@Denver Nuggets

A deeper look at Dario Saric with the Denver Nugget’s bench | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

A deeper look at Dario Saric with the Denver Nugget’s bench | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

jam-packed episode of the dmvr Nuggets podcast ahead we’ve got to talk about Jamal Murray’s extension we’ve got to talk about Olympic Group Play we’ve got to talk about summer league practice First Media availability and then Dario sarich signs a deal and gets into a bar fight all of this and more on the other side [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] baby excited to be back here fellas very excited what is everybody welcome to the dmba show there it is Monday of su week Vegas week is calling Fourth of July weekend in the rearview mirror and what do you know we have like two weeks worth of news to discuss at least that’s what it feels like love that on a Monday uh it is going to be a busy show kale we might not go short today to help when was the last time we went short I don’t know it’s been years somebody find that out uh to help me out PR vote what’s up gang really excited to be here really excited to talk about the deal that’s got got Nuggets nation in a choke cold I just can’t I can’t wait what deal is that it’s the Dario Sarge deal oh the choke hold was the choke it was a joke you didn’t think that you’re not excited about the move I think you’re incapable of excit flying fly right over oh the choke hold of Dario s it’s you’re right I got it Harrison wind over here what when you get the energy down here I don’t know what to expect I thought that was a great opener thanks Harrison I really liked it thanks all right Harrison what do you got for your opener um I can outdo that that’s for sure I don’t have anything for my opener he worst night of sleep yet last night he tells us I don’t want to believe I’m not a complainer I’m not a complainer you’re not a complainer I don’t make excuses I’m not a complainer yeah yeah but you are uh you’re you’re a little slow these days the first nugget summer league practice was a nice uh pallet cleanser today I actually this is my take you know they say the saying touch grass or whatever I touch water you know over the weekend I feel renewed I it was like a baptism of SP sorts I am a new man the season old season don’t even remember what happened camping went camping man there you go went in the lake a little bit got thrown off of the the water tube such a fun feeling oh I love it you just get any rafting dude I’m telling you channeling you’re in yok uh we’re going to start with some couple items of business here the first one I have you know the Jamal Marie contract extension Fiasco if you will why hasn’t he signed it’s been a thing that windhorse has been kind of hinting at a little bit he was the first one doing his like why is it not going on today Ryan Blackburn who has you know reported on some things with Jamal Murray specifically in the past talks about today uh and he did not say this as a source or speculative he said it as he stated it as a fact that that a contract has not yet been presented to Jamal maray that there’s been conversations but to this point that has not been the case that there was one firmly in the in place you know the team has positioned this you know a little bit differently but nonetheless when you read this for the first time Harrison when you read what what Blackburn has to say here um it could become a bigger story than anticipated according to him what do you think I feel like it’s going to be something that lingers for the next month or so yeah and then you know from everything I’ve been told after the Olympics like assuming Jamal Murray doesn’t like tees Achilles or something knock on wood man why are we putting this out there um after the Olympics like I think they’ll agree to a max deal like that’s what I expect to happen once the Olympics up in mid August I think Jamal Murray will sign that Max extension with the Nuggets I think that’s what um both sides are waiting for and I don’t think there’s like animosity or anything going on I just think it’s the type of deal where like the Nuggets want to get through the Olympics and then they want to sign the deal then because in in like you just said in a worst case scenario is it it’s just you wait and see and make sure you’re through the woods before you give someone a a Max it’s literally what happened with Michael Porter they gave it to him before they needed to and he immediately got hurt an entire year immedi man immediately you want to talk about sky is falling down and actually felt like it was yeah oh my God yeah so like I I have been very well assured that after the Olympics it will be a max deal pretty much no questions asked straightforward and that’s what i’ expect is that a wise thing vote like what do you think about this from the Denver perspective from the Denver Nuggets perspective CU there’s two layers to this right there’s the is it smart from the worst case scario which you need to protect yourself from if you’re an organization but there’s also the part of this which is you know does that piss off your guy yeah I mean you always run the risk I think that to the earlier point I think a big part of The Tib connley strategy was in a market like Denver and again now in Minnesota by the way it’s not just you don’t want anyone to walk you want everyone to be happy and want to be there and a and one way to do that is to you know pay guys first and then expect expect the work later this a different situation a little bit it’s definitely smart it’s due diligence to wait Murray does have a a list of lower body injuries now you know that is just worth considering and that’s obviously if he’s healthy this Max is a no-brainer but if he’s not it’s a tough deal so I I think it makes sense to wait and I also think Jamal maybe it might rub him the wrong way but at the end of the day it’s the maximum amount you’re getting and it’s to come back and play with yoke and stick around so so I think it’s wise I think also in this new CBA environment which I hate it’s terrible but I think teams are a little more cognizant of who they’re giving Max contracts to and how that affects their future I don’t think teams give out Max contracts in the next couple years as willingly as they did you know three four years ago I think teams are tightening the checkbooks a little bit um like that being said as I just was saying like he will get a contract assuming everything goes well in the Olympics um max deal it’s going to get agreed upon afterwards but I just think across the league there’s a sense of like and you saw with Paul George kawi Leonard you know some of these negotiations it’s not like everybody’s throwing Max contracts out there willingly or as willingly willingly as they used to it seems like I think if you just step back and look at Jamal Murray’s Arc since the championship like played 60 game or missed what was it missed 30 games yeah this last year roughly 30 games this last year throws something onto the court that he was like so lucky not to have gotten kicked out of a game for like Denver could have gotten swept this year if they decide to suspend him game three right game two plays terrible is getting absolutely locked up for two games at home and then throws something on the court which I think rubbed everybody in the Org the wrong way I think that was one that like even the biggest Jamal Advocates were like hey man making us all look bad in this moment and then of course you you know you have the injury risk I don’t think this is anything nefarious