@Detroit Pistons

I Finished Off The Detroit Pistons!

I Finished Off The Detroit Pistons!

yo what’s going on guys crispy flakes here I’m not going to lie like literally three seconds before hitting record I have stubbed my toe welcome to the Detroit Pistons finishing off video we are going to finish off Tobias Harris K cuningham Paco and the rest of the off season because I woke up this morning I was like I want to have just a wacky time and what’s wackier than getting back into the rebuild game in 2024 for man take quick sip of do here what a do flight crew tastes like chemicals man um okay also um ultrasound for baby baby flakes this Friday so excited I would love your guys’ positive vibes in the comment section below but beyond that let’s get going on this rebuild here man we got NBA 2K 24 I’ve not touched this game since the launch essentially and maybe a few rebuilds here and there um but yeah man we got the update rosters and everything probably do like a two season rebuild just kind of you know the Pistons brought in a new front office New Management all that you know new coach it’s just a whole new age here in Detroit and uh I think so far the team’s going in the right direction I’ve really liked this off season I give it a B+ as of right now um but right now man we got Kate Cunningham who was just signed to that you know Max extension that rookie can take and uh yeah I’ve been seeing a lot of people kind of talking trash about Kade Cunningham man like just saying oh he needs space that’s that’s an excuse like if he needs space he’s a garbage player and just can’t get it done what are you talking about Phyllis bro you g to tell me man 1970 spacing around K Cunningham that’s his fault man averag like what 25 points what about what was it six seven assists with AAR Thompson on the Baseline Corner three bro Beast Sue out there flat footed as heck come on man they went out there and got some shooting though don’t you all worry so Kate Cunningham I’m expecting to have I don’t even know Allstar season to be honest um Jaylen Duran early on in The Season’s goingon to tell me a lot about this kid right here man very early on this season because towards the end of last year he really was not playing with a motor now at the same time he was playing well for Troy Weaver and U money Williams and and the likes of them and uh it just I guess yeah when you want like a a 35 game losing streak it’s kind of hardly motivated but if he starts this season and he’s slipping up defensively not out there ready to go which I think he will be by the way um then that’s maybe a little thing of concern there right man and then we got Tobias Harris the most hated man in Philadelphia I don’t care what anybody says about about Tobias Harris man two years for $2 million contract that’s exactly exactly the contract he needed in Detroit exactly the contract we need needed him to have okay because what’s going to happen now is that he’s either going to ball out Bo YMCA style and be dropping you know 25 points a game and we trade him for something good ideally or he’s gone in two years and we got a lot of money freed up but I think most importantly you know he’s not only going to be going to a contract year after next season but just the the the the trade value of a guy like Tobias Harris on an expiring deal man in this scenario you know feel had him on a large contract we all know that uh you got J and Ivy you know man I I don’t know like when I find myself talking about uh the likes of the core of uh you know Cunningham Ivy assar Duren and it’s like okay if one of those guys had to go who would it be and I always find myself leaning towards jayen Ivy and it’s it’s not because I like that it’s not CU I I hate him or anything I mean I I think he’s a fantastic player and I’m really curious to see if this new shooting coach can kind of maybe get his jump shot for him a little bit higher he’s a a little Hing you with it at times so uh you know he he needs to be able to play off ball though he needs to be able to play off ball uh with this team and I don’t know man I I love Ivy I just sometimes like the fit with him him and Kade Cunningham it don’t give me that Chanty rip Vibe all the time you know so I’d like to see Ivy kind of moving more off screen just kind of getting open that way become a really good catch and shoot player would be fantastic I hope he could become that because you’re not a point guard man you you you could be a point guard but you’re playing shooting guard for this team and it’s just just you got to be able to shoot that rock man so I’m really hoping the best for a you though um assar Thompson make that corner three bro you’re good to go okay you’re good to go at that point Fant Teo one of the best bargain contractors in the NBA 28 years old absolute Sharpshooter man shot like 43% for three last season got beef stew I mean sometimes I see beef Su and I’m like yeah he’s fine other times it seems like I don’t like you I don’t like you as a starter especially at Power for which thank God is not going to happen this season so maybe I’ll like you off the bench beef St little Jason