@Golden State Warriors

Steph: “I mean, I can clearly say I want to be a Warrior for life. It’s always been my goal, & I’m saying that sitting in this chair right now, but like you said, life, & especially life in the NBA, it is a wild environment, & things change quickly.”

Link to direct source.

by taygads


  1. ImperialTiger3

    We were all upset that Klay left, but a lot of us understood what’s happened to take us here.

    If Steph leaves, we riot.

  2. System_Lower

    sound like you might have overreacted u/taygads

    You a few days ago: “Just remembered Steph is eligible to sign on for an extra year this off season. Good luck with that now MDJ/Lacob lol. Dray was given 3 + player option almost certainly because they expected Steph to extend for another year which would have them lined up all together. Fat chance that happens now, which means another unintended consequence of this clusterf*ck is that we all get one less year of Steph, including Lacob’s pockets…”

  3. Popps2315

    We need to superglue him into that chair he’s sitting in right now

  4. ButtonMashKingz

    If things don’t improve next season, I could see Steph forcing a drastic change like when Giannis told MIL he’s dipping if they don’t make big trades.

    Obviously that didn’t work out for them LOL, but I can see a similar thing happening.

  5. Djjettison88

    I think Klay leaving is setting up Steph to eventually leave too, if this team doesn’t improve. I don’t believe Steph will leave for another team, I’m under the belief he will retire.

    He may even retire before LeBron. Yeah, that’s my hot take on a Monday morning.

  6. Altruistic-Twist-379


    But for real i would lose it if this mf leaves. I SWEAR

  7. D3struct_oh

    He’s not going to like missing the playoffs for a second year in a row, not to mention more shenanigans from Draymond.

    This will be his last season with the Dubs.

  8. gavinashun

    Best thing for Steph and the team is to trade him. This core will no longer be a contender ever again and needs to start a true rebuild. And Steph deserves a chance to contend for more championships.

    Sad but true.

  9. SnooStrawberries7894

    Steph gravity in term of audience and sale is huge, would be stupid to move him. Just by having a warrior for life, imagine the merch and events you can do with him in the future, and not talking about recruitment after retirement. Young players look up to him. Keep him, pay him.

  10. liteshadow4

    If he wants to compete he’s gone, otherwise if he’s fine putting up numbers on a bad team, he stays.

  11. MixInfamous6818

    sorry man, Lacob prioritizes Kuminga over you

  12. hidey_ho_nedflanders

    I’d rather sell the Golden Gate Bridge than Steph

  13. Top5hottest

    We are probably a couple more years from this sub turning on him too.

  14. This is Steph’s team. He’s too close to the end of his career to deviate from his desire to play with one team. I honestly don’t think he leaves unless the front office suddenly takes an evil turn for the worst lmao. I think as long as they’re TRYING to win and making moves that align with that then he stays. So with that being said… let’s trade those picks so Steph doesn’t have a reason to think about it 😉

  15. sugarwax1

    This off season is the first time they actively did crap that might mean they don’t expect him to play out his career here.

    I guess there were smaller things like using the 2nd pick, putting GP2 on the roster, not bringing his brother in law back, but this has to be the first time he’s looking around at who he’s playing with and having a think. All those moment where Steph’s on the bench givng the death stare….having Klay and Dray around gave some cover they’re not going to have now.

  16. New_Function_6407

    He also said he loves the bay and that it’s home and that they aren’t leaving.

  17. EloWhisperer

    I doubt he leaves. He has too many roots planted here plus he doesn’t really need the money

  18. christ0fer

    I’d bet Steph wants more rings than LeBron. Will MDJ help him get there is the question.

  19. GSWarriors4lyf

    Wow Steph, he probably looking playing in Hornets uniform someday.

  20. Spirited-Sea-4047

    all ima say is MDJ and Lacob better be cooking up something lmfao this the first time i’ve ever heard steph say anything like this

  21. slavicmaelstroms

    ….aaaaaannnnnddddd this is why we need a playoff spot this year

  22. Lacob – “Leave if you want, I already have Kuminga on this $200m extension”

  23. Shamanboi408

    🥲 hope the org does everything to make bro happy cause this quote is scary

  24. IceColdTrey7

    Bron requesting a trade by deadline don’t worry

  25. Chad2Badd

    Steph: I wanna be here forever!! But if y’all don’t get me some help, imma bounce to win a 5th ring

  26. mooncolours

    Steph is going to retire a Warrior. But what this quote tells me is that he’s definitely not settling for a rebuilding team and the front office knows he’s not ok with it. The roster def isn’t don’t at the moment and they’re gonna make a move to add another star alongside Steph.

  27. Marcostbo

    I like this interview. It’s a strategy to put some pressure on the organization

  28. yfmyakwtfgoyerrr

    No Steph on the warriors is like pooping without a toilet, it’s just a pile of shit that sits there 😭

  29. kinda_guilty

    Well, this gets the blood pressure right up.

  30. JackPiece03

    Really depends how greedy he is. If the warriors actually win one in the next 2 years, he should retire after. If he plays as long as he feels he’s able, he absolutely won’t finish a warrior

  31. juri_hairy_pits

    Most likely will request a trade to the lakers after bron retires. LA trying to recruit stars for retirement

  32. New-Discount5995

    Steph’s a quiet dude who would never say anything unprofessional. But he’s also a cold hearted killer of a competitor.

    I have no doubt he gave the Ok for Klay to go.

    I have no doubt he would leave to win again.

    I dont think the contract will be the issue- he is the business of GSW as an entity- i think even if the warriors offer him all the money in the world – he wont stay unless he sees a path to win another ring. Dubs gotta make sure they bring in talent and contend.

  33. EmploymentDizzy1307

    Warriors need to do whatever they can to make sure he’s a Warrior for life. Don’t care how washed he is at age 40, if he’s still playing, pay him and keep him here. They owe him everything. The franchise has 100x in value because of him.

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