from Denver side I think it’s very much a protection thing but it also does show you they wouldn’t do this for yoke y yoke could have said I’m taking the summer and I’m going to do a 100 foot cliff diving all summer and they’d be like we’ll still sign you to a contract for might be doing that I don’t know he had actually be doing he’s only white waterer rafting this summer in The Most Dangerous Waters um and they would still offer him it and it just kind of shows you that that is probably one thing and and if I were Jamal Murray I would probably be a little rubbed the wrong way and if I were Calvin Booth I would probably say there’s no way I’m giving you a Max a guy that just missed a year and a half to an injury was banged up every other month had a new injury this summer and now you’re going to go play for Team Canada which we don’t know how the conditions are going to be for you like on those is that good you know is that higher likelihood of injury lower likely like we don’t know to me it makes sense Denver could not afford yeah to sign Murray to a deal and have him miss a year like at that point you might as well trade yoke if if Murray somehow hurt himself in a way and was signed to a max deal you might as well trade yic and just say we can’t do it we we’re hamstring oursel a whole another season for you so I think that it kind of makes sense but I also think it just shows where Jamal Murray Could Have Been versus where he is this summer and it he should have the super max was on the table and instead we got to the we actually can’t sign you to we’re sure you’re safe mode right left the door open for doubt whereas like honestly if they dominate again this year he’s probably just signed already right I agree so it’s but that that kind of it’s really pretty incredible how quickly some of the trust and Goodwill burned up there well that was that was one of the things right that’s one of the things we were talking about was the Goodwill cuz kyp’s wife also took to Instagram to inform people that hey no actually not true there wasn’t a contract offered to him that was of equal value like that’s another thing that just feels weird to see you know we talked a lot about The Sweet Spot of fandom in the Years leading up to a nuggets title and I think we accurately identified it as as something to enjoy because you know when teams talk about coming back and trying to win again those later years is where the tension kind of creeps in the Egos and the relationships it’s it’s not all it’s it’s you know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and it just feels a little bit right now like okay Bruce leaves that was expected but then it goes public you know maybe some quotes he wouldn’t love from cin booth in that story kcp leaves well we matched it did they right uh K I don’t know if you guys saw that case P press in Orlando where one of the things he said was there was a bit of waiting there was a bit of waiting to see if we would get an offer from Denver but so it does feel a little bit like one of the one of the core principles in how the Nuggets wanted to operate as an org for years is a bit different now I think we’re kind of in a more ruthless kind of harsh but but honest place of just like there’s less margin for error with these kind of mistakes and I think they’re going to do what it takes to uh put the shark you know their version their vision of the sharpest team out there every year do you agree with this sort of shift from Denver oh yeah oh yeah I mean it feels like the we don’t skip steps era the like unbelievable like um Vibes era is over and on the one hand that sucks because that’s how the Nuggets were built and that’s something that made them so unique it felt like in the NBA uh you know the patient approach not skipping steps draft and developing having this camaraderie and this continuity um but also it’s kind of natural I feel like I think so especially after you win a championship and you’re in the financial environment that the nuggets and every team is in right now there’s going to be more um roster volatility there’s going to be um tough decisions that have to be made Calvin Booth is a much different GM than Tim Connelly um he has much different uh ranks and like much different priorities when it comes to building a team so I just feel like we’re seeing that more and more um over the last couple of years so it sucks but it’s also natural in a way it’s funny how much I just think this all becomes an extension like a front office and A team’s personality becomes an extension of the personality of their leaders the nuggets are an extension of joic they’re an extension of Michael Malone they’re extension of the Kies and they’re an extension of Calvin booth now in in these various ways and you see that and I think it it is true that one of those is is I mean I I really think Calvin Booth is the type we talked about this I think Cal knew that kcp was gone probably knew that a month ago but or month before free agency began and I think my read on him is he’s probably the personality type that assumes everybody sees the logic of like well yeah just play this out when most people don’t they don’t think that deeply about these things perhaps even kcp so it did feel weird the one counter I will say though to that comment and also from this Murray thing what did The Vibes era get Denver it it is so interesting to me that the viby pay your guys early everybody’s your friend don’t over trade a guy away I think it’s a good counter and that the championship came at the exact Crossroads of the two it’s almost like no one was right and maybe they just threaded the needle to where those perfectly matched up and that was a championship but there are lessons to be learned I think from this one and I would say Denver had that family mentality everyone’s taken care of and Jeremy Grant came here and bounced as soon as he possibly could and was like I want no part of that a good point on on the kcp thing and we’ve talked about this a little bit I do think they knew he wasn’t coming back well before free agency started I think they knew the type of offer he was going to get and I think Calvin Booth is very process oriented and the front office made the calculation that they did not want to bring him back for that money yeah they didn’t feel like it was worth it this is my read on it I don’t think they thought it was worth it to go into the second apron to bring him back back on that type of contract I think they knew that’s the offer he was going to get I think they came to that conclusion I just talked about and I think they accepted it and moved on and pivoted and we’re like all right we’re going to go get two other guys now to fill out the rotation I just think that’s how it went and so like I believe kcp when he says that any final thoughts on this no just that I think wi’s right that it’s maybe more of a life cycle thing than error right on someone’s part or fault right but I I think you nailed it I think it culminated in that year where the Nuggets a had the right roster because of some Headstrong by the way the ban thing uh what that’s the main thing you’re like a and it’s like a is 95% of it that’s why I’m leading with it but it also did feel like covering the team that year it felt like the culmination of all those kind of not necessarily tangible things we had talked about over the years it did feel like it all peaked that year and it all came together going forward it’s GNA have to be about just getting everything right on the court and getting all these decisions right but it did feel like it was a fun culmination in that one