@Golden State Warriors

Will We Ever See Another Dynasty Like The Warriors Again? Recapping NBA Free Agency | 7/8/24

Will We Ever See Another Dynasty Like The Warriors Again? Recapping NBA Free Agency | 7/8/24

busy two weeks the past two weeks for the NBA we’ll talk about the moves and the Golden State Warriors the artist formerly known as the dynasty no longer but what a great run and we’ll talk about how you build a dynasty it’s not just getting those two or three players bringing in a couple of guys in free agency golden state did it you know where you do it the oldfashioned way you draft and if you look at who they drafted and when they drafted them anybody could have had clayon anybody could have had Steph Curry and anybody could have had Draymond Green especially Draymond and Clay but they take those players and the interesting part is they’ve whiffed they whiffed on James wisman number two pick overall but if you hit on the other ones where you get Hall of Fame players it makes up for golly they missed on James wisman with the second pick in the draft and in that draft who did you have Tyrese Maxi was in that draft Anthony Edwards was number one Tyrese halberton was in that draft as well Lamar ball was in that draft as well so they had opportunities to add to that roster and even with a whiff with the second pick overall they still H and you know what I give Golden State a lot of credit because their ownership they spent more money they went over the luxury tax but they kept everybody together even when Klay Thompson was out for pretty much two years with injuries they kept him they paid him they they were loyal to everybody but then you got to the point where they’re going to move on from Klay Thompson I thought he was going to go to Orlando he goes to Dallas I think it’s a good move for Dallas he’s going to be the the third guy and uh you know I think he was his ego was bruised because he was coming off the bench he was like no I don’t come off the bench it’s like no you do come off the bench if you want to extend your career you come off the bench I’m assuming that he starts in Dallas but we can look at what you know some of the other moves and if you’re curious who is the odds on favor to win the title it’s not even close right now it’s Boston I got the odds here according to DraftKings as of this morning and it is uh Boston by far the second favorite right now to win the NBA title Todd I’m going to let you go first who is the by the way great to see you Todd good to see you all right the Nuggets all right nuggets had a terrible off season Satan uh uh the Celtics they’re one they’re not two but they’re one they’re two’re they’re so good they’re one and two oh they’re one and two although I’ll I’ll give you credit for that no Todd was wrong oh yeah it’s not the Nuggets yeah the Nuggets nuggets did not have a good off season uh Marvin clean up the mess here the Thunder no they’re third Thunder out of great off season in my opinion they’re third Paul uh the Minnesota Timberwolves no Mavs no Lakers no no uh the 76ers that’s not right that makes no sense that’s incorrect I’m just going by what DraftKings has here typo they got you know playoff P it’s all you need they’re the podcast P these days podcast P podcast is he more podcast than playoffs done more with podcast so I’m going to say podcast P you know I do like his voice though I mean I think I think playoff P podcast P has a great voice do you have some Paul George here do you have something I had to do it why you have to go hate on him come on man I’m in Philly okay my idol the bean Kobe Bryant i i i my way of idolizing Co and uh you know something that meant something outside of 24 and 13 so it was only right eight looks good on me okay paying tribute to Kobe BR you know how I would pay tribute to Kobe I play a lot of great basketball in the playoffs that’s what I would do if I’m going to pay tribute you can wear the number wear the number and play great basketball plus you’re going to say now all right I’m not going to argue too much with DraftKings because they that’s how they make their living with these odds but I’m you’re going to say to me all right Joel embiid and Paul George are going to play in 70 games this year over under I’m going to give you 66 over under for both of these guys are you going to how many times have they both played 70 games or more and I don’t know if they have at least any any anytime recently yes Paulie oddly Paul George played 74 games this year which is like for him that’s like 100 the past four seasons though he averaged about 49 games played per season but if you put them together how many times have they have they both played over 70 games in a season that’s that’s what I’d be curious about I don’t know that Joel embiid’s gotten there yet 70 games yeah probably not uh let me see if I have uh numbers here Paul George I think seven times in his career they’re going way back okay Joel embiid uh has never played more than 70 games in one season okay embiid has never topped 68 Paul George has averaged 6 two games per season in his career so that would be the reason why I’d look at that and go H things that make you go comes down to who’s going to be healthy because you can look at some of these teams like the Lakers Anthony Davis played what 75 games LeBron was healthy for the most part now their odds to win uh they’re not even on the board I’ve got uh Celtics Sixers Thunder nuggets Nicks and then the Timberwolves and the Timberwolves have added a couple of scores there with Anthony Edwards and they needed that uh I thought the Nuggets missed out they they uh let kcp go he went to Orlando you got the best player in the game and you didn’t add to that roster man that’s a missed opportunity in my opinion all right we’ll go uh poll question cedan I’m getting ahead of myself we should establish here there’s there’s order here to this program yeah we got a couple of them here uh most L centered around the Warriors okay uh let’s see here’s one from Paulie who got the most out of the