@Golden State Warriors

Kyle Anderson Is Officially a Golden State Warrior | July 8, 2024

Kyle Anderson Is Officially a Golden State Warrior | July 8, 2024

hey Kyle um Danny emman with the Mercury News um could you just take us through your process with how you want to approach this offseason in terms of finding a new team yeah just uh obviously first taking the first few steps like getting to know everybody here um you know building that relationship building that chemistry um and then just on my end just getting prepared um super excited to be healthy this offseason um and get to work work on my game um you know get stronger um get in better shape and uh really just get prepared for a tough 82 Game season what about Warriors sorry attractive to you uh yeah like you know just you know the the tradition that’s been here the style of play um you know it looks like coach car lets his guys play with a lot of freedom um a lot of high IQ basketball over here and um you know I just you know always admired it from a distance obviously except when I’m playing when I was playing again some but uh yeah it’s just they’ve always done things the right way here so you know I think it was pretty easy call for me mon pool NBC Sports Bay Area what’s up Kyle how you doing how you doing um if somebody’s never seen you play at all how would you describe your game uh it depends like what kind of fan is watching um you know I think I’m a pretty selfless unselfish player really um you know kind of like a pass first guy get my teammates involved really good at seeing the floor um I think I compete on the defensive end I try my best I think I’m a pretty good rebounder A guy who can you know get a rebound start the Break um hit ahead or make a play in the front Court um you know just just just different things like that really you for a guy your size you handle the ball pretty well uh playmake pretty well where those skills come from the playmaking and the ball handling yeah my my father just really raised me to be a point guard really um you know he always had me watch ing point guards I grew up um watching Jason kids uh Jason kid play for the Nets in New Jersey um you know he really raised me to be a point guard then I just happened to grow to be 68 um and was able to keep my guard skills my ball handling skills um my ability to pass the ball so um you know that just always stayed with me that just kind of you know who I am as a player Scott Osler San Francisco Chronicle how are you um when these guys started out their big run uh there were it what they did was unique it was different and they kind of took the league by surprise and then over the years other teams have have kind of caught up and they’ve kind of copied a lot of what they’re doing is this team their style of offense for instance is it is it still unique is there a a specialist to what the Warriors do yeah definitely um you know they play really fast they’re really unselfish um you know they played the game the right way even on you know their spectacular run from 2015 to 22 um the game was always played the right way it wasn’t a whole lot of ISO ball um obviously you know Stephen Clay were you know probably the best Shooters we’ve ever seen so you know they would take you know a few crazy shots here and there that would happen to go in a lot but um the game was always played the right way they played um hard on defense and then you know they moved the ball so well they were you know everybody was selfless and uh they put the team first and you know you could see that so um you know that was that was something special hi Kyle Kendra Andrews ESPN you talked about admiring this team from afar when you weren’t playing them a couple years ago you guys had a pretty big playoff series against each what do you remember about trying to combat what this team would do yeah just um you kind of had to like outsmart them always um it’s tough to go out there and beat them you know just with all the talent and the chemistry and the cohesiveness they had but just uh taking a route of like you know they’re not going to beat themselves you know they’re you know super disciplined team well coached so um kind of had to figure a way to match their level of smarts and IQ out there and I think that was the best way to have success against them um but yeah it was just always a team that wasn’t going to beat themselves you know when that fourth quarter comes on they’re going to make some big plays on both ends and uh you know they just knew how to win you know I think that there’s a playoff game in that series was like game four where we were up like 97% of the game and they come back and win in the last minute and a half and you know that still haunts me what did you learn Maybe either about yourself or just some of the fortitude and grit this past season with your run with the Timberwolves to the Conference Finals of and just to carry it Forward here now yeah that was a lot of fun um you know it was a very special run we we were a really deep team we were really tight um it it’s very similar to I feel what I’m walking into over here um you know I I I think like the chemistry we built the year before even the ups and downs you know you see the incident with me and Rudy but that kind of like you know made us grow stronger as a team and you know obviously me and Rudy’s you know relationship so I feel like I’m coming into something similar over here where the cohesiveness is there um guys you know are super smart like I’ve been saying um they’ve played together for a while so I think I’m able to come in and fit right in with that one of Steve Kerr’s influences is Greg papovich and you spent four years with pop um do you