year can we do a quick pallet cleanser before we take a break yeah kale will you pull up the uh Team USA practice highlight clip I have I sent you can you pull this up uh here you guys see this Team USA is at UNLV right now practicing getting ready for it Joel embiid going up against college players trying fouls into a scrimmage and he gets the call look how pissed everyone is the audio of this there’s nothing funnier than a guy drawing a foul as an Allstar of Allstar teams everybody out there is the best players in in America and he’s doing drawing fouls against the college kid he wanted that call bad too he almost he like what the sound almost didn’t get it there’s no crowd it’s just basketball people in there and everyone goes oh is this is this worse than the Devin Booker we don’t double team and pickup it’s not worse it’s kind of in the same territory right it it you know what it kind of is because it’s so indicative of who those people both of those guys are loser Behavior does tell you something it is hilarious to think that you can’t even just work on not doing that that Adam we’re working on our games we’re working on our games we’re working on our games and and Joel is like this is my game brother what do you think I’m doing no he’s working on his game I’m not kidding what a loser all right let’s take a break on the other side I’m glad we did that Dar to Dario sarch we did an emergency pod but he is now a Denver Nugget also he’s probably hurting at the moment we’re going to talk about that on the other side guys we are so excited to launch our new partnership with our friends at UC Health a UC Health they know how important mental health is they encourage coloradans to live their healthiest lives through Statewide incentives or initiatives that include taking care of your mental health uh they want you to live like there is a tomorrow mental 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States Toyota in Denver Stevenson Toyota east in Aurora and Stevenson Toyota West in Lakewood Toyota is a proud partner of the Denver Nuggets it’s also the official vehicle of dnbr all right we are back segment two so the big news over the weekend Dario sarich the Nuggets scratch their itch at backup center and bring in Dario sarich um Eric and I did the weirdest emergency show I don’t did you guys see it I saw you were in your car I was my car to it’s actually fun to get away uh do a little show from the car for once the toyot so I say the Toyota Lounge uh somehow Eric’s Wi-Fi didn’t work so it kind of became a solo emergency pod but you know we shared some initial thoughts I will say that you know I get back from vacation last night and what do I do I hop on all Synergy and I start watching Dario SAR highlights because I wanted really taking his game my number one note the guy can pass man that’s his like we talk about skills that he is going to bring I think number one of the things Denver’s going to need is he’s a really good passer and if given the opportunity I actually think he is a good fulcrum the biggest question for me now is going to be how much is he going to get to be the fulcrum but to me that’s what he brings to the table more than anything else passing and facilitating being this The Hub of an offense yeah I love the signing I think it makes a ton of sense if you just think about what the Nuggets need to change the most from last season they needed more you know reliable veterans that Michael Malone trusted Off the Bench they needed more threats on the offensive end of the four particularly Off the Bench I thought and like Dario sarch who I think can you know back up Nicole yic at Center he can play some four as well he really fits this team well and the passing like you said is the number one thing where I feel like he can really open things up for the Nugget second unit I agree man he can be the fulcrum of some things that the Nuggets do offensively um I just Envision like how he can free up Julian Str for three-pointers I Envision how he can hit pton Watson on cuts to the rim um he’s a very gifted passer he’s a smart high IQ player he can really open up the floor the biggest thing for me he can shoot the three too he’s the best like offensive option and just well-rounded player the nuggets have had at Center in the joic era I think but the biggest question for me is how much is Michael Malone and the Nuggets going to lean into that because the last couple years it doesn’t feel like they’ve really tried on offense with the bench it kind of feels like they’ve just thrown guys out there and been like all right uh Jamal yeah Reggie whatever like they’re going to really have to have a Phil Phil philosophical shift offensively when it comes to the second unit if they want to Center things around sarch at all right so that’s the biggest question for me if they want to do that I feel like there’s a ton of upside there but they’ve got to want to do it there were a couple of bright spots with the bench in the in the last couple years when vaco was healthy that’s true actually one of the things we liked was just a little bit of playmaking that the the could extend a play could find an open guy no again he’s no one’s floor general of laco but there were just some moments where we liked that that open some things up so I thought about that as I thought about this potential pairing which you know still a big if but if Flaco plays alongside Char maybe there’s just you can get a little more to it than like one action and we’re screwed like one pick and roll one pick and pop and if they’re if it’s covered we don’t really know what to do next and it just it might be nice to have you know whether it’s it’s stuff they’ve worked on and drawn up or or just just the Innovative playmaking of like f finding a cutter just encouraging some semblance of offense beyond the point guard calling for screen so the the passing to me is what makes it encouraging obviously we’re talking about a small look here we’re talking about smaller front court with yic sitting it’s not that small though I’m just saying it’s not he’s not a skyscraper I mean it’s he’s he’s a relatively small five yeah and and but that’s but I mean I just think it’s actually he’s an average backup five though is my point sure but I think you can get are some teams that are big though yeah if you if you find a switchable scheme and your and you can execute that’s fine um he can shoot a little bit honestly for a backup five he can I wouldn’t it’s not a knockdown shooter but 37% from three last year 36% career shooter so and willing by the way takes a decent amount yeah so I’m just hopeful guys that it it opens some things up off the bench that feels a little more like there’s room for everyone to breathe the big question is going to be how much do you really trust him and play through him and and I agree with you that is the big question but he’s so good he’s I love the comp to Vlad go chantra the difference is he’s way better agree he’s just better at everything yeah he’s just better at honestly all of flat Co skills he’s just at a higher level and some of the passes I put this on Twitter cuz I was going through Synergy and looking at his passes just from last week’s qualifiers of which they came up one win short they fell to grease in the the qualifying game but he was phenomenal in that in the qualifier event and he had some passes that you watch and you go that’s a yic pass catching it on the short roll throwing a look away way pass to the opposite corner that like skips over the defense those aren’t simple passes doubled in the post finds the shooter on the other side of the court right