@Los Angeles Clippers

Matt Barnes Reacts to Clipped and How They Portrayed His Los Angeles Clippers Team | Le Batard Show

Matt Barnes Reacts to Clipped and How They Portrayed His Los Angeles Clippers Team | Le Batard Show

all right Matt we we done spent enough time talking about serious topics real stuff happening I want to talk about clip I want to talk about clip because it’s the greatest comedy on on TV oh man unintentional comedy damn and I like for those that don’t know they made a TV show about kind of Donald Sterling owning the the Clippers having to sell the clippers because of the tapes of him saying all types of wild RAC and so they cast the show very interestingly I would say my man Al Bundy playing um Donald Sterling is doing a great job uh CLE Patrick Coleman doing V stano’s doing a great job right but then I think the budget ran and then obviously uh Lawrence Fishburn fish bur as doc but then the budget ran out and they said we got to get the rest of these players I got this roster in here so Matt before you talk about the show overall how did you feel about the casting call for your character for the guy who plays you shonis is cool I I know shaunas uh you know we look somewhat alike I guess if you’re going to say I I think they got me closest to right uh over any other player uh you know we’re pretty much the same height same complexion uh very similar in that aspect but you look at the other casting and it’s not even you know that they don’t look alike or they they act or you know they they didn’t act well it just look nothing like I mean you look at Blake’s guy like holy you know I didn’t you make DeAndre this weirdo that likes lizards and he’s nothing like that and like real philosophical deep guys nothing like that um you look at Jamal and I laugh you look at CP and I’m just like damn like they could have did a little best but but I think to your point I mean I thought they they cast the the the main people great I think Ed O’Neal was great for Sterling Lawrence Fishburn for Doc uh the the lady that played V and even the lady that played Shel Sterling those did a great job and and and a great job casting um but the show overall like you said it’s been funny to me you know to to relive something that was you know a little over 10 years old um it was entertaining uh just how out of touch I think the funniest part is how out of touch Sterling was with life like he really thought that people him loved him uh he was americ sweetheart and and and and and although I didn’t have any any run-ins or any issues with him he was just very disconnected to reality um but overall I mean it it was entertaining you know I mean the the the the back and forth of what was said in in big meetings and and on the day-to-day um they didn’t hit the mark on that but again I think you know I actually consulted on this project early on when I first started reading the first couple scripts I’m like uh uh and I think it was just them trying to obviously you know you got to sensationalize things and and and make it you know fun I guess but um again I just think overall it was an entertaining look at which was a very serious situation at the time and you know um we didn’t really know what we were getting into at the time we you know being and I was one of the main voices during that time on what we should and shouldn’t do along with the rest of the team but you know I’m you know I was one of the the leaders in that locker room and and when you look back now you know we all I’m sure we all if any of the guys saw it yeah we should have sat out but at the time it was too much unknown we didn’t know we sit out one game do we set out two games did we set out the whole series and keep in mind we felt like we had a team that could win a championship that year we were one of the best teams in the league during that time and this is right before golden states rise to you know started their Dynasty run we were the last team to beat them before they went on their Dynasty run so we knew our window was closing because we had a young very talented Golden State team behind us so I think there was too much unknown for us to really really make a huge statement and again it was such a spur of the moment it wasn’t like we had time to think about this is in between games happens you know what I mean so it’s just like we we came together we thought of a little BS plan we knocked it out because at the end of the day as as one thing they portray we were never playing for for Mr Sterling you know we were playing for everyone in that locker room and our family and our fans I have so many follow-up questions but going off of what you just said what what in the last 10 years has made you change your mind about we should have sat out uh just just getting kind of grasping you know the the the the the magnitude I think of the event and things that have come since then that have been big that that that people have kind of had some time to react and and think and really you know have a well thought out plan again this happens in between games you know what I mean like we really don’t we have two days to make a decision that’s going to be you know that’s going to be remembered for the rest of our lives so I just think understanding the magnitude of what’s going on what’s going on sense and still I really don’t know what would have happened though if we would have sat out I mean do we forfeit those games you know