@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Said To Be Crumbling, LeBron Heat Love, Miami Dolphins Disrespect | Tobin & Leroy

Miami Heat Said To Be Crumbling, LeBron Heat Love, Miami Dolphins Disrespect | Tobin & Leroy

[Music] [Music] next you know I I just wish you guys would stop the quibbling spoler up to what is he up to can I just say he’s a hob knobber what is he up to you ain’t got nothing to do this time of year and you kicking the tires on anything he’s up to something maybe he’s just a nice dude and people respect him maybe I mean could can I ask you this back in the day yep could everybody say that about pop because every NBA player love pop and used to pop used to Joe with all of them so yeah but I think he’s always had like the uh you know still known as the players’s coach even still like he’s a hard ass but I still think like so SM yeah yeah yeah yeah but what’s he up to why is he got to be up to something that’s my point what’s he up to you got nothing to do no it’s not that I just listen you got up this morning and you go only thing going on right now is the Marlins you put on your Marlin shirt mhm and then you yes and now you got like let’s see what else is going on fish stros tonight excited no no it is oh tomorrow is the next uh heat yeah I know it sucks I miss it already I’m like I could really use some heat summer league tonight and I’m like oh two more days all I have is love Island and that’s not you see I blame you for this why I have no interest in this what cuz Marcos correct me if wrong yep one Brendan Tobin said this isn’t even the real one it’s when they get to Vegas and now he’s all excited like they playing for the championship it’s fair um you did this to me somebody said in the comments first of all I love all of it because I’m excited to see the new Heat players I really do like summer league I enjoy it uh especially last year kind of sucked because yic and and haime were hurt basically the whole time so we didn’t really get to see it it was really the Orlando Robinson show um so I was very excited to uh you know to to to see some summer league but it is true that the California summer league is not like the Vegas summer league which is kind of looked at as almost like the NBA Summer convention you know so that’s just the truth of it but I’m still enjoying the holy hell out of it is tennis the only sport where the official wears a tie completely ignoring everything I said no I heard you I was listening uh I don’t know you see all the guys around the edges I don’t know uh they’re wearing ties are those officials or are those ball boys what are those even worse I don’t know ball boy Wimbledon looks hoyy toyy yeahuh not a fan what do you think is more hoyy toyy the Masters or Wimbledon I’ll say Wimbledon I’ll say Wimbledon because nobody yells uh H do you see this HW to girl is local now she uh she was at the Hard Rock I know she was at the Hard Rock she was doing a she got her first paid appearance I think at the Hard Rock it was a fashion show or something is this crazy I’m happy to see this this Hua thing makes to of like 700 people yeah what what what this is the American dream is this the this is the American dream you take a viral moment and you become something and you want to know something who doesn’t like her who doesn’t like the HW Tua girl so far so good you know there’s no Creepy Past that’s come up no you know no I know there were lies that came out like saying oh she got fired she’s like I’m not even out of college C fired like this is this is fun this is fun I don’t understand her saying like I’m signing with an agency for a podcast or anything like that like I kind of feel like she’s got one note she’s doing exactly what she should do you go to nightclubs you go to parties and you just do the line and boom that’s it but she she was wearing yesterday the Tua Tonga ioa Jersey H look at that that’s great marketing that’s pretty good that’s good that’s good got to have her out for a coin toss yeah I did see she had some president iial campaign hats as well you know how it’ll have like Trump pens it was Hawk to I saw the the parade there was zitto Maurice 24 oh look at that I’d vote vote I’d vote zto yeah I’ll take that I mean Zito’s got more important things than worrying about this this you know trash heap of a country to run like run the Panthers yeah please but if anybody could fix anything zto and then who’s gonna be the best because like think about think about like if that guy if that was a cabinet right and you had to really make laws like zto would be handl all that and then who better to handle the Press than Maurice you know exactly exactly when Joe Biden was vice president love the guy great alert I mean look I’m gonna be honest I think a lot of us thought it would be a continuation of what Obama did right like that’s safe to say vice president yeah chill chill enjoying life so yeah but the one thing that I’ve always known and that like I don’t want to get into a huge thing here because you guys are all sensitive about this stuff um but the one thing we’ve always known about the presidency ages you it does it I remember what Barack Obama looked like Barack Obama was shooting Hoops he was play he was playing football in the backyard by the time he left that’s a that’s a political age Prime and I’m looking at I mean certainly I mean Joe Biden has been worned out and honestly Trump is too that ain’t the guy that was eight years ago true you know like it’s it’s I couldn’t even imagine somehow Putin though looks the same I know like they’ve been hiding some diseases and things like that but he he’s gotten down a Russian scowl I guess that’s what happened campaign is he short yeah but also like they lie to him and they let him play a hockey game and score nine goals so crazy that Mr Putin hatrick third time like if our president tried to play basketball he’d get dunked on right because somebody here want to I dunked on the president well I me over there uhuh I don’t know if he’d make it P the tip off Mr Mr President how you beat khabib and fight very good very good kabib sitting here he’s like he’s done he’s indebted in Russian taxes he’s like okay listen K you fight Putin every day but you lose he goes but the greatest fighter that ever been goes you lose texes go away but you lose to Putin that machine or tax machine that’s a point all right let’s get to our headlines brought to you by the new pal for trucker why buy a truck at The Car Store palal for we know trucks all right again so my number one headline is what’s B up to talked about this what is he up to okay he’s well liked throughout the league he chats it up with everybody it’s not up to anything I think SPO is tired of the the Sleepy Heat rumors I think that that SPO SPO is moving in the shadow so if you take a look here aren’t you taking some Liberties maybe maybe okay but you look at this group photo got a whole bunch of guys yeah it’s a lot of guys right there right so it’s not yeah one two five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 yeah 12 players pretty good that’s all you play in the Olympics 12 guys yeah yeah what more do you mean yeah well NBA teams a 15 right yeah okay except for the heat they can only afford 14 I’m not even joking yeah it’s true actually not even joking and then what about the days when can’t afford a I don’t think they can afford a 15th till like January but anyway I digress the SPO I’m looking at that team the coaching staff yeah okay right Grant Hill tyou yeah some other guy who’s this other guy he must be good Steve Kerr yeah not that guy I’m talking about who’s the guy on the far right exactly I don’t know not the other guy I don’t know who that guy is but one thing I don’t know one thing I do know the S postra he knows position he knows what he’s doing that’s what he knows what he’s doing position Bam Bam next to Ant-Man spell in front of Ant-Man look at that yep that’s a that that’s a heat cultur double team of I’ve ever seen one what’s he up to he could have sat anywhere could have sat anywhere I mean but what about it’s Drew holiday right that is Drew holiday yeah okay I’ll take him too is he available what’s going on nah they sign to extension no but I didn’t like word was that he didn’t want him last year but you know Joe Cronin Cronin dude isn’t that crazy that they didn’t want him who Blazers yeah what are they doing we talk about Cronin the same way we talk about the sanctions and like the Hurricanes oh we’ll never forget he’ll be he’ll be a part of of heat lore you know the ripple effect of Cronin still being felt don’t forget nobody’s better than sco oh oh my God but what’s he up to and then this was you know can I just say this while you do this to to Define what am I doing our fine listeners right let me just say this you know SPO doesn’t decide where everybody sits to take the picture does he you know cuz normally here’s what I was thinking he doesn’t cuz here’s what I was thinking the photographer says hey you go here you go here you go here in fact a lot of times they put little stickers on the chairs and if you notice it goes tallest guys in the middle and it weeds down the short why is LeBron not S standing up he’s tall look at that he’s taller than everybody else though nah he’s not taller than a he no he’s he’s taller than everybody in his row ant shouldn’t be standing but somehow look he’s shorter he’s the look ant is just shorter than everybody on his row I don’t know that could have been halberton could have been could have been halberton you could have had LeBron over there and they could have put Steph in the middle you know no you can’t do you do you not see how everything is I don’t know see here’s here’s what it seems like to me seems like your tallest guy in each row is sitting in the middle seems like there was SPO Ant-Man bam hobnobbin why does Steve cerr look taller than Halbert that’s weird how tall is Steve Kerr Steve yes it’s symmetrical thank you J is it symmetrical yes is yeah seems to me like see it seems like it was symmetrical and then bam SPO and Ant-Man were hobnobbing last minute and they’re like hey guys can we take a little snappy snap oh sorry we’ll get in at the end and here’s here’s the Knuckleheads very interesting very interesting could have been anywhere oh my goodness it could have been anywhere could have been anywhere interesting toin is right to is right they could have put kawhai behind SPO they could have they could have put him anywhere and spo’s like no no no I know you you sit over there Kawai so you say you say SPO decided to do this I’m saying laying the groundwork lay the ground they were having a conversation probably and the photographer is like hey we have to come but let’s not just let’s just not stop there oh we have more May and hamburger say you made Hamburg we have come on stop did you guys hear about what happened yesterday post scrimmage Oh you mean the scrimmage that we won by one point point or like a block well apparently this intangibles from duke was cooking everybody Cooper flag coer flag yeah this guy’s going to be the most hated man in America yeah intangibles for Duke and he’s that good I saw him he was cooking yep did see it he was cooking you know I mean he’s even taking shots away from our boy haime rough but yesterday after this you know I don’t have time I I’ll save it I’ll save it I you okay yeah we started the show late something happened yesterday after this something happened yesterday after this scrimmage yeah that makes that makes you wonder does the Heat’s pivot happen in the middle of this season that’s next why would they do that e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] thinking about the way I want the Heart Break change me [Music] ah welcome back everybody there to alipa yeah H to can I just tell you H to No Lie she’s tall too is sure yeah she’s like 5’9 510 that’s pretty tall five9 four yeah that’s like 63 for six pretty tall I didn’t argue you weren’t shocked enough that’s what I is oh I’m sorry I’m sorry jfig I think she’s 5’7 well according to google she’s 5’8 which you can’t trust Google but you made her out to be like Asia Wilson Asia Wilson’s like 63 I know yeah potential squeeze of that confirmed don’t blow up his spot potential potential I mean I think the streets know yeah but like they’re not out like publicly gotcha got but the the the the the you I think people are aware it’s a thing but they’re not publicly like an item Leroy have you ever some people like to keep their squeezes private yeah yeah always comes to light though all right uh is there any dating situation you’ve been in uh with a female athlete that was like oh wow you know I can talk sports with her we can enjoy games College okay so you like there there has been experience does me and my uh roommate and me and Tony BS we hung out with the Women’s Basketball team nice so you guys ever put up any like one-on ones because yeah we play Two on Two all the time a lot of my friends and a lot of casuals always think you know that they could beat you know the last man on an NBA roster but they also think that they can beat WNBA I think they can beat WNBA players it it’s different right like um but you have to understand but as football players and running backs we had to have quick feet so it’s a whole different like we might not be able to score but we could stay in front of them but we could stay in front of any basketball player like we used to play with the men’s basketball team we could stay in front of them so it it becomes a little bit different now so like Patrick Beverly to Glenn rice huh you were like Patrick Beverly and Glenn rice no but no we used to um I remember one time they needed one so so I play pickup with him during the summer yeah I mean it’s like first of all it’s giants like and not not even and that wasn’t even real you know in college right but you just and they all could shoot the lights out right and you just out there like he can’t shoot he can barely dribble but he can play some defense what you have what was your go-to you uh you get to the Rack or you a jump shooter oh no I’m a bull in the china shop yeah you can always sell a football player who’s on the basketball court you can always not really cuz Randy was pretty good oh I mean he didn’t uh he didn’t do any of that stuff Randy’s a multisport athlete but you can always tell the guy who usually uh is the most physical and jumps the highest you’re like that guy plays football for sure plays football don’t drill don’t put it on the floor oh don’t I can shoot halfway decent so I wasn’t a terrible shooter tell me you a sharpshooter oh yeah no you dude stop it dude if you shot 100 threes right 100 threes from NBA from NBA range yeah you wouldn’t make 10 and I think I you wouldn’t make 10 100 100 you would not make 10 by the time you get to 40 you wouldn’t be able to lift your arms above your head you’re doing it consecutively cuz this is another one we got to do we got to do another one I got to make I got to make just 10 threes out of 100 I can do it no you can’t definitely I gotta have this dude you don’t know how I know exactly how far it is dude it’s far wide open 100 shots you don’t think I can make 10 dude I love the way people think that Sports is easy like yeah oh I could do that no you can’t okay but but you give me some really easy tasks like throw from third to first which is like not hard okay so so far we have throw third to First yep we have catch a pun catch catch punts like just like catch a punch a real real punt yeah well find me a punter okay for sure or get me a jug machine no not a jug machine jugs is still hard which is by the way which is honestly harder because I don’t have toes to read that’s true oh the wheels turn you idiot no you gotta read the toes though no the wheels turn what do you mean okay I’m I’m gonna give you guys one punting lesson okay Eric MF was messing with me not you he was messing with me that’s why he was laugh I don’t think so here’s the kicker okay here’s how you figure out which way the punter is kicking where’s the kicker Which Way The Jug is moving right they have two wheels yep they turn to shoot it the punter has shoulders oh right you read the shoulders read the shoulders wrong this is a