@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Still Targeting Lauri Markkanen Trade

Spurs Still Targeting Lauri Markkanen Trade

what’s going on everyone so I think that the Spurs acquisition of Harrison Barnes was a great move I think that they are doing all the things right this off season thus far bringing in Chris Paul I think was one of the if not the best moves that they could have done right you get a veteran adult in the room a guy that can be a mentor and help develop Stefan Castle Devon vasel right now you got these guys that can learn from one of the best uh guards to ever play the game uh also look at like guys like SGA SGA speaks so highly of Chris Paul and what Chris Paul did for his game I just love what how Chris Paul can really kind of break things down and kind of help these guys see things that they might not see otherwise kind of expedite their growth uh and then even guys I think even like Trey Jones is going to be a really benefit from adding Chris Paul and then bringing in a Harrison Barnes is another adult V that has Championship pedigree that understands what it takes to win as he won a championship with the Golden State Warriors and was a big piece in that regard you get now a legit 3 andd guy is he the guy he was with the Warriors not not with the Kings but he’s still was very good I also think a lot of people are really missing the point with Harrison Barnes I see a lot of people that are like oh you know Harrison Barnes he’s not this he’s not that like it’s not about the Spurs winning a championship this year no one thinks that the Spurs are going to win a championship this year the Spurs don’t even think they’re winning a championship this year it’s not about that it’s about growing developing and laying the foundation for your young core so that way you can win championships and be that dynasty again in a few years right the idea is to have this nice balance of the right vets that can come in and it’s not just about getting a vet it’s about getting vets that understand the role that are willing to play and embrace the role as well as be mentors for the team and bringing in Harrison Barnes they get that they get a guy that has the understanding that knows what is expected from him he’s not going to take away from Vel he’s not going to take away from Castle he’s not going to take away from Victor whama yes you could go get somebody and maybe he’s he’s better and the Spurs are better but it’s not about that it’s about the growth development in the process right with this young team just wanted to clarify that cuz I see a lot of people that are like oh Spurs aren’t winning with Harrison Barnes like it’s not about winning it’s about laying the foundation going forward Harrison Barnes is a great player in acquisition that will help now on and off the court and on top of that he’s going to be a guy that you have for this year and next year but he also will be a 19 million expiring contract next year which you could use to potentially facilitate a trade uh for maybe a a more win now piece this is just good for the Spurs all around but now that they have Harrison Barnes you have Chris Paul there is this question of do they just kind of St Pat maybe get another like vet guy or two or you know kind of maybe make a small minor trade there’s a lot of like what are they going to do with Kell and Johnson right there’s there’s a lot of questions on what’s what’s next what’s the next move and again the Spurs I think have done everything perfectly but Lori marinan has been a target for the Spurs uh he’s been a name heavily linked to the Spurs uh and there is this question of should the Spurs still go after Lori marinin now to me I don’t hate the idea of them going after Lori marinin but to me is he the right piece for the Spurs now Lori marinin in concept makes a ton of sense again he’s a guy that’s not going to take away from Victor from Vel from Stefan Castle right he’s a guy that he doesn’t need the ball in his hands to be effective and be a threat he’s also got good he’s seven feet can’t teach that right shoot the lights out go get you 20 plus on every given night he’s a guy that would be a huge impact guy and I do really like the idea of you know having a Victor at the five and then a Lori at the four and then you know even Harrison Barnes at the three right like you could have a starting five where maybe you’re bringing Castle Off the Bench for his first year to kind of let him ease into the season and then you have a starting five of say Chris Paul vasel uh Barnes marinan and Victor I think that’s tough I think that’d be a very good team I think that’d be very good offensively I think you would be you know I think you have a real shot at being a top five six team in the west right health and things like that will be a big factor also how how much of a leap can Victor play right I’ve seen people throw out that like oh if they get Lori Markin in then they can win a championship I don’t really buy that personally um if if Victor whama which look Victor was arguably a top 15 player last year best defense player in the league in my opinion already I think he should have won rookie of the year I don’t or not Rookie of the Year a defensive player of the year I don’t care if he’s a rookie or not give it to the best defensive player he was the best defensive player right so but it’s neither here nor there right so to me it’s like if Victor can take that leap into like he is clearly a top five player in the league like there’s no question there’s not even an argument he’s like one of the three to five best players in the league then maybe right but I’d still have concerns about like the defense I’d have like the overall depth the youth um you know I I I would still kind of Reserve like hey I don’t know if they they’d actually be a true Contender but you know hey