@New York Knicks

Johnnie Bryant is Out and Mikal Bridges is In For the Knicks As the New NBA Year Officially Starts

Johnnie Bryant is Out and Mikal Bridges is In For the Knicks As the New NBA Year Officially Starts

the new league year has started which means the signings are becoming official the trades are becoming official so male Bridges officially a Nick now and the Knicks did themselves some favors with the salary cap aprons so I’ll get into how that’s possible plus the Knicks lost a pretty key part of their coaching staff uh on Saturday afternoon so all that coming up next on locked on Knicks you are locked on Nicks your daily New York Nicks podcast part of of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day all right welcome in to lock on Nicks today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as the playoffs wind down the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to but this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started and I want to thank you guys for making locked on Nick’s first list in today and every day whether you’re checking us out on your favorite podcast platform or taking insights and sounds on YouTube we appreciate you making us a part of your daily routine make sure you hit that Auto download function on your favorite podcast app or the notifications Bell on YouTube so you never miss an episode I’m Alex Wolf I’m edin Chief and Nick site the strick loan that you can find the strict. land and today I’m going into just kind of this is like a news dump episode there’s a lot that came out over the course of this this weekend because we were at the end of the or the end of the moratorium so if if you’re not familiar with how things go in the NBA uh the league year rolls over once you get to July 1 uh or you know like teams are allowed to start talking to their players now well before that but that’s when the league year rolls over then there’s a moratorium where teams are allowed to discuss with free agents or whatever come to some agreements and of course you know teams come to some agreements that are more Ironclad than others there’s been some famous uh uh times where players have most notably was DeAndre Jordan a number of years ago where uh you know a player will say that they’re going to go one place and then during the moratorium period when contracts aren’t actually signed yet then be like actually never mind I think I’m gonna go somewhere else uh it doesn’t happen all that often but the contracts aren’t actually signed during the moratorium period they’re just agreed upon and then once uh once that period is over then everybody starts signing and so in the case of this year it was July 6 that was the date where everything could start going through and that’s why we saw a huge amount of news related to the Knicks today and a little bit uh on Friday as well going into you know like hey these deals are all done now this these things are all set uh the Mel Bridges trade was one of the big question marks where people were like oh how are the Knicks going to pull this off how are they going to uh you know potentially skirt the first apron hard cap and get get hard capped at the second apron which gives them a lot more flexibility to absorb the loss of Isaiah hartenstein all that good stuff so uh let’s get into some of the this uh news dump here so first off Johnny Bryant leaves for Cleveland so I I I don’t know this feels like pretty big news I mean it’s the news that certainly nobody was ready for uh you know I think the rest was mostly just confirmations of guys signing their contracts and you know deals being completed that we already knew were going to happen but Johnny Bryant leaves uh so he’s still the associate head coach uh for Cleveland now so he will be under Kenny ainson instead of Tom thibo which I the kind of irony with that uh I guess that ainson was if you remember back to when the Knicks were hiring their new head coach with Leon rose that ainson made it to I think he was he was the second place finisher behind tibs when all was said and done they they interviewed a large number of candidates when they were looking for position and obviously we you know we sort of knew tibs was the front runner given his connection to to Leon and everything and their friendship and you know how long their relationship goes and uh all that good stuff but you know it’s it’s kind of interesting that Johnny Bryant is now going from the Knicks Choice uh which was obviously a great choice to take tibs uh back a number of years ago to now going to the guy that was the runner up for for the Knicks job but I think this probably has less to do with Kenny ainson and more to do with Donovan Mitchell uh he’s obviously great friends with Donovan Mitchell the Knicks poached uh Johnny Bryant from Utah uh which was you know a big deal at the time because you know people thought that maybe that would mean that that Donovan Mitchell would be coming to New York at a certain point um and that that was one of the Nick’s first kind of foras into trying to you know appeal to Donovan Mitchell to get him in a Nick’s uniform at some point point and you know request a trade and all that and obviously he did request a trade but then wound up going to Cleveland now was reup there and so Johnny Bryant you know who worked with him a lot in Utah when they were both there now finds his way back to Donovan Mitchell so you know it’s kind of tough to fall anyone uh with the Knicks in the state that they are it’s tough to fall anyone for wanting to go work with their friends um you know since that’s what the Knicks are all built on at the moment so um you know I think it’s I think it’s good for Johnny you probably got a pay raise