revelation dummy that you cannot punt when’s the last time you return to punt last time NFL what what when wow I was the backup part returner backup oh so you did in practice did you ever do in a game uh Fair cut oh solid was still hard preseason still hard no really yeah so Browns uh yeah so here’s the deal here’s the deal look at this up a punter a punter can kick his best kicks when his shoulders and his body’s poin in the right direction you can’t aim over here and kick it over there so you read shoulders you can’t see his toes sure you can over the lineman only the best can okay boy I tell you what oh two kickoff returns in Cleveland CU here’s the thing I had more net ACH 13 in 1993 here’s the thing if you if you were to read the shoulders a kicker can easily deceive you yeah they can no you can’t because here’s the deal here’s the deal can’t trust them your body can only do certain things a certain way you cannot aim over here and kick it over there and be any good at it you can’t it depends if you put the toes the right way oh my I’m not doing this I’m not doing this I’m doing you are an idiot you are an idiot I cannot believe I’m sitting here getting ready to eat empanadas and while we eat empanadas we go talk about athletic Feats you’re the one who wants empanadas I’ll take it don’t want to talk about punting punt returning no no it’s ridiculous all I got do is what you’re saying is absolutely 100% you’re talking ridiculous 100 shots I can’t get in 10 you can’t make 10 you don’t know how hard got to know though is it 100 consecutive or is it like take a break do I have to go around the world like like Point style or can I can I find a spot that I’m comfortable and just keep cooking so you’re giving me 20 each spot 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 okay right that might be harder why I don’t know because if I find a place shoot 100 from the same spot if I how didn’t shoot three it’s a sweet spot that wasn’t the question that’s true around the world if I’m a top of the key guys no around the world fine you didn’t say around the world the world I’m not saying I’m less confident yeah but I still think I could do no you can’t 10% you don’t think you can be a 10% three-point shooter no I’m less confident no he’s not going to be 10% yeah he’s right though I can make him with the crooked finger oh you think so yeah I don’t know you’re gonna be so tired after that though if I’m gonna be tired we gonna have to wheel we G have to dude you you make up when we do this I’ll never question wa when we do this here’s what I need you to do dud get that uh I’m not Eric Reed I’m not trying to question your athleticism versus my athleticism but I will say you invent new ligaments to tear like I don’t like I’m serious I may come out of that thing sore you’re going to come out and be like yeah my 19th metacarpal is uh not the way it used to I don’t you wonder why I had a prop holding on to the football I’m just saying like things just got look at my hands like look I keep thinking you’re gonna have Spider-Man webs come out of that one is crazy looking and look if I don’t wear it if I accidentally forget to wear it when I go to sleep I get up in the morning I have to like yes it’s crazy dude I like I don’t know what happened I don’t know what happened to my I don’t know what I did to my body says jfig is the best shooter on the show just ask Washington too accurate point for you won’t you won’t make and you’re gonna look like a fool a fool because half the time you won’t even hit the rim whoa you don’t realize how far if I got the bank I’m good if I got the bank I’m good the bank yeah if I can if I can from 25t easily bank’s open yeah if the bank’s open I’m good do here let me also explain something else to you I gotta set this up do you realize how much farther you have to shoot it to bank it it’s far right it’s already far but I’m gonna but I’m gonna over do you understand Arc that you have to shoot it with but here’s the thing I know me and I know for video purposes yeah I’d rather build a brick house a third little pig than airball it so I’m gonna I’m gonna heave him you know I have to say this to some people I said this the fans on in order for a basketball to go into a 10- foot Rim it must get above 10 feet yeah I’m not worried about that okay dude you have no chance you have no chance no listen they call they call me Lucky Charms because I make that ball Taste the rainbow that’s not even yeah oh so so wait wait wait so here’s what I look here’s what happens Marcos I’m gonna tell you exactly what happens yep people who think they could do it right yeah say I’m just going to shoot it with a lot of Arc it’s gonna go halfway no and he’s gonna be shocked at how far it is I’m telling you South Coast Taste the rainbow that Skittles you idiot what we of course of course minus one wait s said to Steph McFlurry Jesus Christ of toin and e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] no welcome back toin and Leroy here with you 560 [Music] WQ Leroy lost an order lost an order ladies and gentlemen they had something that that intrigued me and uh lost it and I lost it you know what I’m intrigued by what are you intrigued by you give me a weather update from the demesmin and Over Law Firm your acent free consultations 247 call at 866954 more it is mostly cloudy so look for a little rain at some point in the day because I don’t see a damn bit of sun and the trees are barely moving so I’m G say that it’s a light Breeze 5 to 10 miles an hour if that and the direction I don’t see nothing I can’t tell you which way hold on Wow Wow stumped Leroy no it’s lack of wind the direction get it together I’mma just go ahead go out on limit say it’s coming out of the East because that’s normally where it comes from this time of year uh but uh it’s hard to see outside because uh our windows are dirty as hell that is fair how do you do Marcos oh wait is uh 89 degrees it’s hot as hell uh there is a heat advisory at the moment which I feel like there’s been one every day very be careful for that it is currently 88 degrees I think that’s like one off of and he he did mention that the winds are very low they are indeed I got three miles per hour coming out of the East out of the East right yes indeed yeah usually this time of year in the summer winds are gonna be coming out of the East that’s where your storms are coming from from Africa pay attention who uh if by any chance they’re coming the other way yeah uh they’re usually going to come out of the South and and then that’s going to blow some of that you know that action out of the gulf over towards the bottom of Florida but right now uh I’m thinking about upat us okay I appreciate the transparency he is uh he’s very he’s aest I came in hungry so y y’all know it a you just knew you were gonna need it I heard about your breakfast situation so I can understand what happened uh apparently no this was yesterday so okay okay let let me just yester you had that cheeseburger before the show wowo somebody asked me who ate the cheeseburger I don’t know so Sunday after I got done with golf it was like 10:30 I usually call see if anybody want breakfast I said uh she said no I made breakfast I said what’ you make said banana bread I said oh that sounds tasty right I get home she cut up banana and put it on top of toast banana bread excuse me that’s what I said I said I’ve been had wait thought we had like a no was she trolling you no that’s she does it all the time dude did like that’s yeah would you consider that cooked CU I would picture big spoons like immediately like the best banana bread you can make cuz it just seems like upper alley but she’s just just sliced bananas on there huh bananas say you know that’s not that’s not banana bread I’m like banana bread it has little nuts in it it’s beautiful baked into it delicious right I’ve been into Cold Stone lately I really oh yeah not I don’t classic move by you I get sherbet oh look at that sheret at Cold Stone sherbet yeah bro what yeah well my daughter once my daughter ordered it made me not want ice cream yeah she got chocolate and coconut yeah that sounds good like coconut shavings on it no like the flavored coconut I like that ice cre ice cream yeah that’s good chocolate and coconut I’ve had coconut ice cream I like it really yeah I guess it’s a gelato but it’s good that’s gelato is what white people ice cream uh I thought it was Italian Italian Italian no no no froo is white people ice cream yeah gelato is Italian okay I mean yeah speaking of foreign tangible by the way first matchup has been uh drawn for the Olympic team all right they play I Believe tomorrow they’re playing Canada in a in a pre pre you know group play thing with against uh Team Canada but first matchup yoi vers bam America vers Serbia in grou play didn’t they win the gold last year or silver silver they lost to Germany remember he was crying he was yic was crying but apparently he is he’s 19 dude he’s slated to be the power forward next to Joker so wow their world appreciates them more than we do Joker didn’t play last year then he didn’t play in the I mean he didn’t play in U in in World Cup no hey so me and Marcos were talking in there I said I think I want to get one of these IA BS I IAAI right and he goes wait he goes you going to order all those empanadas and then I say yeah who am I kid yeah who you can a large pizza in a d Ste that’s what he said like ordered a large pizza in a Diet Coke yeah what’s next you going to get steel oats oh something like that what are you doing come on dude what are we talking about here I I mean I get it but I was just I never had one so let’s get back to the the task at hand hour please what’s our exposure up to what is this guy up to so did you see yesterday so after practice Eric spola I have to practice whips out his cell phone and decides he wants to take a little selfie he wants to take a little selfie okay of the Team USA current and past players that he’s had and so Eric spola he takes a selfie and who’s in the photo you can see here Leroy but bam Hae LeBron James LeBron James which again begs the question what’s oser up to what is this guy first of all what’s he up to first of all first of all let’s be clear a little frus amongst two colleagues doesn’t mean they hate each other okay so that’s the first thing you should get from that picture that regardless of what SPO and LeBron and whatever that situation was listen they accomplished a lot together and like yeah nobody’s got any hard feelings about that that’s what that picture looks like to me right the other thing is is that you don’t know how it was all you think he just collected everybody or everybody was taking pictures he said let’s get this one SPO is a selfie man he likes selfies you remember if you’ll remember uh I believe it was two seasons ago you uh remember this selfie that he took in his office of himself bam dwade UD right so he’s a selfie guy like selfies for his memory first of all let’s be clear UD and dwade forever are going to be part of his selfie crew of course right but now he’s got a new selfie got bam because bam is the yeah he’s the new those two but now he’s got his new selfie crew and LeBron James posted on Instagram afterwards heat culture culture past and present all right and he tags bam Triple H and SPO will fire Emoji I get you wondering wow what isul up to just you do let’s think about this let’s just think I’m just gonna say something I’ve been noticing okay why would they do that I’m just G I’ve been noticing things right so like hey what high Smith was doing his media yesterday right and he’s talking and no mention of Jimmy Butler right none Kevin Love You know he talks about best players but he takes his time out he talks about bam bam yeah even mene right we know that there is you know this contract standoff with the heat Jimmy’s going to play out this year let’s just say you know things are a little stale in both vills right LeBron got his contract with the Lakers bronny got drafted there you know listen RBA Richie did it perfectly meep meep well he me listen I may be building a I may be painting a black tunnel on on a rock that that could be happening but think about this you got this whole thing with the Jimmy Butler era right maybe it’s coming to an end who knows who knows and all of a sudden in the middle of the Season you know LeBron got what he wanted he got his son drafted he foed the Lakers yep you know he did everything that he wanted to do he got his pal JJ reica coaching job but you know it’s tough out there in the west you know a lot of teams yeah a lot of teams you’re banging your head up against there in the west east here it’s crazy to think all of the sudden the groundwork is being laid for a LeBron midseason exit wow out of the Lakers Demands a trade but you GNA send meong because he has a no trade clause only one of two players to have that yep is it crazy to think groundwork is being laid they get the hell out of there in the middle of the Season damn laying in the weeds Miami Heat Jimmy Butler LeBron James little Switcheroo maybe spos tired of it tired of the nonsense you’re saying tired of knowing whether or not his guy is gonna be there tonight I don’t know this to be the case I’m just throwing it out there of course you’re just throwing it out there dude is it possible when they’re having some pasta in Las Vegas right yep at Hell’s Kitchen and they’re just thinking you think they go to Hell’s Kitchen where do you think they go somewhere fancier I feel like Hell’s Kitchen yeah they they go herbs and Rye I think they do go to herbs and Ry let’s just say SPO and LeBron are at herbs and Rye yeah he goes well how’s it going SPO you know and whoever that was he’s like he’s like totally right lero is not even listening he’s just focused on but like listen they’re at herbs and Rye swirling some wine you know supposed like earthy you know and then swe Po and LeBron’s like man you know SPO I’d kill to be 35 years old you know he goes yeah well Jimmy Butler you know you never know with him roll of the dice if he’s going to even be out there for 50 games and LeBron’s like 35 years old I give you 78 games SPO just four games at the end of the season one seed he goes those were the days huh those were the days those were the days he goes he goes I forget about that whole me trying to get you fired thing he goes ah in the past I wanted to me fired too bygones be by bygones be bygones I wanted me fired too what say he’s just rolling with the bunches is it possible yeah this is some groundwork land or just Nostalgia I don’t know I don’t know gotta keep an eye very because SPO knew he could have taken that here’s the thing with SPO could have taken that selfie anywhere would he had to know could have had it for himself he wanted it out in the public LeBron too now LeBron puts this out there just made me kind of think like take note of that watch that I don’t see any person doing that with any other team I’m GNA take note of that it it’s amazing how an individual who had a problem with a guy for almost 10 years will mysteriously because of the way his team is just a picture accept that guy well his team is too his team is too don’t just he have a problem with Miami you had a problem with him well just nefarious like you know you bring Dan Gilbert into this backyard you fly Pat Riley across the country very Unbecoming but you know pass is the pass Riley’s forgiven him over you know he’s apologized toy you win you forgive it he’s apologized if he can help you win you’ll forgive I mean like they can help him win too it was a decade ago obviously you know both teams need to kind of come out of the gate a little bit sloppy a little bit muddy yeah but is it crazy to think Leroy I mean like we heard what the organization said to Jimmy no extension y i right I told him to shut the hell up shut up shut up and and here’s the deal soon as Jimmy gets back in town and starts working out you’ll be blowing him up who me yeah you’ll be o in the LA nobody nobody well he is in the lab which is great to see nobody uh nobody publicly was was more for him getting his money than me but they didn’t and so you have to wonder as a as an organization what are they feeling right I can’t just be blind