@Sacramento Kings

What type of player should the Kings target next?

What type of player should the Kings target next?

Sports hey car Michael Dave hey Jason Ross question for you answer for you so we just had Hudson call in we’ve had others on YouTube and in the text line suggest or talk about kosma which I think if you got someone like him he probably does go into the starting lineup and you Shuffle things around great call from Hudson by the way yeah so I think that’s a route the Kings can go I think everybody would agree that they’re probably um need a boost in the front court now what if the Boost is a different plan and it’s a bench guy which might be also part you know a uh I’ve seen people talk about Isaiah Stewart sadique Bay uh Doug mcder I don’t know just different names out there yeah um because I think they need a little bit more there but if it’s a someone like Trey lyes in a sense that will help you but it’s Off the Bench does it help you if that makes sense like if you’re still kind of guard heavy and starting lineup a little imbalanced yeah I because I don’t know that they’re definitely getting a starter if they look to make a move yeah I don’t I I just I honestly don’t know I obviously we’re talking about they lack size down low yeah uh they lack defense down low um because literally they could get another big man let’s just say someone like Alex Lyn like yeah they got more but right but you’re not playing like they had javil mcke and Lenn and at one point you’re like H you’re just going to play one of them as a backup or they played ly and played smaller anyway I think that might end up being the move and and kind of like what we talked about if we look at the history of Monty McNair in that front office it’s all right let’s inch forward a little bit okay we got a little bit better here now we’re gonna get a little bit more better we still have all our draft Capital with the exception of The Herder pick you we still have movable pieces yeah you don’t have to move herder now no you don’t even have to move herder oh you don’t but in herder and those picks you’ve got some you have salary plus you know things you can move around that are uh uh valuable and then and and to be honest I think this is also very fair they’re never going to say this but they’re probably thinking in that front office look we’re not winning a title this year so what’s wrong with seeing let’s take a look and see how this team does sometimes we things that you think are weaknesses aren’t weaknesses once they all play together they figure out oh you know what actually that’s not as bad as I thought and sometimes things you don’t expect to be strengths yeah become strength by the way to be fair sometimes things you don’t think are going to be weaknesses end up being a weakness and you see how it all plays out and then you go okay why would we want to spend all our Capital putting this team together when oh by the way there might be a problem that we need the tools to fix down the road and you want to wait until you have those tools to fix it yeah and I think you know the the thought of hey we’re not going to win a title this year that also needs to be fluid and my point being so two years ago when they kind of snuck up and all of a sudden were a three seed well a lot of times the Champions or the teams that get to the finals are three two or one seed doesn’t mean that’s given to you but the kings were in a position where a lot of things were favorable for them and and I don’t know that I thought they could have win won a title but if everything kept going right why couldn’t they have been OKC last year was not a playoff team the year before right and then they were the one seed and if they felt like Hey we’re not a championship team this year again I like the Kusa move I would have tried to have done that during the year last year like hey you’re the one seed take advantage of where you are right now and see if you can FastTrack this and sneak one out when maybe you’re ahead of your schedule so I think that’s something that needs to be fluid where if this year goes even better than you think hey then why can’t it be a kind of run type of year so I think that needs to be something that’s fluid well to your point okay see and this is where we always talk about not knowing we don’t know OKC might have gone after Alex Caruso last year and and they couldn’t get him or the price was too high and they just sat and waited s pressy and then finally got their guy there might be some of those folks that Monty’s looking at right now that the price is a little too high or they can’t get them but maybe the trade deadline maybe next year that’s when the The Bargain shop yeah what what’s the old saying and I don’t think this is an old saying I think I’m about to make it I’m about to make up a saying right now hold on you don’t want the store to announce once once in a lifetime Bargains the day you don’t have any cash in your pocket right perfect saying perfect shirt and maybe that’s what yeah but not sure maybe that’s what they’re doing they’re making sure that they’ve got money for when the Blue Light Special hits yeah and they’ve still got assets right and you’re right about Chicago in that sense maybe those players weren’t available or the asking price was too much because they were trying to get in as playing team and so worried about that now they’re just like hey take our guys like they’re rebooting we’re good yeah they were going for it to get in and see if we could do something they got in and not much happened and it’s not just take our guys when you look at the return they got for Caruso like you mentioned earlier and D rozan effectively uh uh they got uh DTE and Giddy and then not really even that much draft help at all that that is a what does Monty always talk about a distressed team right that’s a distressed team that’s trying to to do things and by the maybe next year that distressed team if the owner can you know put down his whatever he’s on maybe that distressed team is Phoenix yeah and maybe that’s that that next player ab and maybe there’s you don’t have to spend the toughest thing in the world for undisciplined people will go back to the money in the store thing the toughest thing for undisciplined people to do is to keep the money in their pocket and walk out of the store with nothing yeah and wait