talk about that New York will always be in that top three conversation a lot of people consider it the biggest Mark in the world because you got to consider the draft is there there’s so much that happens in New York it’s a city that never sleeps so having a free agent willingly choose OKC over a destination like New York is huge and that’s because we show a culture I think that’s what we kind of lacked in previous years where we didn’t really necessarily have a you know defined culture or defined style of play now we do even in the rebuilding phases all right three three four years ago even in those time periods we showed flashes and glimpses of what we were building here in OKC what our culture was going to be what our play style was going to be you could see it through who we drafted and how we played in previous season and how we developed and who we brought into our organization in the front office and coaching roles as well so you can kind of see what we are building and I think that’s going to stand out now in the future when we do attract more big names because I feel like if we have success in the playoffs we make a finals run and win a championship or two we can bring in even more stars because they’re like okay they still they’re winning with this culture that they built in a rebuild and they’re still going to keep using it even though they’ve had success now they’re not trying to change it up they’re they’re taking on the it isn’t broke we’re not going to fix it all right if it ain’t broke don’t fix it they’re taking on that kind of mindset I think that’s what’s going to draw in more free agents in the future and Isaiah hartstein is just the beginning it’s just the beginning because we’re building a culture and a style of play that fits into the modernday NBA style of play where everyone needs to pass everyone needs to be able to shoot the ball decently and Isaiah hartstein even though he doesn’t really shoot the three ball a ton he’s only shot at 89 times in his career three times last season he’s shown glimpses where he can can shoot it quite well he has he can shoot the three ball if he needs to and with our shooting coach chip I believe he can develop a three-point shot and also use his passing abilities and you’re going to see a bunch more screens our five out style of offense if he is in that starting uh lineup will be able to work with hartenstein in it I know people are worried about that but with his high high IQ like he mentioned how good of a passer He Is We can run the five out style of offense now the last thing I have here is his you know kind of another main reason last I’m going to talk about in this video here why he came here and it’s the people he can play with all right defensively having two of the top Rim protectors on the court at the same time is not easy hartenstein said I’m really excited I’m really excited to me he’s one of the most talented bigs in the NBA I think uh me and him on the court together is going to be very deadly hartenstein also at also said he can help soften hen’s workload throughout the season this was an underrated benefit of his addition there were times throughout last season when was evident the 22-year-old battled fatigue and that’s because he’s like the only like when you look at size he’s our only true Center I know people say like oh J Jay will is listed at as a center he is he is 6 foot n all right compared to Isaiah hartstein who is 7 foot tall and Chad Homer who’s 71 72 there’s three to five Ines of a difference in that position now whether Isaiah hartstein starts you know or he’s coming off the bench as a Center Jay will moose to the power forward we don’t know Jay will might remain a center and play you know maybe two to three minutes a quarter to give Isaiah Hart sign CH home G to breather however we can live with that we can okay and it’s not like Jay will plays bad he doesn’t he’s a good player it’s just he would benefit more at the four however he can play the five if needed but not in long periods of time he can’t play the five for five six minutes straight two to 3 minutes yes that’s fine but that should be enough to give our guys a little breather at the end of a quarter and then sub them back in all right or even have them stay out there for the first two minutes of the last quarter there and then put our you know put him back put Haren Stein or chat back in one of those two options are available I believe and that defensive aspect he was talking about chat homr all right both of them rated top 10 in the league in Rim protection all right they both rated ranked top 10 I believe Chad was four and hartenstein was seven or it’s the other way round one of the two Chad finished what second or third in blocks I know he finished top five hartenstein is also a physical guy who’s not afraid to go up and contest a shot at The Rim which is great to have on this team and so I believe our Rim protection when you’re just looking at it on paper our defense in general with what all we’ve brought onto this team so far is going to be great I think Isaiah hartstein realized that and was like okay I can play with another one of you know the best Rim protectors in the league comparing to going somewhere else and it all comes down to me down low in the paint because our other guy has injury problems it I think that’s what also came down to his decision and that’s why he kind of spoke out on I don’t want to say directly it was because Mitchell Robinson has injury problems in New York where he’s not completely healthy for the full season and CAD just came off in a season where he played all 82 games after a horrific ankle injury all right I don’t want to go too far out of that box yet you know like you know kind of sprinkle too much salt on there but I do thing that played a decision into it where he was like okay the burden defensively down low in the paint does not fall just directly on me the entire time now I have help and I think that that’s what he realized is like okay not only is his workload going to get you know lighter so is mine because there’s not as much of a burden to me and so I think that’s the fact that he kind of chose there and is like okay I’m not the only guy on this team of size anymore and that’s kind of what led to his DEC decision to OKC along with the fact that the culture and the you know style of play here in OKC fits his style of play as well along with just kind of the decisions was like I just feel like I’m in a better spot here in OKC than I would be in New York and I truly think that all right I truly think he will be in a better spot here in New in OKC than in New York it’s just one of those things where it’s going to take a season to see if all this actually comes true but it is a great sign to see Isaiah hartstein is pumped to be here in OKC all right or his chat would like to say welcome to the O which I still don’t know how to feel about that I’m might rocket I want to you know we’ll actually have that as you know kind of you little Community engagement today for this video all right let me down in the comments section below if you guys are also rocking with welcome to the O when Chad hren said that for Isaiah hartstein just let me know down in the comments section that’ll be what it is today but it is a good sign after this little first press conference and you know media U meeting with everyone here and OKC for isaia hartstein where he seems excited and ready to get to work and has the right mindset going in the next season but that’s all got for today’s video like I said you know you guys know what to say you down in the comments section let me know what you guys think about this heart andin Edition and also if you guys are rocking with the welcome to the O statement Chet head and I’ll see you guys in the next video

It is official, Isaiah Hartenstein is a member of the OKC Thunder. During his media availability, Hartenstein talked about some of the factors that led to his decision on signing with the Thunder. Bryson Akins breaks down some of Hartenstein quotes from the day.

Thunder Digest covers the latest reports, news and rumors regarding the Oklahoma City Thunder. If you want to stay updated with every trade, move and tidbit on players like Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Chet Holmgren, Jalen Williams, Lu Dort, Josh Giddey, Cason Wallace, Isaiah Joe, Aaron Wiggins, Mark Daigneault and Sam Presti.


  1. I really hope we start hart at the 5, chet can def play 4 and defend well against most 4s. I can't see us signing hart and having be a back up

  2. As A Thunder Fan He Didn’t Necessarily Chose Us Over NY He Chose The Money 💰 2-3 Year Deal With More Money & The Opportunity To Get More Money Faster If He Performs Well On This Contract Which He Will .. If He Wins A Chip He’s Young & He Will Get A 4yr Deal Somewhere Else Worth A Lot Of Money .. Just Look At The Contracts Be Given Now Imagine 2 Years From Now .. He Made The Smart Move He Bet On Himself

  3. Thunder fans need to understand that as great as Presti is he has his fair share of huge mistakes. He drafted Sengun and traded him away and last year he averaged 21/9/5 and will be an all star. I haven't heard any of these podcasters even make one mention of this colossal blunder. Put him on that team last year they probably win a championship, he's that good. He also trade Lively who was a big part of why Dallas beat us. Again, we might win it all with him. Glad we got Hart but we gave away two better players already.

  4. okc culture is the reason why ihart moved and it’s also the reason why joe and wiggins signed these underpaid deals. culture is something money can’t buy and i would not be surprised if in the future smaller contracts are taken simply to stick together.

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