to it Leroy I already said Pay Jimmy Butler they said no we don’t agree with you toes so maybe they agree with this where it’s like kind of feels like they’re being a little extra chummy out there with Team USA right little extra something what is Eric supposed up to Why do you always have to be up to something because come on dude he’s up to something he’s up to he’s up to something I think he’s just a nice guy who’s well respected through the league and is having a good time oh you’d like that wouldn’t you that’s the way it is that’s exactly what someone who’s up to something would say that is what they would say interesting that is what they would say seems to be dismissing this Leroy no I’m not dismissing it I’m just saying that you guys are taking something that’s very simple very like just and trying to make it something that not that’s I’m not the one blasting it all over social media that’s LeBron okay yep and what if LeBron here’s the thing with LeBron you know you never this is a this is a calling card of LeBron James yep see you always think like oh we’re doing what he wanted but he always seems to set up an organization he’s ready to scoot out of town with for the worst right yep so he goes you know what really put this team in the stinker we hire a coach with no experience we hire a podcaster as our head coach yeah I know just the guy yeah he knows just the guy and so what if LeBron this entire time the last time yeah and he goes you know SPO I can get out of the Lakers but it has to look good got to look so what we got to do we got to hire a real bumit head coach but I got just the guy everybody thinks is going to be good in fact you know what we’ll do we’ll leak to the media we’ll say he’s going to be the Lakers version of you oh go that that’s good it’s good in fact say he’s not only that but but but LeBron tell the athletic that he’s reminds them of shades of Pat Riley and LeBron’s like that’s even better breadcrumbs and so all of the sudden they hire this podcaster as the head coach easy right for a terrible start yep yep yep well LeBron hey father time is ticking yeah a half a season to most men is just a half a season for LeBron James that’s that’s another quarter of your career gone long right so all of a sudden these guys get off to a stinker and then he’s like hey Genie jean jean jean je Jean bug can we talk Jean we need to get out of here Heats are calling they say Hey you get Jimmy Butler that’s not nothing oh that’s not nothing that’s that’s better than he’s ever now you will that’s not nothing yeah yeah that’s what he said hey this is what this guy said potential just throwing it out there yep they even said they give you a Swedish kid I hear he’s good Swedish swish yep that’s what they call they call him Swedish Austin Reeves yeah it’s pretty good so LeBron just lays the groundwork for this JJ reick to to to be the head coach he stinks up the be clear to be clear be yep master plan you were getting all this from a selfie mhm yeah how could you not cuz what’s he up to writting everywhere what’s he up to this is the same guy that calls me IDF asking him hockey questions but he can figure out all this stuff comes in he plays his last two years here you know he finally gets to have his salute you know they take his other son they take over the East we get we draft brycey Yeah you know in a couple years and you want to know who else becomes available in a couple years was that you guessed it you guessed it Anthony Edwards Anthony Ed Anthony Edward by LeBron LeBron’s out of here this is this is passing of the torch to Bam’s new wingman this is good Anthony Edwards bam an yeah that’s good it’s good right crazy writings on the wall really I mean like is it crazy to think about I don’t know you tell me exactly toin trading prospects like Pez at some point you gotta like ride it out I well we are riding it out yeah with K where yeah H’s going to be here Nico’s going to be here Bam’s going to be here we got one for one yeah little swap skis and honestly if you check the tennis schedule towards the beginning of the NBA season Jimmy B is gonna be missing a lot of games lot of bubble guts listen lot of bubble guts listen I don’t want this to happen just one has to wonder what’s a expulsure up to so here’s the other thing you you think Jimmy gives us 70 games this year cuz all that nonsense you just said is not happening you think Jimmy give us 70 games you better nope that’s not we said that last year I think it’s been quite some time since he gave anyone 70 games no last year last year we all got to buy in because you know he was like oh come on you were talking gonna turn it on he lied to us he lied to me what that hold on who said it’s that time no no no no hold on who walked to the tunnel who walked to the tunnel looked at the cameras and said it’s that time not me no no who said it who was also talking about playoff Jimmy before that who said it though no who’s talking about play he bought into it huh he bought a little too much to his own mythology wow happens to the best of them but now me and you fought go show me every day over the fact that you said when the playoffs come Jimmy gonna be Jimmy well he didn’t play in the playoffs right but that’s my point they never got there so we’ll never know incomplete answer no but that’s the point if you keep waiting for tomorrow Tomorrow never gets here right but you can’t say I’m wrong because we didn’t have an answer yes I can no if you’re wishing for that and hoping for that and thinking that’s going to turn it around you’re a fool Jimmy Butler was kidnapped for me I didn’t get a chance so we all never know oh Jim VP you remember that good times yep all of that if that’s what you’re hanging your hat on for a successful season you can’t do it you can’t do it some things you have to see okay for example when the Panthers lost six in a row there was no doubt they would turn it around because they had done it for two straight years right you didn’t have any doubts oh they just hit a r that’s just it that’s just it okay well they didn’t do it for two straight years they they literally needed the last game to get in the playoffs the year before and they went to the finals okay they turned they turned their season around you can’t say there was no doubt for two years no no no I’m saying in the beginning of the year right it looked like it you’re talking about the middle of the season right middle of the Season yeah but they didn’t do it for two years okay okay so here’s what he does here’s what my guy does so he’s gonna lessen what we went through with the panther I’m not lessening anything to try to make his point about Jimmy less wrong no I’m I’m just giving you the accurate statement and and I’m giving you the accurate statement is this okay at some point right far the time is GNA win and you thinking oh they just gonna turn it up a notch and you can’t and I’ve said that about Jimmy and about all other old players and you keep thinking playoff Jimmy playoff Jimmy Jim VP Jim VP you don’t think he’s gonna have a good year this year I’m not saying that what are you saying I don’t get point for I hope he has a good year MH but the fact of the matter is he’s getting older and he’s he’s played a lot of minutes and you don’t know when his body is gonna start breaking down so I’m not gonna be one of those guys that if he sits out three games here four games here five games here and only has like 37 or 38 games by Christmas say he’s gonna turn it around I would agree that Grace is Gone it was gone last year no that’s not true so you you come off finals you get Grace Grace don’t care about how old you are dude I’m just saying you what you did last year don’t matter if the Panthers got off to a lousy start this year and Barky was off to whatever start you wouldn’t but Bar’s at 35 make it bosski I might have some questions if he just looks slow no play no faith in playoff B no that’s not it that’s not it it’s like I have all the faith in the world in Bob okay I don’t have a whole lot of faith in 36 year old Bob because 36 year old Bob he’s a champion that what yesterday’s price is not today’s price why can’t you get that through your head Lord Stanley is [Music] priceless oh sorry preaching need to hydrate jamp this hurricane season keep an eye on am e e e e e e e e e e e e e it’s time for our Tua it’s our Tua it’s our Tua it’s our to T Al not Tagle of Leo A for effort Dolphins quarterback T it’s our it’s our Dolph quarterback that is loves you guys our Tua with Tobin and Leroy check the history of to of the program ladies and gentlemen toin Leroy here with you 560 WQ let’s get to our headlines brought to you by the new pal Med truck Super Center why byy your truck at a car store pal Med weo TRS Marlins they take out the Astros tonight at 810 yes so big money yeah man is it it’s here it’s here no I think it’s in Houston didn’t Houston just get hit with hurricane oh I don’t know I know that there was some uh some hurricane force that was the was that the one that was by Jamaica last week is that the same one I believe so yeah I believe it went to Goen Mexico Texas area but I don’t know it’s a good question man I don’t know cannot confirm nor deny the report let me see any reports about them not playing I don’t see anything maybe it wasn’t Houston they do have a roof yeah I don’t know if anybody can get there oh yeah but I think they could play I think they’ll be able to play baseball because that place does have a roof all right even if it rains maybe it’s a different part of Texas and I’m misinformed that more likely the OB choice but yeah I do remember there being uh sort of disturbance there was was that what the hell was that that storm called find out it’s something with a B though I think that’s what you were going uh Barrel right something weird right hurricane hurricane Barrel knocks out power for nearly three million in Texas look at you Marcos you’re a newsman eyes no stuff SN in the G that’s a very weird name of sping Barrel b r y Barrel after Hurricane Barrel slammed to Texas early Monday knocking out power for three million businesses home I don’t know I haven’t seen anything about the uh maybe Houston is far enough from the coast where I’d imagine if any place could get power though I’d imagine uh the stadium probably has like the best generator so think the game but I haven’t seen anything about that game being canceled um all right well God bless anyone affected by that hurricane how about that I love the way oh I love the way some of the places we go yeah uh when they have the generator but it only lights some of the stuff so you ever had Publix oh yeah it only so it’s like dim lighting crazy um all right so no we don’t see uh I don’t see anything about canceled Marcos so but uh but good on you you are very updated on the weather in Houston you know I gotta gotta make sure I keep an eye out for my brethren in Houston I understand I understand the heat they went bowling yesterday because uh they were off back to Summer League action tomorrow I believe they’ll probably practice today Leroy get themselves uh back in the fold for everything uh Joe buo you familiar with him I am he just redid his contract or something no I don’t think so he just got paid last year no but they sometimes they redo him to give him cap space Oh I haven’t seen that if that’s the this guy why really haven’t seen they’ve already done they’ve re I think they’ve redone Patrick Mahomes contract twice already that’s why you do it that’s when you you secure your your guys that you figure are going to be there for a while M and then you keep they did it with Tyreek they did it you know that’s how that’s how you make the cap work well Joe buo he was on the podcast pardon my take and he uh said you know that he he’s aware people have kind of forgotten how good he was because he was hurt do you think people have forgotten about Joe burrow I believe that that’s what happens when you get hurt though you don’t play football people forget about you but again that’s part of the game you don’t if you’re not out there and people aren’t watching you then there’s nothing to talk about so I’m gonna give people to talk about something to talk about this year well I’m excited about all right so he’s he’s ready to remind folks he’s got a cool arrogance about him right even with the clothes he wears how he goes to the game yeah some would say cool some would say Unbecoming you know I don’t know someone say ego Maniac you I like my quarterbacks you know they they keep it to when does that guy ever you know I like you know I think I think a quiet confidence you know you every once in a while if you if the bear pokes you and you got to tell somebody to keep their name out your mouth yeah that I appreciate you know standing up for oneself but you know this guy also how much does he love Christmas you know that really is yeah that’s another thing seems like a Thanksgiving type of guy yeah right just because he wants to play wants to be on National Television Jo sick of this guy I mean here’s what I would say to Joe buo yeah you better remind people I mean like good God everybody has smooched your ass and you’ve walked into the league like you’ve lived a very Charmed Life I mean nobody calls him porcelain has he has he miss more games into uh they played I believe the same amount of games in their career he’s had two seasons where he’s played 10 games right you know I think a lot of times there’s facts and there’s what you want the facts to be right for two guys that play the same amount of games one is injury-prone and one isn’t they want me the Super Bowl again again pretty good there’s been quarterbacks that win the Super Bowl yeah I mean I know he’s he’s a very talented player I’m just saying Joe bur I don’t question I don’t question that okay but we can take any story and manipulate that story to make it what we want it to be and I think the whole Tua thing is everybody’s caught up on the injuries where I can give you a number of quarterbacks that have played the same amount of games as Tua not saying that Tua is better than them or whatever but they are not deemed injury-prone also like you know Cam Newton made a Super Bowl Marcos never the same very true never the same very true and I think he did a lot of oh I’m gonna remind him yeah you know we reminded of I’m back he’s never the same that’s another perf example very true Aaron Rogers goes to Green goes to uh New York the Jets he thinks they think he’s the Savior right what do people in Green Bay think of Baron Rogers I think I think he’s still loved no he’s loved but again could never really like he he’s failed more than he’s exceeded there even though he’s a really good quarterback sure right I mean he won a Super Bowl a long time ago yep and he’s lost the Super Bowl or lost opportunities to win a Super Bowl with better teams than one that one than the one he won the Super Bowl with so like yeah I I just I I sometimes we got to just look at things and take them for what they are and not what we want them to be and the Tua situation is everybody’s idea of what Tua is has really nothing to do with the actual facts of what Tua has done but what they think JB says Leroy has the hardest job in sports radio has to fight two Carnival barkers to make his point wow true I don’t think that’s fair I’m GNA call J fig a Carnival Barker that’s not very nice that’s messed up it’s not nice dude not even here to defend herself take a break back after this this hour of to e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you feel refueled now dude you got some empanadas in your system oh yeah feel better now mhm all right still don’t feel less even though you got you got poached your your new favorite flavor got poached huh oh yeah poached dude this guy came in with destruction interrupting the show poaching Leroy’s thing chose violence this morning what uh so Steph took your favorite impanata so when I ordered an impan you could order 12 empanadas but then they had another flavor but it wasn’t part of my selection that was um what was it uh chicken ter chin Teriyaki that sounds good that sounds delicious so I got two of them just on the side just to see you know what was happening I eat the first one I’m like