@Chicago Bulls

How bad will the Bulls be without DeMar DeRozan? | Bernstein & Holmes

How bad will the Bulls be without DeMar DeRozan? | Bernstein & Holmes

hello Darnell how are you doing well gentlemen how you guys doing we are doing really well apparently not as well as Demar like getting a a Kings welcome by the Sacramento Kings faithful you you described in your peace in the athletic I I think it’s really interesting like it’s it’s a I think it’s a strong move for Sacramento but I was a little surprised that they celebrated it the way that they did you know when I I had to remind myself Lawrence of how bad the Sacramento Kings organization has been since the vlat Devo Chris Weber uh Doug Christie you know Jason Williams guys those that that era I mean they missed the playoffs for 16 straight years before two seasons ago uh and then they messed around and missed it again last year so that that’s how much pain and and heartbreak the Kings fans have felt and you can understand that reaction and that response when they get a six-time Allstar like Demar de rozan who historically players like that haven’t gone to Sacramento so uh you can understand that reaction yeah I won’t have any Brad Miller eraser on this show either because that was that’s a former former bull that respect on his name as well so Darnell with this move and what is probably coming the Bulls are going to be in a position to be bad enough to keep their top 10 protected pick for next year while also trying out some upside plays I don’t know where you think Chris Dart fits in to their current roster but as it stands there’s going to be a lot of young players who are going to be getting minutes and opportunity that they weren’t afforded elsewhere yeah I’m not you know high on the Chris Duarte move uh just because I think it’s just kind of filler and he might not be a long-term piece but he has an opportunity to become a long-term uh part of this Bulls roster as they’re rebuilding and and trying to do it in a way that I don’t think it’s Tak I think it’s more uh they’re going to continue to be competitive and put their faith in some of these young players like Josh giddy like Kobe white like Patrick Williams who they just lavished with the $18 million Pere contract and and continue to show faith in him uh iio dumo is in that mix as well uh and so if you can get a Chris Duarte to develop like a uh like you’re hoping from dalen Terry and Julian Phillips you got a lot of different young players who you are expecting to make improvements you’ve seen that historically from guys 21 through 25 so uh there’s no reason to think that the Bulls can’t do that here but I just don’t know that they’re gonna be bad enough to keep that top 10 pick I’m Gonna Write About It for the athletic they better be they can’t screw this up I’ve got my concerns I I I don’t think especially like they gotta move Zach they gotta move V if Lonzo ball can come back and help that’s gonna hurt in terms of them keeping that top 10 pick so they’ve still got a lot of work ahead of them in terms of getting bad enough to keep that pick what do you think is important to note about Demar D rozen’s time in Chicago I believe you know I wrote I mentioned this in the the piece I did at the athletic where the Bulls had missed the playoffs four straight years before um getting D rozan and the first year that they get him they win 46 games uh they make the playoffs the injury ravage roster obviously loses has no chance against the Milwaukee Bucks but the ra the way that he raised the professionalism of this organization the standard of this organization uh this franchise I think he deserves a lot of credit for showing up to play I think it was uh more than 90% of the games available to play in he actually appeared in so he just showed up to work every day and raised the standard for this Chicago Bulls organization yeah and it seemed like he he relished the opportunity to like Dan and I were discussing it earlier that he seemed o like not everyone is built for the uncle phase you know like there a lot of people bristle at it he seemed to live in that space like being comfortable with who he was but also being there to help younger players to a fault almost at times Lawrence I mean he it didn’t matter what the Bulls were up against it didn’t matter which players or teammates of his were out with injuries he just said you know bring them you know line them up and he was going to try his best to knock him down and it it didn’t make sense to a degree and you always could see you mentioned earlier that the writing was on the wall that this team wasn’t going anywhere as currently constructed and for a 35 year old player in his going into his 16th season you just wondered how much longer would the Bulls and the Rosen try to make this this work when it clearly wasn’t and so uh it was time for both sides to move on but Demar D rozan never complained he never uh you know looked at it like he got the short end of the stick or anything like that he always showed up and did his best to to help the Chicago Bulls win darell I saw KC make mention of this and and you were also witness to it I he mentioned something that I didn’t even think of that Demar also was always available for you guys and that’s something where there were a lot of tough losses over the last couple years and there didn’t seem to be a lot of tapping out by him when it came to the Press responsibilities after a game yeah I don’t know um you know what Casey said but there was a very different um response between D rozan and LaVine you could always tell the