look you you get the right matchups you all of a sudden you look up you’re in the Conference Finals and then you know get a couple things go your way you’re in the NBA Finals it wouldn’t be crazy right I mean Atlanta was in the Conference Finals a few years years ago and they were terrible ever since right so again getting Lori Markin in I I like the idea of him being that that piece that you can kind of plug in play won’t take away from anybody else however my concerns with Lori marinin is one you’re going to have to pay him you’re going have to pay him a lot and is he the right guy going forward to really raise the ceiling of the Spurs Lori marinan is not your number one option I don’t even think he’s your number two option if you’re really trying to be a perennial Contender I think he is your third option and a great third option which would mean that you’re really banking on not only Victor taking another leap but theel or Castle really taking another leap however there is the other side of this which is and you’ve seen this kind of last few years where maybe you are just so Good by committee and your one star is just so transcending that you can win so for example look at the Milwaukee Bucks Giannis was the best player in the world at that time Drew holiday Chris Middleton they’re not number two options they’re both you know probably third options but those two combined with the greatness of Giannis along with the other pieces that just fit in perfectly were able to win a championship right Giannis I mean had to drop 50 and stuff he had again he had to be great but you saw that like okay one guy that is that good alongside two guys that are really good and then a bunch of good quality rotation pieces can win you a championship so maybe the Spurs could look at it like that again another example would be you know like d uh Denver right jokic is so transcendently good Jamal Murray is really good but for years there was this question of can he be the second guy he’s never been an Allstar this that and the other and again I don’t think Jamal Murray is a superstar I don’t think he’s a top 20 player in the league or anything like that but I do think he is very good right but he is the yoka is so trans s is so gifted that him plus that legit Allstar level guy along with some high-end rotation role players you can win a championship so the Spurs if Victor can be which I do believe he will be at some point right I do believe he will be that good to where it’s like okay him with just like another Allstar level guy and quality role guys can win you a championship but if you’re talking about right now or in the next few years right it’s probably going to take him another two three years now who knows right I just don’t want to put the cart before the horse or have these insane expectations right he’s still incredibly young he’s still going to need some time I mean even yage and Giannis and embiid and all these guys took a few years to get there right like as great as they are it took time Victor was so great and so special out the gate it might not take him four five six years to do so but it’s still probably going to take him till year three to to Really Elevate to that level where it’s like okay this guy is a top three player in the league hands down right could he maybe get to the argument next year sure but I’m talking about clearcut like you can’t name three guys better than him right that’s probably going to take a year or two I think Victor will be the best player on both sides of the basketball in the next two three years at worse and so with that it’s like you could potentially like if Castle becomes good I’m not even talking about great or anything that but if he becomes like a legit like okay this guy’s a good two-way guy you know and then you get theel continuing to grow and develop and and he can be a legit you know say can he get to like 23 a game right you add a Lori marke in you know you go get that other piece and now it’s like okay now you’re good enough to win a championship maybe have you know some two or three guys off the bench that come in provide some quality minutes now I think you can win a championship but I just think I think personally the Spurs should just either stay where they are or again go get one or two kind of like Middle Ground pieces or like vet guys bring them in kind of run the year right even if you miss the playoffs or something like that who cares right you it’s just about developing your core foundation and I think the the Spurs will be in good shape but those are my thoughts and opinions and as always I pass a question on you let me know yours down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts should the Spurs still go Target and go after Lori marinin how do you think no stay away from Lor marinin no he’s great but he’s not worth the money that he’s going to get um he’s not the the the right option as like kind of your number two guy right now cuz again you got to keep in mind he would right now be your number two guy is he the right guy in that regard but anyway again how you feel whatever your thoughts are I love to hear it let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subcribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate yall see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs landed Harrison Barnes via 3 team trade with the Chicago Bulls and Sacramento Kings. Barnes will slot in perfect for the Spurs alongside Victor Wembanyama and Chris Paul and give the Spurs another vet to develop the young guys. Spurs Trade For Lauri Markkanen has been in the news for awhile and Spurs News has them still potentially targeting him.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #nbatrade


  1. Brooooooo you can’t go around saying that Middleton isn’t a #2 and Murray isn’t a top 20 player and be taken seriously.