oh I think I’m go ahead on and get at this Steph took it which you’re kind enough to to purchase this show I don’t even think he knew what it was no he didn’t because he came in here mid to ask me what the flavors were he gonna come in here bro that chicken Teryaki was banging oh I bet it was I bet it was like yeah I bet it was dude I bet it was we got damages done coming up uh in a little bit yeah as he uh will play our favorite he listen let me just say to anyone that is currently listening on the Odyssey app or currently listening via AM radio or the HD channels do yourself a favor join our YouTube and our twitch at Miami 560 WQ for damage is done cause boy oh boy do I have a clip for y’all wow all right yeah do yourself a favor join us on YouTube or twitch what do you guys think of this so they’re doing their top 10 Series in ESPN oh okay must be summertime must be summertime because now why you guys like rankings no because every week no every week we’re going to come in here yeah guess what they did top 10 up this week no every week we’re gonna come in here and tell us and be like look how they disrespected us again I do feel disrespected you guys don’t like who doesn’t like being disrespected by a list all right let’s he it what what list uh do they have this time top 10 running backs in the league oh okay all right okay top 10 running backs in the league CHR mcaffry won are we about to be disrespected on this list yeah Christian mcaffry is one yes yes but wait wait wait Le let’s start at 10 please no I just yeah for sure he’s right Chris mcaffry is of course of course spoil earli he is one yes but I think the bigger thing is like I’ll give you the top 10 yeah but no moster in the top 10 no mo so then don’t even read the top no in the top 10 we got to see he’s a touchdown Merchant and apparently according to this finished 21st 21st 21st in the league on this list 20 running backs better than leag 21st in the league you know what he was you know he didn’t he have like 1300 1100 yards and 20 something touchdowns he had 18 touchdowns rushing 21 overall right which was first was number one number how many yards rushing uh you break a thousand that’s what I’m trying to figure out he broke broke 11 then he got 11100 or something like that but nonetheless I know and then how many yards receiving so he got like 13 1400 a great running back he’s a versatile running back it’s ages him top 10 AG I got top 10 and I had third what 13 or 14400 total yards that’s good he was good Pound The Rock you’re good do you know your longest kick return of all time what 39 yards yeah see that looked it up 93 Good Year that’s that’s that’s uh Preposterous if you will though to have 20 running backs and I was considered a fullback turnning kicks look the top 10’s good but I mean he moster I feel like he’s getting age give me the top 10 and I will tell you whether I can’t even think number two yeah number 10 go the other way you want me to go backwards yeah because I I knew Chris yeah number 10 yeah Travis atan what is he like one year healthy what is the numbers last year do you know they don’t can I just give you the list like you’re doing the thing where like why don’t you ask me hockey rules too okay okay I mean wait a minute Marco if I ask you a question yes did I bring this list you did not did did I am I the one that’s going to have a problem with rahee most not being in it you could have add 100 details so should you have some counter points to prove why he should be in there I have counter points for the record no but none of them are numbers a thousand yards a thousand yards last year th8 yards to be exact and uh 11 touchdowns nothing how many receiving yards okay Leroy what the hell are we doing because that that’s why Chris mcaf is number one all right yeah that’s fair also handsome Chris McCaffrey yeah I thought you were saying Raheem moer also handsome Stanley Cup champion by the way Panther sh love him yep uh receiving yards 476 for Travis so almost 1500 total yards that’s that’s a think about it only 12 touchdowns though okay okay now go to n nine Derrick Henry three weeks in London okay nobody’s going to question that that’s good you’re going to question derck Henry being top 10 team told him to take a hike let’s see wait so you have a question you have a problem with Derrick Henry being top 10 he’s younger than just saying a he’s younger than Raheem moer younger in age but not in Miles not in Miles not in that’s true that’s not a miles that’s true hey okay go Jamir Gibbs Lions okay he baled out last year Josh Jacobs yep bejon Robinson okay who everybody black Christian mcaffrey but like how are we giving all these like they had like one or two years maybe Jonathan Taylor yep back majority he was supposed to saquan sequan boms back Nick chub Nick chub won’t play just him he might not even be ready for the beginning of the year oh really that’s the word oh no I’m just saying like he had that was a bad injury Bree Hall number two oh he’s good didn’t he get hurt last year came back came back in the middle no he came back from an injury he got the year before and so his who won Rookie of the Year the year before I think not last year but we’re talking about best running backs from last year yeah right that’s why I don’t understand this is from uh Travis Wingfield doph so I would I would definitely have a problem with Breeze Hall I definitely have a problem with Robinson he had 975 yards and four touchdowns I everybody complained about his uh his usage in fantasy that’s why they’re fired up that Arthur Smith got fired right um I would definitely have a problem maybe with uh bejon right yeah but he’s very similar to Chris mcaffry so I think that’s why 58 receptions 487 yards yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s why that’s a lot of receptions yeah whatever though less touchdowns less yards than my boy it’s aism it’s aism aism dude it’s not it’s what have you done lately what have you done for me huh he is older than Derrik Henry who you complained about being old who who gets the pay D better than Raheem moard no one literally Derrick Henry statistically I mean statistically no not not last last not last year not last year he was good yeah let me let me ask you a question can I give you some stats let me let me ask you a question yeah you’re on the one yard line yeah right yep and you could have Raheem moer or you can have Derrik Henry who you going with rer no you’re not more tread you’re an idiot more tread more older dude he’s not really older he is older really older he just literally older not in running back years wait dude this his birthday is an opinion I don’t really know he’s older that’s what you think you have your opinion I have mine no that’s a fact can be older I got stats you want stats less miles from Travis Wingfield Dolphins DriveTime podcast he tweets Raheem he comments on the story says Raheem moer is the 21st name listed here in 2023 he finished first in rushing TDS 18 he was fourth in success rate 55% look at that tied for fourth in first downs 59 six in yards per carry 4.8 six in yards after initial contact 3.35 and seventh in missed tackles forced I didn’t even know they kept track of that 54 lot of top 10 so top 10 in every cat all categories but top 21 that’s right do you have do you have because you want to know what he’s top 21st in age age ages ages he’s not 24th first in age probably last because that mean that means that Derk Henry is 22nd here’s the unofficial thing here’s the thing that’s going to be tough about it though is I don’t even even know for heos going to be the best running back on this team this year AJ yeah man oh but like you followed it dude so they messed up there are times in life where I really want to fight there’s times in life I really want toight it’s a little weird you would understand like how is it that he’s not even a top 20 running back when the Dolphins are going to actually have you know a running back that maybe better than him but he should be in the top 10 so that means the dolin have two top 10 running backs here’s the other thing I don’t even know what Jaylen right here’s the other thing one could say the same thing about two 2.0 what about that that he leads he’s top five in every statistical category in we’ll have to wait till the list comes out right we’ll no watch it’s coming I’m G tell you it’s coming two will be 10 to 15 won’t be in won’t be in the top 10 although every statistical category he was top five but I but I I would say they’re sleeping on us dude sleep sleeping on us Slumber you know Jonathan Taylor what is this you know 2021 the hell are we doing here huh Jonathan Taylor what is this 2021 wasn’t he like not even he got hurt and came back he actually played pretty good last year Derrick Henry what is this 2022 time to move on too much tread dude he ran for more yards than Raheem moer last year talking about Raheem moer here’s the thing though how many games did Raheem moer not have to to the Rock just because first of all rimos only played 15 games and and he didn’t have to share uh Derek hry didn’t have to share with a it’s just a lot of games you know early on here’s the thing the Dolphins statistics a little bit of a a little wonky because they blew out so many teams early on I mean his his numbers could have even better if you really think about it wonky wonky right and also derck Henry like really wonky and the yeah and also Derrick Henry older you know yeah more miles more miles more miles that’s right like the the model may be an earlier model model yeah or or a newer model but there’s more mods on the Oder that’s not how you say that what the hell I’ll take my strange wait can I tell you wait can I can I tell you I know exactly what happened you got caught in between Odom and oder big word for me dog I know exactly what happened his brain threw up a flare to his mouth and his mouth kept [Laughter] running hey M we need to think about this for a second big word for me dog take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] welcome back everybody Tobin and Leroy here with you 560 WQ Leroy still got that agility saw that real quick quick hands quick hands dude moving quick hand it’s time to get to our favorite Tuesday game the damage is done my friend damage is done go around the room see where the damage has been done I’ll go first you guys familiar with Dario yeah basketball player big man utility big man you know yes indeed uh weird mustache oh um okay one time wouldn’t stop hitting threes against the Heat in a 2017 playoff series in the first round yeah typical you know that was the one where Goron drag slept Ben Simmons upside the head oh my favorite love GOI good moment um he was choked out by Security in a Greek Club what yep what wait a minute what like them other countries don’t give a rat ass what you do for living right him and uh zubach who was I guess they were partying after qualifying for the Olympics yeah wait so zubach and him got choked out no zubach just stood by and watched him get choked out I don’t know uh really yeah this this video was going on in the club they apparently got into an altercation and then you can’t really see the choke out you just see him at the end line and the go but some guy wrangled him from behind style and took he’s 610 sarch is not small zubach is s foot yeah uh these are big guys and I gotta say the damage is done my friend you can’t be 610 and having somebody go uh full hoist Gracie on you come on you gota you got to fight the hands D my damage is gonna be about the giant standing next to him that watch well he supposed to fight security is that is that going to go out well for him if you your man getting choked out like what the hell is choked out and zubach just sat there there’s people in the NBA scared of zubach that machine right but no they’re not you got video no I got some I got footage I mean I got pictures okay hold on he’s not doing I got pictures I said I was getting it for you no Marcos know what I’m talking about you got video no I have footage I meant pictures I apolog but now it’s not loading up on the computer so no all right anyway so you you go through that what do you got for damages done dude um my damag is done is GNA go to what just happened to my breakfast experience your inana getting damage is done my friend that’s true damage is done ain’t No Getting that back so I ordered some empanadas right and I told like I said there’s two that didn’t come in there that had to pay extra for those yeah I had to pay extra for those and I ate one it was delicious I thought I’d go back round two for the other one G completely reasonable because damage is done Steph yeah came in after stopping our whole show ask ask Marcos what kind of empanadas were in there which by the way they’re not written on the thing the hell am I supposed to know like what flavors they are well the the red oil that’s oozing from the Empanada that’s cheeseburger delicious so he took the other one and I was like really feeling it sorry man he owes you he definitely owes you at this point no he don’t owe me no he owes you and we’re gonna break his legs wow too much wow why are you so aggressive today you man I don’t even know hello Jennifer oh hello Jennifer I mean this early that’s true it’s before the first time we’ve seen you before 12 since when this is am fig yeah yeah am pretty sure I did that last week but okay that’s because you in the building if you were here yes but I haven’t gone to the building possibly in two week you haven’t showed up this side of a PM uh when you’ve been home in a while all right well the damage is done I guess damage is done mashing out masing out mashing out dude why you wearing red this is actually like an orange okay first of all it’s a bit of a rust it’s like a rust here we go here we go as my wife does that she like if I said that I’m like this is more babe that’s not blue this is a she go it’s a it’s a shade of blue in the turquoise and I’m like no you’re colorblind that’s not blue I get navy blue and black confused all theey in the dark yeah perrywinkle am I not allowed to wear red or orange you can wear whatever you want Jennifer if you’re into that kind of stuff okay he just he’s just he’s just following in your footsteps right uh all right so that your damage J fig what do you got yeah I guess sot SP time with that D Mar I’m actually very intrigued about your video what’s going on with this video fair that is fair again sent plenty of people to YouTube excellent happy that we are flooding in now Miami 560 WQ on YouTube and twitch I saw something on the Internet yesterday that made me redefine how I will parent my young tadp okay uh you see this at baseball games and very rarely because they have that net behind the field goal post uh do you see this in football games but sometimes during sporting events there’s opportunities for the ball to fly out into the audience yeah foul ball absolutely foul ball or Tom Brady’s touchdown ball that you have to return because they it’s pretty rare in football I remember that like being the Miami Miracle Kenyan Drake launched his football into the crowd be a celebration ler cuz you get you get fined right yeah you get fined you get fined that’s crazy y the balls must be expensive I always want to no that’s not why because they don’t want somebody to sue the NFL because you threw a football in there and they got hurt while people fighting for a football so they stop you from throwing I have wondered with basketball how nobody has ever tried to just take the basketball and just run I would just go like where where are you gonna go I don’t know how far are you gonna get because if you’re that low where you can catch a basketball yeah you ain’t you can make a scoot for it you can make a scoot for it cuz what are they they’re stop the game like eventually they’re goingon to put they’re give a game ball at some point in your near future testing one of these theories I’m not gonna do it I get my credential out like no I’m gonna get my credentials revoked I’m not gonna do that I’m and I’m also a professional but who’s gonna stop me St and Steve yeah yeah exactly what what are you gonna do like if one if if if somebody catches the ball and they’re like I’m out of