to go there as well if I had to guess I can’t imagine you would leave New York um and the situation that they’re in and how much success he’s seen with the team here unless there was a pay raise involved still sociate head coach so he should be the first guy after Atkinson on the bench most likely and I mean with how volatile a situation that could end up being you know it’s a super big Superstar just signed an extension you know Bryant and and Mitchell are friends so maybe you run into a situation sooner and later and maybe you know it’s it just kind of part of the business but maybe Johnny Bryant looked at that situation and said hey I might get a chance to be a head coach here sooner than later uh than I would with the Knicks because it seems like tibs is pretty well entrenched I think we’re going to see a tibs extension come through pretty soon uh you know so he’s going to remain the head coach of the Knicks for for the time being and and for a while going forward I think and so maybe Johnny just saw more of an opportunity to potentially find his own dream of being a head coach that way but uh hopefully not too big of a deal the Knicks did just sign mooch cheeks as another guard coach recently um so you know he’s he’s another former point guard and former head coach and everything else and has lots of NBA experience and generally seems to have pretty high reviews around the league so hopefully he’s able to step in and fill some of that same void that uh that Johnny Bryant you know will be leaving here at this point uh but we also saw the Mel Bridges trade go official so official details of the trade now finally we got them uh the Knicks get male Bridges and uh kab Bates jop which is great uh they also as far as I know it wasn’t listed on some of the sources I saw but as far as I know they still get that 2026 second that uh is coming from the Nets that was initially reported on and the Nets still should be getting that 2025 first round or sorry second round pick that the Knicks were saying to them presumably their own second round pick back uh but then the Knicks sent out to make this work and I thought this was kind of hilarious that this was sort of right in front of us the whole time but nobody really considered it which is why people then had to be like oh my God are they going to trade away Deuce to make this work like are they next going to lose Deuce for nothing you know and all this stuff um but they end up sending boam bogdanovich which was reported already and then mamadi diakite uh and then Shake Milton in a sign and trade so that was the the mystery final piece that made this deal work Shake Milton gets signed and traded over there I’m sure just having a guaranteed NBA contract at all is great for shake for this year so it’s was probably just like a one-year deal if I had to guess um you know maybe even at veterans minimum or slightly above like maybe a dollar more than veterans minimum so that there the Knicks aren’t aggregating veteran minimum salaries which isn’t allowed anymore with uh the new CBA rules but still the same uh pick compensation obviously those four unprotected first and then the Milwaukee 2025 lightly protected first uh and then again presumably that 2025 second as well which was not included in some of the final calculus but I can’t imagine they pulled out those two second round picks it seemed like that was part of uh part of the deal there so uh yeah but all the hemming and hawing about maybe losing deuce and all it took was a shake Melton sign trade so just you know another reminder don’t doubt Brock oler uh the Knicks capologist it’s he knows what he’s doing he knows how to get these things going and how to uh make sure that the you know the Knicks can get out of these deals without uh you know without being in a bad situation cap wise and pickwise and everything else and you know there there’s always a way there’s a will there’s a way you can always get a deal done uh but there was some other ramifications to this deal um getting bat’s jop I think could potentially be an interesting pickup for the Knicks that they were able to they were able to pull him so I want to get into that a little bit also want to explain the the whole situation of where the Nicks Stand salary-wise now and how much flexibility they have because that’s actually going to lay some of the groundwork for a couple other episodes I’ve planned for this week uh so I’ll get into all that in just a moment but first I got to remind you all that Today’s Show is brought to you by FanDuel and I love sports I love them so much that I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to the FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up customers with a booster bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to and start making the most out of your summer I’ll probably be looking at MLB allstar weekend coming up I always find I don’t know all those events always a lot of fun uh I think to to go ahead and uh you know go play some bets on go bet on the Home Run Derby champ stuff like that they’re silly but you know 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that was one of tis’ last uh last bad moves I don’t know I mean he’s had a pretty good NBA career since then um so maybe that was one of tibs last good moves just was misunderstood at the time but tibs obviously was president of basketball operations at that time so for uh Minnesota so stands to reason that he’s a fan of of kbd so uh I guess we’ll see if if he ends up sticking is sort of like one of the Knick’s end of bench uh vets going into this year but I’d say there’s a probably a decent chance chance he averaged Four Points two boards one assists and about 13 minutes a