maxel style man um just a 68 bundle of energy I think Jason maxel was more like 67 was Dunk Contest one year though College D contest that is uh yes do I mean we’ll see Sasser old head rookie last year had some nice Shining Moments other times you want to rip your hair out um I I like Sasser but I I just don’t know if if it’s ideal to keep him as our backup point guard if we’re trying to improve I much more rather go for a backup veteran point guard in my opinion but we’ll see and then we got Malik Beasley we just signed the other day I didn’t really get a chance to talk about him too much man so yeah Malik Beasley I I loved him this year in Minnesota I was really talking him out back in the day um then ended up having a season where he wasn’t as efficient get as many shots or anything like that man played for the Lakers for a bit and uh I don’t know uh 6’4 was he yeah he was on the Buc this previous season I forgot it’s 2K 24 got everything updated man but um yeah Malik Beasley I like him off Off the Bench probably not as a starter so he should not be starting but some instant offense Off the Bench yeah I think that’s definitely a good solid role for him probably not going to do too much outside of that though not really we play no defense or off the men and I’ve got Ron Holland Just Jack of all traits type of player in my opinion um I don’t know man like I I I I do know that Ron Holland I’m just going to say it if he gets a chance to start and play consistent minutes I think he could be Rookie of the Year hear me out I’m not being biased hear me out man the reason I say that is because a lot of people yell at him about his deficiencies a dude was like 17 18 years old taking these shots in NBA Style Tempo against grown ass men man he was 17 years old 18 years old doing that he has that experience under his belt I don’t care that the G League ignite win 2 and 28 yeah a team of 17y olds playing against NBA players ain’t going to win a lot of games but you watch the prospects and see okay is this the guy that can work in a system in NBA system with all the vets and everything that NBA team has to offer I think the answer is yes for Ron Holland and I think playing with Kade Cunningham you know Ivy I think is going to open up a lot for him and uh he’s got to be able knock down the jump shot he has to be able to do that but man his athleticism his defensive potential like he’s been playing against NBA players so he can if he can do what he did then here just more efficiency then yeah I think it be Rookie of the Year just my thoughts man Tim Hardway Jr 75 overall for Timmy come on Co that’s not very nice I think he’s a little bit better than that kind of want to bump him up a little bit just for realism I don’t think he’s a 75 okay I’m gonna bump up he’s not 75 but 78 come on do shot really nicely 82 for that I’ll give him a 76 76 was a 78 last year started off the season really well did not end it well which is why 2K started hating man I don’t really know much about wend Del Mo either I really don’t don’t know what damn thing you’re not GNA play on my team probably bro and then we got Bobby Clinton who I love I love this skin I’ve been watching so many of his highlights I hope he gets a chance this season I think he might need one year in development maybe so he might not get that chance this year but watch out for this kid man um I think he could be this team’s rashed Wallace and I only say that because a power forward to 610 only only comparison there man so don’t take it too deeply um I think Buddy’s gone you a my buddy pale you ain’t my pale guy you ain’t my guy buddy I don’t know who Jenkins is he ain’t Leroy all righty so the first thing we have to do is decide is there anything else we want to do well this off season here man and uh I think I’m going to go ahead and drop these dudes here so we can make sure that we have some roster spots to go for some more free agents um so right off the that you know first we want to talk about expectations for this season man like do we want to go all in this year and try to make the playoffs and if you ask me the answer is I want you to be competitive but I mean look at this draft class Cooper flag obviously number one pick but me personally I like Bailey I think Bailey is going to be I don’t know you might call the next carar Anthony perhaps this dude’s name is Dink dual income no kids that’s what that means yes why you ever watch Doug the cartoon Mr dink I think that’s what it means it took me a long time to realize that I always thought it was kind of a dirty word uh come on Mica how tall are you 72 oh baby I mean Duren I love you but I take this kid right here too man um but as far okay what are some positions that the Pistons actually need though cuz that’s another thing if there’s not a guy in position to need then do you really tank um I mean you do tank for a guy like Hooper flag let’s just be honest like that’s our instant starting small forward power forward day one but uh yeah I was talk about like a backup point guard maybe backup center so you know it might be okay to not you know be a the worst team in the NBA get the