and and not even just that knows oh I’m in the post and it’s not open but if I dribble this way the double has to extend further so like setting the floor and manipulating defense read it like that and so he does some stuff the problem and the thing for me is sarich is one of these guys that if you play to his strengths he’s really good if you don’t and you try to count if you turn him into a corner shooter or a pick and pop shooter again that should be part of his game but if it becomes that’s how we use him then I think he’s actually very underwhelming at that and it makes me when I keep bringing up I know everybody hates this but when I bring up Zeke Naji and say I don’t think he’s as bad as he has been in Denver now Zeke Naji was not a veteran he was a young guy and like they have to earn their stripes even more than most and Zeke did some things to dig his own grave you know so to speak but there is a part of me that goes I’m not convinced he’s not going to just be in the corner yeah especially if you bring in a player like a Russell Westbrook well Westbrook’s the fulcrum where sarch fit into that I’m not so sure right and that’s why it’s going to be on the coaching staff I think to really form some semblance of an identity with the second unit this year because if they just do the same thing they’ve done the last couple years the bench is going to look bad again probably like I feel pretty confident even though they have char who’s an upgrade even though I think they’re getting Westbrook who’s an upgrade over Reggie Jackson if they they don’t try to have an offense I still think it’s going to look like [ __ ] I do I agree y there has to be some focused effort and game planning and like I said a shift in how the Nuggets operate when Nicole yokei just off the floor y or else no matter who they bring in it’s going to look as chaotic as it’s looked in the year’s past I think it’s one of the weigher criticisms of this coaching staff over the years as it’s changed or evolved is just their inability to figure that out and and but I honestly even Jeremy Grant like when he came in here it was almost like he was put in this box of doing some and then obviously went to Detroit you’re like oh he can handle he can do some more stuff but the bench stuff just gets so and go play hard on defense and we’ll see what happens yeah I I right which feels it you’re sometimes you’re like do they have they been coached but they I do think in some ways and it’s still a nuggets problem but I think in some ways it’s a product of the modern practice schedule or lack thereof I really don’t they now other teams have figured this out and put competent benches out there I’m not but I do think it’s like they barely practice and when they do get together it’s the first unit like walkthrough stuff they’re not spending time on the second unit figuring their thing out but perhaps they should well that’s why one my things is you know with hartenstein going to Oklahoma City I will lay down an enormous bet that he has a great year there and the reason is because I think everybody looks good there well because I think Mark dagot that’s how he starts his coaching is he goes what does he do how do we set him up how does that fit into what we’re doing and now we’re going to augment that skill and I think sarich is a similar guy the difference is the gap between him being used right and wrong is probably wider than it is for most players some players are easier just to plug into a spot and they just all right I I don’t need anything I just stand in my corner and I do this he’s not one of those guys I will say so passing and facilitating number one thing he brings I think shooting from the center position is a real thing even though he’s not a great shooter I think it’s the second most valuable thing just cuz Denver doesn’t have a lot of it and he’s another guy that you can count on when he takes a three I don’t think going to groan um number three to me is actually ISO scoring and a lot of this is out of post-ups but if you think about right now when you were talking about okay getting the ball popping using him as a fulcrum that’s hard to do and it does take a commitment but at least you can post him up and understand that he has something there now he’s not a great postup player against his own man but he’s really good one of the things that’s good about him is he kind of Moves Like a guard offensively but is big like a of power forward and so when you run pick and roll and they teams just want to switch that he’s a guy that can get a lot of switches and operate out of drawing the double team and I saw ISO scoring to me is another thing that Denver’s bench specifically really needs that he has he’s a very good offensive player and my read on how Calvin Booth approached the Char thing and Russell Westbrook is I I feel like there’s been some frustration within the Nuggets about not being better offensively as a team you know I think the highest they finished in offense in the the yic era like I don’t even know if they’ve been top three for a season in offensive rating in the yic era and like you look at that you have Nicole yic Jamal Murray Michael how are you not like the best offense in the league for a year and the reason is because they can’t score without Nicole yic on the floor they’ve never been able to so I think Calvin boo kind of went into this offseason being like all right if we’re losing kcp we’re going to have some more offensive juice Off the Bench and we’ve also talked talked about will Michael Malone stagger more lineups this season will he change up his rotations at all maybe he will yeah but I do think Calvin Booth is kind of baked in all right maybe even if he doesn’t we’re still going to have more offensive juice with a Westbrook with a Char so I just think getting more dangerous offensively with joic off the court was a priority for the nuggets and I feel like they’ve addressed it and on their way to addressing it further I think the other thing I’m thinking about with sarich is the Westbrook piece of this is so weird because now you start to think about what is the best lineups for him picket is a guy that is really good at getting the ball on the short roll to his guy he’s a good passer he can be a connective passer vatco can pass sarich can pass I start to look at it and I go you could put some combos together where there’s three guys on the court at all times that are above average facilitators or just ball movers or just nectors no Elite player you get Russ in there Russ is so much more of a everything happens through him and when he’s throwing a pass you shoot it cuz like possession ends right then and there and that’s where I sit here and think if Russ if Westbrook is on the move the sarge piece of this becomes a little bit more volatile to me even though I think it’d be a net positive in terms of adding Russ it’s a piece where I’d go I don’t know what those two guys look at look like together yeah I don’t know either man I mean Russell Westbrook it could be a disaster it could be good yeah but either way it’s going to be interesting that’s kind of where I’m at on it it it’s definitely going to contribute in some ways to that uh kind of rough Around the Edges full steam ahead approach for the second unit we were just talking about like kind of it’s a little sloppy but you’re playing hard and you’re trying to make something happen which does feel like a little bit of a zag from what you were just talking about which is the potential accumulative like kind of playmaking and ver so yeah kind of you know Russ brings some stuff that Denver needs that’s