@New York Knicks

[Fred Katz] The most important moment of the Knicks’ offseason is yet to arrive. On Friday, Jalen Brunson will become eligible for a contract extension. Will he sign it?

[Fred Katz] The most important moment of the Knicks’ offseason is yet to arrive. On Friday, Jalen Brunson will become eligible for a contract extension. Will he sign it?

by ReturnOfAKidNamedTae


  1. Soggy_muffins55

    If og is paying for all those dinners like u and josh said… maybe brunson can afford that pay cut. He deserves the bag tho so whatever he chooses as long as he’s a Knick I’m elated

  2. Hes gonna get the bag next season. Will probably take a small discount to help re-sign the rest the of the nova guys but not this big of a discount.

  3. GKRForever

    No way. He could tear his ACL today, not play a game this year, and still get the max from the Knicks next year. He’d be leaving $100M on the table.

  4. NYerInTex

    I expect a huge signing by Brunson Friday, tens of millions a year.

    Highest paid assistant coach in sports history!

  5. jbrunsonfan

    If he signs, we can probably extend Randle early as well. If he doesn’t, then we will have big Qs heading into next offseason

  6. Yankeeknickfan

    I still need to see it to beleive it, but it’s more on the table after the bridges trade

  7. YanksJetsKnicks

    I’d be shocked. We already made our big trade and we saw what OG got. JB deserves his bag.

  8. Pablo_Undercover

    He’d be stupid to sign this season imo. His value is about to absolutely explode, he shouldn’t sell himself short

  9. Doggydog212

    If he doesn’t sign this extension he’s gonna sign the more expensive one next year, but either way we are keeping him. So very stupid if you ask me to say this was more important than trading for Bridges or signing OG

  10. NYdude777

    The amount of “fans” who root for giant contracts that actually hurt the team is crazy. Thankfully JB is smarter than them and understand keeping a strong team requires sacrifices from everyone.

  11. JNerdGaming

    guess we’ll see if that report is still accurate

  12. Urban_Introvert

    Before OG’s signing I was leaning towards the belief that he’ll sign that extension. I thought Rose would’ve gotten OG to agree to like $37-39M per year as opposed to $42.5M. So I think because of OG’s contract (which he 10000% deserves), JB will wait it out instead.

  13. idc who u are. leaving 100M dollars on the table is such an insane thing to do that i cannot fathom him doing it. idk a single athlete who has done that let alone NBA

  14. daftmonkey

    I have no idea what’s going to happen on Friday, but it’s a 100% lock that this has already been negotiated and will not in anyway negatively impact the team.

  15. If he wants to keep the Villanova core together long term, he might sign that extension as a favor to the FO for getting Bridges.

    Either way he’s going to be a Knicks legend and will probably have whatever positions that he wants to life in MSG. His family certainly isn’t hurting for money or opportunity.

  16. Saucy_Totchie

    Barring something insane he’s staying no matter what. It’s just a matter of Brunson going with the sure thing signing now versus waiting to sign the bigger contract which can come with some risks. Definitely other things to think about though and it’s ultimately his decision. He’s certainly worth every penny though.

  17. confuddly

    He probably would’ve before the offseason started, but look at the money that was handed out this summer.

    Quickley, who wasn’t good enough to start over Brunson, just got 35M a year. Maxey got 40. Brunson probably sees all these contracts and realizes that this is too big of a discount

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