@Portland Trail Blazers

Lakers Deandre Ayton Trade?

Lakers Deandre Ayton Trade?

what’s going on everyone so the Los Angeles Lakers have been very focused on a Portland Trailblazers trade really trying to go after Jeremy Grant but the Portland Trailblazers they want two first for Jeremy Grant now right now it’s still early right Utah trade for example what two years ago now uh Utah wanted the farm they wanted both picks unprotected they wanted you know Russell West but they they wanted everything the Lakers had and it was insane Lakers were patient you saw that like essentially in half uh going into the season but then the Lakers were kind of contemplating the the Buddy Hill Miles Turner trade and then Genie end ends up vetoing that trade and then they were like ah we’re just going to run it and see what it looks like with the new head coach fast forward to the trade deadline and then all of a sudden the Lakers were able to pull off the Utah trade and also get DLo in that deal uh for a quarter of what the original not I’m talking about like day one of like negotiations right cuz that’s usually how it goes it’s early 2 months between now and the uh and uh training camp right so teams are like Hey we’re not in a rush right you you want him now it’s going to cost you a little more I do think once we get to uh the the you know kind of training camp area closer to the season that’s when I think you’ll see Portland and some of these other teams and maybe it’s not Portland maybe it’s the Nets maybe the Nets Go ah you know what we really want to tank further right like one of these teams the idea is that one of these teams will kind of go all right fine we’ll drop enough to get the deal done and then that’s where the Lakers can pounce but sticking with the Portland idea right Lakers are kind of reluctant giving up trades and I get it right like Jeremy Grant is a very good player would be a very good fit but he’s not so good that all of a sudden we’re a Bonafide Contender he raises the ceiling right he makes us better the Lakers would be much better with him but we’re not like oh this is one of the top five teams in the league with just Jeremy Grant by himself the idea is that the Lakers if they can pull off a Jeremy Grant and like a cam johnon right now maybe we’re talking right or or if you could pull off you know a Zack LaVine and a cam John something you need essentially at least two guys clear off a couple raw spots maybe you could bring in like a Gary Trent Jr on the on the taxpayer mid level now you got like three guys now you’re at the point where it’s like okay now the Lakers may be able to be in contention so I understand the reluctancy of like hey we don’t want to sell the farm to go get a guy that maybe it makes us better but not that much better because you got to keep in mind the Lakers have one shot at this right they have one chance because they they don’t have they’re not the Oklahoma City Thunder where they just have they can lose two or three first and it’s ah it’s no big deal no whatever trades they make they have to make sure that they’re the right ones and they have to get them for a good deal but you have to give up something to get something right and so right now based on just reports it’s ruy haimura Jared vanderbelt are kind of the two guys that they want and then they also want um you know basically two first round picks for Jeremy Grant now going under the assumption that the price drops the Lakers have other needs so like what if you could use Portland to kind of solve all your needs and go get a Jeremy Grant and then maybe try to Target a uh DeAndre Aon you know I don’t hate so personally I think Robert Williams I’d probably prefer not that Robert Williams like Aon is incredibly talented right he’s a guy that if he can just get focused get his mental right and get out of his own way could be one of the best centers in the league right and you saw it towards the end of the Portland season last year like Aon really came alive and really looked good but for the most part he wasn’t like he looked good in spots but he wasn’t like consistently great but a lot of it is like it’s I think it’s part ego I think it’s part just you know he just again he just can’t get out of his own way and that was the problem with the signs like Phoenix was better off instead of trading for uh Beal keeping Aon and Chris Paul because then you would have had this like big four and but it would have been more balanced but Aon wouldn’t have liked that like what was his biggest problem he wasn’t getting his touches he wasn’t getting the basketball right he was wasn’t getting along Monty Williams he wasn’t getting along Chris Paul right like he just he was this locker room problem and I think he needs the right place with the right group around him and people that can kind of keep him in line kind of put him in his place you know maybe even people that he would respect right so if he could buy in right and he could be focused I like the idea of him alongside Anthony Davis and him being a piece long term cuz he’s what 25 right so you have him long term and you could slot him alongside Anthony Davis he doesn’t really stretch the floor he’s not really a three-point shooter but he can knock down the mid-range he can knock down you know the little elbow um basically 15 feet in and he in he’s money um and then on top of that you add in you know if you could get a Jeremy Grant in the process too like now you’re you’re in this mix now you’re