game last year he’s a career 33% three-point shooter but that’s been trending down in recent years um outside of a weird he had a near 40% from three season in 2022 to 23 with San Antonio H and that was actually his most consistent volume Year too so he had about two attempts per game so I don’t know maybe maybe it stands for reason that he does better with a defined role and the opportunity to you know Let it Fly a little more and shoot some more threes and if that’s the case you know hey maybe that’s maybe that’s a path for him to find some playing time is sort of like the backup four on the Knicks a little bit you know if they want to give Josh heart a break and if if the rotation gets expanded back out to uh a 10-man rotation then maybe he finds some time that way and can be a consistent three-point shooter and I think one thing that could really stand out um so he’s a minimum contract guy but like you could I think you could do worse than having a tweener who rebounds well available on a tips team and I think he’s a really good offensive rebounder too which is a trait that this team desires like his offensive rebounding percentage is pretty high considering his height so you know I think that’s on the tibs obviously values and this team obviously values for how they operate you know as an offensive team you know that they like to have contingencies in place that if they miss the shot that they might get a you know another opportunity granted this team is a is I I would say say a little less reliant on the offensive rebounding strategy than they were two seasons ago now because you know the the two seasons ago it was kind of like Brunson was the only consistent shooter that you could count on and was a little hairy after that now it’s you know I think you’ve got a lot of lights out Shooters on this team you have Brunson you have Bridges you have anobi you have um Dante Devan chenzo now coming off the bench as one of the best three-point shooters in the NBA this past season so maybe the offensive rebounding isn’t that big of a deal but I still think kbd maybe uh maybe worth keeping around so uh I I think I don’t know I I I think it’ be unlikely that the Knicks cut him I think it’s pretty likely that they’ll end up keeping him uh going into the regular season and having him be sort of some of their end of bench depth that they you know tibs at least has a good idea of like hey I think I can trust this guy I drafted this guy I like what he’s become in the NBA I think I can trust him you know to to be one of the last guys on my bench and maybe come in and contribute if need be at some point um then as far as the cap situation for the Knicks and and how the M trade going through uh changes that so obviously there’s a lot of reporting about how if they had just sent out boan bogdanovich to the Knicks uh as part of this deal and they took back more salary than they sent out than they were going to be capped at the first apron and that’s where the diakite and Shake Milton signning trade came into play and this now gives the Knicks a decent amount of wiggle room to finish out the rest of their roster here which is nice so uh big shout out to Yosi golin on Twitter it’s y o SSI g- z l an that’s how you spell his first and last name uh he noted the and he’s he’s had a lot of really good capologist type stuff so like if you’re if that interests you at all and you want to learn about this new wild world as CBA he’s definitely a good follow uh he said the New York Knicks are now 16.9 million below the 188 .9 million second apron with 11 players they have enough flexibility to resign precious aoua and use the 5.2 million doll taxpayer midlevel exception so in in layman’s terms I mean that was pretty good layman’s terms but I’ll just try to explain it a little further basically the Knicks are now they’re soundly over the salary cap so if you’re thinking to yourself like oh so why can’t they just spend 16 17 million you know they have 17 million of of room before they hit this hard cap that they’re capped at why can’t they just go drop that on one player or whatever uh not that there’s even any players really available at this point I think would be worth that much money anyway but either way it’s it’s not that it’s not just pure cap space for them it’s just the amount that they can still use via maneuvering to fill out their roster but they have limited amounts that they can give out to certain players so press sucha they do not have a limited amount because he’s a restrictive free agent so they can resign him now and you know if he wants like I think they’re probably still letting him kind of set his Market a little bit and then come back with whatever number if he finds one but you know maybe preon his agent are still hoping that some team like the jazz or the Pistons or something will throw him like 10 million a season or something like that but my best guess is that the Knicks probably end up signing him for like six seven million a season maybe like a three-year like21 million deal something like that uh to get him paid and you know utilize the fact that they can go over the cap to resign him and then they also have uh as uh Yosi said they still have the $5.2 million taxpayer mid-level exception as well so that’s another exception that they can use to sign someone for five million for up to two seasons uh or I think it has to be exactly two seasons I think it has to be a two-year like 10 point it’s it would be slightly more than 10.4 10.7 10.8 million do deal whatever that ends up being um but yeah so I think that’s that’s basically the gist of it they they can pay precious aoua you know more than the minimum and like basically up to whatever his market value