probably not it so that is an interesting thing to consider here’s two more questions on this topic can the Nuggets play uh actually let’s take a break let’s take a break because we’re a little long here let’s take a break on the other side I have one more or two more questions on sarich before we move on to practice notes from Summer League we talked to Julian strawther today we also talked to Don Holmes today and summer league head coach coach Ms we’ll talk about that on the other side guys it is is Miller time here at dmvr on the dmvr 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a gambling problem wants help caller text 1800 Gambler by the way nugget still really good still really good to win to win the West just out there impr thing on the Westbrook front please so he’s obviously on the Clippers you know he’s not a free agent yet I still expect sorry easy for you to say I still expect Russell Westbrook to be a nugget but it’s kind of in the Clippers hands right now the ball’s in their Court they’re trying to trade him I think he’s made it known he wants to come to Denver so I think the Clippers either buy him out or he gets traded and then that team buys him out but either way I think he ends up signing with the nuggets on a minimum I still think that’s the plan it’s always been uh been the thought there um the next question I have here can he play Dario sarich that is can he play alongside niik leic sure defensively it’d be a pretty horrible well that’s a good point but I mean like could you put together a lineup with those two out there yeah I think you could I think it’s uh I think he could probably play a little hybrid four there and got enough floor spacing got enough playmaking I mean I don’t know if it’s plan a but could you could you build a lineup with those next to each other sure I think so yeah I think so I think everybody can play with yic that’s a good point Harrison we shouldn’t make a list of guys who can’t but but is it a good when I say this obviously I’m saying like do you think that’s part of the equation there are guys Zeke Naji is one of them never plays with yoke and it’s not many guys but it usually is the center you know but is he going to be that is he just not going to really he’ll be the one guy that plays the least minutes with yogic it’s interesting man I don’t know um I view him as the backup five if you talk to people that watch him a lot with the Warriors last year they said he sucked at backup five obviously a much different situation Golden State to Denver but um I feel like backup five is where the Nuggets Envision him um could he play some four sure like could he and Aaron Gordon be on the court together and maybe Gordon play some five and he I don’t know um I feel like he’ll play most of his minutes without joic yeah I would agree um but probably a little more with him than zek Nagi did okay if I had to I would be intrigued by a lineup that just features him I mean one of the things we’re thinking about is you want to give some shooting to the non yokich minutes cuz they’re going to be very short on shooting Doo sarich is kind of a stretch four you know if he’s playing four he’s not a great shooter but if you wanted like we want to play Mike at the four in the bench unit minutes we got to take him off all right maybe SAR can stretch the court there I don’t know the other question I had was who is the best front Court pairing for him so we talked a little bit about blacko who by the way is back on a one-year deal yeah um so he is back with the team despite looking I would say 80% at a little rusty a little rusty he looked a little stiff I would say which is honestly a storyline like it’ll probably take him the next three months to be ready to go that’s why I’m really glad he got got to do this actually just to burn it’s not even about like conditioning you know this a great take but just to get a little bit of the rust off because it’s you’re going to have some coming back from that injury and also vaco not a guy logging a lot of minutes anyway so just to get out there and get playing I think so that we don’t have to watch this in preseason and and freak out necessarily you know look maybe he just doesn’t have a good year but yeah get the rust rust off early I’m glad he got some reps um but front so kind walk me through let’s talk about the different look so with lco um great passing high IQ good spacing I think even though neither of them are great Shooters defens not a lot of Rim protection but I do think somewhat switchable and long what else is that does that lineup strengths and weaknesses um interchangeable you know those guys like we were just saying kind of the same you can switch them four to five five to four offensively defensively um a lot of good passing lot of you know lot of high IQ play with those two yeah uh donon Holmes um shooting both guys both guys can shoot the three both guys can operate out of the post yeah Don Holmes and sarch kind of similar are they are they not how how so uh both stretch fours Above the Rim finishers just I mean both stretch fours both you know can operate out of the post um I feel like same kind of level athlete a little bit with both those guys there’s no way they’re the same level athlete shs when he was a rookie okay all right Don Holmes I know the 27inch vertical is not that impressive but he does play it’s like Jeff Green looked more athletic than Aaron Gordon cuz he just somehow uses his athleticism so well Don Holmes is an athlete even if the measurables aren’t crazy yeah but those guys seem like there’s more overlap than chanch and Char I kind of like that fit even though donon Holmes at this moment is more of a complete Mystery Box than anything that’s the thing is we just don’t know but but hypothetically speaking Yeah man I think they’re both guys that you could turn to within the flow of a possession and say let’s set a screen here and they could roll or pop yeah and you know and and some of what wind is getting at is Holmes is a little little tertiary playmaking in there from a big you know he’s got like right he’s he’s a guy who can who can make something happen so that’s an intriguing one that’s an intriguing one I we already talked about it I know I am a little curious about blacko and and charge together I think it that one intrigues me a lot Holmes I’ll just sort of kind of wait until we’ve seen him play a bit before I slot him in I think Holmes and Zeke Naji are more similar in a lot of ways in that both guys slotting into a power forward role not a center rle and both guys slotting into a lower usage role now for Holmes you hope he can grow into more of a higher usage role but Holmes I think is going to walk into the nuggets as a hustle guy that doesn’t have any plays called for him and you just got to rebound you got to cut and you got to defend and you got to do a bunch of stuff constant energy and I think Zeke to be honest with you that’s his wheelhouse if he’s the guy even if it’s not he’s the go-to guy if he just gets minutes there I actually think it puts him in something of a comfort zone like you’re not even the screener in screen and roll you know just play the dunker play the corner that might actually be better for him and then just rebound and hustle and guard and you can put more of your energy there yeah overall though I think I have cool a little bit on Don Holmes can fight for playing time at the start next season I agree I was I was always here I just so raw so young and Denver has so many young players I feel like he was pretty NBA ready in terms of the guys he was drafted around but especially with Char here