@Boston Celtics

Wyc Grousbeck explains Boston Celtics sale, and responding to Shaq/Gilbert Arenas Celtics hate

Wyc Grousbeck explains Boston Celtics sale, and responding to Shaq/Gilbert Arenas Celtics hate

Wick grck gives us a little bit more detail about the sale of the Celtics the summer league roster is set with one surprise and I am sick and tired of Shaq and Gilbert arenus I respond to them right now on the lock on Celtics podcast the Blockbuster holiday Dr in the and three from KP no we not on the next flushing competition like h on Yannis juicing do still be Town’s finest b a r te going up in the raap watching SE gameing locked on after on the breakdown clutch like a tip from D white on the breakdown John on the mic document and domination m p back all SE Nation r j how start raising B how we finish locked on self home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here on the lockdown podcast Network where it’s your team every day and got you covered every day Monday through Friday through the rest of July then in August and September down to three days a week but still three days a week is gonna be a lot more podcasting than you get anywhere else over the course of the summer so make sure you’re subscribed to the number one Boston Celtics podcast in the world other people might say they’re the best but this is officially ranked number one in the world on Apple so go check it out and subscribe watch the show on YouTube get into to that comment section I’m John corales used to play a long time ago now I’m covering the Celtics as a beat writer for Boston Sports Journal I’ve also written a book commemorative book on the Celtics Championship run called built different find it in bookstores order it online uh find it at like Walgreens or Sam’s Club or BJ’s Wholesale Club stores like that around New England around Boston Today’s Show is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more even as Sports start to slow down FanDuel is hooking up all customers with boosts and bonuses daily so there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit to get started all right Today’s Show later on I’m saving this for the third segment I’m composing myself now later on the this talk that just keeps coming out of the mouths of people like Shaq and I I hesitate to even say the name Gilbert Arenas because we should never ever not once ever take what Gilbert arenus is doing seriously because all he is is just a big bag of hot air just blah blah blah saying anything he can say to get attention because he wants a piece of this Spotlight and he’s a little tired of other people getting the spotlight so he’s got to say outlandish stuff but that’s who he is his basketball career was unserious his post-basketball career is unserious and and so not surprisingly he says unserious stuff that’s in the third segment talk summer league in the second segment we’ll talk right now about Wick gck explaining on CNBC the sale and he said first of all clarifying that it’s his family’s stake not his majority stake in the Celtics so once again he said it’s it’s become pretty clear that he’s not the driving force behind the sale here I don’t think he wants to sell and I think looking at it because his dad and his family are the controlling uh owners of that majority stake uh I think they’re the ones they’re obviously the ones driving it and I think when Wick has a much smaller stake it’s easy for him to be like no I I’m not selling but I think the rest of the family is like yeah you are because you want a championship team’s as valuable as ever we’re giving up our stake now so number one Wick very clearly does not want to sell but he has to go along with it uh and he’s sticking around for a few years holding on as long as he can now he he says and this is this is unclear to me the plan the expectation is to sell the team in two parts 50 1% going fairly soon 49% then in a second closing that’s the expectation in 2028 I’m planning or expected to stay on until 28 and so on and so forth so my whole stance was the Celtics must have a plan in place because you don’t say 51% is going fairly soon and quote it’s going to be quite a bidding process if it’s going to go fairly soon you assume that there are going to be biders unless you’ve already lined something up or you already have a plan in place and I do think that a Steve puka Leed group is probably going to try to buy the 51% of the team so I assume that the 51% and the 49% is 51% grossbeck family 49% everybody else so if people from the 49% want to buy the 51% they can figure out a way to buy that and then turn around and and somehow get rid of their Stak somehow there’s going to be a buying out process and a sale of the remainder of the team now does that mean I don’t know how I’ll be honest with you I I don’t know how this is all going to go because it’s all very cryptic and it’s it makes it seem like the entire team is up for sale in one breath but in the other on the other side there is very much a desire for a lot of the existing owners to stay on so however that works that works as I’ve laid out before the process to sell a majority stake can take a while uh there are there are mechanisms to make that happen there’s money coming into the league that can be funneled a certain way uh can be used to facilitate the purchase however it goes It goes I don’t think I still don’t think that Wick and the entire ownership group is just going to go away I don’t think that some Mega billionaire is going to to come in and buy the team and just have completely new ownership I don’t think that’s how it’s going to go I still think there’s a plan I still think there’s a succession a desire to to maintain some of that in place and I think there’s a reason that Wick is going to stay on until 2028 because again a you don’t spend as much money as the Celtics have been spending just to say here you go new owners your problem now and secondly you don’t sit there and say I’m planning or I’m expected to stay until 2028 when you’re gonna sell to someone that uh that that isn’t part of an existing structure you know what I mean so I still think there’s going to be continuity I still think that there’s going to be uh familiar faces but Wick made it sound like when he says it’s going to be quite a bidding process it does kind of give me pause that maybe I’m wrong uh and other there there are definitely gonna be other people involved there’s definitely gonna be other people involved and if other people are involved