here I’m keeping this ball yep it ain’t like you could hide it no I know but like who’s gonna stop me sir sir they’re gonna start the game again y left there’s more balls right exactly but you’re gonna get clothesline at the top of the steps I don’t think I am you definitely got to leave through uh through 601 that that area or hide yeah there’s no way you’re leaving through the yeah what no not high like the club is cold high is it still called hide I don’t even know is it called hide still called hide right big ass go hide with a basketball is that like a rule like like is it say on the back of my digital ticket he may not keep the basketball not take the ball home I don’t know that’s a good question nobody ever takes it yeah nobody ever take that’s my point like what if somebody tried what are you gonna do I think you’re gonna sit there you be like he roll the ball out there we need a new ball yeah no they try they they warm up with a bunch of balls I know they have to pick like they go they they I think the two guys meet uh yeah you know you’ll have Jimmy and Tatum go Meet The Ref the ref before the game you like this ball this ball all right we’re going with this ball yeah that’s that then they pick one but like when we get when we get basketballs at the gym you bounce and then all of a sudden it just goes that way because it’s EG shap uh anyway okay so I say all that to say prior to seeing this video I thought if I was ever in an opportunity in which I was at a sporting event and a ball is flying into the audience and I was perhaps with my son I would do whatever I possibly can to make sure that my son gets an opportunity to catch that ball I think after watching this video that poor little kid wait what that kid just took a rugby is that rugby that’s rugby dude rugby ball right off the Dome he has him in the air my reaction perfect both look oh you gotta put your hands up kid gotta get hands up why you got his hands turned the wrong way that’s the thing oh yeah pull go he the down look at look at that okay so bad technique do you know where this was is this Australia is this I just assume it’s Australia because it’s rug oh that’s another he’s throwing him up in air like they do in that that scrub right like clearly the kid like going to be on the next episode of blue did not read the toes I thought got enough pose on it he did not well his hands you could tell he has that’s how Robert used to try to catch a football why is there not a net between the uh the uprights I didn’t realize so rugby doesn’t care I guess or maybe look at that football honor System they just give the ball back every time but you can’t get that I mean like that football is literally built like a watermelon there is I’m assuming a parent of some sort holding the kid up there is someone behind for support there is another kid cheering like yes we got it that’s not the kid that that might be the mom to the left yeah it may be it may be it may that’s the kid it looks to me Ness no with hair like that could be big big bro that’s a d tell Roy not good dude not good not good heat seeking missile goes through the upright and boom right I’m look look his he a give a damn about his hands or his arms is a perfect he has a concussion he is in concussion protocol oh a flatline look at him so that’s so wait a minute first of all hold on oh here’s what I would say to most adults why do we think why did he think that his kid was going to be able to catch that ball when your ass could barely catch it that’s what I was thinking like I don’t know if I could catch that ball why do I think that my kid in like a horrible position of me holding him up in the air was going to be able to catch that rugby ball catch the ball dingo it’s as big as his [Laughter] to look wait look and and here’s Tobin Tobin’s at the end let me show you this is to no look boom boom boom this is toin Cy that kid Jo get run off his melon the ball is bigger than the kid exactly look how big that look look how big that ball is compared to the kid and he thinks this kid’s gonna catch it a projectile look bro the velocity on that too that’s like a 40 yard field goal like that’s not an extra point I feel like Patty mills’s kid catches that good day everyone good day everyone hey that’s crazy look at this nailed that it’s rough dude and still didn’t get the ball good s effects actually so my my thing is is that I think he was trying to hold him up because he couldn’t reach it yeah maybe he was trying to like show maybe it was like a big Point like they kick it through there and they win so maybe he was just trying to get his kid a view no his kid got his hands ready to catch he just couldn’t catch that is not good I like that guy that’s to that’s TOA right there look at this angle it looks like he had it he to no not with his hands turned that way got extend your hand not with his hands turned that way got to extend your hand the only he’s the only thing he’s meeting with is his face look not good dude absolutely not good and look and then to add insult to injury his dad almost dropped him yeah well uh take a break back and forth after this e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] all right welcome back toin and Leroy here with the 560 WQ Leroy is hobnobbing right now but uh our football coverage on wqm is presented by T-Mobile switch to T-Mobile and you get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus 18 te Verizon use their savings calculator to find out how at switch let’s get the headlines brought to you by the new palal for truck Super Center Why by your truck at a car store palal for we know trucks got Heat news got Heat news Heat news good Heat news good Heat news all right I’m listening you guys familiar with uh Scary Terry yep Terry roier how could I forget yeah he is at heat camp today he speaking to the kids at heat camp today which is run by the great Tony fantino yes and Terry roier this is from Ira Wonderman and Anthony changen they both say Terry roier says he has returned to full basketball activity from his neck injury fully cleared that’s right so that’s another addition this off season do we add that does that count or something I mean like it was you know just had this injury last year you had no idea what the holy hell was going on yeah where it was just like what’s going on yeah Riley said a one point he had the neck thing like on his uh you know the foam thing Leroy that looks like you’re trying to sue somebody a neck race yeah but I think he had like the pH to the pH one yes wait that’s that’s what you that’s when you see somebody with that you say oh they must be oh they’re try oh yeah dude they’re in litigation right there that could not no my wife had surgery she had to have that the the pillow one or the one that’s plastic no the one that goes the the she had a uh she had a uh the cushion one did you uh did you make fun of her ever with it on you can be honest of course not are you crazy not not I mean like not to her face but no comically funny looking they are the fact that she just had surgery with like I’m GNA be a little compassion you’re you’re you’re mean see you’re a bad don’t listen to himle Roy I’m not what’s wrong with you I value my life yesterday wearing a green like collared shirt yep and I was like oh look you work for BSL you know if you don’t make fun of your partner there’s no but [ __ ] just have surgery and had to wear the green shirt seriously watch out like she’s look I picked her up after surgery she’s already like groggy I’m like and in pain look over and say hey who you suing no right come on it’s pretty good why you gotta kick her when she’s down huh that’s not nice no not me no chance no chance scary ter is back though it’s good news let me ask you this sure because you like you what dude you have been so up and down this postseason wow what do you mean you I feel I love when he says what do you mean I feel like I’ve been very even killed even yeah as a roller coaster how so this he does this how so he does like you’ve been talking about up and down first Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy now oh we trade Jimmy for him and like you you’re just all over the place I just have to cover all my BAS you know when you get bounced in the first round you talking about scary Terry what do with uh if we should happen to get Trey young right then you say oh I don’t want Trey young and dude I saw another video today so he had another video today serious like I almost wonder is is this a is this a bit like is he doing is he making like is do we know Trey young to be a funny guy like is he trying to like make fun of other workout videos because I I genuinely like his workout video today was wait wait wait wait first of all in order to make fun of somebody else’s workout you would have to have the body of someone who looks like you work out a lot he does not so you think this is legit I think this is what he does but I know but here’s the deal and this is the honest truth like people do different things to get their bodies ready and you have to understand what kind of player you are so Trey’s never going to be a physical guy so what kind of weight team need to lift his is going to be most in running and endurance and speed and stuff like that yeah he just needs somebody to make it look cooler so how can you you know what I would do if I was him you know what I’d do if I was him oh great let’s workout advice from Pat Riley it’s not workout advice but you could you would agree I am I am a Content Maestro I can make things look good you would agree yes you would agree yes if I was Trey Young’s manager I’d say hey dog enough with the fake running on the beach here’s what we’re going to do Aqua workouts we’re gonna work out in the pool that’s what I do yeah but we’re gonna make it look cool like those videos telling you he’d blow up I’d make him even bigger than he was wow people would be all about ice Tre or or or ice Trey working out in the snow wow we take him to some cold place maybe Antarctica right and we shoot some videos Rocky 4 style of of ice treay training in the ice ice trained I need it to seem like he’s unaffected by the cold though right problem what’s the problem L’s face is basically my inner thoughts right now dude I don’t understand I don’t know how do we get from be tanning in the Arctic talking about Empanadas To tray working out in the snow can I um can I can I ask you something though it’s a real real Heat basketball question okay I want your opinion on this I think I know it but I want to your op it’s not why you looking at me like that I don’t like that give myself room I’m not gonna do that I swear to God it’s a real question it’s a real basketball question he’s charging up his leg enough enough wailing enough talking about Hocus Pocus let’s talk real Heat basketball on the roster okay let’s do it have to show us Hocus Pocus of your hyp selfie enough of your hypotheticals sure we’re running it back that’s very clear all right they’re they’re they’re going to run it back we starting Terry and Tyler together or we we we kicking one of them to the bench and which one starting and and start and starting Duncan Tyler go the bench you agree right what I agree so it goes Terry Duncan wait Duncan bam Jim C and uh Jimmy Jimmy really you’re starting KH from the start yeah yic on the bench that’s a solid bench though here’s here’s why the whole point of this has absolutely nothing to do with K Weare it has to do with bam which I’ve said over and over again I’m trying to maximize bam everybody else fall in line but bam right now is ready to explode interesting so I’m going to make things favorable favorable for him to explode interesting so you’re starting khalo will from the start you think you think there’s any shot I like that idea I’m just I tell you right now it’s not hard to pick up what you need to do in a paint yeah I know I I don’t hate the idea let me ask you this you know Eric spola you think any shot that he’s gonna start the rookie from the start nope Bam’s gonna be the center and I’m gonna be annoyed for the first half I know it I know it which but I’ve been asking you this all offseason is it about time we start putting some more weight on these young guys this is what this is this is my theory on it right like what are we doing right like why don’t we spice it up a little bit what’s what’s the harm what’s the harm of starting kware early on hey the way I look at it is if these guys aren’t ready to play sooner that’s on you you’re the damn coach yeah you want something it’s not like he’s a baby okay he’s not like a oneand Dunner he’s said two years of college you know let’s get him out there roll the ball out there let’s get some wingspan baby now I don’t know if I like putting yich on the bench though what do we do so who who’s who’s gonna who Who you gonna I don’t know is either gonna be him or dunks so do we have yovic him or dunks N I got to start dunks he’s too good a shooter right need that on the floor need it spreads it out or or you can start yic and Bam and have kle come off the bench but that won’t last long I promise you that will not last long he’s gonna be a starter do you go Splash Brothers in the back court and then have Terry come off the bench first of all first of all Splash Brothers yeah do you have Duncan and and Tyler in the back court and then have Terry be your microwave or do you like Terry be in the point guard I just see Duncan and Tyler getting caught up in the spin cycle pick pick pick Pi pick pick Pi they’re just gonna tear them apart yeah not that Terry’s any better I feel like he’s a better Defender huh there were times where they were hunting Tyler herro last year oh no they’ve been doing it for the last three years the problem is is that he was so good offensively we could get away with it well I tell you this if Tyler makes a stink about coming off the bench I I think it’s time to say like hey dude get the hell out of here no Sour Puss over this okay wait wait wait sorry here’s here’s the thing that I hate about this okay even when he was coming off the bench he was playing damn near more minutes than anybody taking more shots and everybody right and so we are really getting caught up on this right this we really getting caught up on this no he’s going to get CAU no he is he’s going to get CAU this that’s what I’m saying but I think you know again as it goes back to you you lose in the first round all things are on the table right all things M starting C from there’s no shots where would get abused by NBA cers what all three of them what the hell are you talking about he’s in for a rough one that first bent chunis game that’s definitely I mean you can book that I mean here’s the thing Tyler hero is one of the best six men in the in in the league but because of ego SPO and everybody else started it and the team paid for that the team paid for that so I’m pissed off at the team because they don’t normally operate like that they always say we’re gonna do what’s best for the team Tyler has to understand that so and Tyler does have a good he does have a two a good two-man game with bam like I’d say like I like your idea of starting from the start I think most likely they’re going to do what we know they’re going to do which is he’s going to start off the bench and I actually would like a lineup with just if you if you have Tyler with khil because I think he could do a good job of getting him the ball right so I don’t know but I’m happy that Terry’s healthy you guys feeling scary oh remember what he did last year what’ he do the good the good times which is this you mean the good time what would you say his best game his best game was the Cleveland game Cleveland was was good New York had a good game New York had yeah New York had a good game hear them both ancient Rosier Terry haard working the right side fires up prayer that’s answer from the right side of the Ark right wing Yumm goodness for eash down e that was New York that was New York then against Cleveland Rosier with the rock up top he clearing out room for him to work side step for three Cash Money timeout Cleveland Watch Scary Terry is fun yeah he is fun not scared of the moment I really feel like obviously you can’t control injuries but it wasn’t