now it I just can’t really see him in the rotation day one yeah tell pH um those are my questions there let’s move on now though because I’m very intrigued I will say real I had one more thing too what if it’s none of those guys in charch DeAndre Jordan no what if pton Watson and charch and Russell Westbrook and Julian St because I think that is actually the most likely four guys to play off the benchor sorry Russ strawther Payton Char Char it’s a ninan rotation right oh and then like Jamal Murray and then Jam let’s say Jamal with them the Nuggets like to run a N9 man rotation or yeah I I think it’s on Bo you’re either going strawther or another big and I feel like STW probably makes a little more sense well one thing that really helps on that that I forgot to bring up is that sarich is a really good rebounder it’s the other skill that he is bringing he actually rebounds better statistically career-wise as than Aaron Gordon so you don’t think of Aaron Gordon being a rebounding liability you think he’s pretty good at it sarich is actually significantly better I think at 12% the defensive rebound rate across his career uh for Aaron Gordon 20% defensive rebound rate for Dario sarich slightly worse offensive rebounder like one percentage Point not really different but eight percentage points higher as a defensive rebounder it is a strength of his and when you start talking about pton Watson at the four for all of pton Watson’s strengths rebounding is one that he hasn’t had and maybe that does open up the ability to play that kind of combo yeah and I just think Watson and charge is a great two-man combo too Watson cutting to the rim like flying around out there and Char as like the guy who can draw doubles and make stuff happen the only thing I don’t love about that one is pton Watson part of his value is that he’s a really long three part of Julian stw’s value is that he’s a really long too when you move both of those guys down a spot it can be a little bit strange um but you know who knows maybe the Stagger is more of a Christian maybe the Stagger is more of a Michael Porter or something por at the four kind of sounds fun Porter at the four maybe is is where you go with this so maybe the staggers completely different and it’s just more Blended lineups all right let’s talk about summer league here um walk us through it man summer league we talked to Julian strw today nuggets had their first summer league practice today talked to strw and donon Holmes and summer league head coach Andrew mson who looks just like our dmvr Broncos reporter Henry chisel he really does that’s GNA come up a lot this summer y I don’t think so kale can you get up a side by side picture thank you oh my God uh they look exactly the same they got to be related same colored hair is what it is the beard the beard yeah the beard is the same they look like cousins at least they they got to be related I we got to get to the bottom of this but I feel like Julian strw is clearly to me the biggest storyline at Summer League how has his game grown is he ready for the rotation is he still just a shooter has his shot improved and has he developed anything off the dribble as well and he spoke to that today you know he says that a big Focus for him at summer league in Vegas is and he said this quote exploring his game I know off the dribble and I cringed a little yeah that was tough that was a tough line I feel like that is going to be his Focus obviously you know shooting the ball well but I feel like the Nuggets want to put the ball in his hands I feel like he has been working on his playmaking that’s been a priority for him you know since the season ended can he create anything out of the pick and roll can he do some stuff off the dribble can he you know get others going uh with his passing too so really everything around Julian str’s game to me is is the number one thing I’m watching for and um it feels like he is very conscious of wanting to become a better playmaker I think we’re going to see a very aggressive Julian in this uh summer league and I don’t know how that’s going to go like it is funny that you talk about exploring your game it does recall back to Zeke Naji second year that was an absolute disaster the one thing is and I asked coach mson about this they both him and Hunter Tyson are really good off ball off coming off pin downs and off ball movement and I asked him like Hey do you expect there’ll be more of that in the summer league team than there is typically with the nuggets and he said yes he said yeah that actually is going to be a point of emphasis is getting those two guys running off of screens now we’ll see if it actually happens but to me when you say Julian exploring his game I actually think that is as important as like oh are you dribbling now and running pick and roll like no see what he looks like catching and firing off of the Steph Curry Run him like Steph off of a bunch of actions sure especially if you have a a playmaking point guard in Jaylen picket who you would like to think is at least comfortable in a summer league environment doing that so I I think that’s worth worth experimenting with because I know that Michael Malone is is very happy to run stuff for Julian strawther U I think they look at him as a guy who you can not just put out there but draw up plays for and so that’s he has a chance to become a real weapon for this team this year off the bench and I I think it’s a it’s a it’s I won’t I don’t want to say it’s a big summer league for Julian but it’s a big year for Julian for and it starts that summer league one last note on him though for me I love how much Julian loves to play basketball remember they had the conversation about sending him down to the the g-league to to uh kick the rust off after the injury and he was like he gave an answer about how he’s always game for that he’s always down to go and work on his game and get the Reps in and I know he’s not above summer league but I just feel like he’s going and going enthusiastically 100% that was his first thing he was pumped about it he’s like I can’t wait I’ve been waiting for this since the moment that get season ended this guy loves to hoop and I love that about him yeah and I imagine it’s going to be a fun summer league for him like number one guy you know yeah um he also gave a shout out to Hunter Tyson which I love because both mson and uh uh Julian STW both gave a shout out just saying that guy is an insane shooter I think STW said he’s the best shooter he’s ever been around I think he said one of but might have said best but definitely put him was talking about him as if he’s crazy like Hunter Tyson we keep wondering like what is his Elite skill he shot really well his senior year of college but it wasn’t clear if he’d be the fact that his reputation amongst his peers is like he’s the Julian’s a great shooter and he was talking about him as if he’s a better shooter almost no yeah the talk is like Hunter Tyson is an incredible shooter right now well Denver needs shooting so part of me goes like if we were starting the hunter Tyson plays minutes in 2025 campaign you would start with Denver’s desperate for shooting and Hunter Tyson according to his peers is as good shter as anyone in the gym might be Larry Bird too I feel like Hunter Tyson being really good would be very fun this would be very good for everything we didn’t even go over him as an option at the four know don’t know how much room there is for that to happen I me they would definitely be the hunters if that my God but like eventually whether it’s this year or not the idea of that guy coming in and just hitting four