in this position where it’s like you got this size you could go like the position list right like where LeBron slotted at the point but really on defense he’s like maybe the the four or something or maybe he’s playing the three and you got Jeremy Grant but you could just go like the size route or you could kind of humble Aon a little bit and bring him off the bench and have him kind of be your your your Sixth Man and kind of like give him a piece of humble pie but I just you look at Portland and it’s like they got to get rid of somebody and they’re probably going to have to get rid of Aon at some point and he might not be he might not like his what’s his Market value right now his market value is probably not very good I mean even last year he struggled like he didn’t look very like the idea was that okay he’s going to his own team now and he’s going to just dominate he’s going to be this you know 25 and 15 guy and like and he wasn’t he was pedestrian right like I think what he average like 13 11 like so it’s like is is there’s an argument is his value lower now than will be because they just drafted Klean so you have Klean backing up Aon for now you can’t really play those two together because neither really stretch the floor could Klean maybe develop a three-point shot consistently at an NBA level sure possibly but they’re both very similar players in in the scope of like you know they’re more in that like 15 in range and then you have Robert Williams the problem with Robert Williams is just Health right like Robert Williams if he could stay healthy you’re in great shape it’s just the guy can’t stay healthy the guy can’t play more than like 40 games right like but I think on the Lakers he wouldn’t be asked to have a huge um you know wouldn’t wouldn’t ask to have this huge turnaround right it would just be kind of like oh hey we need you for like 10 15 minute spots we just need you on these like little gaps right like that to me is kind of like why I like Robert Williams is like can you can you keep him healthier because he’s not asked to do and perform so much um but same breath like I just I like aon’s upside I like aon’s potential as far as like what he could provide on particularly the off like he’s not this like great defensive player but he can and I think alongside Anthony Davis I think the two of them can can do some damage on the defensive side but he’s also a guy that you could dump the ball down to and just kind of settle things right like you could get settled in the the ultimately what is the cost at the end of the day right like does it C cuz you know like I said they want Jeremy Grant for two first but my thinking is like can you kind of like package players right to kind of justify so it’s like you know when you go to a like you go to a store and it’s like you know you buy one it’s $5 but if you buy two it’s like four right or they’re like $3 each or whatever you get two for six or you get you know one for five and it’s like well I might as well get two right something like that to where it’s like okay you have this log jamut center with Aon what’s the market for Aon doesn’t really seem to be any I mean granted is he even really available I think I mean Portland at for the right price will take anybody but you know okay so you have that then you have say you know like you if you can get Jeremy Grant right so you got Jeremy Grant you got Aon put them together does that cost say instead of you know just two first for it is that like two first or maybe yeah two first and a pick swap or two first a pick Swap and two seconds or something where it’s like yes you’re you’re still you’re kind of given up to First for Grant but you’re also still getting aten in the deal for like a first in or a pig swap in two seconds and it’s like oh we’re giving you what you want you know like again kind of lumping it together um it’s kind of my thought process but I don’t know anyway as always this is a discussion just talking right just exploring possibilities so I want to hear your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts do you like the idea of yeah go go get eighton in the deal would you want to just trade for eighton straight up right like let’s say you don’t even go for Grant just go for do you like the idea of going and get Nan or do you think no you know just the the all the the can’t get out of his own way stuff right cuz that that’s his biggest problem he just he can’t get out of his own way just you know like he would just be so much better like I think the potentials I think he could legit be you know a 23 and 11 guy you which is great right I just think I just think he needs the right pieces know the Lakers right pieces with LeBron James right with Anthony Davis with JJ reic who I don’t think will take any any noise any mess right it’s just worth a thought but again I feel whatever your thoughts are let me know down in the comments below that being said if you hav likeed this video hit that like button helps me a lot we enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subcribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers have been active on the NBA Trade market and the Portland Trailblazers have been the team seeming most engaged with. Lakers Trade for Jerami Grant has been heavy in the Lakers News but Lakers Nation is reluctant to trade 2 firsts. Lakers need more and could also really use a center. Deandre Ayton makes some sense and maybe the Lakers can pull that off along with Grant.

