@Boston Celtics

Jrue Holiday and Payton Pritchard Balling With Team USA | Reacting to Team USA Scrimmage Highlights

Jrue Holiday and Payton Pritchard Balling With Team USA | Reacting to Team USA Scrimmage Highlights

these guys are ridiculous these guys are [Music] ridiculous now how about them damn Celtics and we are back with another how about them Celtics video Seminary recording on Sunday July 7th and we’re looking at Team USA basketball who officially started their training camp today in Las Vegas bunch of Celtics on the team Tatum’s not there yet he’s gotten excused ad since for personal reasons until Monday he just signed his new contract probably it don’t know he’s fine J holiday is there pron Pritchard is there on the select team helping Team USA get ready for Paris so we’ll take a look at that some clips stuff like that how you doing Sam I am tired I’ll tell you today but I’m excited to watch the boys represent the country as somebody who deeply cares about the Olympics this is my christm Let’s uh let’s pick through let’s see how you been doing uh there’s no like specific oh this is Celtic stuff uh you know just watched this but Drew’s the first one off the bus so he’s ready to rock uh we’ll take a look at these we don’t have to watch all like 20 minutes or whatever of footage that has been leaked out there but we can watch the fellas pull up to Vegas uh ready to rock um whole rosters there except for Tatum and Kevin Durant’s hurt so I know he is not participating quite yet and there’s somebody else who had an excused absence and I can’t remember who it was but I’m going to go look now because I’m gonna be an find it out um did you see the himmelbach article where um he was talking about Drew holiday and the rest of the team went out to dinner and then it was all good and fun until they started talking about like which teams are best holiday their places is that really a thing let me look that up is that today yes let on Twitter let’s see yeah I’m not entirely sure they stack this team this team like this USA basketball team is nasty yeah all these guys are front rers they just were like yeah we’ll show up they go to Paris that’s fine they they don’t need to play Everything uh let’s see um Drew holiday it’ll be here yep here it is okay let me pause this and we can read the article quick shout out Adam himmelbach um he said something about dinner oh yes most of the other players on the star side of roster arid Friday night when they had a team dinner holiday said the conversation was relaxed and comfortable although the intensity Rose a bit uh when they discussed their respective NBA teams obviously you get a little competitive in that especially because my team won H I said these teammates are now focused on winning the gold medal etc etc but uh respect we gotta back the Celtics had to put them in their place imagine they’re talking about their teams and then embiid just opens his mouth over there they did get a Celtics killer W tweeted Caleb Martin stats against the Celtic specifically that’s that’s peak in their head that’s nasty work that’s Peak we in your head uh basketball right there yeah putting making W tweet out the stats is crazy is that bam shooting a three in the corner did I see that it is yeah I don’t get why he doesn’t shoot them more like it doesn’t make any sense I’m surpris didn’t he use clearly can no he’s never shot threes in the NBA it’s very weird he clearly can’t yeah that’s Corner Drew still alive that was Drew in the corner that time [Laughter] oh uh kawhai looks very different with the the hair it confuses me every time I see it we got a we got a kawhai clip today did you see it and bead no this could be the title of the video right here Sam Drew holiday Cooks Jo and Bean on Drive I don’t think I’ve actually that that’s too much of a scam but he got his see you later yeah hey got him good night um he was like whose team are you talking about that you’re veteran what was the kawhai clip they were like uh if you had one ad piece of advice for young hoopers what would it be have fun have fun and he just does the laugh he did the laugh that’s awesome he did a laugh I like man kaai is funny he just he just doesn’t give a [ __ ] he just wants to hoop that’s all he wants I wish I knew all this was happening this week would Vegas just basketball I mean basketball we 3 we strs however long yeah it’s so funny how like Vegas is embedded into basketball but they don’t have a team yet they will soon oh it’s the same clip just different angle D I also did talk about um being there I’m going to refresh just so it plays but uh can we get sound please thank you let’s see there we go good to get back at it it’s not like it was that long for me but uh good to get out here run through some drills run through some plays play with some of the best players in the world so it it was good job how day one go respect easy work easy work indeed see what else we got here we go oh yeah they did they did the super cool drills no I didn’t looks a little chubby shut off they did the super cool team drills they shose the they’re all like closing out yeah yeah prize picks is America’s number one daily fantasy 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else just this thanks who doesn’t want some Quai in their life sure the Raptors do stopping the break hi me Brandon Miller got Drew in the corner down wait no I don’t know who’s top right because Brandon Miller’s down there I just saw him pritchard’s on book don’t know who made the shot come on Drew show me something baby