@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons OffSeason Moves Could UNLOCK Cade Cunningham

The Detroit Pistons OffSeason Moves Could UNLOCK Cade Cunningham

now we all know the Detroit Pistons they’re coming off the worst season in franchise history only winning 14 games on the season the embarrassing losing streak and then just being a laughing stock to the rest of the NBA world it was a bad year for the Detroit Pistons and after watching the Pistons all season long the biggest struggle in my personal opinion and they had many struggles but what stood out the most to me was the inability to stretch the floor and also the inability to knock down three-point shots now in my personal opinion I feel like this is the biggest struggle because of who the best player on the team is and that’s K Cunningham and I’m a huge fan of K Cunningham you guys know that I am very big on him but it’s very hard um convincing older Pistons fans and then casual Pistons fans just how good K Cunningham is because they see the the turnovers or they see a high turnover game and that’s all that they dwell on K Cunningham is coming off a season where he averaged 22 points seven rebounds for assist shooting 44% from the field and I’m honestly very impressed that he was able to put up those numbers because if if we put the numbers to the side and we just go look at 10 Pistons games 10 Pistons games that K Cunningham played in and look at the way that he’s being guarded each and every possession he’s facing at least three Defenders just honing in on him making sure sure that he that he doesn’t have the ability to score the basketball unless it is a tough shot or a tough finish around the room sometimes he’s get sometimes he’s seeing Four Guys sometimes he’s seeing five so that’s the type of of attention that he’s getting each and every night and he was still able to average 22 and seven without the with without the sufficient Talent around him so I think the Detroit Pistons fans um I seen that he signed the 5year $226 million deal so do have him until he’s 27 years of age and I think we should be very grateful for that because I’m telling you guys K Cunningham is supremely talented but nonetheless the shooting I think that was the the biggest struggle this year and so I mean last year and so far this offseason I think the Detroit Pistons I think they’ve been doing a great job this off season of bringing in more three-point Shooters and just looking at the Pistons over the last couple of years um three-point shooting has kind of been a struggle and they’ve tried to add a few guys to to um to help that three-point deficiency but those guys don’t suit up and play we look at banovic over the last couple of years really then and banovic is a really good player you look at him when he was in Utah really solid player I was really hoping he could have played with the Detroit Pistons at least last season a little bit more alongside K Cunningham um you look at a guy like Joe Harris we didn’t really see too much of I don’t yeah we didn’t really see too much of of Joe Harris at the at the beginning of the season so um the Detroit Pistons whenever they went out and got some perimeter shooting those guys just wasn’t that dependable so things look a little bit things look a little bit more um things look a little bit more better with the players that the Detroit Pistons have gotten so far in this off season with their ability to shoot the three-point shot and then also their ability to stay available for games and to look at some of those guys so far we got three Shooters three guys who are known for knocking down the three-point shot I believe the first guy that arrived to the Detroit Pistons this off seon was via trade and that was Tim Hardaway Jr from the Dallas Mavericks and I believe the and this is just the players that was involved I believe the Detroit Pistons just sent away Quinton Grimes and then we receiv received Tim Hardway Jr I’m not sure if draft picks were involved I should have looked before the video but um nonetheless that’s the gist of the trade Tim Hardaway Jr for Quinton Grimes and I like this pickup a lot for the Detroit Pistons so the addition of Tim Hardaway Jr is nothing too crazy for the Detroit Pistons it’s not going to shift the pendulum or or anything like that and I and I hope I used that expression correctly it just sounded like the right thing to say in the moment but getting Tim Hardaway Jr I don’t think is something that’s going to shift the pendulum for the Detroit Pistons but nonetheless um Tim Hardaway Jr like we said not a crazy move but he does add something to the team that the Detroit pisson need and that’s perimeter shooting and his ability to space the floor he can knock down a three-point shot from every single spot on the cor Corner wing top of the KY and he’s very streaky he can get super hot where he can’t miss a thing and that alone could win use some ball games so um we look at what the goal is for for president what president Langan said the goal is for the Detroit Pistons right now he wants to develop young talent in order to do that you have to have the right pieces around your young Talent so like we talked about with K Cunningham and also Jaden Ivy we want to have guys around these two players that can consistently and guys who are known for knocking down that three-point shot and and Tim Hardaway Jr he definitely fits that description and it’s not a crazy contract situation either Tim Hardaway Jr he did sign an extension with the Dallas Mavericks a few years ago this SE this coming up season that’s the final year of this deal the Detroit pitons will be paying him 16 million then he will become an unrestricted free agent so this is not a this is not some bad contract that the Detroit Pistons are going to be stuck holding on um stuck holding on to for a long time this could be a oneand done deal for the Detroit Pistons so Tim Hardway Jr I like the pickup um he he was decent in Dallas over his five years there he averaged 15 points