#Lakers #lakerstrade #lakersnews


  1. Ayton would be 🔥 I would keep the remaining team the same.

    Ayton AD Bron AR and DLo with Dinwiddie as the back up point

    I want to see how DLo and AR look with Reddick.. we can still trade before the deadline if need be

  2. Ayton in the short term would be fantastic for the Lakers. He has long term issues but for a season or two I think he would help big time. He would play his ass off for a season or two but then would revert back to being nothing more than average. I would go for that for now.

  3. We need somebody to slowdown Jokic. This trade aint gonna do anything but set us back or keep us the same.

  4. What about

    Lakers receive: Jerami Grant, Jevon Carter and the bulls 2029 second round pick

    Blazers receive: Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, their own first round pick back from the bulls, the bulls 2028 first round pick, the lakers 2029 First round pick

    Bulls receive: D’Angelo Russell Rui Hachimura and Robert Williams III

  5. Are we up to 100 yet in “proposed” trades, signings and buyouts etc yet .. Have we gone over.. Maybe we can go back 10 years and get KD..

  6. Pipe dreaming on Blazer players. Portland doesn’t need to trade with the Lakers. I think Cronin stays firm on his trade price. Look what happened to Miami trying to budge Lillard loose last summer. Good luck with that!

  7. Why not since the Lakers, unfortunately, are becoming a training center for any player with a hopeless career in the NBA

  8. Could you imagine the lakers getting everyone they traded back, just got DLo, then hopefully Ingram, that player with the blond hair😂

  9. Getting mixed news on Andrew Wiggins.

    Some sources are saying he has been waived and i don't believe those sources because i am here in the SF Bay Area, however it could be something that hasn't broken yet?

    If this report is true The Lakers need to grab him right away, regardless of what personal stuff he may be going through.

    He's still one of the best point of attack perimeter defenders in the nba.

  10. Bro you should start a 24/7 news channel to talk about potential trades. Just put on Kobe highlights when you need to catch a couple hours of sleep or take a crap

  11. If ayton is available for 1 first rp then lakers need to get him. Ad is injury prone so ayton is perfect.

  12. IDC about a trade anymore lol i just wanna see what this team look like under JJ instead of Darvin…could be better or could be worst but until 10-15 games go by if the offers are horrible i'm not budging

  13. The problem is that no team is willing to help out the Lakers in any way, so basically they want the Lakers to pay for a Lamborghini and get a Lexus in return. Better to keep what we have 🤷🏽‍♂️💯

  14. Lakers received: Jerami Grant, DeAndre Ayton

    Trail Blazers received: D'Angelo Russell, Jarred Vanderbilt, Gabe Vincent, Christian Wood, 2 future first round picks

  15. I just want to know if they can make the money work with the Lakers giving up players and picks to go get Ayton, Cam Johnson, Gary Trent Jr and Lauri. Could they pull that off by sending out Reaves, Hayes, JHS, and DLo along with 1 first and 2 seconds or 2 firsts. Might have to throw in another bench player or two to make the $ work. If the Lakers pull this one off they will win the chip hands down this year.

  16. But we wouldn’t be better with Grant if we gave up too much. Trent Jr. is not D’Lo. Sorry, he’s not. Dinwiddie, is a good defender. Awful shooter. Kinda need that from a guard especially since Trent is not a good shooter. Our current players overvalue these trade targets. Grant is also on a BAD contract. It does not make them better.

  17. The hate for guy that can defend, average 16pts 10 ast is insane… The suns really made y’all think he’s the problem 😂 Look at the suns now… He’s clearly in a bad team… The suns just expected too much from him… The biggest issue I see is his contract

  18. Like I said when we didn't land Donavan Mitchell season is over,that's why a.d and bron playing in the Olympics they know that's their only chance to win something together this run is over

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