is as long as it’s not $17 million which it won’t be and then they also can spend another five million and then beyond that whatever other roster spots they sign which I think would only be like one or two more beyond that um would have to just be minimum contracts maybe that’s uh Kevin mcculler and uh Ariel hook py maybe it’s those two uh I don’t know but you know I I or maybe they sign one of those two to a two-way deal and they try to get another you know veteran on a minimum deal which I have some candidates for that uh that I’ll go into in an episode tomorrow uh or maybe two days from now there’s I got some candidates for both the the minimum spots and the the taxpayer mid level exception so um you know there’s a lot of different ways they can go but what’s nice is that they’re now they have some more flexibility um and they’re they’re able to kind of fill this roster out and absorb the loss of Isaiah hartstein as best they can a little better and you know whether that’s via a trade or uh you know just making some signings or whatever they they have the ability to do that so that is important going forward and also should be noted that hard capping is only for this year as well so for example if Jaylen Brunson and Julius Randall reup their contracts via extensions the kick in next year that’s okay um the Knicks were only hard capped at the second apron because of making a trade while being over the cap this offseason so that’s the League’s way of being like well you’ve made your move you’re not allowed to make too many more or like you’re not allowed to make like three separate trades where you bring in more salary than you’re sending out uh or something like that which in the past wouldn’t have been an issue uh you know that the league didn’t care about that before now they they do apparently um and so so that’s that’s part of the rules now but going forward the Knicks can still use like extension eligibility you know restriced free agency rights um bird rights stuff like that they can still use those to resign their free agents going forward um it’s just restrictive this year because of the timing of when they made their trade uh but the Knicks also officially Inked the ogan Noby deal and officially in two of their rookies uh so that was also news this weekend so going to get into that in just a sec this show is sponsored by better help and you know it’s sometimes you can tend to compare your life to others so like the social media play a part in that maybe maybe it does for you or you know maybe you’re just talking to someone and and it creates you know makes you feel inadequate or whatever 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it’s officially official five years 212.5 million uh starting at around 37 million or so this coming season Oobi will be a Nick for quite some time and I think I think based off what was built into that deal which I think I saw there’s a trade kicker uh there is not a a no trade clause but there is a player option later on in it uh it seems like he he wants to be a Nick and he wants to be on this team and make things happen here uh probably get more opportunities here for endorsements and stuff that he would get with any other team considering he’s a a little more softspoken guy and everything too so I think he’s here for the Long Haul so the Knicks now have locked up hopefully for a while uh a really nice core of the starting five and their top three bench players are all pretty well locked up and probably about to lock themselves in further I would imagine that Jaylen Brunson and possibly Julius Randall will sign extensions a little later this off season and then male Bridges uh would be eligible to do the same thing uh next offseason prior to the final season of his contract I think so yeah uh it’ll be interesting to see if those guys all re up and everything but my my inclination would be yes and and it seems like the Knicks have their core locked up and now it’s just filling in the margins and hopefully getting ready to you know really make something happen and and maybe get deep in the playoffs this year uh then Tyler kak signed for four years 9.06 million that kind of raised my eyes a little bit I was like whoa you’re not kidding like that’s that’s a solid contract that’s the maximum of what the second round slots allow now so the NBA as part of this new CBA has introduced a a little different of a system for second round picks where it used to be more like the wild west where you kind of just had to um sign them with cap space uh you could sign them to like a minimum contract just like any other player but if you want to sign them more than that you have to use cap space which led to a lot of teams using the Knicks would do this in the past sometimes like using part of your mid-level exceptions you know to just give your second rounders a little bit extra money or whatever but now to try to create an environment where teams you know bring in draft picks and whatever and with this new landscape with all the aprons and the more restrictions they did throw teams at least one bone and say you get an actual second round exception now where you can sign guys for a little more than the minimum even if you’re over the cap and that’s okay um which is kind of similar to how things work with first round picks so uh yeah I would say with that number I mean so uh Ian Begley noted this a couple others did most guaranteed money ever for a second rounder uh $6.6 million so I think it’s pretty clear that Nick must have had a first round grade on this kid um they definitely felt very fortunate to have gotten him where they did I guess uh because they paid him like a first-rounder I mean he’s I think he’s actually