  2. 😒some fans do t make since in the comments man go get the man, specially after you saw fucking collins always getting dunked in or out rebound in the paint we need another big that can space the floor and he’s a good shooter as a big now we would have 2 bigs who can shoot, we have picks and money we ain’t
    Got the time to be waiting to see what type of talent we get in the draft every year gotta make sacrifices to win some role players be looking like stats when there surrounding around the right players y’all forgot kawhi championship win in Toronto that fast

  3. If the lakers strike out this off season, does Pelinka get canned? You think we can do something mid season?

  4. My friend…you said 10,000 words and not one damn thing that matters. I stop listening when you said it not about getting better. What is it about…? LOVE? What are you talking about. This team has absolutely zero path to 40 wins which isn't even a 12 seed. Barnes is pure trash. A bum. They gave away Dillingham for 2 picks that Pop will be gone before they use. In 3 years if The Spurs are not at least a close to winning a playoff series Wemby is gone. They haven't won 36 games since Timmie left. Stop talking process and start getting more talent like Castle. Chris is a 12 month rental that will help. Barnes is a bum

  5. If it s not for winning a ship don t go all in for markenin, the trades of cp and barnes are good because they will help the guys to grow and compete without loosing anything

  6. Lauri is literally perfect for the modern nba…he’s literally the perfect big to put alongside wemby it dosen’t get better then him

  7. You supposed Spurs fans have no vision. You are sleeping on VW. Watch the Olympics b/c VW is going to make the Spurs a Top Ten team this year.

  8. I think Lauri could be #2 on a champ team. In the way that Murray is for the Nuggest. Lauri is clutch, and more importantly plays the game the right way and wouldn't leave SA just for more money like PG ditched the Clippers.

  9. The thing with Lauri Markkanen is that it wont mean to be a championship level team and it will cost a big sacrifice on the future of the team. Even if it did though, making this move would mean being great for a short period of time and then having a poor 3/4 years period at the very least. The talent Wemby has is that high that, ever since the team starts contending, it has to be doing so every single year until he retires (thats probably why Brian Wright is so interested in very far future picks to get players similar to what Kawhi was to Duncan). The rebuild is going great, which is easy with a player like Victor, but the decision of when they are prepared to start contending should not be made by the front office via a blockbuster trade but instead by the young core by developing to a stage where they are able to contend without outside help. The young core right now has an amazing talent, and it is only getting better with the 2025 and 2026 draft. Patience is the key, once the team gets to a point where it can be contending by itself, trades can be made for players who fit better with wemby and build a dynasty capable of winning multiple chips.

  10. Vassell is one of the best at his position. And he's still very young. He doesn't get the credit cuz he plays on a losing team but boy is a walking bucket. Getting rid of him or Jeremy better get me a literal King's Ransom in return😂.. they can stay right where they're at and we can still build a title contender with them

  11. Trade a lot of those picks for Lauri… I mean what is the process? Stack lottery picks until 2045? That would imply that you're losing every year. This type of move could take us out of that.. because I don't know about you guys who are Spurs fans I have simply LOVED watching the playoffs without us being there past few years..

  12. Cp3 can unlock Markkanen similar to how Conley did. He is the perfect complimentary piece for Wemby and a team player (fits the spurs mold).

  13. Spurs can win with what they have, and by doing so they’ll strengthen the team. Don’t sacrifice what’s being built. I like Markkanen but not for everything

  14. I dont want lauria you have to give up way too much draft Capital first-round picks plus rotational players and his injury prone, dancehall him to a big contract No!!!!

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