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Exclusive interview: Devin Booker talks past Suns season, new coach and trade rumor

Exclusive interview: Devin Booker talks past Suns season, new coach and trade rumor

what were you looking for mentally to kind of move on to the next chapter how does that go for you typically uh I just lay low you know what I’m saying kick it with the family watch the rest of the playoffs you know just pissed off most of the time but you know you come to the realization there’s one winner and you know it takes a lot and you know the Boston Celtics I think we’re step ahead of everybody from the chemistry and team department and you know use that as field to get better how do you evaluate last season as a whole now with with that time to look at it and figure out what went right what went wrong and what to take into next year from all of that I mean just understand it’s not going to be easy you know it’s not something that you know is going to happen quick um you know so I think having that experience having that hurt together and now you know getting a chance to keep our same core and come back would be you know be a step forward for us coach Bud comes in what have your initial conversations been with him like and what do you expect from a style of play from him you played it in in the finals you know what it is exactly u i mean he’s a winner he’s a champion he’s done it multiple times um he’s very punctual you know what I’m saying he he knows what he wants he’s communicated that already um we’ve had short conversations I’m sure you know there’ll be more getting closer to the season but it’s a really good golfer too I did around with him did around did around are you still getting out there enough this year or was that I know a couple years ago yeah I’m still deep in it um I have some work to do do you have a handicap yet are you are you that official now yeah I can’t say it right now though I have some member guests coming up later in the summer so ask you in October we gotten a couple more rounds and then we’re good how do you look at this year now going forward because last year you guys make a big trade in the late September everyone kind of forgets that part another full year with Kevin Brad is going to be healthy at the start of the year just how do you in are you just the anticipation must be goinging right yeah I me we just get better we use this experience right here to to build that uh like I just said I’m in some of the best shape of my life and you know might take a little bit of time off after this experience but just keep it running keep it keep it moving into next season keep getting better you no stranger to trade rumors they do not avoid you they avoid you for a couple of years but your name’s back out there you know how to deal with that right they say my name this I ain’t heard much this summer but name’s been around good job your people not having your name in front it’s been it’s been around teams are interested in seeing how the next couple of years go for you apparently to kind of they’re they’re the vultures are circling is the way you would put it you’re used to this though right yeah man that’s the that’s the nature of our game nature of the business um gets people something to talk about I know your basketball goals are always there you’re always going to improve personally do you have any goals mentally anything like that that you’re looking to do this offseason go into next year I just win a goal you know rep the country and you know then get everybody on the same page and start the journey in next year thank you so much as always man appreciate you

Kellan Olson talks with Suns superstar Devin Booker about the past Suns season, new coach Mike Budenholzer and trade rumors.

Video/Photo: Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports and Phoenix Suns/NBA

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