see any similarities in the way the principles of the game or anything like that and just what did you what did you take from San Antonio their time there yeah I I I definitely see it with Coach K sometimes in his coaching Styles um you he’s really good at atos um and when to you know you know draw up a good ATL um that’s was coach pop strength also in-game adjustments um you know coach pop was really good at that you see coach Kerr also being good at that also preparation um you know with Coach pop like it was a lot to remember like coverage wise you know you got to be dialed in but you know he gives that responsibility to he brings in guys who are smarter enough to handle that responsibility and uh you know I feel like that’s why I’m here here now um I think you know my highq is up there IQ is up there to you know be able to compete at that type of level and you know remember different coverages and things like that be able to handle things on the fly learn things on the Fly are you able to get a feel for what this team can do or do you need to get to training camp and get an idea yeah I I don’t want to I I hate like thinking ahead on like what we’re going to do or you know we got to do this we got like it’s it’s really good to go on training camp with a open mind with a freshh start you know um you know just ready to get to work ready to learn um ready to get on the same page with everybody and go from there like expectations kind of you know don’t really work out in your favor when you know you’re so hellbent on expecting something you know we got to get to the play we got to get no it’s just like let’s go into training camp ready to work and we go from there now there’s a lot of talk around here about the Steph Curry window in fact some people would even say that’s one of the reasons you’re here is to maximize that uh do you think about that at all is that a a consideration or what does that mean to you no respectfully I don’t I don’t think about that stuff um you know I you know Steph is obviously one of the best players in our league and uh I’m super excited to get the opportunity to play with him but uh like you know he’s going to be a training camp ready to go hopefully and uh so everyone else so you know I I don’t really think aheer like that it’s like that’s for you guys to think and talk about RC Davis Warriors radio to piggy back off what Monty said Greg papovich once said you’re one of those players you can plug in one through five is it that kind of Versatility that has made you such a wanted player over the years um I think so um just being able to play different positions guard different positions play different roles I think I’ve pretty much done it all in this league um from you know a role standpoint so um yeah I mean I I think that’s like I said I was raised to be a point guard I happen to be 69 so you know that’s been a luxury for me being able to play different positions I just like being out there on the floor so um you know what whatever I got to do to get out there is is what I’m going to do we all know your nickname however it seems that you have a pretty good way of getting where you need to get to when you need to get there how do you explain your ability to kind of navigate the floor like that yeah I I don’t know I I feel like I’m moving fast out there sometimes but uh you look at the tape and I’m like or like you know you you watch guys like you know Nia or Luca and you’re like am I moving like that my my teammates are like you’re moving slower and I’m like so you know it uh it’s just part of my style of play really um I think it’s kind of deceptive like I think change of speeds are a part of my game um you know being a little crafty things like that I don’t know it’s always worked for me I was always told it wouldn’t work and it’s been working so we go with it let’s do one more I got to get you mentioned uh the incident with Rudy what are some ways that you two were able to repair things after that I mean just talk you know we got we we went to dinner the next day or you know we got home that night he called me on the phone we spoke about it like grown men we hatched things out it was over it was over within 15 minutes you know of the phone call so um we we we we get along and we got along before that like that that happens more than you know people people think or know um ours just happened to be out there in the game we kind of both embarrassed ourselves and uh you know it was it kind of blew up but uh that happens all over the league like it is what it is we’re able to hatch it out like grown men and move on that’s you know we’re super tight till this day right we hand him his jersey here for a quick photo op question do you have that still that number 23 t-shirt was that when you were a kid was Jason Richardson or is that Mitch Jason Richardson Mitch that was J Rich for sure yeah I still got it is that I still got it too stand on like on this side we’ll do the back yeah we got the banner clear look at it a little bit sorry thank you flip it around maybe just seeon on the back that would help last one thank you perfect

Kyle Anderson met with the media for the first time as a Golden State Warrior. Welcome to The Bay, Kyle!


  1. Love this, he can shoot and hes a pest on defense. We fans need to realize how lucky we are… 4 championships in 6 finals appearances in just 9 years. Lets enjoy these last few with Steph, even if we aren't as stacked as we have in the past.

  2. He is a extremely solid professional basketball player, he can play on any NBA team. Anyone who can play under Gregg Popovich can play for any team in the world. He will do well.

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