fifth f it might not be the worst thing if we don’t do that this video um I do want to look at the free agents though we kind of see who is remaining do I look around the camera thank you you said yes I do thank you that was very that was very polite very polite um all righty so tus Jones this is one guy that I was kind of think about so we’re negative 8.96 million so uh we’d either have to trade away some cap or we would have to get him via a s trade with uh who was he on before was it Memphis I believe um yeah I would love him as our backup point guard like he would literally be perfect Kyle Lowry I thought he was signed Marquel folz he kind of plays at the same Pace as Kade Cunningham which couldn’t be would you know might not be a bad thing to keep things consistent as far as the tempo from the point guard spot uh how much money is he asking for Man 10 million man we could afford Marquel F i’ I’ve always lik Marquel I ain’t G to lie I’ve always have but here some talking Gary Trent Jun I really don’t see that happening with Malik Beasley recently joined the team sadique Bay those times have passed bball Paul man could he be our backup center what’s his rebounding like a rebounds pretty solid post defense 69 so he’s an inch taller than beef stew so we got that going for us we got my dude Luke nard man you know I want to but I’m not going to say no I’m not going to say there’s not a chance but I’m pretty sure he’s restructuring a deal uh with the Grizzlies so I don’t unfortunately see that happening man um but there’s some solid free agents up in here to go after but uh I think I kind of want to go for tus or bball Paul for sure bro what’s he asking for or is that just my issue here is that can I switch up his position from the screen okay cuz I want to put him at Center and see what that does so it keeps him as a 78 okay so we’ll keep him there we’ll go ahead and negotiate that contract I’ll give him the one-year deal man we’ll do that bball Paul happily accepts his offer with the Detroit Pistons oh didn’t what’s available too bring the mayor back to Detroit don’t know if I’d be against it man um but all righty so we brought got ourselves bball Paul not to say that he needs well he’s already like the best player on the team so maybe we maybe he’s gonna stick around but no sa overall backup centerman um I’m thinking what I’m going to do is I’m going to package Sasser and beef stew and a trade together and the goal here is to go for a point guard um luckily s 76 overall which is pretty good you know only at $2.7 million it would need to be like a 79 80 point guard range though for me to really heavily go for it um I’ll even maybe even toss a future second round pick but not trying to trade my first away so let’s see what’s offered up we got Brook Lopez and Toren Prince now if this was Brook Lopez on the expiring contract and like a solid back of point guard I would have done it Carris Levert no thank you Derek Jones no thank you Marcus Smart I don’t are the Grizzlies maybe do they kind of need some another backup big because I don’t see this as the worst thing in the world because I kind of saw Marcus SM when he joined the team originally um kind of as a guy that was going to get them over the well John BR suspended for half the season or whatever so uh you know that allows the Grizzlies to save a little bit of money but they also get Sasser who’s 24 you know be a nice shooting uh guy you know point guard behind John R because play with John R you get be stew out there and you get a pick that might be the trade there man I was I’m actually loving that trade I really wanted to get Malik monk but that you know unfortunately didn’t happen can’t get them all right man can’t get them all but uh that’s by far our best offer and just instantly like Marcus Smart comes down to this team he sets a Tempo with the squad right I love it yes Marcus Smart welcome to the team and uh all of a sudden I am loving what’s going on here in Detroit we got Cade Ivy assar Tobias durren backup we got would I start Thompson in this case over fono I think I would especially with smarts man I what’s that three-point shot looking like bro you got to get that shot up bro you got to man you are you’re hurting us here cuz cuz I think AAR should be is that a B minus 70 I mean that’s cuz that’s my thing here man is that like I want to start a start he can’t shoot which I’m okay with because he does so many other great things I you got to be able to shoot bro killing me here man uh I think just for that reason I’m going to switch out fonio with the star thp so we got to have that spacing around Cade for him to play that optimal style bball out there bro can you imagine this off the bench like come on like defensively watch out Malik Beasley got Tim Hardway so yeah we got man that’s that’s no minutes for how though man I feel like I gotta I got to make a choice here I I do know that Tim Hardway is going to get minutes so do I my head hurts my head hurts so much man it’s like both these guys gotta play but BR H got to get going maybe we just see if Detroit could be a good team this season maybe Holland out