@New Orleans Pelicans

Brandon Ingram should take a team-friendly extension from New Orleans Pelicans | Daniel Theis signed

Brandon Ingram should take a team-friendly extension from New Orleans Pelicans | Daniel Theis signed

if there’s no real trade market for br and Ingram is there a chance the Pelicans bring him back on a super team-friendly deal I’ll explain why that might be the best thing for both bran Ingram and the pels plus Daniel Ty is the newest Pelican and I’ll tell you what he brings to the team it’s the Tuesday episode of Locked on Pelicans let’s [Music] go you are locked on Pelicans your daily New Orleans Pelicans podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to another edition of locked on Pelicans the daily podcast covering your favorite team the New Orleans Pelicans in NBA part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day available wherever you get your podcast and available on YouTube I’m your host Pelicans Insider credential member of the media Jake Madison NOA Jake on Twitter here with yall on this Tuesday and we’re going to look at Brand Ingram’s potential future contract with the Pelicans because it doesn’t seem like there’s a very big market for him and maybe why he should take a Team friendly deal right now plus the Pelicans sign Daniel Ty what does the newest Pelicans big man bring to the team what’s his expected role this season as well and then yeah there’s definitely going to be another trade or two coming not just for the Pelicans but the NBA in general and I’ll explain why that’s coming up here in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the playoffs wind down the sports stops sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit uh to get started and of course thank you for making lock on Pelicans your first listen today and every day becoming every dayer we are the number one Pelicans podcast out there so please subscribe so will gillery friend of lockon pelicans regular guest last season like I got to ask him but should be again this coming year reported for the athletic that the Atlanta Hawks had no interest really in brain and Ingram including Brandon Ingram in a Deonte Murray deal and including one of their centers Clint capella or Ana aong Wu in a deal here and it was because they didn’t want to pay Brandon Ingram’s future contract and this seems to be the sticking point for Brandon Ingram and a Brandon Ingram trade in general no one seems to want to give him the max money you’re seen you know that second apron something we’ve talked a lot about here on lockon Pelicans when we’ve gone into the salary cap into the collective bargaining agreement and how that kind of like rules the NBA here that second apron and the lack of flexibility it gives you really scares off a lot of teams so if you’re not a max player you’re probably not getting Max money anymore we’ve had a couple of years of inflated salaries it seems like for a lot of guys and that maybe is now coming back down to earth a little bit and that’s maybe why a guy like de jonte Murray on a much team friendlier contract than Atlanta’s Trey young was the guy that ultimately ended up being moved so what does what does this mean you know at this point if Atlanta didn’t want brandan Ingram they could use a wing next to Trey young like him they really could if a team like the Cleveland Cavaliers don’t seem to have an interest in brandan Ingram with the redundancies they have at guard and Center position because it’s not that he’s a bad player they just don’t want to pay him and if he wants a Max well that’s going to present a problem but what this could ultimately end up leading to is him staying with New Orleans and signing an extension that’s a Team friendly deal because here’s the thing imagine if he was a free agent this year yeah maybe a team like Detroit would have signed him for big money but you’re not going to go win anything of note and Detroit for a couple of years and when you look at how teams were spending their salary cap space well it doesn’t exactly imply that he’ll have a robust Market in a year now I’ve said I don’t think it would be smart for the Pelicans to bring him into the onto the team next season without an extension and we’ll get into his extension here in a second but think about it from Brandon Ingram’s perspective if you start trying to project if you and your agent your representation right start looking a year from now go okay we won’t accept any extension from the New Orleans Pelicans that’s not a Max maybe we’ll just take our chances in free agency next year I mean everyone is basically screaming at Brand Ingram we’re not going to pay you what you think other otherwi a trade would have happened by now this is a guy that can go out and give you 255 and five a night and no one is lining up to give to to acquire that guy because of what his future contract is going to be you know is he going to have that type of Leverage in free agency that he thinks he will next season I don’t really know and team you know free agency doesn’t really exist like it used to and there were only a couple of teams with significant cap space this past summer and it got spent very quickly and brandan Ingram maybe could get that next year but maybe not and you end up seeing this the past couple of years where that like you know upper middle class of players which is what I would put BR Ingram in he’s not you know like a mid-level exception guy he’s better than that but he’s also not a top level type of player they often get squeezed and have to take like really subpar one-year deals how many guys have you seen signed for the mid-level exception around you know 12 million for a one two or threeyear deal for one year on kind of like a prove it contract Brandon Ingram next year could get kind of squeezed into that type of situation if he doesn’t start doing some planning now and so if New Orleans comes and offers him a deal that pays him 25 to 30 million annually which is probably where he should be for a player of his quality and for the limitations that he has you know that’s the type of thing that I think you know maybe he needs to start thinking about