as I’ve said multiple times on this podcast outside of this podcast the pl the best laid plans have have fallen apart before everyone so we can say there’s a succession plan and then somebody can come in and be like that’s cute here’s eight billion uh for the whole thing and everybody’s gonna be like peace out later because you know if somebody wants to overpay if somebody wants to come in with a a Godfather offer then everybody cashes out and Wick can be like okay you can have the team I just want courtside seats for the rest of my life or something like that uh which would be totally fair right he’s he’s not only one of the team owners he’s a a Celtics fan like I said he’s from Worcester he’s he’s grown up around this team this is a an ownership group of local people but there’s always the possibility that somebody can come in considering the Celtics and the value of this team and the the worldwide brand and and all of that stuff someone can come in and be like I want piece of this the Celtics aren’t even maximizing the current ownership group isn’t even maximizing what they can make off of this team watch me come in I’ll put this money down me and my group of investors we’ll put our money down and it’s G to be more than anything more more than anyone else has offered and we’re going to turn this into a money-making machine that could easily happen uh I know this current ownership group maybe because they’re local is like they’re they’re not keen on certain things that maybe someone from the outside will try to do which as I’ve said might be try to build a new Arena which is honestly next to Impossible but you never know what someone can do and what strings somebody can pull but if they can find a way to build something nearby locally somehow again next to Impossible I’m not saying it’s going to happen Could Happen would happen I mean I guess technically there’s there’s a a nonzero chance that it could happen and maybe that’s what an an outside person can do or they could Market the team or or sell the team you know the brand a certain way and get other things involved that maybe current owners don’t want to do whatever it is it’s certainly going to be an interesting process I still think my theory holds but who knows the more the more we hear I I don’t think this clarifies anything I’ll be honest with you it just the 51% of the team 49% closing is at 41 5149 of the team or of his stake it seems like it’s the team what a mess but obviously it’s gonna be a topic of conversation for the summer for the rest of the year until it’s done so I’ll be here for that uh summer league they held a practice uh today uh couple of notes there a surprise and then later on we’ll talk about Shaq that’s all coming up in just a second Today’s Show is brought to you by better help I’ve talked about how I’ve benefited from therapy I think you probably can too because I think just about everybody can benefit from therapy no matter what is weighing you down something at work relationship wise familywise there’s a good chance that talking through it with a trained professional can kind of help you figure some things out but I know a couple of things might be in your way number one finding somebody nearby that’s tough finding somebody that you can click with is also tough and frankly we’ve got a lot of guys who watch this show and I know there’s probably a little bit of a stigma you probably feel like ah I could do this on my own listen don’t be embarrassed like I said I’ve benefit benefited from therapy but if you want to do it on the down low try better help because it’s all online it’s 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sports today real talk real sports right check it out YouTube Amazon Fire TV channels app summer league it’s around the corner the uh the Celtics unle uh unveiled Unleashed wow I like that better they Unleashed their summer league roster Unleashed upon the masses Tyler cook Tristan enaruna and jamas Ramsey I don’t know not not big on these guys um I think the real story of this summer league roster is bunch of NBA kind of level players right uh Jaden Springer has you know NBA obviously uh namish kada is on this roster he has uh NBA experience JD Davidson’s been around for a little bit he’s a surprise he just signed a two-way contract with Boston again which is I thought he was done honestly I thought he was done but another two-way deal they Austin age says they like what they see who knows who knows maybe he’s making some strides that we haven’t seen but I I’m surprised I thought I thought for sure that he was gone uh Baylor shyan their first round pick is there Antoine Anton Watson that’s going to be that’s going to be something that trips me up because they that w at the end makes me want to say Antoine Watson it’s Anton Watson who said that he wants to play kind of an Al Horford role like 68 um good Defender he he said that he wants to he wants to build his confidence shooting wise Brad Stevens has said that we want this kid to shoot it and he’s got a better shot than he than he realizes that’s going to be a huge development he’s the 54th overall pick right so there’s no there’s no guar anes there guys in that that part of the the draft if they hook on and make contributions that’s that’s a nice surprise Jordan Walsh is gonna be try to be one of those guys those second round guys that makes a contribution so he’s on the team so you got shyan Watson Walsh the three guys the three picks in the past couple years like I said Springer kayada Drew Peterson who signed a two way deal again already Davidson like I said and then interesting guys like Ron har Harper J J uh Jaylen house Eddie House’s son so this is a team that’s coached first of all by DJ mlay this is a team that’s actually like got some talent for summer league uh if Summer League championships are a thing that matter to you which probably shouldn’t but hey you know you put a championship on something it would be funny uh what what would really be funny is the Celtics obviously are the NBA champions if they win the summer league League Championship and then they win the inseason tournament uh we could kind of sort of call them the unified belt holders because they hold all the Championships that are available in the NBA at the same time and and clearly it would be the first time in history that anything like that has happened because there was no inseason tournament before last season so that would be a fun little kind of trivia type question for