threes in a game you know I feel like there are some really really there’s high potential for The Vibes with Hunter Tyson yeah so I just thought that was very noteworthy all right what else we talked to Don Holmes yeah Don Holmes you know when you’re a rookie coming into the NBA I feel like there’s got to be so much thrown at you very quickly like play calls turn minology a lot of it’s completely different than what you do in college and so I feel like Don Holmes still trying to like get his bearings on you know everything the nuggets are trying to do and that’s completely natural for a rookie um but you get the sense that he loves to compete and he loves just playing basketball kind of like you were just saying with Julian strw um like he is in his element when he’s just out there playing and so I feel like he’s really pumped for summer league he kind of can’t wait to get out there and just play to put on a nugo Seri and play and um I’m excited to watch him man I think he’s going to be playing the four playing Power Forward mostly on this summer league team they got PJ Hall who they signed on a two-way contract who’s going to start at Center and then Holmes at the four next to Tyson strawther and picket and um I feel like the nuggets are going to focus their offense part of it going to be STW Tyson coming off screens creating a little bit and then next it’s going to be homes I got to think so I’m excited to see what he can do he’s your number two he’s yeah my number two kind of storyline I’d say um Julian St was also asked about him and he said that his motor is insane which is to me his number one like trait you know as a player it’s going to be the thing that gets him on the court for sure early on in his career but the fact that after just one practice it’s already uh like oh my God yeah that guy just plays with a crazy motor he does everything at a hard level and I’m with you he he is like a guy like strawther who I just think loves hoop and one of the things I said about him as a scout was he does everything with the same energy he does the dirty work just as hard as he does everything else but today talking to him it sounds like it’s because he loves the dirty work I think he has a passion for the ugly parts of the game which is a great trait to have I love that he has mentioned Aaron Gordon because I just I I think this is like the perfect role model for him I think his ears are to the ground though I think he has an ear to the ground I think that’s true think these youngsters are used to seeing what people say online yeah some basic research all right who are their starters okay those are my favorite guys but no I I think this is a good one man like Embrace that stuff here in Denver carve out a roll for yourself real quick if you do to be honest I I’m telling you I want this is the job I want I want to go tell him like Hey just say lonso Ellis is one of your favorite I’m telling you just a general internet consultancy know I never skip steps in my career never have dude we’ be so good at telling people what to and not so easy we’re so easy all right the last guy to talk about today I think we’re going to have to push the Olympics stuff to tomorrow which is good because we got the headline in the thumbnail K we might have to update that we’ll do a little fix it and post we’ll fix it in post but you know we went long today who would have guessed um the last one here is Coach mson Andrew Andrew mson um we joke that he looked like he was like the youngest coach in the NBA history look at this I I mean you’re pointing at here is white guys with beards like they’re kind of that’s a they’re the same same kind of white guy beard you can’t deny it I can’t deny that you are to me that’s where the comparisons end here but all right maybe the chat disagrees well we did a whole draft guide with comps based off things like hair and beard that’s so true that’s actually great you know what Checkmate um all right walk us through here mson um Andrew mson I don’t even know how old he is I think he’s younger than me young guy dude it’s a weird moment when that you’re you’re already now amongst the 400 NBA players you’re probably in the like oldest 100 dude totally it happens man I’m Abed kale you’re almost at the 50% Mark dude I’m telling you um but yeah young guy who’s been on Michael Malone staff for a while uh you know he’s been here for at least like four or five years I think maybe longer um but you know he’s been around for a while second row assistant I think his title is actually Special Assistant to Michael Malone yeah but he’s an assistant coach does a little bit of everything I think you know a little Player Development uh a lot of scheming with the coaching staff as well and I’m excited to see what he can do because I don’t really know much about him um I don’t think he’s really been a part of another organization other than the Nuggets so he’s kind of come up with this team and this staff but um I’m excited to see like what he’s got in his bag and the Highlight from him today was that appar he called a rage timeout and everybody loved it he’s 30 so he is younger than me my favorite part of that was a great followup by Bennett durando of the post he said did you get a rush and he’s big smile he’s like it kind of felt good yeah it’s so funny man it’s so funny he will be an interesting character you know coaching the night everyone they go through they just keep going through the list everybody kind of gets a crack at it and it will be kind of interesting to see the youngest of the Nuggets coaches now I I love the and it’s not about him best of luck to to mson but I love kind of tracking like day one everyone’s very excited to be the head coach of the Sumer League team and then by like halfway through game two that job is rough yeah remember the Jordie Fernandez years Jord is the one all about high Vibes we were so excited and Jordy who’s a a very good coach head coach and and Team Canada as well right like this guy this guy’s got plenty going on halfway through game one he was like oh [ __ ] you get in that gym at Cox’s Pavilion it’s hot in there it’s really loud no what it was if you recall it cuz I think they dropped game one and then game two they had like a 20 to zero run they gave up yeah and it was like looking at him on the sideline as he was just like there is nowhere to hide right now and it’s like yeah man this stuff so it’s kind of funny it’s kind of funny when the coaches get it um but again him talking about the emphasis I thought was kind of neat cuz you know those emphasis not necessarily coming from him it’s coming from the organization and Julian into some playmaking it’ll be neat to kind of see how the team goes about that uh you said so Julian and then Don Holmes was one two for you is that the same for you is that the same one maybe I mean picket I think sneaks into this conversation in theory picket was higher for me until you know we learn that they’re bringing in another point guard to play over him right that that’s a very the stakes feel like they lowered for him a little bit it’s a very good counter like how well could he possibly play at Summer League where that conversation even changes uh at the same time you know maybe Westbrook is signed by game one maybe he’s not sure so there’s always a world where it’s like are we sure that’s the plan in picket shoes this is still a big I don’t even want to say opportunity it’s like it just has to go well he has I think to keep himself afloat here in Denver um and and so yeah I think there’s some pressure on him some eyes on him the thing about picket is for as much as