and this is how New Orleans could bring him back and sign him to a Team friendly deal and have you know pretty good team control over him and thus would raise his trade value but it also ensures for Ingram that he gets paid 25 million next year or $12 million that’s kind of the risk that he’s running against right now you know I do think there’s about a month or so that the Pelicans have to kind of figure this situation out I do think it would be a bad idea to bring him into training camp into next season without an extension but even if you can get a two-year deal done a 2-year extension a three-year extension that’s for medium amount of money I think that benefits both parties involved because brand Ingram’s taking a pretty big risk kind of betting on himself and look that’s good do that sort of thing like get money I agree with that I’m on the players side with this sort of thing but I think this is like very telling if you’re him and his representation and look you know and this is me being a little bit biased and not exactly knowing how all the details are going to shake out that’s the type of thing that if you’re his representation you probably need to call the Pelicans and be like okay so what’s the starting number can we come to some sort of agreement sooner rather than later because the longer this drags out it feels like it just knocks his value down even more and for the Pelicans look if there’s just no value for him this Summer and it doesn’t appear to be with that you know you could in theory go into next season without an extension you know you’ll move him at the trade deadline for pennies on the dollar at that point or just keep him and let him expire if some of the offers are just truly bad but if you can’t get anything for him now I mean it’s not like he’ll necessarily if he doesn’t sign an extension get anything for him later and so if the offers are trash for him well then you may as well just stick with them because it’s not like you’re losing out on much instead so I think there’s more to come with this scenario I think the most likely thing is he’ll end up being traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers we are firmly and we’ll talk about this in the third part of today’s show in the trade part of the off season summer League’s just around the corner we’ll have more on that here in lockon Pelicans soon and when that gets you know everyone out in Vegas maybe deals get done it becomes the center point you know the epicenter of the NBA for two weeks or so so that could be a time when something gets done and I think that could be kind of important to look at too but I think we’ll have you know an idea within the next month of what’s going to end up happening with Brandon Ingram but he could be putting himself in a position to lose or leave a lot of money on the table if he’s not willing to entertain what the Pelicans could be offering him right now now while they’re trying to figure all this out the Pelicans did go and make a signing Daniel Ty your newest Pelicans big and let’s break down what he brings to the team because he’s a bit of a different Center than what we’ve seen from other guys before that’s coming up here next in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans is brought to you by our sponsor better help do you often tend to compare your lives to others does social media play a part in that and what do you do when you caught up in Wishing your life looked like someone else’s you know comparison is the thief of joy and it’s easy to Envy other people’s lives and it might look like they have it all together on Instagram but in reality they probably don’t so therapy can help you focus on what you want instead of what others have so that you can start living your best life life 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please subscribe wherever you get your podcast join over 10,000 Pelicans fans on YouTube as well and become an everyday that means you listen Monday through Friday to locked on pelicans and if you’re an everyday let me know in the comments down below we’ll do another live show soon answer your questions but if you’ve got questions put them in the comments down below it’s the time where we can kind of really answer a lot of what you are curious about turn them into whole shows here so put your question in the uh comments down below it might turn into an episode of Locked on Pelicans so for your second listen locked on Saints Ross Jackson make cons sense of everything black and gold go subscribe to the locked on Saints podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day wherever you get your podcast and on YouTube as well so the Pelicans did something in free agency hooray it’s a minimum signing which is really all they can do at this point given that they’re hard capped at the first apron and we talked a lot about that in yesterday’s show if you haven’t listened to that one go give it a listen it gives you a lot of insight on to kind of how the Pelicans are operating at the moment here but they can make a minimum signing or two and given that you know it’s kind of getting to be slim pickings here in free agency doing something because they absolutely need some more front Court depth or just like bodies in general outside of Eve Mei and Zion Williamson making some sort of signing was a good thing to do before it got real just empty Barren and there wasn’t a whole lot going on there so they signed Daniel Ty and frankly I don’t hate this move I don’t think this is a significant move necessarily but I don’t think it’s that bad and for a minimum signing you could do a whole lot worse it’s worth noting that Daniel Ty you know was probably heading to Europe if the Pelicans didn’t side him looked like he was on his way out of the NBA you know he’s going to be playing for Germany in the Olympics here as one of their main guys as well but this is someone who is starting experience at the NBA is pretty mobile and has done it for like contending teams you know he played started his career with Boston has been was with the Clippers last season spent some time even though not many games with Indiana as well he’s