for um for the Celtics but why not summer league is going to be fun uh I’m really interested to see shyman who said he patterns his game after Joe Engles so okay sure uh that would be you know younger Joe Eng Les was was pretty good and a hell of a shooter and a real impactful player and Watson wants to be an Al Horford type okay sure no problem that’s that that would be fun for Boston to get that type of player they’re look they’re looking they’re auditioning Al Horford successors I don’t want to say Al Horford Replacements because I like the word successor better because he’s going to go off on his own terms and that’s that’s a real I mean that’s that’s the ultimate goal in life for me especially in these industries where you can be discarded in like sports sports media you could be discarded in a heartbeat uh going out on your own terms is the ultimate sign of your greatness when you can go out on your own terms that’s that’s amazing and Al Horford is gonna go out on his own terms so his successor using the word successor I think means like it gives him the respect I think it’s a weird little uh semantic thing that I don’t know is important to me so could it be Anton Watson I think the number one thing we we can’t do is overreact to Summer League I’m gonna be saying that a ton but they are auditioning him they’re going to be auditioning Tillman there’s going to be guys coming in and out of this roster over the next couple years that they’re going to be looking who can take that mantle of stretch big high IQ good passer to what percentage can you duplicate Horford’s impact No One’s Gonna Get to 100% Al Horford’s really damn good but who can give you 50 60 70% 80% that would be amazing um so I’ll be watching just for the fundamentals there uh I I don’t think any of these other guys like Killian Tilly or Tyler cook people are asking like oh what are you looking for in Tyler cook uh nothing looking for a body to be on the floor so some of the guys that we’re actually looking at can make can get some rest that’s probably what Austin a wanted to say uh but couldn’t say uh the fact is the guys who are there like Eddie House’s son he’s not hooking on with the Celtics I mean maybe one of these guys will pick up a two-way right there’s another two-way spot available Peterson has one Davidson has one I expect Watson to get the other one they’re not gonna sign Watson to a a guaranteed deal I don’t think because that would be the 15th roster spot so I think they want Watson on a two-way which really would just means that all these other guys are there to fill fill a spot because you have to have a certain amount of players and they’re there to audition for other teams so keep that in mind when we get to Summer League the first Summer League game is July 13th the first basketball game we’re going to see is July 10th in actually a couple of days I’m recording this on Tuesday no I’m recording this on Monday this is the Tuesday show so I’m recording this on Monday the 8th on Wednesday the 10th so depending on when you’re listening a day or two from now uh Team USA versus Canada at 10:30 eastern time uh that’s we’re going to see holiday we’re GNA see Tatum so that’s going to be fun as well what we’re hoping to see from holiday and Tatum is more basketball in June next year but people like Shaq people like Gilbert arenus are pooing it and that’s fine if you were doing it for the right reasons but they’re pulling out these tired old arguments I am absolutely tired of it so guess what I’m responding to that when we come back Today’s Show is brought to you by FanDuel Sports have wound down a little bit the the big meaty part of the sports calendar but look just because those have slowed down doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun on FanDuel FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open up the app dream up bets at any time that I am in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up every single one of you if you’re new if you’re you’ve been there for a while everybody gets a boost everybody gets a bonus and everybody gets it every day that’s 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Celtics your first listen every day go check out lockdown NBA I’ll be there on Wednesday as usual with Jake Madison talking about all the big stories in the league maybe something will happen that’ll be fun to talk about between now and then so go check it out I’m sure the guys right now are talking about the Paul George comments about his negotiations with the LA Clippers that that was one of those things where I wished I wished I was on lockdown NBA I was listening to that clip and I’m like oh why couldn’t I do the NBA show today may maybe I maybe I’ll share my thoughts on Wednesday anyway because I just so much or maybe I’ll talk about it during the week sometime who knows so go check that out wherever you get your podcast all right Shaquille O’Neal again out there saying things gilber Arenas and his crew all out there saying things basically saying okay yeah give the Celtics credit but I don’t think they’re going to repeat because I want they you know I want to see them play these teams healthy they’re so once again these guys Shaq and Arenas and the folks on their shows discrediting even though they’ll say no no no we’re giving the cell they we’re giving the cell full credit they they won so they get the credit but no butts no butts this is such a tired premise and this is what bugs me about these guys because they should be smarter than this and I think they are technically smarter than this but whatever is inside them either I feel like Shaq who is the most sensitive Mega star in the history of basketball I mean Shaq is one of the all-time best players in basketball history we all acknowledge it don’t be so sensitive like we you’re one of the best centers of all time what more do you want people to say we acknowledge your greatness stop being so sensitive about this stuff Shaq I don’t know if he wasn’t invited to something with the Celtics uh whatever his Vendetta is against the Celtics but he just continues to be oh they they they didn’t play Healthy teams or whatever like look and the same thing with the Arenas crew which I just don’t I just do not take Gilbert Arena seriously at all out there just running your mouth trying to say outlandish stuff so you can get a contract somewhere on a network so you can get one of those fake arguing shows fine go whatever these guys keep talking about the Celtics