@Brooklyn Nets

Cam Thomas on the First Day of Training Camp…

Cam Thomas on the First Day of Training Camp…

by Kwilly462


  1. I was about to ask what movie this is cause it looked interesting aaaaand then Paul Blart 😭😭😭

  2. Groady_Wang

    Need him to show up with an “ain’t shit funny” tee

  3. On a side-note, I’m rewatching Mr. Robot and it always throws me off that Bobby Canavale is playing Irving.

    He’s a great actor, but I feel like he always plays these kind of over the top Italian dead beats or tough guys. Whether it’s in a drama like Boardwalk Empire or in comedies like here in Paul Blart or Spy, it’s always a pretty similar performance.  

    [But then his role in Mr. Robot feels completely different than anything else he’s ever done.](

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