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Simone Fontecchio Resign With Detroit Pistons For 2-year $16 Million | Will He Start This Season?

Simone Fontecchio Resign With Detroit Pistons For 2-year $16 Million | Will He Start This Season?

wanted to kind of get back into free agency and the Pistons resigned a guy that they traded for last year in Simone fanto and I I kind of wanted to get your take on this the numbers seemed kind of low for me like two for 16 two years for $6 million I I feel like if you know Troy was here it would have been like two for 35 yeah it does seem like the previous regime placed a high priority on uh fono and like what he brought to the team and I really I really like the way he played last year I really liked the the way like again just as like a wing guy who could shoot like that was something the Pistons desperately needed um I was also surprised I was more surprised by the length of the deal than the number um Simone is obviously a um an older like a young like a rookie or not like he’s a he was still very restrictive free agent like very early in his NBA career but I think he’s 27 right now and so like that’s that’s an unusual circumstance so I I wondered if it was a way for him to um be on the Pistons but like still go back into the market in a couple years when the cap is GNA be really big and so like that that eight million right now might be the same as like 15 or 16 in a couple years so uh so yeah but I I love the signing um he was a guy I wanted to bring back um I again like I did think he played really well with Cade and he fit really well with the team it’s very easy to imagine uh the kind of role he will play even on like this team like uh again as as we talk about uh building a team with shooting around Cade like he accomplishes that he’s a better Defender than like the Beasley and the Tim Hardway Juniors that we’ve talked about already um he’s got a little bit more size he’s he’s a little bit more like athletic and fluid than I thought he was um coming into this or coming into the season and so yeah I’m I was I was pretty happy with it but yeah like you I was surprised that it was like just eight Mill a year and just two years yeah I’m uh I’m 100% happy that I was wrong because I did a podcast earlier with uh Pistons thoughts and me and him really good maybe 20 million a year like we were way off because like I I thought that’s like the type of bag he could command because he’s a really under underrated player into your point like he’s sneaky athletic like he doesn’t seem like a guy that could just you know put the ball on the floor and dunk on your head like you look at him you’re like oh it’s just a spot up shooter he’s not gonna not gonna do anything but I was happy with like how how cheap the deal was but to your point maybe you know the two years is just kind of dipping his toll in the water and maybe he wants to sign with a contender in two years you never know yeah I mean and again like as a restricted free agent uh like it’s a whole complicated process to get him to go to another team and so even if he’s like hey like I want to be in Detroit but I also want the opportunity to be a you know unrestricted free I want to be able to pick where I’m going to go in a couple years maybe that’s Detroit Detroit maybe Detroit’s a great situation to be in two years from now but um like for now like if I’m gonna be here like let let’s make it a short-term deal it’s like okay like I hope that works for him I hope he I hope he has a lot of success here in Detroit because like that that will mean good things right even as we talk about uh like Ron Holland and assar like he’s a guy who should be playing over those guys like right now right and in two years you you hope Ron Holland is like in that in that lineup like doing what a lot of uh or playing playing a lot of those minutes probably not doing the exact same stuff Simone does but playing playing for the team we because I’ve seen this debate across Twitter and know this is kind of like kind of going off subject do you see him more Off the Bench as a second unit player or do you think they just put him in the starting lineup to provide more spacing for Kade I would start him I would start something along the lines of like Cade Beasley Simone uh Tobias and then um and then like durren that that like that’s that’s what I would go with I understand the um I understand the idea of splitting up like essentially like splitting up Simone and Tobias to allow you to play like one of AAR and Ron and like not have two non- shooting Wings on the floor at the same time or if you have you know multiple Wings on the floor like one of them can’t shoot but one of them can um but I think if if the point again is to just like put as much spacing around Kate as possible like that to me means playing Simone like with Kade and um I I presume like assar will play I don’t assume like Ron Holland is going to play right away he’s one of the youngest guys in this year’s draft I think he just turned 19 I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t really see Ron Holland like in the rotation featured heavily until like January or February right yeah I mean to your point I think AAR defensively offers more as of right now um but to your point maybe they kind of bring Holland off slower because they don’t really need him to start like right now like he can kind of you know watch learn go up against second unit guys and just develop that way yeah and I think it’s been I don’t know it’s been Sinker swim for a lot of the Pistons rookies over the last couple of years especially as they’ve been bad it’s like okay well let’s run these guys out and see what they got and I think that like I think that was like a little bit of what Monty was trying to do like hey like we want you to earn the opportunities and and play well enough they just like didn’t have the talent to block some of these guys from playing play um but Simone like like Simone right now is a much is a much more complete NBA player than Ron Holland is like you you expect Ron Holland to get there but like again he’s 19 he’s not gonna come for him right away um Malik Beasley is a much more a like we know what Le Beasley brings to an offense and if he’s shooting the ball well it’s like that’s a dimension we need perhaps like more than Jaden iy’s like ball handling like in the starting lineup like next decade right and so yeah it’s like there’s going to be lots of uh there’s uh you can play guys and you can know what they bring but guys so the young guys will have to earn their minutes but it’s also uh these are short-term commitments right like Beasley’s here for one year Simone’s here for two years it’s like there’s a clear Runway there’s a clear path for guys like Ron Holland uh to play it’s just like not right away right yeah which I think is the right approach like you don’t want to just throw them out in the fire kind of like how like you look back to like the 2020 Draft when they just like threw like Isaiah Stewart and killy and all those guys and sadique out there and like I guess that’s I guess it’s a different philosophy I guess if you ask coaches like because some coaches will just throw them out there and let them develop and you know learn their mistakes but other coaches will kind of like have them play but if you make a mistake you’re like sitting out like I vividly remember Van Gundy like ripping out Stanley Johnson every time he miss a defensive assignment maybe Baker staff could kind of be like a similar type of philosophy in terms of like like not developing bad habits with like you know mishaps and stuff like that but we’re going to have to wait and see [Music] oh [Music]

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Laz Jackson of the Detroit Bad Boys the topic of discussion was Simone Fontecchio coming back to the Detroit Pistons and if he will start this season?

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  1. They probably told him that they would give him more money next contract if he stays but they want to get the team all the help they can get.

  2. Cades assists probably go up by 3. Making him a allstar caliber guy. And if he gets injured, ivey slides right in to the starting point guard spot. Trajan langdon is the man

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