for the stock to restock and and that may just end up being what’s going on right now get a lot lot of questions today and I I I probably about nine of them so and and they all center around Walker Kessler and the idea I guess on that would be acquire Walker Kessler the assumption would be to start him at the five and put sabonis in the four I love Walker Kessler I think Kessler’s is already a Fant he’s not a superstar but he’s a guy that’s gonna get you you know 12 points 10 boards and three blocks a game and play tremendous defense he’s a shot alterer um I think I think at this point Kessler is not the guy you’d acquire to move sa bonus to the four they just shoot way too much of the same dir you’re definitely getting your defensive anchor but it’s going to bog down your offense and they’re going to steal rebounds from each other you’re just you’re not going to get the best of Walker Kessler because of sabonis and he’s going to take away some of sabonis is sabonis if you will right if we were gonna do something like that I still think a guy like Brook Lopez and and I’m not saying Carl Anthony towns what I’m saying is a Brook Lopez Carl Anthony towns type that they’re big and they can stretch that’s odds are who you’re playing with damont sabonis I’d love to see if they could get I’d really love to see if they could get Brook Lopez I I i’ think I think a a a fox D rozan Murray sabonis Brook Lopez starting five and you have Malik monk as your Sixth Man along with the rest of that I’d really love to see what a team like that can do considering Lopez is deadly from three it’s going to give you two and a half blocks a game yeah you’ve now and I you talk about Lopez’s age I was thinking a lot about that over the weekend I haven’t seen the numbers but I guarantee you Lopez probably runs 20 miles less a season than Damonte sabon is because he’s playing three quarters Court he’s in the he’s in the paint on defense he’s outside the arc on offense he’s running three qus of a court each time so Monty’s got a lot of options that we can throw out and explore yeah I just don’t think that they want to put Dam montis at the four he might be right and maybe it’s as much of a concern with him defensively guarding some fours as well as um kind of limiting in superpowers as the five I don’t know I just don’t see them doing that maybe that’s where you look at a a lot of people throw out Bobby Porto’s name Buck yeah you just don’t feel like these guys are necessarily you’re talking about a championship caliber team in Milwaukee and those are two massive pieces to that they’re not Giannis but they’re pretty big pieces yeah can you find some of these other things like the Sixers getting all that uh assets coming in they cut a guy like Paul Reed who served as a backup to like that’s a name I think that should be talked about now how how often they use him but I I I just feel like to me the Kings need a few more six eight to seven foot guys and to your point about a guy like Paul Reed who who doesn’t PE the paint off the walls necessarily but what they need to be able to do is be switchable let’s be honest being smaller down low I’m not I’m not doing an endorsement here being smaller down low that’s not an issue against a lot of teams right there’s a lot of teams that are built the same way or even smaller you just W to have the ability that when you are facing a team that’s big you know Minnesota when you go up against Timber you want to have the ability to do something to adjust those minutes so hey maybe maybe you’re new 68 69 610 guy there’s some games he’s coming off the bench seventh eth playing 15 minutes there’s other games he’s a first guy off the bench or second guy off the bench and he’s playing 25 minutes a game you want you want that that that arrow in your quiver I guess yeah and you know we talked about when we talked to Chuck sori earlier the Bulls announced he’s like look we were they were playing um Caruso at four defensively he was guarding just bigger guys and so you know that’s what we’re hearing someone like Devin Carter when healthy can guard multiple positions you want people that can do that more than than not but um I still think there’s some defensive concerns up in the front for the Kings we got a break here uh I’m just kind of running into uh but I’m gonna I’m gonna throw a name I haven’t been I haven’t heard talked about yet okay this is a guy that would fit into the the uh the mid-level exception they have okay uh he’s mid 20s uh 610 235 is and I’ll just give you his per 36 numbers you know he averaged uh I don’t around 24 minutes but I’m you know as a backup big somebody to help out this guy per 36 averages 20 points uh 12 boards a little over a block a game on 58% shooting not that great from the free throw line 71% but he’s somebody that would fit in the ml he’s 25 years old 20 points 12 boards uh per 36 and his his overall averages last year for example a little over 13 points eight boards uh just under block a game would that interest you I think I know who this is do we know this player we do intimately here in Sacramento honestly that name was mentioned the other day and they said that uh fitwise right now yeah I mean honestly right now yeah would the fit be bad let’s put it this way it wouldn’t be popular it wouldn’t be popular but it would be a lot better than it was and different expectations right right much much different expectations are you going to say who it is I was kind of waiting for you I’ll have you say it when we come back we’ll uh I’m I’m looking at the wrong team are you going to torture them not to torture

Now that DeMar DeRozan is a Sacramento King, what move should GM Monte McNair make next to upgrade the roster? Carmichael Dave and Jason Ross discuss.

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  1. Kings need a big who on offense can stay out the paint and shoot 3’s and set screens.Sabonis needs the paint clear cause when forced to run offense above the free throw line is when defenses shut Kings offense down.Quit putting the brakes on pushing this team to get to the next level.Fox has a time limit he wants to see a legitimate shot at making the Finals in western conference.We don’t need to see what a team with one dimensional players can do for you.Brooke Lopez/Jaren Jackson jr. type is needed.

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