@Milwaukee Bucks

Why Khris Middleton is the clutchest player in NBA HISTORY

Why Khris Middleton is the clutchest player in NBA HISTORY

so one of the most frustrating things in my life as an NBA fan and particularly a bucks fan is how little credit this man K midy gets in comparison to how great he is and it really hurts my heart how much there are Bucks fans that doubt this man and do not speak on his greatness so I want to get into it for the PE Bucks fans that really just don’t notice what Chris Middleton has brought to the bucks for the last decade and really bring up how this is the clutchest player in NBA history and I’m not saying this from uh perspective of just trying to Hype him up that is just the genuine truth and before I get into the slideshow of all the reasons why Chris Middleton is the clutchest player ever and why he’s probably the most underrated player ever you might be thinking Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan and you could say yes those guys statistically in the big games in the playoffs overall they put up bigger numbers but clutch doesn’t just mean who plays the best in the biggest moments it’s who elevates the most in the biggest moments right because if you average 30 a game in the regular season then you get to the finals and you average 30 are you clutch or are you just yourself all the time Chris Middleton is great in the regular season but he goes from a great regular season player borderline Allstar to a guy that is all time in a slew of different categories so when you talk about a guy that elevates in the mo the biggest moments the most consistently Chris Middleton is that guy to me the most underrated player in NBA history but definitely the clutches and so we’re going to go through all these things first thing here is he’s the only player to ever record 20 points 10 rebounds five assists five Steals and back toback playoff games Al that’s like that’s nice maybe a little random but it’s pretty nice if it was just two back-to-back playoff games he did it in a game six and a game seven to beat Kevin Durant playing some of the best basketball of his career so he’s the first person to do that ever in the history of basketball in the playoffs but he did it in game six and game seven and there will there will be Bucks fans that talk about well Chris Middleton’s inconsistent yes but they never so many Bucks fans refuse to acknowledge and refuse refuse to appreciate that his greatness comes in the biggest moments in the game sixes and game sevens he’s not doing that in a game one or a game two like a Drew Hy would have a good game one and then fall apart in the biggest games in a game seven Chris Middleton does it in the biggest moments and he did it all throughout the postseason leading to a finals a championship and I thought doing that dropping 40 in the finals would be enough for Bucks fans to really start shouting out how amazing this guy is but he still gets too much mixed reactions and it’s the most since LeBron in that playoff run like he’s next to LeBron that’s why I say he’s the clutchest player ever because in the regular season Nobody Compares him to LeBron james’ level but in the postseason there’s just so many numbers that put him in the caliber of the of guys like that F 15 go-ahead or game tying shots there was a um debate about who’s the Batman who’s the robin Yannis is always the best player on the bucks but Chris Middleton was the closer and he was the clutch guy don’t get that twisted although Giannis could do that as well we saw in game six of the finals generally on the run you needed Chris Middleton to be that guy as they were both doing it that these are the specific numbers in the game six and game seven it wasn’t just like 21 points 20 points as it we as he was getting the 20 point 10 rebound five assists five steals it was 38 10 five and five so that’s what he was doing in those elimination games back against the wall and this is his percentage on let me make this bigger game tying or game winning field goals this was the last time they came up with this graphic uh that was when they had the championship run but he just had a couple more he had three more just against the Pacers so this number is better I just couldn’t find it um listed down anywhere statistically but I’m pretty sure he’s now above 50% and he is the highest in NBA history if anybody can have a link to uh finding this specific number I spent a lot of time looking for it I couldn’t find it but I believe he’s higher than 50% now regardless those are Nam that are widely seen as some of the clutchest players ever but Chris Milton doesn’t get mentioned with them and the thing is Robert Hy when I bring up Chris mton some people bring up Robert H’s the clutches but the thing is Robert Hy clutch game-winning shot sure you could put him in that conversation but Robert Hy is never giving you 38 in an elimination game the way Chris Middleton is so that’s why Chris Middleton to me is the clutchest player ever and you look at his Playoff stats in his career these are pretty stick and solid especially when you consider his first three seasons uh he wasn’t necessarily even seen as seen as like a primary guy for the bus whether Jabari Parker ahead of him he was never really seen as like the Batman or even the Robin at the beginning of his career so he was averaging like 14 15 a game once he got established as that number two guy with Giannis the numbers went way up Beyond this but even with those numbers overall these are better numers than Jimmy Butler It’s s less points uh more rebounds and more assists and more clutch stats than Jimmy Butler has but people always love saying playoff Jimmy Jimmy in the playoffs but even Bucks fans never talk about Chris Middleton in the playoffs but Chris middlton has been better in the playoffs he dropped 40 in the finals he’s actually gone over the top and won a championship Jimmy Butler’s great in the playoffs too but he’s inconsistent and fans just say playoff Jimmy Chris Milton’s inconsistent his best games come in the biggest games and people are just say well he’s inconsistent they never bring up the clutch Factor they never bring up uh clutch kidi even though he’s clutcher than anyone else anyone else that’s ever done it and on top of this you hear people talking about um where is he at Klay Thompson’s on here somewhere Chris Middleton has higher numbers uh than I don’t know if I lost his but he has higher numbers all around than Klay Thompson and people consider Klay Thompson before they consider Chris Milton both in alltime rankings and he’s always been ranked above him as an overall player at least before his injury but Chris Milton is better than guys at that level he’s better than AP Paul George he’s better than a Jimmy Butler he’s better than a Klay Thompson whatever however you want to look at it you want to look at Playoff stats you want to look at the ring you want to look at um numbers like this even in the regular season getting it done he has just in so many different categories and leagues that he never gets mentioned in like look at this guys that uh drop over 20 a game 50 4090 you’ve got K midy the last one to do it then you got Steph KD Durk Larry Bird I think Chris Milton and after the bubble so you could argue he was technically not 50490 because he missed a couple threes in the bubble I think he was at like 39.9 or something like that per in one of the categories but regardless he basically did it he had it done when the regular season had ended before the bubble and he’s in the category of just top 15 alltime players and I’m not saying you necessarily have to put them in your top 15 but once you start getting all these major categories 50 40 90 only player ever to do this at back-to-back playoff games most game winners in a playoff run you gotta think that huh this guy should probably be mentioned a little bit more than he is this guy it probably is a good case seeing he’s only seeing as he’s only a three-time Allstar in the regular season there probably is a good case that this could be the clutchest player in NBA history and this is just for him these are now not just um clutch stats these are General Chris middlton stats as to why he’s underrated by Bucks fans and I hear Bucks fans talk about well he’s just a compliment to Giannis because jannis draws a of Defense that’s true they work perfect together Giannis was my first favorite player I got his jersey before he played a game in the NBA make a video on that another day I love Giannis is not to discredit him in the slightest but Chris Middleton is also great in his own own right Giannis is greater don’t get me wrong but Chris Middleton it’s not like he just needs Giannis and without Yannis he would just be average like when Yannis doesn’t play for one the bucker have still been able to win they’ve been a good team even when Yannis doesn’t play as long as Chris Milton is out there because when Giannis doesn’t play he puts up great numbers he’s Giannis plays pretty uh um consistently in the regular season so there’s not that many of these games but there’s even been a 50-point game when yiis didn’t play from Chris Milton and overall he averages 247 and five so the argument for Jimmy Butler being better than all that let Chris Middleton get his own team I think he could do similar types of things and we saw it against the Pacers he was the only one showing up and he still dragged the Bucks uh to taking the Pacers to six games even though really Bobby poris got ejected Brook Lopez was way too slow out there Damen Lillard was hurt and they still took him to six the same Pacers team that went on to beat the Knicks and get to the Conference Finals not like a scrub team at all so this is just to go on to say that Chris Middleton he’s great in his own right despite what you want to do to take take away credit from him and this was just that one season this is just a random number that I had um from a couple years ago without him they were 500 team with him they were the best team in the league you look at the difference with him and without him and the same thing is continued basically to this day so these are just a bunch of examples of numbers to show why Chris Milton you’ve got to start putting him in more conversations and Bucks fans you really start need to go hard needing to go harder for him and that’s why I say people that disrespect Chris Middleton in my comments I don’t even really want you want you watching my channel because I just want to this to be a good Channel we’ve got Bucks fans that are smart and that can appreciate the greatness of the guy that is one of the best bucks of all time in the top three bucks of all time and and it’s just way too much disrespect that has been tolerated for this man and on this channel I’m sorry I’m not going to tolerate it but let me know what y’all think is this the clutchest player in NBA history drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Discussing Khris Middleton’s greatness with Giannis Antetokounmpo for the Milwaukee Bucks over guys like Jimmy Butler and Klay Thompson