he’s been talked about he didn’t play so it’s not even like people hate him and I’m I’m telling you on on weird things cuz he was pretty good in the g- league he had some really good games that’s what I mean like we actually don’t really know yet how comfortable he would look in this environment per se um how how exciting it’ll be to watch him it’s got no Aura I think is what it is that’s part of it but that that is part of it but you know what just be good at backup point guard that’s plenty fine for me yeah I got Tyson though Hunter Tyson shooting the leather off the ball I mean it’s going to be tough from the top last year summerling performance but what if he does it again you’re just then it’s like you know what why is this guy not playing D Lin’s in Dallas right now like this summer league team is going to be amazing yeah um I got one more thing to say on the offseason if when we’re done with summer league for done I feel like there’s been a lot of rushing to panic about this nuggets off season and look losing kavia callwell Pope is a huge loss that sucks that’s rough it’s going to be a big hole for the Nuggets to fill but I feel like like ever since then people have been rushing to panic about everything for the Nuggets right now oh my God they didn’t sign anybody throughout the first couple days of free agency what is happening look I’ve reported this since free agency started the Nuggets were focused on two guys when free agency started Dario sarch was one Russell Westbrook was the other the sarge steel took a couple days to come together because he’s playing trying to qualify for the Olympics they want to get through that he was also thinking about going back to Europe next season the Nuggets always exuded confidence that that deal would get done and it did and you know Russell Westbrook is the other shoe to drop and I think that’s going to happen too eventually so look losing kcp was a rough start to the off season but I feel like the Nuggets plan you know to Pivot after that is still on track you know they’ve gotten their one guy that they want to so far and I think are going to get Westbrook and um you know even with this Jamal Murray contract I feel like people are trying to panic about what’s happening with the Nuggets right now but I don’t get the sense that that’s the reality of what’s happening this summer all right let’s get to some super chats what do we got kale three of them Cedric of course our good friend Cedric Exquisite if Jamal doesn’t play good don’t give that extension I love the idea that because there anything he could do with Team Canada besides get hurt that you’re like you know what I don’t know if he plays bad he’s getting a max deal it’s stillo 5% from three what if he throws something on the court oh God Tim Horton’s coffee hot take please rate yic wins ash4 MVP Char our next best big six-man of the Year PS no kill we want kcp back um MVP would be a hot take yeah that’d be a hot take as well six Man of the Year could get some Buzz there I don’t know well uh liola will Russ ad Lia will Russ adapt to the culture ditching your ego buying Into Your Role Boogie did great in that area in my opinion despite the wiie be beef at the end the thing about the DeMarcus Cousin situation is like there were no Stakes on that season Jamal muray was out the Nuggets knew they weren’t winning a championship or making a playoff run he come in and just actually kind of be more of himself than I people than I think people thought he was being also I’m not sure how true it is that he did great in that area honest yeah that’s what I’m saying like I feel like there was actually a lot of stuff that happened behind the scenes that made the Nuggets not want to bring him back Alexander Brown love the show like always guys thanks for a space to connect with the community heck yeah man hey what a treat let’s go nuggets We Appreciate You Al and we’ll close out as we always do with Cedric Exquisite what are the odds of getting Trent Jr wish we can uh 1% it would be interesting if the Westbrook thing falls through where does Denver pivot to and what do they do I mean that’s a possibility that’s a very real real possibility even though the nuggets are projecting confidence on it um it’ll be interesting to kind of see how that plays out all right cue that outro music guys I think we have a great week ahead we might have some guests we might have some big stuff going on and then of course we head to Vegas uh for the weekend where we’ll be out there covering summer league up close and personal so you’re going to want to keep it locked right here to the channel tomorrow we’ll talk Olympics which will be fun I’m very excited I’m so pumped for it me too man me too so pely hit that like button on the way [Music] out we all sitting like the [Music] mayor for

Dario Saric is officially a Nugget and we had some time to look into his fit, and the fellas got their first look at the Summer League Nuggets. We talked to Julian Strawther and new Nugget DaRon Holmes. What did we take away from practice? Adam Mares, Brendan Vogt, and Harrison Wind come to you LIVE from the DNVR Bar to break down everything you need to know in this edition of the DNVR Nuggets Podcast!

Start – 0:00
Why has Jamal not signed? – 2:50
KCP contract offered – 9:00
Saric thoughts – 19:00
Can Saric play alongside Jokic? – 35:00
Front court pairings – 37:50
Summer League practice notes – 43:30
Superchats – 58:15

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. Guys, I do like the show…its grown on me but you do know that you potentially have a player that is once in a generation, possibly top10 with his skills, a unicorn, right? And you do know that he is WASTING his life away on this pathetic excuse of a franchise the Denver Nuggets, right? Great. So why aren’t Denver nuggets fans in DENVER creating havoc for management to do something? Overpaid, often-injured, inconsistent tools are ruining what the big Serbian could become. I just hope he isnt blindly loyal to this team and NEVER asks for a trade. But i think he isnt that stupid. Hopefully, raznotovic, can talk to sense to him. Cao denver, moglo da bude i bolje. Jbg

  2. Has Jamal ever come into a season 100%? Every year he is either out completely, recovering, rehabbing, or playing his way back into shape. As a GM, I would be pissed at him for playing for Canada when he was injured all year.

  3. I trust nothing these guys say since being sponcered by miller lite. The willingness to lie for cash is disgusting.

  4. And then they say picket was good in g league. Though when the avid g league watcher was a gueat he said picket was trash, while Gillespie was a baller in the g league…

    And yeah we are not happy that they didn't even offer kcp… not everyone has to be a shill like those from dnvr…

  5. Maybe the nuggets should use this time to REWORK the contract and take 9 mil off so we can have more money to sign someone

  6. If the FO is being more “ruthless” now- then actually do it. Why’d we sign a bunch of 2nd rounders to contracts without any experience. Why not sign KCP, then trade him mid season so we regain his value on the team? I’m sorry, Booth is kind of an idiot

  7. Westbrook with Saric and Vlatko being spacing bigs along with Pwat and Strawther who are good and serviceable defenders respectively sounds like a pretty solid bench to me. Not only do you have someone who can get the basket with a spaced floor his flaws are minimized because he doesn’t have to handle the ball in the halfcourt. I agree tho they need to actually run an offense for the bench.

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