only the talent that was left off the court last year with the Miami Heat it was a lot of mentality a lot of that dog was left off the court yeah and it obviously took him a lot to like feel like everybody said this it took him a lot to feel like he wasn’t stepping on to you know he didn’t want to come in and feel like that happens with new guy coming in yeah new guy coming the only thing that saved me when I went into a new situation nobody was playing running back yeah that’s I mean everybody had hey do you do you yeah take a quick break back after this this hour of e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] now right welcome back toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqam not gotta go rewatch it don’t talk about what we were talking about during the break though because people are going to be mad you’re going to spoil I don’t get listen I know you don’t care people don’t do whatever you’re about to do we don’t hear you Jay fig yeah good we can’t hear you so it doesn’t count what you said is this this Dragon talk you guys were discussing yeah we’re talking some dragons good episode though I gotta tell you can I just say this this is all I’m gonna say about whenever you watch Game of Thrones right it’s never about the Kings it’s always about the other people stirring up a mess right like that one and there’s always a guy on the cane or something and he’s like I tell you what I would do yeah if you have a Kane in that show you can’t trust him like it’s crazy like oh man um you guys want to get sad what I mean preferably not but all right what you got Kay Martin getting introduced as a sixer I mean it doesn’t look very enthusiastic I was say he doesn’t even you know what he looks like well he looks like he’s holding up a jersey and saying damn I’m making seven million less than what I could have made right that’s what that looked like that looks like a man who just fir he’s not at he’s not at a table he’s not he’s just doing drive-through well I did I was reading some of the quotes that came through and somebody asked him well why the Sixers and his answer was why not I was like why not that’s your answer well I feel like Caleb is a man a few words so no yeah but I don’t know and also very few facial expressions yeah cuz he why would you be that excited look that’s the excitement of a guy who’s getting less money than he could have had that’s a guy who left 30 million guaranteed on the table because he thought then why did you leave huh cuz he had to opt in because his agent swore that he was probably going to get 15 million gotta fire because once you because here’s the thing everybody just so just so everybody knows like the heat came out with that report which you know I get that they want to do they want to make it seem like hey we didn’t cheap out here like the heat want that out there they don’t want to make it seem like they just let Caleb walk um they but they had to sign him jfig he couldn’t Test free agency for that extension because of the mechanism of it he would have had to opt in and then sign this deal and his you know his people apparently thought that he could you know do a lot better than that he doesn’t seem like he did still got a nice deal I mean good for him 32 million guarantees is nothing to sneeze at but 65 is a lot better so you know still sad and it’s gonna sting like he’s like that’s a he’s a a perfect piece to add to those three guys right really I mean like that move stings it stings the most that he goes to the Sixers I don’t think it’s an un you know it’s an unbearable loss for Miami because they did get Haywood back I think he can do a lot of that stuff that Caleb did he’s not you know as skilled cutting to the basket and playing balls to the wall but he showed a lot of improvement with his shooting last year Caleb Martin shooting I mean Caleb Martin shooting was a game of roulette like you I think but but but Caleb Martin did a lot of different things that a lot of guys on that team could not do yeah he was I mean he was like a fireball like you could you could just put him out there some games and he could can literally take over a quarter he can he can he’s a pace guy he can play defense like there’s a lot of things that he did where you were depending on him to to you know be able to help the team in certain I do think though scoring wasn’t one of them though uh I mean he helped he helped could depend on that I think a lot of that’s GNA be like I think a lot of that that burst takeover can be F I think like Hae can do a lot of that stuff I do I think that but you know and I mean I’m going to really miss the uh the toe on the line long twos nobody better at that shot than him oh my goodness the kinges he really so and we went from Max stru being the king of stepping out of bounds to Caleb being my go always do that Maxs until he didn’t and it cost the heat ridiculous I’ll never forget that 15 minutes later attention fans by the way uh by the way uh remember that three-pointer 15 minutes ago from Max stru it was a long time ago was it never mind never mind haven’t seen an overruling take so long like that since the Fiesta Bowl oh I was like what is what do you mean that three-pointer didn’t count rough garbage anyway Kayla Martin says uh of the fans he goes the last time I was here I won them free chicken that swung that game and Nick patum oh lucky for us he’s a Clipper now Nick Batum yes yeah that was a close one monster ni like I hate when you play against another team and you go did you know he could shoot like that no I did not no I don’t think he’ll ever have a performance like that again we have several calebs in the g- league no you don’t see I hate that I hate you’re doing that to justify it but Caleb’s a good player Caleb’s a good player you’re not going to find another Caleb Martin you’re GNA find guys that do some of the things that Caleb does but to be that athletic he is very athletic he is very athletic for sure I’m just saying you’re gonna find guys that can do some of the things he can do let me tell you something dude but there kead Johnson that’s what I was thinking something about Johnson something about him dude something about him you know what there’s something about him the greatest meal you ever had is the next one what that’s how you that’s not fair that is no you you’re acting like I’m treating the G league and sou Falls like a buffet you I’m acting I’m acting like you’re treating Caleb Martin like there’s a thousand of them around and I said there only he’s a unique player you can find one whyus one they’re twins crow that was so can find guys to do some of the things that Caleb can do but not all of the things that he does wrapped up into one person that’s a fact dude he’s like he’s a unique player very athletic extremely athletic like that is that in itself makes him unique but I get they couldn’t sign him and it’s I I hate when it’s not the team’s fault it’s not the team’s fault it’s Caleb’s fault in his Camp yep is why he didn’t make more money here take a break Mi things up coming up next e e e e e e e e e e e e these little bit the curl this is Mr riding all right welcome back to Leroy here with you 560 wqam I think I’m I think I’m gonna do that you’re gonna go to Minnesota yeah aiming for a week two or three I can’t go September because I am going to with metf we’re going to Michigan Texas oh that’s [ __ ] and then the next day we’re going is that at the big house yeah that’s going to be a good one that is a good one um I don’t know who’s gonna be playing for this skin because they all got drafted can I wet your whistle for week five and your boy Aaron Rogers and the Jets coming to Minnesota October 6th oh wait that’s in England I’m sorry you that’s the second time you I know because it says home it’s stupid right so they only got uh October 20th they host the Lions that’s a pretty good game that’s a pretty good game that’s a pretty good game I might be able to get away with that one you gonna go to any Browns games this year Browns Dolphins I’m going to Browns Browns Dolphins play there yeah when I think the 29th of December so right after Christmas of December you want to go 29th December that’s tough I got I gotta have a talk you guys can be back by the 30th it’s not New Year’s it’s just it’s after Christmas I’d have to have a 29th come back on the 30th yeah yeah that’s tough just thinking just thinking about Cleveland I just think that’s true yeah it’s gonna be cold it’s gonna be cold it’s gonna be cold I only want to go if I can visit stipe’s Firehouse what yeah a firefighter you ain’t gonna be out in the open that much on December 29th gon be like why’d you get Frost by I was looking for Steep um let’s mix it up dude let’s do it [Music] the mix bag brought to you by Broward Health well into your future what do you got today for us frog boy all righty then let us continue much of the conversation we’ve been having in regards to basketball we heard yesterday from Steph Curry how he felt about clay Thompson departing the Splash Brothers I want to play you guys draymond’s opinion on Klay Thompson I promise I didn’t do any doctoring of this one you know I was accused of doing that with Steph Curry’s vocals but these are legit this is Draymond on Clay leaving and I must say I don’t really know how I feel about it clay told us last week uh I don’t know who all he told but I know he talked to me pretty sure he talked to step last week and he just kind of was like yeah man like you know just kind of start talking through the years like been great what we’ve done so special like know you and Steph my brothers for and and the conversation just kind of starts with small talk and like you’re kind of just prepping yourself like man get me there like I know it’s coming and like you’re enjoying the conversation but yet it’s kind of one of those moments where like somebody like building you up before they give you the blow they just kind of build you up so he couldn’t even say it to his face like a man what do you want him to do oh he just fluffed it up come on we remember the times we had has he been introduced yet as a as a Maverick is has that happened yet have we seen the Klay Thompson as he had his press conference I haven’t been a lot of Steph Curry obviously with Team USA yeah Draymond almost got that’s what I call my my uh the little dog you’re Draymond because he’s so like if if uh Zeus take the toy from him like he ate him schan says he just got introduced you idiot yeah it was like sorry schan sorry I’m not on down with the with the with the Maverick’s press conference schedule Jesus 42 minutes ago okay yeah he he didn’t even get his own press conference he had to share it with Naji Marshall Quinton Grimes no he didn’t get out of here they had the audacity to put Naji Marshall most known for getting into a shouting match with Jimmy Butler yeah they had to have that with Klay Thompson yeah I mean it works out all the same kind of player not that good well there you go Klay Thompson officially exposed to the world as a fraud I think that’s what we got from that right he says very grateful for my time in Golden state but I just felt like moving on uh could re-energize me and do something special for the rest of my career the rest making it sound like you got 15 years left I got tell you I’m looking at this jersey this is very much Tony Parker’s Hornet energy you see that’s gross it’s not uh that is gross I’ll send this to J so we can when when the team want you to be more enthusiastic about something you know they damn well you ain’t enthusiastic about we call that Caleb Martin face man not good and to all Heat fans nobody wants Tyler please stop who was saying that who’s saying that Luis Bonito I don’t think he’s I mean I don’t think Tyler Hero has a ton of value right now um I haven’t even really like you know we haven’t done a lot of like Tyler fantasy trades this summer because of that like it’s like if you’re having trade talks if you’re the Miami Heat like there’s all this thought that like they’re waiting whoever that next guy is like I don’t think they’re starting their trade offers with Tyler hero if they’re serious about getting anything right no way uh I sent you the uh the picture Jay fig if you can have that for our audience sad Clay Thompson at his his there it is that’s weird it’s weird number 31 H weird yeah 31’s also just like a very like that’s not your number who has his number give him his number it makes sense though I think his number 11 Kyrie has his number doesn’t he is Kyrie 11 I thought he was two oh oh yeah he has a thing for 11 but I don’t think I think you’re right I think he is too whatever it doesn’t matter the point is it’s weird he could be wearing a Mavericks 11 Jersey and that’s still weird no he’s actually number 11 uh Kyrie’s number 11 for the Mavs but I mean it really makes sense that he’d be 31 because just like his entire career he’s always one behind Steph Curry isn’t he wouldn’t that be one over Steph Curry yeah would be one wait a minute I love the way listen I couldn’t say OD earlier so I’m not I’m not here to talk about which by the way you already got clipped and you’re on Twitter I know I see J fig it’s just D South can’t help himself he’s gota just get or a newer model but there’s more models on the Oder it’s like I just completely left out letters yoner Jeffrey dmer Jeffrey oer uh what else you got in the mixed bag Marcos uh keep it going in the realm of basketball another departure not sure if anyone saw this coming as well that is pg3 oh yeah parted from the Clippers although he said he never wanted to leave La I never wanted to leave la la is home this is where I wanted to finish at I wanted to work as hard as possible to win one in La like that was the goal to be here as it played out though like the first initial deal was was I thought kind of disrespectful wow well yeah that’s the word you know I don’t think he leaves if he didn’t feel disrespected um so they talking about the deal he signed last time no he’s talking about the the first when he went to have extension talks with the Clippers the deal they offered him he found disrespectful right you know I think there was word that he got offered less than Kawai did and he was like what yeah but I mean you know Ka kawai’s roll of the dice if he’s be out right what has got three championships two two yeah you only won one with uh one with the Spurs and then one with the uh one with the uh Raptors and then really has been his championship would be if he actually plays in the playoffs now I know isn’t that crazy uh like I I gota be honest with you was the Clippers I’m like you really want to play Team USA like you sure yeah real you make him F Well I’m sure that uh playoff P I’m sure he’s going to enjoy being the next scapegoat for Joel embiid oh it’s going to be good I saw joelan beid he had like some interview with ESPN and he goes you know really had to have some patience with this I’m like you had to have patience if I if I was Maxi I’d be like I gotta have patience with you yeah true Maxi had to average 39 you had to have patience we’ve all been waiting uh give us some more here for the mixed bag Marcos this is our very own Haywood Heist ah heat lifer Haywood High Smith he says we don’t need that bum Caleb Martin yeah more or less some paraphrasing but he kind of said something like that says he can do a lot of what we lose with Caleb’s departure because he’s a bum yeah I mean I think me and Caleb are pretty much you know same type of player bring Energy play defense you know play off the the Stars bam Jimmy Tyler so um you know I can’t do everything Caleb does I’m myself end of the day you know obviously I’m working on a few things in the offseason to get my game better on offense defense you know get my body right stuff like that but um you know definitely can uh you know bring some of the things Caleb brought but also bring stuff bring some more stuff that I did as well so I’m gonna be myself not gonna try to fill nobody’s shoes you know I know what type of player I in this league you know I’m a Defender tough guy you know can make open shots you know make and a good shooter and um you know going to play play the right way play hard and know do whatever it takes to