what I mean do we do does Golden State sit out is it a win for Golden State like I said there was two and and you got to think Sterling wasn’t banned until we got to the second round so we sit out all those games and just say forget the season and then let Golden State go on and and and and play OKC so again I just think the uncertainty kind of left us puzzled and we had to make a really quick decision so the lizard thing was completely made up cuz that was one of those details that I’m like surely this is based in reality why would they just they kept going back to it like they kept having him over and over again stroking the liard the lizard the braids like got like me and DJ were like literally laughing and like he’s like I was like did you was I High the whole time I don’t like man I didn’t have braids at all you know what I mean so they had the braids and the lizard they just made DJ weird and DJ was probably one of the coolest down to earth laughing joking obviously you guys caught a glimpse of such a serious time but that team had so much fun like so much fun and it was weird because we would have so much fun but still had chemistry issues which is crazy cuz we would all get along mess around have a good time dinners kids birthday parties hang out on and off the court but we still had chemistry issues but DJ in particular I think they portrayed him probably the worst because it was nothing like who he was oh I’ll tell you who the worst was physically Blake yeah to I’ll tell you why Blake was the worst was not only because he looked he don’t look like Blake but also he doesn’t act like Blake like I thought for sure if you’re gonna cast someone to be Blake he’s gotta be have that kind of funny quality and this yeah this dude wasn’t funny at all he was just kind of whiny and I’m like that’s not really Blake yeah I think obviously Blake they I think they missed the ball on the on those two the most they made CP really really really serious but yeah I would agree I mean Blake if you don’t know Blake I mean on the outside looking in people might think that’s how Blake really was stiff uptight you know no personality but Blake is a comedic genius he’s hilarious he talk in the locker room you go back and forth to them he’s a great energy guy and yeah I I would agree with his character they they definitely missed the ball too but that’s the I I think they got The Stereotype of Blake’s character right because if you don’t know Blake you might think he’s really stiff like that dude was okay other than casting what was the thing that they got the most wrong about the story and what wasn’t maybe something that they nailed about it um again I think it’s really hard to try to put you know now that I’m in this space try to put you know try to get the car from each to each location like where they were like trying to get to to each important part of the story and in that I think they just had to make up a ton of dialogue so I just think the dialogue was was dialogue wasn’t it I mean we didn’t talk like that we didn’t have those type of conversations um I think doc was like the main consultant so I don’t really know how much input he really had um so and again this is not to on anyone who made the show because I think it’s hard trying to figure out exactly what was going on what was said in those moments and how do we get the the the story to each and hit each point so um I would probably say just the dialogue and the way we talk to each other was probably the biggest misconception and then uh one thing they got right I think um you know the way doc Shield our team and was able to you know allow us to focus on basketball as good as he could and then I think my favorite part was just watching Ed O Neil played Donald Sterling and how burnt out he was that’s my favorite part too I like the show yeah I had a good time too I I I watched it uh I watched it I enjoyed it I I fired up and and smoked and just sat back and just like laughed like yo they really made a show about our crazy team man it’s got to be weird to watch someone tell your your life story or part of your life on TV with different characters but Matt Barnes the shows all the smoke you can catch it uh wherever you get Podcast all right here on the DraftKings Network thanks a lot man appreciate you thank for having me guys have a good one I my favorite part by far is Alvin because when I I said Alvin Gentry a picture of the dude that plays Alvin I said spitting image either him or Steph Curry was played by Dak Prescott right there Steph’s got to be so mad come on man

Matt Barnes joined the show last week and shared his reaction to the new FX series ‘Clipped” which takes you behind the scenes of a notorious NBA owner’s racist remarks that were captured on tape and heard around the world. We first reacted to the casting of the film in a previous episode and now have former Clipper and someone the series is portraying, Matt Barnes to share his reaction to the series. What they got right and what is clearly dramatized.

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  1. Im old enough to remember the Jordan and the rodman movies with actors playing ball players it's weird how they can't do it anymore

  2. Ive been waiting to hear one of the actual players reactions!πŸ˜‚ Funny enough Matt Barnes was the only one cast well!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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