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Trade Rumours INTENSIFYING… Report Reveals MAJOR Lavine Trade Update | Chicago Bulls News

Trade Rumours INTENSIFYING… Report Reveals MAJOR Lavine Trade Update | Chicago Bulls News

could Zack LaVine be on the move to the Miami Heat we’re going to be talking about a wild hypothetical trade that would send Zack LaVine over to the Miami Heat in exchange for Tyler hero and Duncan Robinson this is Rico greenhow and this is another episode of bulls digest before we go ahead and jump into it wanted to let you know that 78.3% of you guys that watch the videos are not subscribed to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can stay up to date with the latest news and happening around your Chicago Bulls and without further Ado guys let’s jump into the topic of the day here which is Zack LaVine headed over to the heat all right guys so look I I think that uh this is pretty interesting and I think it is something that uh could definitely happen all right because look we just traded Demar D rozan over and we do have some I guess some second round picks that are coming back to us and you would say to yourself you know who would be interested in some second round picks and I think the only team that I could think that would be really interested in some second round picks would be the Miami Heat mainly because a lot of the players that they have have either been undrafted or they have been some late picks that they have gotten in the draft and really turned out to be some very good players so I definitely see that the Miami Heat would be interested in something like that and I also think you know just personally with what happened with Terry roier all right I think that even though you know he hasn’t played a full season with the Miami Heat I think that Terry rier is not the same player as he was when he was with the Boston Celtics or early on when he was with the Charlotte Hornets and so I think that you know getting a Zack LaVine over there could be a way for the Miami Heat to possibly pivot um you know and then also too with what they have going on with Jimmy Butler even though they’re committed um you know how committed are they you know for Jimmy Butler you know for the next couple Seasons or so so I think that this might be a way for them to maybe pivot off that trade that didn’t necessarily work out with Terry roier and maximize the time that they have left with Jimmy Butler or also get uh you know somebody to take over for Jimmy Butler you know once they do decide to move on there and so this is the details of the trades and it does work out here guys so let’s take a look at what was suggested here hypothetically so it’s saying that uh ially what would happen here is the Bulls would receive Tyler hero Duncan Robinson and a 2026 second round pick via the Los Angeles Lakers the heat would receive Zack LaVine a 2029 I believe that’s first round pick and a 2028 second round pick guys all right and so that is what this particular author is suggesting here and who knows I mean they might want to throw into the the Kings uh the king’s picks or whatnot but we don’t know but this is hypothetical and I’m thinking that this is something that makes sense there you know for the Miami Heat again if they’re looking to go ahead and pivot off of what happened with the Terry Roser deal and then also too if they’re looking to Pivot away from Jimmy Butler uh who may in fact move on at some point in time so you know with that being said guys looking at what you get with Tyler hero he is from I think Milwaukee if I’m not mistaken so him coming over to Chicago I’m pretty sure it would be a familiar fit here um you know he’s averaged 20 points a game guys you’re looking at the fact that he has about 4.5 assists and 5.3 rebounds the game which is pretty similar to what you were getting with Zack LaVine except he’s a lot better shooter um and I think defensively you could probably argue that Tyler hero is not that great of a Defender uh but it’s not like he’s just not trying to play defense like it’s not just optional for him out there and certainly I think you know playing for the Miami you have to be able to play some defense out there so you know the one issue that I have with getting Tyler herro back over here is that we’re trading for uh a 65 guard you’re getting a guy like Duncan Robinson back who is respectively 67 and he’s been somewhat consistent guys when you look at his career for the most part I think when you look at the down part in points scored uh those were times where he wasn’t playing as many minutes uh you know where you see the 6.4 versus uh him averaging about 12.9 points a game and he’s a great shooter and he’s a guy that again he’s not a great defender but he definitely is somebody that can absolutely stretch the floor for you and so I just think you know for the Bulls standpoint yeah you could get Tyler hero over there um you know how he fits in the long term of things like that’s kind of where um it’s a little bit questionable for me you know because it’s like you already have you’ve got Giddy and I get that you’ve got Kobe you got the sumu so you’re adding another guard in the mix we still don’t know what we’re going to do with Lonzo ball uh we have Javon Carter over here as well so I’m just kind of curious you know what the long-term fix is when you bring a guy like Tyler hero over here um it kind of almost looks like we’re headed to uh a bit of what we’ve really done I think as a Chicago Bulls franchise and that’s just kind of construct the team poorly you know because I’ve I’ve seen it in the comments a lot guys that we getting a lot of guards over here so that would really be my issue in getting Tyler herro over uh it’s just that we’re adding another guard and he’s not necessarily you know the defensive Guru either so that’s that’s going to be that’s tough for me all right so you just want him to solely just sit out here and shoot the basketball and Duncan Robinson I mean let’s be honest guys he is not a guy that is going to drive the basketball he’s not a guy that is a major assist guy like he solely just shoots the basketball so that’s that’s another thing where I just I question the fit you know with Miami it makes sense because again they’re going to Pivot they get a little bit younger they have an insurance policy for Jimmy Butler in case he does go down and get injured um you do have a guy that can score the basketball and I talked about this before that Miami’s uh offensive efficiency was really not that good last year and I think that they settled for a lot of uh halfcourt offense and everything like that and I think that you know you add LaVine you add that with khwar over here you have bam and so perhaps they get a little bit more quicker with the pace um because again you could tell Miami is starting to shift in some way shape or form look they’ve already lost uh Caleb Martin they lost Max stru they let go of Gabe vinon so Miami is Shifting okay they they let go of Kyle Lowry as well so Miami is starting to shift I just think at some point you know they want to probably not go ahead and get into a full rebuild and I think that Zack LaVine would help them um certainly not going to a full rebuild and for Chicago we get off of that contract essentially and we get to get some draft assets back we do get some players that we could use and perhaps flip as well guys so um let me know you know kind of in the comments what you guys are thinking I know that uh you know we had posted something up here um you know a while back talking about Zack LaVine and the whole situation with him um you know a lot of people felt like you know like just send him off with no assets uh you know we were very torn like some people were like you know send him off um with assets and so let me know what you guys are thinking in the comments do you like this particular deal with the Miami Heat and getting Tyler herro and Duncan Robinson over here um do you think that uh this is a deal you’re not interested in are you still not interested in sending Zack LaVine out even with uh two with two second round picks guys so let me know in the comments what you guys think uh even though we don’t know what we’re going to do with Zack LaVine and we should know what we want to do with Zack LaVine I’m still saying go bulls and I will see you guys on the next one peace peace peace

In this video your host, Rico Greenhowe, breaks down a possible Zach LaVine trade to the Miami Heat. Are the Bulls going to move LaVine this offseason?

0:00 Bulls news
1:00 LaVine to the Heat.
1:30 Heat could rebuild with LaVine.
2:28 The Bulls and Heat trade.
3:30 Tyler Herro and Duncan Robinson fit for the long term?
6:00 Miami looking to getting better on offense with LaVine.

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumors on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


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