holiday highlight pass Outlet pass cut I don’t know who’s on embid you see him just getting clowned online cuz he joined this team oh no Drew turned it over oh God his ass you can’t be jumping there Drew you know it you know his Tendencies You Can’t Jump there hey go Bor 46 need let’s see did they just post the entire scrimmage uh this is yeah it’s it’s nine minutes um okay I saw somebody tweet out a clip of this and was like embi foul baiting at practice I’m trying to find the roster come on show me the you have which the select roster oh just so you know who the numbers are yeah I know there’s a picture with the roster on it but I just don’t know where it just got cooked tough wait I want to see I’m looking [ __ ] up I don’t know who 46 is oh my god let’s see Team USA select roster I know Langston Galloway is on the team so I think that’s really funny oh that might be Duren is that Jaylen dur oh wow our Pistons no no surprise I don’t know the number it might be could be jayen dur I see 36 hell is 46 is that J it might be him it’s got to be jayen dur yeah nobody else on this list makes sense unless it’s unless it’s Nigel Hayes who I interviewed for my tough look I interviewed for my Ross McMain story really yes I did yeah there’s P see I got I know there’s numbers somewhere just don’t know where come on it would be nice if we got a single Pritchard highlight just he does literally anything that would be fun yeah no no numbers but I have the whole team here um so if I recognize obviously no hakz I think that’s Jabari Smith in the corner because I know he’s on the team I have to assume that’s Jaylen Duren because that’s the only guy that makes sense because I don’t think Nel Hayes would be getting significant run here um although I don’t know who that is on the bottom of the screen is that still Brandon Miller I think that’s Brandon Miller with the ball yeah 39 my gosh no that’s Jabari Smith okay that makesense Smith 39 46 I think is Jaylen Durant or Nigel Hayes I think jayen under 17 is Brandon Miller yeah and then ha haak is pton Pritchard yes okay I think I’ve I’ve locked in a little bit pajsk is on the bench one of the Thompsons is on the bench Cooper flag’s on the bench Cooper flag Cooper flag indeed love some Cooper flag good board Davis who the hell just shot that saw that he scored a bucket today on Twitter good for him okay this is better for figuring people out yeah that’s Jabari Smith who just got cooked that’s Jeff definitely Jaylen Duran 17 is Brendon Miller sorry I’ve really invested in figuring this out I need Pritchard highlights they they did him so dirty there’s pimpy there’s Cooper you you would watch this and think Payton Pritchard didn’t even like score maybe well I guess the video is not about him but still unfortunate I want to see some perched highlights me too he he might be the most fun player to watch in this entire thing I don’t like this angle oh this angle sucks Baseline basketball is always [ __ ] to watch especially like like anytime you’re on camera you don’t want to see it like that here we go I age okay Jabari Smith I’m just gaging yes this is the same people were on the screen before this is the same clip we just saw before no yeah because it just bounces in come on what are we doing guys had it oh oh Pritchard pick steal do something oh yeah ha don’t [ __ ] this up please you [ __ ] this is tough come on H oh no I’ve seen this clip this clip went on social media hey gang let me tell you a little something about game time now that the NBA season has coming to a close you got to get yourself out to an MLB game this summer you want to go to Fenway you want to go to your 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last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed yeah not much you can do there should hit with an elbow keep your head up brother keep your head up nothing you can do there you know who that is number 50 Sam Micah Potter get no should I know that person no he’s a heat uh two-way player for a year or two he’s on the why why is he in stff I think it’s um Tatum’s not there so they just G to keep an extra body I guess I don’t know um should put Pritchard there they’ll teach them how to win championships n KD’s out um how many people on the USA roster have a championship most of them right most of them not Devon Booker not H Burton not ant not ant not embiid not bam uh holiday yes Tatum yes LeBron yes Steph Yes KD yes anony Davis yes five of 12 so seven of them do was pretty good must be crazy just to watch Steph shoot threes in a gym man miss he’s well I clearly you see it happening um I just try to defend him we should have been watching this this is so much clearer do you see the quality here what were we doing we got to watch this prit clip again delete that okay let me skip through what do we got okay yeah definitely J yeah this is so much easier to see [ __ ] oh no show me something we saw this already too what else we got feel like I’m watching a slideshow really it looks clear recording studio for me are you sure it’s it’s I trust you it’s I just think it looks choppy it doesn’t even I’m not lagging or anything it just looks like one of those videos that’s like purposely like that oh I see what you mean a little bit I don’t think it doesn’t look bad in the recording studio for me so hopefully okay trust it’s not too bad for the viewers apologies if it is Pritchard oh it’s yeah it’s choppy there that’s just cuz I think I full screened but pitard guarding Steph big assignment okay dude come on show me something good you know