Warriors run okay yes Paul so the the the Genesis of this poll question is who got the most for their legacy out of this and I think you can make the case that Steve Kerr maybe got the most out of it Steve Kerr had a very good NBA career as a backup but he won a lot of titles as a backup yeah but I don’t think you’re going to the Hall of Fame that way he wasn’t going to the Hall of Fame now he’s a shoe in first ballot you know Hall of Famer okay all right all right all right I see where you’re coming from yeah and he kind of stumbled into it he didn’t have a coaching resume we took over for Mark Jackson who was more defensive minded Steve came in and said no we’re going to shoot the three and they changed basketball here is Steve Kerr talking about losing Klay Thompson I just want to uh say thank you to Klay Thompson for 13 incredible years 10 of which you know I was there for um what he did for the team the organization for the bay are for me personally we were going to miss clay um these things rarely go like you know like you want where you get to draw it up and execute it and everybody goes out together uh we were hoping that could happen but it didn’t you know we wish clay will but we love him and and we’ll miss him and um clay if you’re watching thank you for everything all right some nice parting gifts there some nice compliments for Klay Thompson who is going to the Hall of Fame and you go back and look at how that roster was orchestrated and you go back to those three draft picks because you know Steph Curry Minnesota passed on him twice and he wasn’t great the first couple of years because he had the that bulky ankle injury and you know he was what giving you 14 points a game Klay Thompson 11th pick overall and I remember watching Pack 12 basketball and I just thought oh Michael Thompson’s son and then I’d go all right he can shoot now didn’t think that he was going to be the shooter that he ended up being one of the greatest Shooters in NBA history and then watching Draymond Green it’s tough to sometimes project when you’re great in the Big 10 because we’ve seen guys be great in the Big 10 and they’re not great in the NBA style of basketball it’s just a little different there Draymond was one of those players where you watched and you go man he kind of does everything I just don’t know if he does anything really well and then people thought well maybe he can be a Dennis Rodman type play defense and rebound and I thought all right and then he came in and he was far better than that and he’s going to the Hall of Fame as well this allows you to add players you can kind of pick and choose and then you get role players uh you know Harrison Barnes can be in there you can have uh who was it Stevenson was in Andre gdalo was in there like you just kind of you know adding pieces but you don’t need to add anything major and then they did when they were on the verge of losing to OKC and then Kevin Durant shocked us all by let’s go to The Hamptons come out here and tell me how much you love me and then I’m going to go play for Golden State and they ended up winning a couple of titles then he leaves they win another title and which I think is the most important title that they won because it was oh Steph needs Kevin Durant oh without him they’re not winning anymore and then all of a sudden they won that title A couple of years ago but you you have to hit you know the Spurs obviously you got David Robinson and Tim Duncan you know you got David because you were bad and you got the number one pick you got Tim because even with David being injured with the bad back you got the number one pick you somehow locked into the number one pick but you got to have Manu job and Tony Parker that’s what makes makes you a dynasty that that’s what makes you a formidable team keeping the pieces together then you have a Hall of Fame coach as well having those players as great as Mike and Scotty were you have to have Horus Grant or Dennis Rodman or Tony kach you have to you know even with the Lakers you have to have role players with the dynasties all the Celtic teams the great teams you got to have those role players who understand what their role is and they’re able to contribute and and if they don’t and they want to go play someplace else you’re able to kind of fill in the void yes eaten so like if you were creating a checklist of what a dynasty has to have it usually starts at a draft it does for me because it makes it easier I have you under contract as opposed to I got to bring you in with a larger contract yeah you can’t really free agency your way into it’s Dynasty yes I mean it’s hard to do that look at the Knicks now with what they did now they brought in Jaylen Brunson who was under valued but Dante deenen like you’re getting guys that kind of fit who you are getting the right players instead of saying hey we got to get a big ticket item and that’s always what you hear with the Knicks it’s like oh you got to go get that guy or you got to get that you got to get Dame Liller you got to get no you don’t have to if you draft correctly then that allows you to maybe have one or two big ticket items but I just don’t believe I think the days of having three true Stars I think it’s over I think it is about getting those players and and Drafting and role players as well yes paing but uh your Knicks lost the heart and soul hartenstein the big guy he went to OKC took the money I think OKC did a great job they got Caruso hartenstein I think they’re dangerous this year that was my team last year they may knock on the door a little uh a little longer a little Lou they may open the door this year and they got rid of you know Josh giddy who wasn’t good in the playoffs he’s young you know he wants to start you go to the Bulls remember when the Bulls used to be good what Michael or yeah am I okay like it’s they’ve been trying to trade Zack LaVine it feels like since they got him demard de rzan goes to Sacramento like okay and Billy Donovan’s still there I’m like golly they used to be the bows not anymore