there you know since he’s not playing we’ll be generous and make sure his Player Development we’ll say that he went to the G league and and did some things there m bro work on that drum for everything we’ll put him up to maybe next season to like a higher overall but we got some vets Pistons are trying to make playoffs trying to do some things that way so we’ll go base off that logic if that makes sense um and then fek I want to get him a few more minutes and yeah we can kind of decide from there yeah I feel bad not playing him though cuz I I I do want him to play but I just look at the make up of the team I’m just like is it going to happen you know what I’m sorry Tim Hardway or am I sorry easily I’m just going to throw up all over okay uh make my choice make my choice Tim Hardaway obviously he was the third lean scorer on a championship team come on all right that’s it that’s our lineup Marcus Smart fits in perfectly he got some buckets Off the Bench but now I’m like that spacing Off the Bench ain’t great and Beasley kind of fits more that way no beatball Paul can shoot right okay if this just blows up in our face it blows up in our face nothing I can really do about it man okay so for our offensive Focus how do I want the Pistons playing next season you know if they’re running it through Kate Cunningham it’s always a bit of a slower type of uh offensive flow uh get Shooters open I think we want to focus on that right I mean I want to get durran involved he kind of be more of a cleanup I don’t want to run it through Duren uh we only got yeah yeah yeah we got F Teo and the St La now yeah yeah uh we’re going to go with the average Tempo that’s how you know kid likes to run it I don’t really want to do shoot at will this team needs to really work on the chemistry first before anything we’ll do that do true defens of focus nope uh we are going to go ahead and limit perimeter shots I want this team aggressive on defense aggressive we’re going out there and getting players Cade we’re going out there getting players durren play some damn defense no excuses we got JB up in there he gonna make sure it happens hopefully we get fired at least don’t home as much as my own damn thing not my money um not my money Monte alrighty I think we are good to go I’m going to go ahead and Sim are we yeah we’re good right yeah that’s not a bad looking team man is it a playoff team I don’t know about that in today’s NBA but we’re going to go ahead and simulate this first NBA season see just how good this Pistons team can do let me tell you my guy I do not miss these NBA 2K 24 loading screens every single time I play this game I just sit there and just am so grateful and happy I don’t have to do this every single day anymore man this I’ve been sitting for three hours waiting for this thing to load not 3 hours but you know close enough but uh regardless man we are 46 and 35 10th in the power Rank and fifth in the Eastern Conference which I’m guessing Cade probably held himself one heck of a season because I can’t really made who El of U maybe MVP okay well yeah he’s not the great freak who is alexr Rookie of the Year 13 points seven rebounds y round you couldn’t do that I didn’t really give him a lot of minutes ah that is I mean that’s rookie of the year that I mean that just goes the show it’s it’s it’s up for grabs man it’s up for for grabs okay that’s kind of I want to know funny is the word but you know maybe a little chuckling little chuckling I feels like that should maybe be a yeah chuckling that’s a thing in the dictionary um let’s see all NBA first when byy making that Trey young having himself you know was a revenge tour or whatever the the the Swift D say um double double for the Clippers Co oh lamelo good to see you healthy good to see you healthy uh all right yeah we yeah all be rookie first what we got alexar Modis balis how’ this man do let me see them grades great I don’t know why it’s not like he’s getting tested or something um okay do and connect okay Stefan Castle okay all first okay Zachary Bret wow I mean it’s we’ll see what happens this season right okay so uh we got over here oh we about the Knicks in the first round yo we don’t got to do the playing tournament man we just get to go and play in the playoffs that’s really cool what’s that like uh let’s go to these player stats on the season see how the squad did for us whoops I don’t really didn’t do much okay man so minutes per game kayle in the way okay no points per game I love this this right here gives me 2004 Detroit Pistons Vibes you want to know why because you got our Chon to go ups at the top and you got everyone else doing one heck of a job being efficient working together playing Team Basketball it’s beautiful it’s winning basketball man it’s not flashy basketball ain’t nothing flashy about K to buas one two punch let me tell you but it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s good basketball man and I’m really happy here for the squad even if it’s just a video game probably not going to happen in real life so we got K yeah yeah the three-point shot something I really want to look at here I got