win he’s a menace defensively dude and I would say like if yeah you tilt a little bit offensive of what Caleb can do Caleb is a good Defender uh Haywood’s a menace bro great hands he was automatic on the Chili Peppers five steals oh yeah over every game Forwood and he has improved he’s improved a lot with that shooting um so I think it’s great that he’s back you know I see some people quibbling they’re like ah you know because I guess the only other teams are offering the minimums dude he makes $5 million I know that’s a lot of money that’s not a lot of money in the NBA also after losing Caleb you gotta guarantee you don’t lose this guy too true yeah I think if anything you’re gonna look at it as as a value for next year I think I’m gonna be clear I don’t think that heat lost Caleb or let Caleb walk he chose he chose to right chose to leave he bet on himself right um it’s not an awful situation that he ended up with but you know I’m sure that I’m sure there’s definitely some element of you know I’m sure there’s there’s definitely an element of all right I’m going to a Ral and I have this long-term deal I do think that look I can understand looking at Philly and thinking they can do some good things he’ll eventually be very frustrated because the best player on that team will wi sock his way and and be crumbled by the first round it happens every year it’s like groundhog day every year with Philly but good for them anything else in the mixed bag there uh cro Crow Alid oh D I was like ah n minus one I didn’t know that didn’t stick The Landing buddy minus one worse still shook by odometer kicking your ass today uh or maybe you knew that the next person we’d be hearing from is one of your sworn Rivals oh no Who’s Talking Now is it JJ William Simmons better known as Li Willie Bill Simmons what did he have to say uh he had a proposal based off of another player to keep your eye on just keep your eye on him no one knows I’ve been hearing a lot of fod around Brandon Ingram all right this is what Bill Simmons had to say about Brandon Ingram and I wonder like are they a potential Brandon Ingram team with hero and is that like a three teamer where maybe this is the team that rolls the dice on Brandon Ingram and hopes to he culture him Brandon Ingram it’s like a magic spell just he culture him Bippity bity do you have to heat culture Brandon Ingram because I think the thing the thing that worries me with Brandon Ingram as talented as he is is it’s kind of more the same issue of what the he’ have and a lot of what Tyler Hero’s had he’s got durability issues you know I mean he has built like Darren Jones Jr like he’s a thin fella yeah very thin very thin you can play but at what point do we stop looking at the ability and start looking at availability right because an average player who’s available 82 might be better than a star player who’s only available 50 190 pounds Brandon Ingram geez 68 uh yes 68 I have to cut off a leg and an arm that might make I might make weight oh man take a break final hour coming on up after this e e e e e e e e e e [Music] SKS all right welcome back everybody Tobin and Leroy here with you 560 [Music] wqm take you up until 2 here on the program yeah hobnobbing again dude what are you doing hobnob I was talking to Dan day about fireworks right he’s still on that fireworks and how we used to be able to do it back home seems like back home you know you used to go you can buy them in Louisiana but it’s only like 40 minutes to cross the line to go to Mississippi we need some kind of Davey man parody for Leroy horde and then I was telling and then uh Lynn came around with some some candy yeah right but I was telling him no no he said somebody brought it back from Italy right that yeah but I told I’mma give him a heads up are you are you opening that candy right in the microphone your no hold on a taste test before you eat it let me explain to you what it is all right you know how when you buy the uh the heart with all the little chocolate in the middle yeah yes and you know how you press the chocolate to see which one you’re getting to make sure you don’t get a squish yeah it’s a squish all right I usually don’t like citrus with chocolate this one is a lemon cello so it will definitely have in it lemon he’s not gonna make a noise lemon choc yeah it’s a squish watch well it’s it you got to just throw it in there yeah doesn’t look happy it’s squish you know the you know the the one with with the cream sickle in the middle he looks like baby tadpull hey you know when you get the heart and the one with the cream sickle the orange cream sickle in the middle that nobody eats yeah that’s yeah it’s disgusting he look he looks like he does tryi kind of like the Heats off season right now they don’t have caramel in Italy h no apparently they use uh lemon tell you hell’s like you know who should mix it because lemon just goes good by it own you know you make a sour I don’t there’s certain things like here are we doing there’s two things that I don’t want this is weird uh inside of chocolate what when we talking flavors lemon apricots apricot what are you even I’ve never even seen like a yeah they put the the G the like the dried up apricots you know those I know I know what they are like I don’t I’m not like a fan don’t you have isn’t 75 cut off for for dried apricots have to Act was such disgust twos fried aot disgusting you disg I honestly say it’s all about 56 years of eating yeah I’ve never had an apricot I don’t even know what that really is it looks like a little Peach is it a dried up peach or a dried up orange what apricot apricot it’s not a dried up thing apricot is a fruit you dummy no but I’ve only nobody has an actual apricot like everybody has it dried up no n get out of here I’ll bring you apricot next time I want apricot no now you got I don’t want it you got to eat it I don’t want it you got to eat it stop forcing your produce on me is it apricot or oh this is the show to figure that out just say it no somebody I saw somebody eating uh uh on uh Instagram he was eating a apricot uh arugula or something rugal I have a we have an issue going on right now at the Tobin house with fruit what’s up well headlines brought to you by the new P for truck Super Center why buy a truck at a car store P for somebody wait somebody’s not liking trucks kind of fruit we on trucks um my son is on a kick right now of making smoothies oh like he’s like blending them together he’s doing all the fruits ofbody else gets fruit no he’s going through fruit at like my fruit bill has gone to through through the roof you know that’s that’s definitely been the thing where he’s like and you can see he’s like counting out I’m like what are you doing he goes have to count out 18 strawberries what 18 strawberries strawberries 18 18 strawberries look how big is this smoothie big the roof he mixing are you feeding your whole neighborhood 18 strawberries then he throws in two scoops of blueberries and then he breaks off a frozen banana you know so like any bananas that he’s bought any of them that get that you know look like they’re starting to hit the hit the corner he puts them in the freezer it’s like I’m running a damn Jamba Juice right now uh he does it with a little bit of yogurt creatine throws a little little little yogurt in there yeah some creatine some Deca you know throws in what is that thing that uh Ryan Garcia tested positive for he throws in uh some ostrich juice yeah and then uh and so like all right so he’s making these smoothies but this has been the thing now last three Blends that he’s gotten with he goes you want to have one with me cuz like he wants to make a big smoothie so it’s going to be at least a two cuper I’m like all right sure and then like he’s almost like a chef that like you know doesn’t he’s like all right I’ve moved on I’ve made something delicious but he doesn’t want to drink it oh so he’ be like it’s like perfect go I don’t really want the rest oh no CS of this stuff it’s ridiculous satisfied with the like he’s got that’s all what he just wants to know he nailed it he’s like don’t really want to drink it though no that hey it’s become a big problem because this kid wants a lot of fruit for these smoothies and he’s not even drinking them no he just is he the one specifically making he’s like a smoothie Somalia like you’re like one little taste and done so first of all that’s where parenting comes in Hey listen learn how to make individual smoothies and if you’re not GNA drink the Smoothie don’t make it I mean that’s normal that’s parenting 101 that’s not even Advanced parenting I mean like I just I don’t want to discourage a nice hobby he seems to be enjoying himself he it’s not a hobby if he’s a nice healthy hobby it’s not Health if he’s not drinking it he’s saying that he wants to do one weekly smoothie stand know like you know kid used to do a lemonade stand he wants to do a smoothie stand smoothie stand I’ll go to West I will say objectively great smoothies he does he does a good job that’s why Tobin’s not slowing them down these are good smoothies they are good smoothies but like he’s making only for me at this point because he’s not really drinking his kind a personal SM guy I got the other side of that he’s a smoothie is trying to bulk up oh oh hey there you go hey match made in heaven right here I may have commented on uh I said when your left rib might be dislocated what did you call him Shao Mali like you bantom weight oh I told him I could see his ribs geez and so now he’s trying to he been going to the gym lifting protein right and he makes smoothie but he puts peanut butter in his I’m out oh I love peanut butter in this Smoothie peanut butter chocolate banana pretty good that dude that sounds like a ice cream flavor yeah tastes like one too have you tried it Leroy no I don’t no I don’t like peanut butter you should try it no I don’t like you like open to it I don’t like peanut butter smoothies just object like just so we clear you said that you said that about I cre I don’t like peanut butter flavor tacos the only peanut butter I want no no no I didn’t say I didn’t like s the reason why I said didn’t like tacos is not because of the taste is because they’re too mess so when me Marcos and Tobin are here we go let’s just get them plain right just with more meat then you came in and got all the Shrubbery and crap on it ruin first of all you’re the one that did the order all I said was put cilantro in it yes that’s what I did too many that was wonderful you know how to does with those dude we had lettuce everywhere I can’t this much hate for peanut butter smoothies in the chat I don’t I didn’t understand no yes peanut butter smoothies I love Reese’s cups I love Reese’s cups I love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every now and then but I cut the line at peanut butter smoothie peanut butter and blueberry dude delicious got try that one let’s not act like you’re a Smoothie King is Tommy open is he open for business yet you want to bring does he deliver he’s not making one I can bring him in for a show he can make smoothies somebody said P tell me you like Rees of course I like Reese’s cups in fact NOP we already passed that time my favorite time is Reese’s peanut butter eggs oh yeah oh my goodness so you can the day after Easter I make a killer I got two giant bags in my freezer right now so you’re saying uh so you’re saying that I got a parent him to tone back on the Smoothie quantity no if he’s not drinking it don’t make it wow so cut it off all together feel like I’m just feel like no tell him to find the proper recipe for one person or two and use strawberries 18 strawber seems to know how to make the size for an army 18 strawberri definitely don’t need 18 strawberries doesn’t go as long as you think it would no about nine strawberries huh cut everything in half tell them cut everything in half inter oh he don’t put any ice in it couple cubes couple cubes you only need a couple Yeah couple cubes little almond milk oh he’s uses the good stuff yep I don’t even like peanut butter in my ice cream you know how they put the like sprinkle the re’s pieces best flavor there is no oh man I had some you wouldn’t like it you know this is don’t say what I don’t like it’s true um listen I’mma just go ahead on and offended this is in my area what does that mean what do you mean by when I tell you the flavor you just understand what a Sher oh why can’t I like that flavor why you I’m just saying why can’t I like that flavor I’m just saying that this is you know seems like a completely reasonable flavor to are you on sherbet you said yeah it was tasty my wife where you going with all these sherbet options does Kon have that many sherbet options I don’t recall got like five of yeah she got mad she I said hey taste this this is delicious she goes I can’t taste it it has no taste like like I’m feel my palet is feeling great right now what are you talking wait so you’re saying the tangibles that’s why big St I know I know say I don’t believe in stereotypes but yes I like watermelon and chicken delicious yes together that’s okay like I’m not gonna get offended right if you make the assumption that I may like those two items I like rice and beans I will say this as great as watermelon is watermelon flavored stuff is kind of tricky not Galaxy Vibe huh not g Vibe yeah no but yeah some drinks some drinks pull it off some don’t right like you know in in I’m G tell you in the corner store you can get that that gallon of juice in seven different flavors but they all taste the same for 99 cents you know what I’m talking about is it the one with the foil on top of it it’s a gallon we call that you know what I’m talking about you see it sometimes you could go if you go into like uh a wind Dixie or something just lemonade you know or they have it in Publix too like just lemonade though you don’t like the public strawberry lemonade oh yeah oh it’s a kill I make a killing that goes excellent with Voda let me just say that that that strawberry lemonade they used to run out of it Day South I want the purple stuff yeah you got to be careful cuz all purple don’t taste like grape just saying remember that words to live by all purple don’t tast like grap it’s a drink take a break back after this you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] ah welcome back everybody welcome back that’s the uh that’s the new um Santa Fe commercial what that song is from the new Santa Fe commercial oh okay that song is also pretty old it’s an old song yeah know it’s an old song oh that’s why got that from a Guitar Hero man you guys want to be sad oh no again more sadness yeah you guys want to be sad it’s been a sad show not really but we’re not going to be as sad as you trying to pronounce oder are we yeah that was tough that was tough that was tough big word what he’s trying to do is make me sad no you guys are familiar with Ryan lomber yeah some refer to him as the Lamborghini I’ve heard of him he’s leaving us where’s he going he left us already well he hasn’t left I don’t think he’s living in Calgary but he’s leaving I feel I feel left already so leaving us you feel abandoned from him yeah Ryan lomberg he is saying his goodbye on Instagram oh no I have the statement yes let’s uh can I is it can I do something to the state I just want to kind of add set the mood you know you can set the mood for [Music] it I don’t like this music being on while I have Scooby on me Ryan lomberg on Instagram he posts yeah a montage and collage of photos Leroy and our our boy he says We Are the Champions yeah what a run it was what a run came to Florida four years ago trying to become a full-time NHL player and now I’m leaving a Stanley Cup champion wow crying thank you to the Florida Panthers organization and all of South Florida that supported us I will always be thankful for my time time in South Florida and extremely grateful for all the lifelong relationships I was able to form wow Panthers territory we did it wow sign 94 PS where’s my shirt has anyone seen my t-shirt damn it’s rough man pour one out for our boy lomberg I’m not ready for this man it’s rough now that’s a departure that hurts you’re not ready for this okay I wasn’t ready for this that’s a soft spot there I mean who are