played teams that weren’t healthy but they act as if the Celtics were taken to like six games or seven games by these teams do we honestly believe that a healthy Jimmy Jimmy Butler would have changed that Series so much that instead of the Celtics winning in five they would have lost the Series is Jimmy Butler alone now now in this point of his career worth three more wins in a playoff series against the Champions is he really no he’s not he’s not would he have made it a more competitive series sure maybe would have gone six maybe would have gone seven who knows but you can’t tell me that a team that lost three games the entire playoffs is so inconsistent or so uh on the edge of not winning that they would they would have lost somewhere along the way to Jimmy Butler or Jared Allen or Tyrese halberton who was in the series and then left later right or Luca donic who was healthy enough to get through all those other teams but but all of a sudden oh he’s banged up really he people weren’t saying he was banged up before that series people were taking the the the Mavs people were talking about Luca as the Luca and Kyrie the best closers in the game the best backourt ever this is what bugs me it’s not that people are saying oh the Celtics can’t repeat they might not repeat CH the odds are against them repeating repeating is hard to do but give me real reasons why don’t give me these fake crap reasons why oh they didn’t play Healthy teams yeah okay they didn’t play Healthy teams and they smoked these teams they didn’t struggle with these teams they maybe it was hard to win some of these games but they won those games you can say hey well Indie could have been 3-1 Indiana could have been but they had they were healthy for a couple of those games they weren’t ready the Indiana Pacers weren’t ready to win the Celtics were the Cavs they weren’t ready to win the Celtics did what they needed to do they won they won convincingly they won 64 games in the regular season they won 16 games and only lost three in the playoffs they won 80% of their game all of the statistics you you can’t go to a single stat that doesn’t say this Celtics team dominated this competition all year long but just because and this is a psychological thing these guys didn’t believe in the Celtics to start they had questions about Tatum they had questions about Jaylen they had questions about Missoula and the Celtics still won anyway but because they these guys were wrong this is this is where people get into trouble they can’t handle being wrong so there are reasons that they could be like well I was wrong but these other things happened just say you were wrong just admit you were wrong the Celtics dominated this season and they didn’t do it because Jason Tatum was an MVP candidate they did it because actually he wasn’t they did it because he played a style of basketball that was great and worked for the entire team they did it because Jaylen Brown had the best season of his career they did it because they got Drew holiday and Chris St porzingis and they manufactured this amazing team that won 64 games and outpaced the entire league by a lot and the playoffs showed just how dominant they were but if you want to say hey it’s tough to repeat and maybe these guys will get fat and lazy or the competition in the East got stacked up you know New York has a you know a case you know male Bridges not an Allstar but the fit there is actually pretty good or Paul George went to Philly and that that’s gonna be a tough to defend okay I can at least buy that reasoning but to sit there and be like you’re not convinced because they didn’t play anybody get the get the hell out of here get out of here that’s just that’s just pettiness which the NBA is great for and like just that that’s as anger like babyish type of argument that’s that’s like something a four-year-old like when you’re arguing against a toddler as to why there’s no bedtime you shouldn’t why bedtime should be later they go into these circular reasons and they try to be like yeah but yeah but yeah but and at some point you’re gonna be like no shut up child you are going to sleep it’s it’s unbelievable the things that these guys Shaq a legend you know what it takes to win you really GNA tell me that you don’t believe in these Celtics because the other teams were hurt they dominated these teams what did the Celtics do to you I know Gilbert AR is just going to say whatever he hates the Celtics he just hates the Celtics winning any Championship is hard repeating infinitely harder these guys are celebrating all summer Tatum and and holiday are going to be at you know they’re they’re playing organized basketball deep into August they’re not going to have a lot of time to go and do their workouts and and get their rest and you know ramp back up there’s there might be a slow start they might not have that same Edge they might not have that same fire who knows there’s a good chance that they won’t win but they are going to be the favorites to win again and I’m open to having the discussion about why they won’t win but I am absolutely not hearing the same tired thing just I get it I know it’s tough to do podcasts I have to do five of them a week I come up with actual things to say with reasoning and intelligence you can do it too you guys are actual NBA players you have actual smarts use them use your brains thanks for listening everybody I appreciate you uh listening hey remember my book built different is available everywhere uh books are sold I think online and in the New England area in stores maybe at your checkout line at your local supermarket or Pharmacy or Wholesale Club so go check that out really appreciate you guys sticking around throughout the summer again 5 days a week for the rest of July three days a week in August and September back up to 5 days a week in October because we’re ramping up for the beginning of the Season just podcasts like crazy no one’s giving these these podcasts I’ll have guess all summer long it’s G to be fun you want your Celtics fix we’re g to keep celebrating this Championship because I’m not changing this background of the confetti on the floor that’s my background now not changing that so uh let’s celebrate let’s have fun together this summer and I appreciate you subscribing getting to those YouTube comments and sharing the podcast as well telling everybody they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast right here on the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