that 31% F Teo at 34 that’s concerning Tim harway 43 though so we’re all better and uh assar Thompson at 16% come on man I don’t think this 2K does a very good job of like dressing players beyond that like not too much to say like double double for Duran um yeah I don’t really got too much to say let’s go ahead and I F we got to move on to the next season I’m not used to making playoffs man I’m like yeah let’s do the next off season it’s like no we got freaking series bro simu playing here we go first round New York Pricks clean my finger that doesn’t work CU I plural Pricks prickle yeah okay uh simulate round we out we out yo we W in seven yo we won in seven yo okay Mr big shot holl even get some run out there man rookie getting some valuable minutes hey yo Bobby damn it Bobby that was a bad impression erase that from your mind let me try again damn it Bob damn it Bobby nope I can’t my voice too deep damn it Bobby yeah I can’t do it damn okay you try pretty good all right Philly Philly cheese steaks we got your leftovers though Tobias Harris hey you got our leftovers Andre Drummond gave me food poisoning I’m just joking he ain’t that bad I don’t mind Andre no more he been showing love to Detroit um all right I’m not too afraid I’m going to consolidate though a little bit with the lineup because we got to run our playoff rotate come on Marcus time to heat up baby uh okay Ron Hollands next season bro okay we got get you know we got to divy up the minutes here to our star though um Tobias been playing really nice let’s get him about 34 a game Marcus SM about to lose your dang minutes I ain’t gonna lie man um Duran at 30 let’s get iy at 30 due to uh smarts struggles and let’s just go ahead and simulate rounds that’s that which is okay man I wasn’t totally you know really expecting us to win which I showing that Monty Faith um yeah I guess we probably should look at the uh playoff performances too because that’s also going to kind of help dictate who we keep around for the next season so can I look at my stats or is it just too little too late I think it’s too little too late too little too late sure is no it’s not says right in front of me we’re just blind because you didn’t see it either you s okay I gotta stop um well I’m not lie the same as the regular season stats which makes sense in a game that’s a simulation Marcus Smart you play like a little bro damn bro 28% from three come on 6 point 6.9 yet you really did 69 us man you 69 our chances he might got to be gone now after that that that’s some BS Marcus we’ll make it work we’ll make it work all right there you go yic get you another uh chip potato chip LeBron calling it good no you ain’t CP3 welcome back already say goodbye Al hor you can retire M you can retire Eric Gordon no who else what see Matthews really oh come on not out Burks unless they’re just the falling off or something I don’t know uh all righty man so we’re going to go straight to the well let’s I think we have a we should maybe have a pick of some sorts let’s see what happens right bro I can’t stand these simulation screens it’s just makes me want to puke uh I don’t know we have a pick do we we may maybe even make a trade if we want all right we got the 41st pick in the draft Yeah I think somebody else had our pick that season based off of it being out of the lottery so let’s uh let’s package that up with maybe a Marcus Smart and is there anybody else that yeah I oh dear is explaining he’s probably going to be gone then which is fine that’s just free money for us uh Holland bball PA’s expiring Fon y want to bring back Holland we still got okay okay nobody to really package it with to be honest that’s fine and I guess we are probably looking for Paul g a backup center and backup point guard so there’s two big guys right there I do not want to trade Bobby Jaylen no thank you that’s the thing it’s like he’s already an A2 overall point guard like are we really going to find better you know like in a trade cam Johnson I know Detroit’s kind of been eyeing him up a little bit oh Rob Dillingham from the t- wolv Y all my dude Rob Dillingham Dillingham killingham why I said killingham cutting him not killingham that’s that’s killan um okay so this is more of a it doesn’t really help us now type of trade though you know I think I’m gonna go ahead I think I’m G to pick up uh cam Thomas he’s just a really smart player and I just love him with all my heart I don’t know if I love him the emotion the emotions are confusing um I do not love him but he will play for my team I all the Raptors got Co Cooper okay most American name out there going to Canada Cooper flag going to the Toronto Raptors so we got Sasa sounds like my dog’s name Sasha not going to sign you though want my dog to play basketball higher airbud as a trainer uh more can go we want less less of more so that’s fine get the rest of the dudes back while find offers uh nothing there okay free agency time to reshape this team all righty so the first thing I’m going to do is with the addition of Cam Thomas I am going to probably trade away Fon Teo um Holland is going to be our probably backup man we could even