@Oklahoma City Thunder

Nick Gallo’s One-on-One interview with Jalen Williams at Salt Lake Summer League πŸŽ™οΈ | OKC Thunder

Nick Gallo’s One-on-One interview with Jalen Williams at Salt Lake Summer League πŸŽ™οΈ | OKC Thunder

we’re here in Salt Lake City for summer league and the Thunder played its first game and who was sitting courts side but jdub jayen Williams obviously here you know such a great supporter to to be here with these young guys obviously for your brother as well but uh just what does this mean to you to be able to come out and and see a couple of the guys that the Thunder drafted obviously a guy like Usman Jang as well and be here to support them from the front row um well I’ve been like completely out the loop I forgot that we we play in Salt Lake so when I I I looked at the schedule yesterday and I’d changed my flight so I can come watch you know play early so I like being around basketball um it’s it’s kind of cool I get to like interact with the guys a little bit that I haven’t met yet so um obviously our team looks so different right now so it’s cool to kind of be some somewhat of a familiar face and obviously like you said you know my brother’s out here too so uh pretty cool moment for that that’s such an interesting part of the NBA is that these teams are Ever Changing ever evolving you’re changing you’re evolving as a player too uh what’s this off season like for you as you continue to work on your game obviously you’re known as just an extremely hard worker um yeah you know I’m working out that’s really it there’s not really you know a ton going on um I think besides that I’ve been running around with Cody for the draft but it’s just been that and trying to fit in working out yeah and and as you work out you know anything that you’re really focused on specifically I know at the end of the season you said you kind of always you go into the summer and you feel like you got something that you really want to devote some time to um I think every year is going to be trying to get better at my body and um constantly trying to figure out new tricks to be healthier and healthier every season um so that’s been big uh I kind of figured out a good weight I like to play at and um you know trying to maintain that and I think a big thing for me is figuring out what I want to eat more and more during the year you know I had a chef last year um that was really successful with that so I’m trying to like really hone in on that and that that’s been the biggest thing for me and then the court you know you guys can just wait and figure out what you see so all right that’s a that’s a little bit of a of a secret there on that one um your teammates you obviously miss those guys I think you’ll probably get a chance to see them here over the course of the summer some too yeah so what’s that like I mean you spend so much time with these guys and then suddenly you’re apart for a good you know stretch of six six weeks or so um it’s so weird I feel like we’re so close and you know obviously there’s been trades going on too so I feel everybody’s a little antsy to kind of see each other and and have a cool moment so um I’m looking I don’t know if anybody’s going to come to uh Utah but I’m I’m excited to see everybody in Vegas I saw you signing autographs out there too and I have to ask you about the fans because you just have this wonderful relationship with thunder fans uh have you missed them have you missed being able to to kind of be out and uh and see and interact with people the way that you were especially towards the end of the season yeah for sure I think I think I have some Utah fans as well now um so it it’s been really cool I think we travel really well um we all know our fan base is special um obviously special to me just literally from the moment I got drafted being in a hotel at the Omni how many people are out there so um the fans are dope so anytime I can interact with them it’s always always cool they’re always respectful so I I’ve always had dope interactions with our fans as you think about the next few months just as a final question to you you guys are such a fun team you have so much fun You’re such you’re serious basketball competitors though too how do you balance sort of the the mentality of going into next season understanding you can’t carry anything with you with the idea that you know that you guys are are very talented you work well together and you have so much fun together too how do you kind of marry those two things together uh I think it’s fun being competitive I think that’s the biggest thing that our team is so you know we’re going to try and continue to have that kind of be our culture um but I you know I think it kind of gets Lost in Translation that we’re really serious about winning and you know I think having fun is kind of our way to show it and you know it’s kind of how we involve everybody to be on the team and um I think that’s why we’ve been successful so far well I know Thunder fans really eager to see you guys back in Action again jdub thanks so much for joining me yeah I appreciate it

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