Wyc Grousbeck went on CNBC to explain the Celtics sale, but did he really make anything clearer? John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal breaks down the comments and why he thinks his theory on the sale still holds. Also, a surprise return to the Boston lineup as the team heads out for summer league, and then John responds to the tired assessments by people like Shaquille O’Neal and Gilbert Arenas when it comes to Boston’s chances next season.

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  1. Gilbert Arenas always was and is a complete knucklehead. Great scorer when he played but has the IQ & personality of a socket wrench. #IGCOGFY ☘️🏆🔒

  2. If Shaq was on this Celtics, I doubt he would be saying the Celtics had an easy run to the chi. He would be spraying championship all over the place and talking smack.

  3. The same people saying we didn’t play anyone are the same ones who said Marvs will win. We literally beat the so called Marva who had a “tougher” path.

  4. “We haven’t even begun the process but the family has agreed to find a new ownership group coming in that will make everybody proud of the Celtics moving forward.”


  5. The last third of this pod John, thank you so much. The naysayers are frustrating but banner 18 is sweet and makes me forget about the doubters.

  6. The part that is not clear is wether the 51% sale is 51% of the Grousbek stake then they will sell 49% of their remaining stake in 2028 or are they selling their entire stake which is 51% now then in 2028 Pags and the other owners have to sell the remaining 49% meaning they are all out as well.

  7. Its only "tired" to non celtics fans. Conversly, for celtics fans, people didnt need the argument to get tired bc it was bunk as early as the second round

  8. What's funny is that if these guys actually watched the Celtics all season, they will know that the Celtics play worse when other teams are injured. (memphis, lakers, okc games as an example off the top of my head).

    Oh and Arenas shouldnt even be mentioned. That shitter brought guns to the lockerroom ffs. He's a horrible human being not worth anyone's attention.

  9. The thing with Shaq that annoys me is that he was working for NBAtv during the finals and he did the post game show. Multiple times he told Jaylen and Jayson not to worry about the outside noise or the comparisons, go out there and win and no one can say anything or take it away from you… 3 weeks after the finals and he’s discrediting them already

  10. Not only is what Shaq and Ima Zero saying tired and disrespectful, it's basically saying, "We think one or more teams they played are BETTER than the Celtics when healthy." Well, that's funny.

  11. Wish we could go back, give ALL those teams EVERY player back healthy…so long as we get KP back the same. Yup, might have taken us, oh, 20 games to win the postseason instead of 19. I was PISSED Butler was out because I wanted to see the Celtics humiliate him–and they would have.

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