difference between uh how they both interacted with the media the level of responsibility or accountability that each one took and you know you could see the the maturation of demard De rozan from when he was in Toronto until when he came to Chicago and and just how he became not just a superstar but also a a model citizen on and off the floor and that professionalism really I think came through in his interviews with us uh after tough losses after big wins you know he he sort of was Ho home after those gamewinners but then also you know after some of the biggest disappointments he stood up and and answered the call each and every time and that’s sort of the professionalism that I’m talking about with Demar de Rosen I don’t know if this is something that you might be writing or the athletic might be putting together but we were talking about three-year Bulls like where in a three-year Bulls career would we find the best can we put together a starting five of alltime threeyear bulls we’ve got three because one is dear one is Dennis Rodman and a texter pointed out this who that might end up being the be Bob Boozer his age 29 30 and 31 seasons including in 67 68 his lone Allstar season his three-year run as a bull was with any team His Highest most productive scoring and rebounding averages so I think that would be sort of an interesting exercise I saw you know Nate Thurman was two years Ben Wallace was two years why you trying to give Darnell more work though sorry it’s that time of year where we’re always looking for stuff to do my question is this does it have to be three years exactly that’s kind of like one of those stats the first player to get 50% shooting 40% 90% two steals I call them threshold stats those are fun and and and by the way when you do those with dear especially by NBA age he’s walking with Legends if you look at what dear’s production has been in large part because of minutes and because of what he’s been able to do he’s you’re talking about after a certain age walking with Alex English and Carl Malone and LeBron and some of these guys it’s it’s it’s pretty interesting yeah he was a phenomenal player for the Bulls uh fascinating subject to to cover and the way he goes about his business I I wrote in the athletic he showed the young guys like dalen Terry like IO dumu and Patrick Williams what it takes to be great you know what greatness is made of and we got to see a glimpse of that for three seasons it’s unfortunate that the Bulls uh couldn’t stay healthy and then ultimately couldn’t surround him with enough heal to push past that that first round the first year of his his arrival so uh it was a pleasure to cover Demar de R rozan I’ll always have fond memories uh for these last from these last three seasons but in large part because of him so looking forward to seeing what this new Direction looks like now with Josh Giddy and Patrick Williams on a new contract yeah yeah Patrick Williams got the deal that I think a lot of people like wow 90 million for a guy that is seemingly unavailable and hasn’t reached his potential yet but that’s the going rate for a player like that a three and D guy do the Bulls think and and should we take the contract as meaning they think that there is still a really high developmental ceiling for Patrick Williams yes absolutely and they they continue to show faith in him from the day they drafted him fourth overall I think it was 2020 and the injuries are unfortunate you can’t really say that he’s injury prone but you know I’ve heard that he’s still not healthy from this foot injury and so that does make you kind of Wonder uh if there are some issues with his body if he’s going to uh linger you know not just with this injury but any injury that comes uh over the lifespan of this new contract and so there are some major questions that are following Patrick Williams even though he has the money uh but now he’s you know the the runway is being cleared again they’ve got to figure out something to do with LaVine and vvi perhaps Lonzo Ball but um Patrick Williams has no more reason to say you know he’s got a defer to this person or that person I can’t wait to see what he brings in his Fifth Season wait he’s still hurt yeah I’ve heard he’s not uh fully healthy from that so we got to see what what kind of update we get from the Bulls here that’s scary well we better not find out that they were going to start down that classic Bulls road now of exploratory this and Ive rest not with that money yeah not with signing a longterm deal the Ink’s still wet on there w

On the Bernstein & Holmes Show, Darnell Mayberry of The Athletic discussed star forward DeMar DeRozan’s exit from Chicago as he joined the Sacramento Kings in a sign-and-trade deal. Will the Bulls be bad enough in 2024-’25 to keep their top-10 protected draft pick? What is DeRozan’s legacy with the Bulls? Also, how concerning is Bulls forward Patrick Williams’ foot injury?

#ChicagoBulls #DeMarDeRozan #nba

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  1. First Mayberry says oh its a realistic contract for Williams, he doesn't consider him injury prone…. Then proceeds to say he is STILL recovering from the foot injury from last year. WHAT?!?! Feels like to me that the Bulls OVERPAID for a player that can't stay healthy consistently.

  2. the bulls need a real star Big and primary ball handler.

    or you can go all 3 and d like the celtics.

  3. How bad were the Bulls WITH DeMar DeRozan? Bad is bad. I don't even understand why people are making a big deal out of this.

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