  1. Ian go lie…u might have got on my gud side talkn about my boi K Middy….I always been nd will 4ever b a Middy fan everything u said about him ws true af….I hope he retire a Buck nd I see his name go up n the rafters right along side Giannis

  2. Khris is paid too much to be so inconsistent. Both on the court and being able to be on the court. Can’t forget all the games he miss

  3. Bucks' fans need to put some respeck on his name. And the idea we wouldn't have beaten the C's in '22 w/ Midds is ridiculous. Had a chance for a closeout at home in game 6. Nobody could make a shot. That's Midds' role.

  4. I love Khris but I strongly disagree. When I think of the clutchest guys in league history Khris isn’t even top 20. I’m sorry but I think you’re incredibly undervaluing and overlooking so many great players who’ve come along and have consistently performed at a high level year after year after year. He’s had some incredible performances but he’s also had his fair share of mediocre games. There have been times in the past where you’d be like where’s khris? He’d have games were he’d disappear and underperform. Interesting how fans don’t bring those games up lol. There was a time where it was questioned is khris really a number two, can he help carry a team. You can look up stats and compare and spin a story to your liking but I think it’s flawed. As far as Jimmy and Khris comparisons with stats, again I disagree. Jimmy has performed at a high level in the playoffs consistently since joining the heat. Also the Bulls. Jimmy has led Miami to two finals and a bunch of east finals as the clear cut number one option. Jimmy is a monster in the playoffs. Khris has been very good but there are levels to this lol. Jimmy has more responsibilities and more of a burden. Can u imagine if he played with a guy like Giannis lol. He’s clearly ahead of khris and it’s not close. Also more reliable health wise. Yes he missed this years playoffs and was hobbled the year before but also lead the heat as an eighth seed to the finals. You’re completely downplaying how incredible of a performer Jimmy has been.

  5. Also look at the talent Milwaukee has had compared to Jimmy’s heat teams lol. Milwaukee has consistently underperformed/underwhelmed outside the championship. A team that talented should have had more than one championship to show for all that talent. Let’s be fr. Less talented Miami roster and the way he’s lead them to multiple finals . Khris will go down as a very good player and a Bucks legend. Jersey up in the rapters and all that good stuff but you’re comparing a second option to a number one in Jimmy who’s going to be a hall of famer when it’s all said and done lol. It’s apple’s to oranges. They’re not on the same level.

  6. Omg. Who cares. By the time this current bucks squad is in a bad enough way to depend on khris for that much offense, you already know the series and season is OVER. Get wing and perimeter defense you need. It makes me so mad because I'm a huge Khris fan, but he is not what we need and makes it impossible to field a good team. His weaknesses and Dames just has WAY too much overlap

  7. Its way too many Khris haters they always look crazy when the playoffs come around. And go straight into hiding

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