@Boston Celtics

Celtics Haven’t Gotten Any Better this Offseason

Celtics Haven’t Gotten Any Better this Offseason

I don’t know that I would give them an A and when I say that I’m not telling you their off season has been bad okay that’s not what I mean they just brought everybody back they haven’t added so like to me that’s not an a I mean you know and again I’m nitpicking but it has to be an a no it doesn’t I mean if you brought if you didn’t if you I want them to get better I don’t want them to stand Pat I don’t I don’t want that but you you do want them to stand Pat no I don’t okay if you don’t want them to stand Pat then answer this question what what would you have what would they do I would have preferred some sort of Rim protecting big man out of the draft at a minimum and when I say that I think they’ve got to come up with some sort of measure so trade up um I don’t know they had the the capacity to do that there were a couple guys available they might have been able to do it didn’t the kid from UCLA go in the second run yeah so they could have had him you know again I I I mean I’m not I I don’t know enough about the kid of Gonzaga I’m just telling you I don’t like the profile of who you know uh well he’s more of a wing the other guys that played center in college the kid from Gonzaga but he’s 68 totally undersized and he feels like a bull in the china shop uh you know didn’t do anything to float my boat I’d have taken a shot on a big guy there who might be able to you know run and play defense here’s what I’m worried about porzingis and if poring okay now I’m not telling you you solv that listen Christmas I I keep saying it’s Christmas with porzingis that’s that’s what you you’re going to see poor zingis at Christmas and if you see him before Christmas that that means everything went perfectly well like ahead of schedule with the surgery and rehab and getting himself back into shape when they say five to six months with this with this rare injury I always say with an injury I take more time not less I don’t take five months five to six months give me six months so I think it’ be from the time of the surgery to the time you see poor zingis again it is Christmas probably uh right after the first of the year I’m worried about their ability to protect the rim when he’s not on the floor I don’t even care about the offense I mean I do but the the bottom line is I think they miss them more at the defensive end now they were able to make up for it against Dallas fine they had an easy road but when they go against certain teams they’re going to need some Rim protection there their defense gets compromised but didn’t you see that already not really they had porzingis so during their playoff run how many games did porzingis play in the postseason okay but Michael this is my point could you have had an easier Road no you couldn’t have had an easier road but you still like you look at some of the other aspects of the team like that’s a weakness you can’t say hey everything is fine without porzingis there is something you don’t have not just defensively but offensively without porzingis you can’t stretch the floor agre the way the same way I mean you you lose 20 points from porzingis 20 points per game seven boards you know two blocks a game I mean that’s significant but they I think the team does enough in other areas where you can kind of you don’t you’re not held you’re not a prisoner to to that particular weakness to the point where okay now the Celtics are in trouble they’re not in trouble they’re just not the Juggernaut that they can be when porzingis is out exactly but you mean to tell me like some kid some 21-year-old Rim protecting kid allegedly is going to just jump in here and make the Celtics a better team no no but I’m not necessarily just talking about 20 24 25 I’m talking about longer term that if you were to say to me what what is my concern as Tatum and brown get and I say a little bit older but this window for Tatum and Brown is not a two-year window it’s a longer window than that so I want somebody who can protect the rim I think that that is the most important thing that they can get to go along with these two and so I look I don’t know if they would have hit on the pick or not I’m just telling you I don’t want the status quo teams that say status quo to me there’s got to be tweaks and changes always always see I don’t know I don’t know M I think the the status quo like you have the same you have the same people back but you don’t have the same situation so now uh you know coming into the you know 20 23 24 season the question was can we win a championship can the Jays play together all these things can Joe Missoula step up those questions are answered so now you go to another part of the game you know old school video game next level now the next level is Philadelphia got better no question the Knicks got better no question now people respond to you as a champ how do you deal with that being uh the the group the team that everybody is making moves because you won the championship and now they’re responding to you so last year you had your your playoff run where you lost three games that’s not going to happen again they’re champion who have to figure out how to win when you lose eight or nine playoff games great teams have done this they are champions the great Michael Jordan was once down zip two in the playoffs to the Knicks and how do you figure it out when you’re down two games or down a game LeBron was down to Paul George’s Pacers two games to one in the playoffs and they figure out a way to win so yeah the the the players may look the same but you’re it’s not going to be the status quo because everything around your changes I want new blood I’m okay with that I want I want some new I don’t want new blood why do I want new blood no no no no no listen I’m not telling you to get rid of the old blood add add some I just want new pieces I want new you got him his name is Baylor shyman and you’re going to see him on going to be good just real quick first of all this just to remind everybody this team has done things like what you were talking about Michael three down three2 to the Bucks they come back it was an NO2 but this I’m talk about this team this team but this core Tatum and brown have pulled off things like that and just to kind of understand your point I know what you’re saying I don’t disagree with it in terms of porzingis but to me I see you know give him more time so maybe he’s extra you make sure he’s healthy that’s fine but for me I think he’s absolutely going to get hurt again it’s just it’s going to happen he’s not going to be healthy throughout the entire season through a playoff run we know the NBA playoffs are so long how do you how do you manage that how do you try to have him as available as possible Series in and series out in the playoffs obviously if they got a bigger man if they had you know a new big man different whatever if they could limit his minutes maybe that’s way load management which I hate but if that’s what it takes but they did that with him last year it didn’t work I don’t know cuz he’s going to get hurt again going to happen but what Ma wants and I’ll say quickly Ma I want a longer term plan at the position what but you’re going to get that in two years because this may be the last year of Al Horford so Al Horford at 38 his contract comes up who knows if they win a championship again maybe Horford says okay I’m done he retires so you have to replace Horford and then with por zing you say all right another year if he doesn’t bounce back we’re going to have to replace Horford we’re going to have to play replace porzingis you may get that that new addition you’re just not going to get it in 24 25 maybe get it in 25 26 I admit it I’m n picking I’m just telling you I I don’t like the idea ever so what grade would you give him B so what’s the ownership tell you what just sit tight for a second I got to get us back on the clock somehow this is an e Hing is that I don’t know what that is they they over my head I don’t know what they completely ignored the freaking stops in the schedule if you like that clip check out more videos from felger and Maz here for more Celtics analysis and opinion hit this playlist and for all the latest from the sportsub download the app at 985thesportshub