been a little bit all over the place as a journeyman but this is a guy that is again mobile has a little bit of a size issue at 6 fo8 but the way I view him is is the replacement for Larry Nance Jr he can start in a pinch he plays a little bit bigger than you know his size indicates him to be and overall like you could do worse as a backup big man he’s you know about an average rebounder for the position not a lead I wouldn’t call him you know bad at it but I wouldn’t call him particularly great either he just does a lot of things particularly okay and that’s kind of what the Pelicans need and that’s what a minimum signing is going to give you for his career this is someone who’s averaged 7.4 points per game 4.8 rebounds you know he has a tendency at times to shoot threes I wouldn’t call him a good Court spacer I wouldn’t call him a court spacer at all I wouldn’t call him a good three-point shooter career 33% on one and a half attempts per game you know that’s not someone who’s going to space the court you know Larry Nance Jr shot better from three than Daniel Ty probably for their careers really has so it’s not the exact kind of player but it’s also you know probably the best the Pelicans were going to be able to do at this point in time and to just get some depth someone again who can start in a pinch give you some minutes there I do think that’s worthwhile yeah Larry n Jr has a better career three-point shooting percentage than Daniel Ty does but for a minimum signing you know for where you’re at in free agency right now and more on how they’ll get other pieces in the next segment here you know you could do a whole lot worse than this so I’m okay with this signing again it doesn’t really move the needle but they needed to do something the Pelicans likely need another Center coming in whether that’s through a trade whether it’s through free agency whatever it might be that’s kind of what you were looking at with this you know brand Ingram and you know we talked about it in yesterday’s show is likely the path to a starting center that’s how you’re going to get a major upgrade I think at that position but given what free agency was looking like just making a move right now was pretty smart you know it it doesn’t exactly limit options for the New Orleans Pelicans when it comes to the brand Ingram trade because it’s a minimum signing you can always do those that’s at least worthwhile for New Orleans to just get this piece of business done and there you go I mean it’s Daniel Ty right like this doesn’t need the the biggest breakdown the biggest reaction I think the biggest thing here we see is he’s more of a backup like this guy should not be the starting center for the team next season you know unless it’s an injury or something along those lines I don’t think he’s going to be a court spacer maybe he’s been working on kind of Reinventing himself to shoot more threes to you know extend his NBA career he did for the Clippers in 59 games last year shoot 37% from three but it’s on 1.2 attempts per game right he’s making a total of 04 threes per game this is not like that that you know mobile stretch big that we’ve really been hoping the one day put next to Zion Williamson that they still haven’t truly done just yet it’s a depth signing they needed this this gives them you know really two more open roster spots that they need to fill out truly at this point than one you can go into the regular season I think with one open roster spot that’s fine not really two would make me a little bit nervous there in terms of you know kind of foul trouble and emergencies and all that injuries that kind of come up with this team they need more Big Ben it’s really that simple you know I think Ty can play let you bring Eve Mei along really slowly but it’s not like he gives you particularly strong Rim protection he’s not horrible at it you know he is a little bit Fearless down low and doesn’t mind going and attacking and has moments where he you know shows you something there but at this point in his career 32 years old was going to maybe be out of the league it kind of is what it is right and given that the Pelicans are in this position where they’re trying to figure out what to do with the center spot because they’re not able to easily trade Brandon as we’re learning here that’s kind of where they are it’s for for what it is it’s a good signing I think that’s the best way to kind of like look at it put it in its proper context for what it is it’s a good signing and I think that’s the most important thing to really look at here with New Orleans not going to be the Difference Maker if they want to go and get another starting center like that’s what they should be really working on but I do some think some things are going to probably open up a little bit more in the future and I think there’s a pathway to other centers which maybe we’ll get into later in the week when we look at specific names I have some trade options in mind when it comes to that but there’s going to be more you’re going to see some teams start to sell off some pieces soon and there’s a reason for that and it has to do with Team USA that’s coming up here next in today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans today’s episode of Locked on Pelicans is brought to you by FanDuel America’s number one sports book I love sports and I love them so much that I never want them to stop but it’s the summer and things slow down so as the playoffs wind down we’re getting fewer games the sports aren’t sporting like we want them to but fuel is going to let me keep the sports going whenever I want and all I have to 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lockon podcast Network your team every day by the way lockdown has launched the first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming Channel on YouTube and now it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV in the free Fire TV channels app locked on sportsday is here for you 24/7 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our na shows covering every League find lock on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app so let’s get into this you