@New York Knicks

MAJOR Knicks Prospect UPDATE…

MAJOR Knicks Prospect UPDATE…

the New York Knicks have received a massive update on their draft and stash Prospect rockas yabas as he will be playing in summer league for the New York Knicks for the first time in a few years and he may end up coming over to join the rotation in the fall and we have to break it all down so what’s up guys welcome back to Nick digest it’s Chris here and we’re going to jump right into the video as we always do because we’ve gotten a massive update on Rocket yabas over the last 20 24 hours and let’s jump right into it now the Strickland announced that an article from Spain’s Diario sport claims that rockus yabas is confirmed to join the Knicks for the NBA Summer League in Las Vegas and it states that rockus was given the green light from his Pro Club now with draft and stash in case you don’t know the deal with it is essentially these players who play overseas they didn’t go to college they are Professionals in Europe or just literally anywhere other than America essentially they can enter their name in the NBA draft if they’re 24 years old or below now when they do that they might still be under contract with that professional team that they are already playing for so when that happens sometimes either the professional team will be like NOP you we’re not going to let you walk out in your contract or the player will decide that they still want to play in Europe for a bit continue to develop their game and then go over to the NBA when they feel like they’re ready and when their contract has ended with that professional team in Europe now you don’t have to ever go over there’s tons of draft and stash prospects who literally never went over to the NBA and decided to just keep playing and if they wanted to go to the NBA their rights would still be owned by a team the Knicks actually own the most draft and stash rights of any team in the NBA right now it’s unclear why but Brock Allard their assistant GM to Leon Rose really likes owning them one of them the Nicks own is an assistant coach for the San Antonio Spurs who’s like 35 years old and made a joke about getting a hip replacement recently and said he’s ready to go but um but no so that’s essentially what draft and stash is and when the Knicks drafted rockas yabas in 2021 he was still under contract in Spain he played for Barcelona and Barcelona didn’t really want him to leave and he didn’t feel like leaving when he didn’t know if he was going to get rotational minutes with the Knicks and that’s been a key thing for rockets and we’re going to get into that more in a bit but Rockets decided he didn’t want to go over yet and then obviously with the emergence of Jaylen Bronson and then having a backup like Emanuel quickley rockus wasn’t really that interested in going over to play for the Knicks if he was going to sit on their bench or be in their G League going to random towns in America where you don’t even get that NBA lifestyle you’re traveling on a bus you’re sleeping in a motel cuz that’s what the G league is it’s not the NBA private jets five star hotels no that’s if you’re an NBA player if you’re in the G League you’re on a bus and you’re staying in motels Courtney Lee former Nick actually officially signed with the Knicks eight years ago today he played in the g-league for a bit to rehab an injury and said oh yeah no it’s nothing like the NBA at all you’re on a bus all that all that I just said but basically we have some more stuff to look at such as the fact that rocket is coming over simply because Lithuania got eliminated in the Olympics this was not supposed to happen they were very much expected to make the Olympics and get past the qualifiers but they lost to Puerto Rico 7968 in the qualifier in San Juan rockies played well though putting up 16 points in 22 minutes shot five for seven from the field two for three from three and had three assists he’s a very solid combo guard I’ve been a fan of him since I started watching just his highlights once he got to once he got drafted by the New York and obviously highlights don’t ever tell the full story but it’s still something to be excited to look at and I know it’s hard to see but rockus did put up good numbers in these four games that he played in the Olympics putting up nearly nine points shooting over 40% from three now it’s not a big sample size but also pulling down nearly three rebounds getting around three assists like they’re solid numbers for the Olympics the Olympics are weird there’s less scoring it’s Euro rules so it’s tougher to score it’s harder to score in Europe because the pace is slower Luca donic has always said it’s harder to score because it’s more physical and all this led up to rockus having honestly a very solid four game stretch by the advanced numbers now I would like to see rockus come over and I’m excited to see what he’s going to be able to do in the summer league I’m curious about his role I would be stunned if Tyler KCK is not the Nick’s starting point guard going into summer league now rockus can run the two and you can have Pome daier at the three and then Kevin mcculler Off the Bench Ariel horty will probably be the starting center maybe they’ll start mcculler at the at the small forward and have Pome play a little bit and have him play the four as kind of a stretch four in a way which I know is really