maybe Tobias at this point because cam Thomas or Cam Johnson might have it on lock down I might do that actually bro cuz that’s kind of the point right like he’s playing good basketball now I just let him walk for nothing probably where Clinton in the rotation too if we need to but I’m thinking if we we we could package Tobias Harris for probably a backup point guard and maybe just like something else that’s kind of nice Johnson back up power forward even no S Thompson probably power forward cam okay yeah I got it all figured out here man we’re going to do this that salary kind of sucks though but we’re looking at Patrick Williams Oh I thought I read that is Patrick Beverly got really excited CU I was like why we still s overall I’ll take them backup point guard that is our that is what we’re looking for or I guess even just uh I was going to say expiring contract but yeah yeah well no no no no Nick Smith Jr Walker Kessler I mean that kind of fixes our defense stuff I really don’t want dur as a backup so I’m not going to do it oh here we go here we go Gabe Vincent Isaiah Joe Isaiah can you play some he can play some point guard you probably don’t want him to is my guess if you can confirm that OKC f Grayson Allen okay I’m not I’m not like in love with any of these tra oh I that’s just not going to happen Isa heart and brown Hollow too no way in heck man okay I think I’m gonna want to do this never smoke before video or during you guys just V though right maybe having a good time let know you’re still having a good time we can do that fonio can be traded for a backup point guard and we can just keep Tobias that could work come on give me something give me a backup point guard man yo there’s finally a Craig in the NBA what Craig Porter Jor Nick Smith is the Vincent’s fine it’s not great though that’s my thing man it’s not great I want to be great with this team if we don’t do anything this off season and we would wait till the trade deadline or something it’s like does there anybody here I really want to even sign in free agency like who’s here where it’s like oh my God give me this person all yeah we don’t got I mean we got some money though man we got some see now na Reed Dow Dow for a backup point guard there you know what okay okay I think I got it we got to save about $12 million DLo for our back off point guard going through his m Noy era would be pretty brilliant why’ I say brilliant like I’m in Harry Potter um okay so Harris so we got some small contracts there but man that this makes us I think it’s just Von teio P Teo what can this do for us can we just get a pick for him like is anybody wants to offer us up a pick there we go there we go all right we’ll do that to start things off so we’re trying to save some cap here to get DLo um can we do that yet or is it a d or a d no still currently a dino all right let’s move on let’s get out moratorium period okay so if we rounce rights on these guys that should free up up some monies Assuming he’s available he might just be signed at this point might get screwed okay we’re in free agency so there there we were talking you know what tus gota get tus that’s what I’ve been talking about all day all day we going a good Hefty contract man 13 million a season most I can offer him but that is perfect I love it I love it okay that is our backup point guard still got Tobias Holland he didn’t really play much uh last season so I’ll probably bump him up a little bit I’m probably going to bump up Holland and Thompson’s three-point shots a little bit not to cheat but just cuz they’re working with a new shooting coach that got fix Lou balls jump shot man and 2K is not going to for that I am if you don’t like it that’s okay I’m sorry sorry if I ruined the video for you um all right so we can do this we can do Holland at he said he place the backup shooting guard man there we go there we go small forward for RAR yep cam Johnson I’m thinking I’m back up power forward Off the Bench stard toar okay okay so we need probably a backup center backup center man KY is still there Kyrie uh do I want a guy like a brook I I feel like I feel like Brook Lopez gonna fall off big time like give me clink capella nope I can’t afford them so don’t give me them okay bro Lopez I’m sorry I’m please sign with me sign the contract there we go welcome to the team Brook happy to have you okay now we got the affordable play whoa I’m take himcome to pin Simmons you don’t get that Wallace treatment Gotta Give PA back too I actually really am happy I didn’t forget about him there we go b ball Paul okay okay okay we’re good there play of progression take a look at it see if 2K did it justice I doubt it three one okay that’s actually pretty good okay but we going to bump up them three-point shots man because they’re going to get better it’s not cheating I promise you that so assar you’re going to go up to a 70 I think he’s going to be able to make them Corner threes IV is at an 80 that’s fine be ball Paul Ron Holland at a 60 I’m going to put him at a healthy 77 is that fine I’m sorry want me so sassy okay uh let’s go ahead and advance to the next regular season I