know the the Pelicans roster doesn’t need to be set today you know it doesn’t need to be set in a week or even in a month you it doesn’t even necessarily need to be set you know at the start of the regular season look at what the Dallas Mavericks did at the trade deadline and how even though I don’t think that’s sustainable propelled them going forward you know with what they were looking to do and kind of make their run to the finals okay that’s good and I think you could still get something like that with New Orleans you know they have that $10 million trade exception and we will look at guys that fit into that I think and how acquirable they are for the Pelicans including starting centers because I do think there are some guys that you could go and get probably fairly easily for New Orleans and I think that would be fun but one thing that’s worth keeping an eye on is this year there’s going to be some tanking there’s going to be some tanking in a way that there wasn’t this past season this upcoming draft is you know thought to be loaded compared to this past draft that doesn’t and Cooper flag who’s a commit to Duke for this coming year was invited to the Team USA select team where by the way Trey Murphy is and lit it up in a scrimmage with the you know basically like Allstar Dream Team for Team USA he did exceptionally well and surprised everybody basically holding his own against like every everyone on that team being a future Hall of Famer it feels like and this is a guy who at just 17 years old did that going to go to Duke he’s probably going to be the number one draft pick 6’8 6’9 you know type of player Wing player that looks like he’s going to be able to be a franchise Cornerstone you’re going to see some teams kind of take note of this performance because trust me everyone had someone in Vegas watching this and you’re gonna see some teams kind of blow it up and start tanking a little bit more because if you can get this guy it feels like a game-changing move so while maybe the trade market feels a little bit stagnant with some of these teams I think you’re going to look at a team like the Charlotte Hornets realize yeah we’re we’re kind of in this Middle Ground where we’re never really going to contend we’re barely pushing for the playin tournament maybe it would be better to acquire another future first round pick and trade one of our players Mark Williams perhaps that’s a center right there that’s going to make them a little bit worse it’s going to mean then maybe have a better chance at Cooper flag you know you have the um Portland Trailblazers and this is a guy we’ll talk more about next week or this week DeAndre Aton do they really need him should they truly try and be competitive right now or is it better to sell off pieces and then try and tank for Cooper flat the Utah Jazz are going to be in an interesting decision on what they do with Walker Kesler right that’s a name that’s long been linked to the Pelicans now even if it’s separate from Larry marinan you know is that a guy that New Orleans should try and go and get knowing that maybe it’s best for the Utah Jazz to kind of tank for Cooper flag or whatever their whatever the like you know catchy phrase is going to be I have no idea what it’s for Cooper flag if you have a good one let me know but you’re going to see a lot of teams doing that and maybe they don’t realize that right at the start of the regular season maybe they realize that at the trade deadline and New Orleans can still make a significant move then that brings in that missing piece and that’s why they want to keep some of this flexibility open I think and that’s why I said at the beginning of this segment your roster doesn’t need to be set right now and David Griffin said that it doesn’t need to be set right now it doesn’t even really need to be set at the start of training camp you can make some changes and that can be a really important thing for you and kind of propel you to that next stage and I think they’re looking at the Dallas Mavericks as the example of that so New Orleans I think is still in a good spot maybe let’s do that tomorrow we’ll look at trade Target names for the center spot that kind of fit into that traded player exception and we can kind of go through that list I think that’s going to be a good show and maybe some others too we should talk about DeAndre Aon as well and is that a guy that you can go and get even if I don’t particularly love him it’s a useful player could you go and acquire someone like that to really make the difference and how good does that make this team and what would a trade look like because it would probably at that point need to be a three- team deal so a lot more to come this week here on lockdown pelons we’ll look at Deonte Murray as well I want to talk about his fit what to expect from him as he’s starting to kind of get set and everything’s finalized here in New Orleans around that because I do really like the fit here with him on this Pelicans team with or without Brandon Ingram too so let me know what you want to hear about on lockon Pelin the comments Down Below on YouTube and that’s going to do it for this episode of lockon pelicans part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day as always I’m your host Jake Madison at Nola Jake on Twitter and I’ll be back with y’all tomorrow

It doesn’t sound like there is a big trade market for Brandon Ingram right now. Jake Madison says that it could be in Ingram’s best interest to take a team-friendly extension with the New Orleans Pelicans. Plus, the Pels signed center Daniel Theis, Jake breaks down what he brings to the team. And expect more tanking team, and thus more trades in the future.

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  1. I talked back in march about bringing in Theis during FA, purely for the fact that he is going to be in good game shape coming into training camp off of the Olympics

  2. BI should sign a reasonable two-year deal, to both up his trade value and give him some breathing room to boost his rep back up to where it should be so he gets a big deal after.

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