@Milwaukee Bucks

The BUCKS are trading for Brandon Ingram?

The BUCKS are trading for Brandon Ingram?

all right so I’m seeing reports that the Pelicans are getting almost kind of desperate to move on from Brandon Ingram and the Talk Amongst Bucks fans are if we are going to land him it has been reported that the Bucks and the Clippers are Front Runners to land him and so I went on the NBA trade machine I made a couple mock trades and at the end of the day I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t think it’s a good idea for the Bucs to get Brandon Ingram even though I’ve always been a Brandon Ingram guy I’m going to go through the mock trades in a second but Brandon Ingram was a guy that I loved as a Duke fan he was on one of the weaker Duke teams of the last DEC decade where it was him and not much else and he did a great job over there I thought he should have been the number one pick of the draft over Ben Simmons and I’ve liked him since thought he’s been underrated for a lot of his NBA career but I just can’t put together a trade that makes sense so I’ll go with my first mock trade and these are just straight up two team deals so it’s uh possible that um we could get more uh creative with it bringing in third and fourth teams like some teams have done this offse and it’s possible that you could put together a deal that makes sense for both sides but with uh limited I don’t like to get into three or four team deals because then it’s harder for me to know whether that team would even be motivated to do it and there’s just a million different combinations you could get into but in terms of basic straightup um assets moving around this is the one that I think would be amazing for the bucks you get rid of Brooke and Bobby uh both very flawed players Bobby poris gives you no defense on a team that has plenty of offense already with K mid Yannis and Dame um and he yeah he just he’s a guy that gives you nothing on the defensive end Brook Lopez is 37 years old for an older team that wants to get younger and defensively he cannot uh switch at all he’s not Versa all he’s a great rim protector but does nothing else and then you get to move on for Pat conatin who this seems to be the one thing pretty much every bucks fan agrees on and that’s wanting to get rid of him I’m not as desperate to do it as other Buck fans I could talk about that another time but uh it’s definitely a positive to get off of that contract most people would agree on and now uh for the bucks this is why I would say I’m not really expecting this or I’m not even necessarily wanting to make a Brandon ingr trade because I don’t think the pelins would ever do this deal because in order to make the salaries work um in order for the bucks to do it without trading K midi yanis or Dame they would have to throw in all three of these guys um all of who which are pretty flawed like I said Pat conon I don’t think the Pelicans want to take on that baggage Bobby poris I think they would like to have him I think they would like that piece I think they would like Brook Lopez as well but you would probably have to throw in assets as well to make it work and I do not think they would give up their first round pick and a young player like a Jose Alvarado just to get off of Brandon Ingram now it’s possible rather than those uh guys they could put in two-way contracts or they could do a three- team deal where you ship avar a elsewhere and then you get uh like picks in return that type of deal where this is the basic structure if you could get done with as the Bucks by only giving up thre three players I would love to do it but I just think Pelicans the Pelicans as much as they want to move off Brandon Ingram they’re expecting a better return whether that’s um good draft Capital which the Bucks can’t offer or a star player which isn’t coming here the closest thing to it is 37 years old and hasn’t been an All-Star in quite a while so I would love a deal like this the bucks but I just don’t see it being super realistic and now this is the deal that probably is very realistic that I’m sure the Pelicans would be interested in doing but I would never do this as a Bucs Fan I am not giving up Chris Middleton for almost anybody pretty much anybody that you could realistically get for Chris Milton I’m not doing it both for the fact that he’s been the clutchest player in NBA history you know not only you can win a title with him he can at times lead you to the finals he led the bcks to the finals without Giannis and you could say that was three years ago now well last year he was by far the best player um without Giannis won a game for the bucks without Giannis or Dame uh kept them in games without Giannis Dame or Bobby and the year before that he was the best player when they got knocked out by the heat he was the only one that showed up averaging 25 a game and so Chris Middleton is clearly a playoff performer where Brandon Ingram had the ability the option to step up against the Thunder to at least keep them competitive like Chris Milton did get them a couple games in that series no they got knocked out they got swept and there was really no big Brandon Ingram game like we got from Chris Middleton so both for the chemistry with Yannis what we seen Chris Middleton do in the playoffs I’m just never doing that I’m sure there’s some Bucks fans that for whatever reason have never liked Chris Middleton uh I I None of the reasons why ever makes sense to me I’m sure there are some that would be willing to do this but for me it’s just not worth it at all if you could make a Brandon Ingram trade happen by by giving up Brooke Bobby and some draft picks and get back a center as well as Brandon Ingram Oh I will throw a parade I will party all day long I will be so happy I just don’t necessarily think it’s likely for the Pelicans to want to take that on without getting a pick and knowing the Bucks are looking to get picks back for Brook Lopez you’re now you know you’re not getting that thrown into that deal so overall I just don’t think there’s an even trade to be had here um with any likelihood for this to make sense for both sides maybe if you get a third team involved where the Pelicans could ship off an asset and get picks back as well as Brook Lopez maybe that I would be that would be something that could happen and I would definitely love but um with realistic one toone options I don’t think that there’s a deal that could be worked out that both teams would agree on but let me know what you all think should the Bucks make any of these deals what’s a deal that makes sense to you drop a comment hit that like And subscribe please yes sir

Reaction to reports that the Milwaukee Bucks and New Orleans Pelicans are negotiating a trade involving Brandon Ingram.


  1. The thing is Middleton is older and almost always hurt, with Ingram you get younger and healthier. Definitely would suck giving up Middleton though.

  2. Why t are bucks fans scared to get?Younger and more athletic, if Brandon can stay healthy.This is a nice trade, and I'm still looking for paul Reed from the sixers

  3. I'd rather keep what we have. If you trade out Kmid, it should be a big upgrade, BI is not it.



  5. Getting Ingrram without giving up Freak/Dame Time/Khash Money would be amazing. Getting Alverado in addition would be a home run.

  6. Barrett i might be wrong here but because of the second apron rules, the bucks CANNOT aggregate saleries to make trades work. So it wouldnt be possible to trade Middelton for BI dispite the fact that it would be a HUGE upgrade. Milwaukee would first have to trade somone to a team with cap that can absorb the contract maybe lopez to detroit for a first, or maybe its something like pat for a prospect with little upside or potential, then bucks could do something like middelton plus another contract for BI

  7. I mean dame BI middelton ajax giannis would be fun. Just every game is like whoever gets to 150 first wins lol.

  8. Barrett, dont you think its an issue that in the postseason without giannis, it was clear the bucks where much much much WORSE AND LOST EVERY GAME both middelton and Dame played together??? Those two DO NOT AND CAN NOT work next to each other. It will get particularly ugly with only bobby and giannis to provide rim protection

  9. Brendon Ingram is a good fit for the Bucks, Middleton hasn’t been active enough and is getting older and Brendon is a guaranteed 20 points per game enough said.

  10. I wish we traded Middleton for dame instead of jrue. But now there’s no good trades for Khris so I say keep him

  11. Why is everyone tripping? Milwaukee not dealing Khris. As long as Giannis is on Milwaukee thats a trade that won't happen

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