we gonna have to be a menace and punch people in the face while also being shirtless and look at that throwing B throwing down brusis no more rco no more lomberg I don’t know man po jish I wasn’t ready for this memories look how adorable little lomberg is you can already just tell that baby’s gonna punch other babies in the face yeah isn’t that glorious look at that boy look at that boy are you doing pun the microphone that’s the lomber smack give me some milk geez after Mama lomberg we’re going to have to talk uh little lomberg uh p the the shirt over somebody’s head and then just started going uppercut Style ah ad a boy time out we gave him timeout two-minute minor man got to miss him man I’m sad about lomber going I didn’t think I was G be I thought I was gonna be okay with this Leroy but now it hurts more because now he’s a champion leaving yeah can’t keep them all the terod doome is gone Vladimir teraso is gone not happy about that he’s been around for a minute right yeah sto ours had a great accent stoie the goalie gone lying to all those M police fans Jackman Larson G got Chris dger back dregs and that just makes me think of quinnville who hated Bob moose he is big you think Bob was like oh this guy again well they called him back in the day he says other goalie say Scooby is sad about Lamborghini too he’s actually laying down on my hand so yeah he’s pretty sad man he’s in the arms of an angel shut up says good R your feisty no feisty no that’s a really good name though so 5’9 oh is that on skates wow look at those guns though dude yeah you allowed to smuggle those into Canada you’re supposed to have most of their 59 175 if you think about it though he’s he’s a foot shorter than Brandon Ingram and only like what like well how do they measure do they measure on skates it’s important that’s important to know no why is to me like that have you not walked by him no what short for the parade he was short I remember we saw when We snuck into that Panther’s dining that’s what I’m saying that’s when I was so surprised dude I don’t know what you’re talking about S I went in there like I walked it I saw what that media food looked like did you downstairs I didn’t even know what the media food you saw media course didn’t because you were having you were having the spread meant for lomberg oh man we had C bass must be nice yeah and jfig but like you know what’s funny about her she goes oh what did they got in there come on go back with me no I don’t want to go by myself I need an accom they have pressed juices like you probably had to just get solded out of the machine huh no they didn’t have soda no I just let you guys steal food from me whatever you got the media room everybody was saying hi to us this guy’s got oysters and the media room is there with mayz sandwiches like oh I didn’t realize that was they didn’t have sandwiches they had like really old bagels it looked like oh God not us and some Capri we had we had an omelet section we had an omelet station I know well listen when you get chal and Seabass which by the way the fact that you had two meals no just we were there and we went through lunch I was in the beginning of the show and at the end of the show breakfast that’s two meals yeah we were there four hours and I went with JP I could not get nothing I just got little pie SE bass you took lomber food and she had food and the press plent to go around fresh pressed juice can we trade back for him can we get him back I want didn’t go for that much money I think two million a year or something won yeah trade somebody for him I I’m gonna function without the Lamborghini he didn’t even play for a couple of games in the he always plays in my heart what Leroy put his head down put his head down problem I actually don’t have a problem with that I get it SM said Bagel Bites to lumberger just normal siiz [Laughter] pizzas he’s a better fighter than that stupid Frankenstein they got on the Rangers who’s that idiot he’s tall too right was it rmer oh my God they were like so oh look at him he’s out there I’m like guy looks like a giraffe on skates he barely can skate out there Matt rimp yeah oh Ry Ry 68 idiot he’s also known as a skating giraffe every single time they put him out there I mean the stupid broadcast wouldn’t shut up about him yeah R’s out there again we could all see him he’s the guy who’s falling all over himself This Crowd Goes Nuts for Ry yeah it’s New York crowd they go they go nuts for idiots wow he’s also 241 one of the heaviest players in the league look at that he’s a llama on skates Lama I don’t know if I want that it’s not Grace can I just tell you something that guy who would say that wouldn’t know a llama if he can’t kiss him on the lips I think you means an alpacas oh you know where we know alpaca from from Denzel that’s saying alpaca you got a block that wasn’t it chinchilla no thought it was chinchilla no it was his coat that was chinchilla his coat was chinchilla but the car was sorry oh you got to blot that that’s that’s $25,000 alpaca you got to blot that take a break back after this e e e e e e e e e e I didn’t think you me all right welcome back toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqm take you guys up until two here on the [Music] program if you missed any Today’s show you of course get the Odyssey app and uh listen to us there on demand and all your podcast platforms you also can go back and watch us Miami 560 WQ on YouTube and twitch every single weekday live 10 a.m. to 2: PM uh you guys can get in on the chat rmt says we drafted the center for a reason been calling for bam to move to the four for years only it no every it’s only been me nobody else has you don’t know that rmt hasn’t thought that you don’t know that you don’t know what rmt’s thoughts don’t discredit rmt although you have been the loudest and I do give you the most credit you know I knew it was going to be a summer of Leroy peacock and once uh Udonis at his first appearance on ESPN I was like damn there goes Leroy peacocking dude no like and then he’s got see it bam all happy with him on the show last week for now you could see the look on Bam’s face he’s excited about it yeah although he did say he was gonna still kick your butt in dominoes oh no we look is there I’ve been trying to think about this is there an abbreviated way of playing domino cuz I mean I know a game will take long you guys have a certain amount of time how long does a game of dominoes take it depends on what you play you could play uh race the five you could play you keep score um there’s a number ways of doing it look it take how long it take I don’t know what to tell media day is gonna be interesting no we’ll sit there and play while we interview folks what yeah so so Bam’s gonna just so we’re just going to back up his schedule all day because he’s got to have a showdown with you you what do you you want you want to chance at the king you want a chance at the crown you do what you got to do okay at the crown yeah you want hey you want to chance at the title he is right though like you did bring up the challenge I feel like it is upon you like do you have to go find him or does he have to go on our terms I am the champ according to who me what okay I don’t know I mean I think my dad won you right I’m the even though klutchko had the belt yeah I mean he also went and chased Klitschko around on the boat one of the greatest fight promotion moves that never like the fact that the fight never happened is a true crime in the history of boxing very true chased him on a paddle booat knocked him off chase him on a paddle boat what yach or something like that no no no no a badle Bo Vladimir Klitschko was out on isn’t Klitschko a nice guy that’s what they say okay that’s what they say all right but he was out on the paddle board and and Shannon the Canon Briggs chased him down on a on a speedboat and knocked him off the awake and Klitschko was not happy I can imagine the actual champion he’s like hey but unfortunately for him uh Tyson Fury won the championship but he never got that opportunity and then Tyson Fury went away Klitschko then fought Anthony Joshua never got that matchup but man that was a great that was a great you know what else he did Marcos yeah probably even more offensive than knocking him off a uh a paddle booat is he went into an Italian restaurant where he was and he ate his pasta off his plate what is going on yep I think I’m looking at that now is he just following him around the world yeah no this went this one on for like a good couple years he’s yelling at him and he just show up to all his press conference go let’s go champ yeah let’s go champ everything clitch go took his pasta we would have him in the studio at8 o’clock in the morning yeah and he’d be glistening like he had worked out for 17 hours now they’re sharing the pasta there was one there was one point where uh when Shannon was out of training for a little bit and he wasn’t quite as uh Juiced to the gills as he was when he was in his prime tracing down Klitschko yeah and but he kept just shouting to us he goes all I need is two weeks he okay all I need is two weeks what’s going on okay I’m looking at this interaction hold on dude hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on he comes in he comes in hot yeah that’s how he always come he sits he sits at the table he begins to consume some of his pasta klit responds by giving him a plate giving him some of his pasta sharing pasta but then eventually Klitschko pours the water over him and which I think was a fair response for stealing his pasta if I’m going to be objective even though Shannon’s our guy yeah I gotta tell you but what’s that water a restaurant guy what what you’ve never been pasta at a restaurant guy no I like even if I go to Tha restaurant what does that I always get when I go to the Ty restaurant I always get risoto don’t really pasta rotto is not rice I will come in there and fight you it’s liquid rice it’s a little you talking about it’s a mixture of both is is delicious it is delicious but it just seems like you’re you’re risoto is rice what is the main all right let’s see risoto main ingredient oh wow how about this the Miami Heat have just released something Roto is made of rice what are we even doing here okay okay Miami Heat sorry sorry so we started the show today we’re gonna end at the same place yeah what’s fosure up to you said we put more video out there we have the SPO selfie now oh the actual SPO selfie has been released by the Miami Heat yeah I gotta tell you this has just confirmed all of my thoughts somebody D Smith said shanana sat down and say what you eat I eat champ whatever you eat I eat champ wherever you go I go but I will say once that water was thrown on him he was like the Wicked Witch of the West like he just melted dude the water got him I mean well I think he cut his foot too on some glass in that incident and the funny thing about it is I would a picture he was like I did get this a lot further than thought I would let me just leave really really just seemed like probably thought security was GNA stop him no yeah uh man that guy can sweat I remember uh dud I’m telling you he was like he would come here at8 o’clock in the morning yeah was and be sweating like he worked out for 17 I was around marz’s neighborhood I didn’t know he lived right by that gym where Klitschko and uh and and shanon Briggs were trained the heavyweight Factory right across the street from the Hard Rock um but anyway go back to our original point of the show yeah yeah Expos up too show was the picture they released the selfie just now on heat social media and uh here is the selfie with him LeBron and haime and I gotta tell you he’s up to something he’s up to something this Eric bolstra great selfie yeah wow I mean this is the first time I’ve really seen somebody like taller than LeBron like that right M you talking about bam yeah yeah cuz guess what people don’t realize it Dwight Howard is not as tall as LeBron what is he up to this Eric bolstra what he up to what’s he up to what is he doing they released another selfie right another one and it’s it’s of just him and Bam and haime but then it feels like SPO was probably like hey LeBron hey come here you big lug get on over here hey I see three sets of teeth you could also read it to why Ain bam smiling you don’t think he’s smiling he’s just having a you know maybe he’s he’s too cool I don’t know you know he’s not smiling that one maybe he’s not a Smiler huh maybe he’s not a Smiler oh yeah well he definitely ain’t gonna get no smiles over here when I beat that ass I’m just tell you right now wow Leroy yeah hey that’s true though it didn’t bam get taller in the last couple years Dam has always been very tall nobody gets taller at 25 he’s not 25 I don’t I’m talking about when he got here he 20 yeah he was 19 19 he couldn’t he didn’t grow from the time he was 19 to now I’ve been next to I don’t feel like I’ve been around bam like no got taller he’s got he looks three inches taller he’s got more chiseled like he’s gotten stronger no no okay you sure LeBron just hunching down a little no because look at this picture right dude I’m telling you he’s taller than him he’s supposed to no not they were like I bet you bam 610 why are you ignoring my question I bet you bam is 610 why are you ignoring my question question what’s xra up to taking pictures dude selfies I don’t know first of all he’s 69ine let me tell you you want me to tell you what I think you should do tell me enjoy these Smiles cuz once basketball seeson start spoke never Smiles so enjoy him now let him have a good time now because I have never seen a coach that just looked so miserable during the course of a season and he’s gonna have to play young guys it’s gonna be bad it’s gonna be bad no I’m saying his attitude because he’s gonna have to coach him up I mean he has started old rookies Kendrick nun was a starting point guard he was 42 as a rookie that’s not fair that’s not 42 42 him and SPO went to high school together he supposed that to him glad you finally made it we play in Portland the University of Portland together yeah come on who do we got a point guard this year SP goes my old teammate yeah what the hell y’all talking about so no we really like you don’t think bam got taller did Sou says LeBron might have had his shoes off what do you think about that oh that happens possible it’s possible hard to say I do see here in this article it does say that bam has grown uh it says that he used to be a baby What minus one only thing that’s grown is that Mion oh yeah yeah minute can I just say this we we probably should not that’s we saw C weathers and Happy Gilmore finally see all I just you made it sound like LeBron is looking at bamb being like it’s a giant I just it’s a giant we’ve seen LeBron stand up to next to a lot of guys right and I’ve never like that that’s two inches right there that’s two inches that was so somebody lying that was funny interesting when I bring up things that are interesting you always seem to find fascinating the most Bland stuff of the picture really you’re like why are these people together and L why is LeBron 68 look shorter than bam who’s 69 bam has grown I know he has you think bam has grown I don’t think he has okay so what is f up to what is he up to that’s what I want to know enjoying his time in Paris and taking pictures in Vegas his time in how many pictures is he actually is he going to be there during um summer league yeah yes that’s weird right why they’re practicing in the same place as summer league yeah okay I think I don’t know when they go I guess technically so you don’t know their first game you don’t know their first game is the 28th summer league summer league is next week you don’t you don’t know you don’t know you’re a big P yeah what’s our spos up to what is he up to though what is he up what is he up to though interest take a break for this for the day we’ll talk to you guys tomorrow or or a newer model yeah but there’s more miles than the Oder it’s blast BL BL blous big word for me dog transition words means words I’m a little shook right now I got hon like fiberglass what this guyy fiberglass I see y when I see y’all

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