he’s gonna turn the ball over they wouldn’t have the Highlight oh don’t mess it up come on oh this is the face oh yeah okay that’s that’s an assist in my book though hey yeah give him the assist assist in my book I think they took him my boy off the floor damn dude Cooper flag is huge he’s so he’s 18 he’s just giant okay Jaylen psky that was a nice pass what are we doing who is this oh pods pods does not look like he belongs out there [ __ ] you long to worst shot in basketball made it Cooper flag there he is who is that future Celtic oh Trace Jackson Davis I was like who the hell is that guy Trace Jackson Davis is right there dur Miller yeah yeah yeah I thought I saw Van Gundy on the sideline yeah there he is look at him he’s involved in this yeah he’s hanging out those are the shots the Suns love to take you clearly see biggest like shouldn’t be their guy is on the actual team on the actual roster um and you can’t say him be I wasn’t going to say embiid I I think they all deserve to be there I don’t think there was any like ridiculous snub Andor Edition think Jen should have been there if you uh probably like if you made me choose I’d probably say like okay put Jaylen on over halberton but I also think when you get down to that level like obviously the stars of stars would be like yeah okay it makes sense they’ll just want to play the Olympics whatever but like Halbert at least cut his teeth Edwards at least cut his teeth like they play in the other thing first and you know what I’m saying like it does feel like there’s a little bit of stepping St there um and that’s not equivalent to okay it’s LeBron it’s Tatum it’s Steph you know like I think there’s unfortunately pedestals to it or whatever but all right Drew Payton Pritchard out there hanging out Team USA Basketball Jason T will be there soon I’m sure we’ll have more super cool highlights from scrimmage and stuff um when that comes out I already see a thumbnail on you YouTube of LeBron just on Pritchard it says leaked to TM USA scrimmage which is not true it’s all over the place um but anyways appreciate you for tuning in let us know what you think uh I’m excited to watch the Olympics because August comes around there’s not much else to do so I’ll be excited then we just need like some of the S guys to play really well so we Tim Cooks you know who’s not going to the Olympics yeah despite the loss man that fat slob double loss Loop it out of the finals out of the Olympics tough for the GU talking somebody the other day that was like yeah just really hurt in the playoffs yeah he’s real hurt showed up ready to play for the Olympic qualifiers he was he was looking pretty good in game four wasn’t limping much in that game very tough all right let us know what you think leave a like subscribe I’ll Sam take it out yeah thank you very much for listening and watching make sure you subscribe to the channel if you’re not already leave a like and comment tell us what you think of Team USA if you hit the Bell you’re going to get notifications for all of our uploads we have something new every morning at 5:00 a.m. whether it’s little videos like these full pods Tuesday Thursday and Sunday or during the season we do game recaps morning after each game so stay tuned we also do streams on the channel keep your eyes peeled for those we’re on Spotify and Apple for those of you that prefer Audio Only all pods and game recaps are there so if you follow us those will go right to your feed leave a five star view we’ appreciate that very much you can email us hptc send in your thoughts on Team USA send your thoughts on the S send your rat list in we got a couple today so get in on that fun it’s going to be a lot of fun when we get to read them uh again hbtc pod the socials are at H with them se’s for Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok Facebook’s the name of the podcast our streams are there they’re on YouTube and they’re on Twitter Jack Twitter’s Jack NBA mine is at Sam Le France and it’s ack Taco come on Tac Taco Taco’s having some fun here that is bogus these guys are ridiculous these guys are ridiculous [Music]

Sam and Jack are back with another Boston Celtics video. In this one, they react to Jrue Holiday and Payton Pritchard balling out at Team USA camp in Las Vegas as they prepare for the 2024 Olympics. Let us know your thoughts, and as always, thanks for watching How ‘Bout Them Celtics!

Podcast Twitter: @HowBoutThemCs
Sam’s Twitter: @SamLaFranceNBA
Jack’s Twitter: @JackSimoneNBA

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  1. I love Jrue's subtle shade throwing: "it hasn't been that long for me," after reminding everyone in that article who won. Love it.

  2. So guys why aren't u bitching about our MVP not being on this roster. That Coward Grant Hill didn't have the balls to tell guys like Kawi( who couldn't even play when it count for Mr. Balmer the man that pay him in the playoff).

  3. This old broken down Olympic Team prolly go win and I am pulling for them, but is this really the best we can send to the games at this stage of USA players career. BTW for Media and marketing sake why Bronny not on this team, isn't that why the women made news for a Month for Miss Clarke.

  4. So you're telling me the mother f***ers are incapable of putting in as much effort in the All-Star game as they do in Olympic practice? I've got an idea. If they can't put forth the effort next time, every single All-Star should be suspended for conduct detrimental to the league.

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