Dan Patrick recaps NBA free agency so far, including Klay Thompson leaving the Golden State Warriors to sign with the Dallas Mavericks, ending the Warriors Dynasty


  1. Ce fil de discussion témoigne du pouvoir du discours civil. Même en cas de désaccord, un respect mutuel transparaît.😛

  2. yes, we will. Once these front offices figure out this apron madness along with the new TV deal, most definitely.

  3. The new CBA pretty much prevents it and that's a damn shame. The new CBA punishs teams for drafting well and making smart moves in free agency

  4. Stephs comments is due to humans being short sighted. We can't imagine the world existing a hundred years from now. Of course it will happen again the NBA is hoping to exist thousands of years into the future if not more. It will continue to happen

  5. Podcast p getting all that money it’s just silly, ownership should fire the GM past his prime always hurt when it matters , last interview where he’s not accepting accountability just baffles me, that contract even worst than the one with the other forward that I can even remember his name

  6. Bring up the knicks as an example of why you have to build through the draft if you want a dynasty is hilarious because none of their key guys were drafted by the Knicks

  7. It's got to be the Lakers. I mean they drafted Bronte junior. A can't miss draft pick. 🎉🎉🎉

  8. As a warriors fan im happy with this whole story. 4 rings is incredible. Any fans that are crying about missed picks or rotations arent real fans. All the money spent. All the minutes they played together.

  9. DP points out you need role players, even said you gotta draft role players to be a dynasty. Pelinka appears to agree.

  10. Steph, Klay, Dray & Coach Kerr changed the game of basketball forever. When I lived in the City & Santa Cruz in the 90s I used to go see Warriors games a few times a year. We used to wish we could compete for chips, so the last decade has been everything we as fans could've asked for: 6 NBA Final's appearances & 4 titles 🏆🏆🏆🏆 #Big3 #HOFers

  11. The “Old Fashion Way”, Superstar Kevin Durant decided to join the Warriors and Win Them 2 Titles with 2 FINALS MVPS and Almost a 3rd Title if He wasn’t injured.

  12. It was never about ego being bruised from coming off the bench. He just needed more time. He played well coming off the bench. He was frustrated with himself and couldn’t deal with the rest of the team because he didn’t wanna let em down because he is humble and has integrity. It hurt him inside that he was letting the team down more than it hurt himself. His body just needed more time and he didn’t know how to deal with it. This was a premature move by the warriors. As long as it has taken klay to recover and get back to the level he got to most recently as a warrior, they didn’t have to get rid of him. He could’ve been sixth man of year as a warrior this coming season. Now he could be as a maverick.

  13. Not one that obnoxious. Congratulations you ushered in the softest, chummiest era. People wonder if the last 15 years' stats should even count now.

  14. You might see it in the Celtics. Nothing that has happened in the draft only free agency so far suggests anyone has closed the gap between Boston and the rest of the NBA.

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