he’s making almost as much as as daier is which I’ll get into in just a sec but uh yeah kind of interesting there where it’s like yeah he’s he’s making a good good chunk of change for a second round pick um so that that kind of begs the question like is he gonna crack the rotation this year maybe if tibs is willing to kind of move back to like a 10-man ro rotation or play small consistently maybe he’s going to be out there with Deuce maybe they don’t really need to look for a you know another backup point or what ever or maybe they won’t go with Deuce at the one and then play you know sort of like deuce surrounded with Shooters you know with Dante and Hart and whatever maybe they they Envision coak coming in there and sort of running things with Deuce as the two uh I don’t know but the money suggests they’re very invested in this kit so they they clearly want to keep him around um you know and they didn’t sign him to like a Bargain Basement deal but like if they tried to do that then his agent probably would be like well we only want like one plus one deal or something like that um you know we’re not going to stick around here and keep making below market value for that long if you know if you’re going to give us the bare minimum so maybe this is the Nick’s way of kind of just being like no we want you on a longer contract we want to make sure that we can you know oversee your development and you know potentially find some minutes for you and whatever um I don’t know but they definitely locked them up so that that’s good to see uh from the Knicks perspective locking up one of their draft picks to a nice long deal they also signed uh pacom daier so he’s officially signed he only signed for 80% of his first round uh draft slot Max for year one which saves almost a million off uh the Nicks cap for this season so that’s that’s an interesting wrinkle uh but that was I guess sort of written off for the Knicks had to pay almost a $1 million buyout uh to ratio Farm his uh German club so maybe that’s where that came into play where they said well we have to pay this buyout so we’re going to take this you’re going to just take a little bit of a haircut on your NBA salary this year um to make this happen and then I don’t know if I mean if they’re paying the buy out to the club I don’t know if that some of that money ends up going to D or not um either way I mean he’s still gonna be compensated fine I think um and then going forward uh he’ll be making I think it was like 120% of the slot or whatever which means that he’s going to be getting his raises and will be getting some of that money back later on too just through scheduled Rises every year on his uh on his rookie deal with his rookie slot so I think it’ll be okay but yeah interesting that the Knicks were able to finagle saving a million dollars or so off their cap for this season which is then of course money they can spend elsewhere while they’re hard capped right now um but yeah and I guess the big thing with daier then is it makes it officially official that he’s playing for the Knicks this year I know there was some speculation like on draft night like oh is he going to be a draft in stash whatever and he said he’s playing the Knicks didn’t seem to say anything to uh imply that he was not going to be playing so you know no more questions about that he’s definitely gonna be playing for the Knicks this year really excited to see what he’s got going on I’m really excited to see the Summer League this year the Knicks with four draft picks so that that’ll be something to keep an eye on towards the end of this coming week um but the Nick still have some money to spend they still have some roster to fill out so my next episode I’m going to get into some of the center candidates that the NS can look at whether it’s by an in-house option that you whose name you might have heard already in this this episode or a couple trade options that have been floated or some guys that could be some sort of like Reclamation projects that maybe could be the next Isaiah hartenstein that the Knicks you know hand to tibs and say turn this guy into a true blue NBA player and he goes and does it so I’ve got some names to bring up so that’s going to be in the next episode but for today thank you all for listening and I’ll talk to you soon peace out everybody [Music] [Music]

Alex goes solo to break down the news of the weekend, including Johnnie Bryant leaving the Knicks for the Cavs, the Mikal Bridges trade becoming officially official (with Keita Bates-Diop included), as well as OG Anunoby, Tyler Kolek, and Pacome Dadiet officially inking their Knicks deals.

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  1. I reject the concept that the only way to build a winning franchise in the NBA is through trades or free agent signings. The league is littered with late round draft picks that wound up being allstars or even MVPs. Giannis Antetokounmpo, Nikola Jokic, Devin Booker, Jimmy Butler, Kawhi Leonard, Donovan Mitchell, Klay Thompson and more were all drafted outside the top 10. Hell, the Knicks drafted Kevin Knox one pick ahead of Bridges. Now there giving up a tremendous amount of draft capital to correct that mistake. The Knicks would do well to invest in a top notch scouting department instead of scavenging through other teams rosters. It's been over 50 years since the Knicks won an NBA championship. Willis Reed, Walt Frazier and Bill Bradley were all drafted. Taking shortcuts is the New York way but it rarely works.

  2. why couldntthe knicks do a sign n trade with IHARt….look at the clippers and dallas they got sign n trades doneeven if they got a second round pick

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