per game his last season there 14 points per game and then with the addition of Danel Gafford and PJ Washington his men is dwindled um didn’t play in the playoffs we got to remember he played the same position as Kyrie Irving and in the playoffs those guys are playing 38 40 minutes a night so it wasn’t really too many minutes to to go around for him but nonetheless I think this is a solid P pickup for the Detroit Pistons um probably the the biggest the biggest move the the move with the biggest cache so far this off season was the signing of former piston then turned clipper then Philadelphia 76ers and now back to the Detroit Pistons to bias Harris and just like we said that Tobias Harris signing has had the most cache for the Detroit Pistons this one has also been the most controversial there’s a lot of fans that’s up on this signing there’s a lot of fans that’s down on it me personally I like this signing a lot by the Detroit Pistons it’s just 52 million for two years around 25 million a year which is not crazy for the Detroit Pistons right now and it’s not like we’re asking Tobias ha it’s not it’s not like we’re saying this is the missing piece we’re going to pay this money to come get the Detroit Pistons to round one of the Eastern Conference playoffs that’s not what we’re asking for at all um right now like we said the Detroit Pistons their goal is to develop this young Talent so they’re just looking for guys that fit and I think Tobias Harris he’s a great fit for K Cunningham and jayen Ivy he’s going to play the forth spot he’s 68 which is the new 610 in today’s NBA so we’re going to be able to Pi beef St in that second unit where he belongs and I’m not saying that to be bashful of Isaiah Stewart but just after watching him and I am a huge fan of him but after watching him last season Isaiah Stewart who is I believe um I I want to say Isa Stewart is probably like 69 maybe 610 but just had a very hard time catching the ball in traffic last season catching the ball in traffic whether it’s some minor traffic major traffic if there’s not an easy catch and finish Isel Stewart really struggled with catching the ball and going up and finishing strong so many um missed opportunities for him around the basket last season coming off easy passes from K Cunningham jayen Ivy and the rest of his teammates so I think the second unit right now for beef St until he can develop more of a catch and finish game I think the second unit is going to be really good for him and then swapping Tobias Harris out a guy that on his career averaged 16 points per game 17 points last year with the Philadelphia 7 76ers he’s a really really solid basketball player his most dangerous spot for knocking on that three-point shot is probably in the corner he really excels at knocking down that corner three and playing the fourth spot that’s probably where he’s going to be hovering at and he can also put the basketball on the floor very decent handle three level scorer has the mid-range game has po close game and he can also finish around the rim so he’s a he’s a player with some nice sides the ability to shoot the basketball and then also independently score the basketball I think that’s something that the Detroit Pistons need as well so Tobias Harris I think it’s a solid pickup Tim Hardaway Jr solid pickup and then what we have to love as Detroit Pistons fans is that these guys have a really good track record of not missing games so I don’t expect them to get here and and now all of a sudden now all of a sudden they got the um injury bug so um Tobias and Timar way Jr I love it a lot Detroit Pistons also added another sharp shooter to the roster this off season another one-year deal and that player is Malik Beasley who is who was formerly a um Milwaukee Buck he is now a Detroit Piston and Malik Beasley he is um he is a guy that knocks down a lot of three-point shots I want to say over like the last two three years he’s been at the top of the league at the end of the season when it comes to Total three-pointers made he’s been at the top of the list with guys like Stephen Curry James Harden buddy Hill Malik Beasley um he’s been at the top of that list over the last I I want to say maybe the last two or three years but this is a guy that can um without the basketball in his hands really just a catch and shoe shooter he can get you four to five threes per game if giving the opportunity so just another guy that’s going to be able to stretch the floor and he’s more of a wing shooter he can shoot from the hash he can shoot from the top of the key can knock it down in the corner and out of these three guys we just brought up he’s probably the best overall pure shooter so the Detroit Pistons so far um this off season I think they’ve done a really really solid job just getting um just getting some more guys that can stretch the floor Tim Hardway Jr Tobias Harris and Malik Beasley so I’m actually really excited to see these guys and and like we said um I said this in in my previous video no more jumping the gun with the Detroit Pistons no more making the Bold predictions that they’re going to be in a playing tournament or a top 10 10 in the Eastern Conference we’re going to let this thing play out and see how things and see how things go but um that’s going to be it for today’s video Just What I want to talk about with you guys today um the the moves that we made so far this off SE and um let me know what you think down in the comment section about Tobias Harris that seems like the most controversial thing right now and then subscribe subscribe for more weekly content we do this all the time man and as curtains

Todays video will be on the detroit pistons and we will be talking about how the off season additions of tobias harris, tim hardaway jr, and malik beasley could help cade cunningham. Please enjoy the Detroit Pistons News Today and subscribe for more weekly content

The Detroit Pistons OffSeason Moves Could UNLOCK Cade Cunningham


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