Tony Mazz, Michael Holley and Mark Dondero grade the Boston Celtics’ offseason moves.

Thumbnail Image Courtesy of USA Today Sports (Peter Casey)


  1. they haven’t gotten any better because they are the best they can possibly be when it comes to managing finances.. what the fuck is this take

  2. MAZZ is Right we did not add anybody the glare weakness on our Celtics is more depth on big men Porzingis is not Healthy and Al Horford is Looong in the tooth .

  3. Biggest Threats to our Boston Celtics in 2024 25 in The Eastern Conference 1.Philadelphia 76ers 2.NY Knicks 3.Milwaukee Bucks 4.Cleveland Cavaliers 5. Indiana Pacers and watch out for the young upcoming Orlando Magic Team lead by Paulo Banchero

  4. Stevens knows what he is doing. Trade deadline will bring some oppurtunities to add. They had no cap space the new CBA is brutal. Bucks and Heat added no one either. Extending Dwhite was the key to the offseason. Tillman has more upside too with a full offseason and training camp

  5. They literally gained championship experience and kept their team together. Free agency has knocked a few contending teams down

  6. They resigned 3 big men who havent reaches their ceiling. Xavier Tillman will have a full year wirh the team
    Hes only 25.

  7. We have a championship team and we leave out the development of their bench players. Tatum and Brown are 26 and 27….philly got older, Milwaukee did nothing….New York added one player and lost a Big man

  8. They don’t need to get any better they blew every one out and resigned everyone. Thats the mistake 08 didn’t do they let go of James Posey.

  9. The idea that you're getting a difference making, rookie big at pick 30 on a team that LITERALLY won the title is a level of delusion thats hard to quantify.

    I just have no words

  10. Mazz is full of shit that he's contradicting himself:
    – Mazz @ 2:13 – Fine, they had an easy road.
    – Mazz @ 2:30 – Mike, could you have had an easier road?

    What is he talking about?

  11. He right tho bc now you have teams loading coming at your heads. You have to tweak the roster a little bit. I agree Celtics should’ve went out and got a rim protector bc Al old and Porzingas is injury prone. Luke Kornet not tough enough

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