usually skip this part but let’s let’s talk for a little bit how y’all doing man um I don’t know offseason’s been kind of whatever nothing too exciting but also at the same time very exciting I guess Paul George is pretty exciting hey look at that good talk let’s play uh some basketball and talk about it and all that good stuff so for our lineup Kade Ivy Thompson Harris n we come long way this video tus Brooke cam Paul and Ben Simmons oh BR Holland you gotta start figuring some stuff out here man I don’t know what’s going on with you bro little bro but you got to figure it out we’re going to get you at 20 minutes a game because you got to play bball Paul split the difference cam Johnson only 18 I feel diabolical doing that but it’s all good and everybody else is pretty much split it’s just like hey this is uh Cage’s team and I like that our best player is the backup point guard but hey it’s going to work man it’s all going to work I promise you that because what I’m going to do is I’m going to switch up Cade real quick here you didn’t see this one coming did you man I’ve been talking about this forever secondary small forward that’s what’s going to make this work based off of absolutely nothing um but yes so I don’t think we really want to do anything else to the team I think we’re we’re good to go where where are they all at yeah that is that’s it that’s my team that’s going to somehow beat the Celtics in here let’s go ahead and simulate this final NBA season just see how good this new like Pistons team can do with God is my witness on this great day the d d DS the Detroit Pistons have made the playoffs but not only that as the first seed not only in the Eastern conf friend with the entire [ __ ] NBA we did it made the playoffs now we’re probably get swept by the Bucks okay uh one more game here against the San Antonio Spurs I just supp to play game I don’t want to play you Victor I can’t handle that today man oh my god dude what’s he doing bro dribling like Kyrie up in there man oh my goodness all right uh simulate uh simulate through date okay so yic MVP Cooper the MVP God the MVP of Canada Isaiah heart and I almost got Isaiah yo the NBA what is going on here bro I saw JB get that yo K all NBA second I saw JB get that coach of the year also yeah you would going from that piston situation to literally the top seed yeah that’s pretty dang good uh let’s go to the player sets on the actually I got to see the rest of the rankings too like what happened not only I mean we won 55 five games wow bro our defense we turn up with defensely bro that’s Detroit basketball man you all know I was that was that was a focus Point too and we were the best scorers that was not a focus point but it just kind of ended up happening okay uh let’s I want to see these player stats on the season and we got Yo okay that’s what I’m talk I tell you bro backup small forward man at times perfect for him perfect okay 26 points six rebounds eight assists very efficient season all around our three-point shot was still trash it’s like the it’s like it’s like even like the attributes attributes attributes they don’t do anything I mean I guess we were fine we still were were the best scorers out there so I guess something was clicking just didn’t think it was our jump shots Ivy secondly score at 24 and5 Tobias 1312 for dordan I mean just overall you just look at the team we got smart basketball players and Ben Simmons man like we got I mean bball Paul dropping that 6.9 come on I’m okay I got to stop okay gotta stop because today is not a day to make jokes bro today is the day talk about the Pistons making the playoffs it’s not a day to joke man that would not be a joke that would be the greatest day of my life up until my future child is born which won’t be before the season so yeah okay simulate playing I don’t know what I’m talking about yo we got the box in the first round I swear to God Ronnie if this is some STIs a joke I swear how is this team the eight SE this is not fair bro all right simulate simulate round son of [ __ ] Ronnie my dreams Ronald man bro you tell no wait wait I was we got swept also this is doin FS DIY Robert former Child Star great movie wow that is actually a sick twisted joke that’s actually a sick twisted joke like I’m not even laughing it’s literally a sick twisted joke like literally Ronald 2K provided me with the best record in the league at 55 wins we were five games in Fr on second place Cleveland and we just got sweeped by the Bucks and I know it’s the bucks but why are they the eight seed and why are they sleeping me why is y getting 20 free throws and why are there so many songs about rainbows and what’s on the other side I don’t know bro I’m okay man like overall I’m happy with the pistol season man we make the damn playoffs anyway


  1. Je suis impressionné par le génie intellectuel affiché ici. C'est comme se prélasser à la lueur d'innombrables étoiles.💝

  2. Questa conversazione ricorda il potere del dialogo di colmare le divisioni e favorire la comprensione. È una fonte di ottimismo in un mondo spesso diviso.🌺

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