just all power forwards now but he’s more of still a small forward at this stage of the game with how skinny he is and where his body’s at with just maturing but he will be able to play that three4 role I’ve said it before I think Pome his ceiling is like a Michael Porter Jr which would be awesome to see it’s a it’s a highrisk high reward Prospect that’s what the Knicks did in the first round and I like their decision to do that but something to mention from an overseas reporter is that rockus was expected to leave Barcelona at the end of the season and he’ll play in Summer League to pursue the NBA Dream but should he stay in Europe he would be most likely just to sign with zal Garis cunes I don’t know if you heard me try to stumble around not saying that name before realizing I had no way not to and Ian Begley did mention that the Knicks have virtually no interest in trading Duce McBride as part of the M Bridges trade and there’s a reason why that matters and it’s the same reason why this could also matter with the Knicks possibly being interested in Walker kastler remember how I said earlier that rockus only wanted to come over if he knew he was going to get minutes Duce McBride man he’s not getting minutes over Duce McBride who came out and was awesome last season Once he became their backup point guard Deuce is on a cheap contract there’s not too much incentive to trade the man and if you really think about it I don’t know if they’re gonna be like all right rocket come over get ready for minutes we just drafted another point guard at 33rd overall we know we drafted you in the second round three years ago you want to come sit on our bench because you’re not playing unless someone gets injured that’s the truth to the matter rockus is not going to play on this Knicks team he is not going to get thrown into the rotation he’s never played NBA minutes before he’s not going to get the KN over deuce the Nicks love Tyler KCK I don’t think he’d get minutes over Tyler rockus has to be ready that if he’s going to come over to the Knicks he’s not going to get minutes and for that reason I do not think rockas yokas is going to come over to the Knicks he’s got a lot to show in the summer league he’s fighting an uphill battle at this point he probably should have come over earlier in his time but it’s tough because going into last season even though it’s hard to believe at this point Emanuel quickley was still the backup point guard he was still the best sixth man in the NBA to where it’s like okay well I see why Rockets isn’t going to come over how’s he getting in minutes but now Duce has emerged and now kic is here there’s there’s some point guards on the roster I don’t really see how rockus is going to win this unless he plays phenomenal basketball in the summer league I’m really interested to see what happens there will definitely be a bit of a battle between rockets and tler kic to see who Deuces backup but even so that’s still a third string point guard who’s not really going to get too much minutes this season regardless maybe the Knicks will try to dangle Rocket’s draft rights so they could trade him for something maybe the Jazz who as we know the Knicks have been interested in Walker Kessler maybe the Jazz like the idea of rockets because they get a point guard from it or maybe the Knicks are fine with trading Deuce because they have kic and rockus kind of waiting in the wings here so you move Deuce who has pretty much the same contract as Walker Kessler you throw a first in there it’ probably be a protected first but it would be a first you trade Duce in a first for Walker Kesler you get an awesome Center to work with it’s not the worst idea I’m not saying I would do it but I understand why the Knicks might now I don’t think they are I’ll be real I just I think they’re going to end up trading for Nick Richards if you have had to ask me I don’t think the jazs are really chomping at the bit to move Walker Kessler I think they more just are open to if they get a deal that’s worth it for them and Danny a is a psychopath so I don’t really see how that happens but at the end of the day I would like to see what Rockets can do and we’re going to see in the summer league summer league starts in a few days guys we’ll definitely be making videos on it so you guys don’t want to miss it make sure to like this video subscribe to Nick dig just turn on post notifications all that good stuff let me know what you guys think Down Below have a great day guys let’s kill it this week go ni

New York Knicks 2021 draft-and-stash prospect Rokas Jokubaitis will play in the 2024 NBA Summer League after Lithuania was eliminated from the Olympic Qualifiers! Chris Gallagher breaks down the importance of it and the ripple effects this can have, while also giving an overview on Rokas, and draft and stash in general.

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  1. He’s coming over to audition for other teams. Broke: McBride for Kessler, Woke: Rokas for Kessler.

  2. If he wants to stay then stay cuz we really dont need you now. Tired of players thinking they can step on us. We got Brunson and drafted a gifted passer. You can stay in España.

  3. Maybe I’m wrong but I perceive a sense of entitlement coming from Rokus. Why would we guarantee Rokus anything when he’s never played in the NBA?

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