@Minnesota Timberwolves

“I Want To Compete And Win.” | Terrence Shannon Jr. Summer League Sound | 07.09.24

“I Want To Compete And Win.” | Terrence Shannon Jr. Summer League Sound | 07.09.24

just once these first couple of days been like kind of getting your feet underneath here with the squad they’ve been good um just all the guys here grinding uh going hard and learning the concepts offensively and defensively um but it’s been nice uh just getting to know learn new sets new Concepts and getting to know all these guys coach Max was saying that he was at Texas Tech when you first got there it nice to have a little familiar face here yeah it was real nice to see coach Max um even when I came to workout uh from Minnesota I see uh we caught up real good to see him what do you anticipate just Vegas being like these first few games and kind of what are you trying to accomplish when when you get out there I want to win the whole league um anything I do uh want to compete and win um but that’s what I anticipate I anticipate us winning uh going all of us going out and playing hard and getting a win uh what saying what they like a lot about you it’s defensively the ability guard multiple positions and things like that how do you feel like you fit into what they want to do as a defensive LED team yeah man um defense that’s what I do man uh I love guarding uh getting getting into uh the offensive players um so just watching them in the playoffs even uh just picking up full court uh finding over screens um I feel like that’s something I can do uh really good what’s been the biggest surprise so far you know NBA even though this is not quite the real deal yet MH um it hasn’t really been any surprises for me honestly um just learning honestly um just learning uh from the coaches um even some of the players some things they do really well um that I pick up one but it’s just been a lot of learning from me did it did it feel real when you put a jersey on for the first time yeah it feel real um before I put the Jersey on I was still on like shot mode like saying like I can’t believe I’m still here um but yeah man when I when we had our after our first practice I was like yeah this is real what was that like to be on the courp the first time that’s the NBA player good man um just grateful and just happy man enjoying a moment um it’s just I mean it’s a it’s a new opportunity um I’m just trying to take advantage of it are you looking forward to taking a young guy like an under your wing because you’re older than he is and just like being the mature guy in the experience and I’m I’m going to be learning from him a lot um but in practice I’m I’m going to do my best to challenge him um guard him and take the challenge um I know he’s a great offensive player um also on the defensive end too he’s probably the best two-way player in the in the NBA um but yeah just learning from him uh things he do well um things I can add to my game um yeah I’m I’m looking forward to it is it an interesting situation though I mean you’re older than a lot of the guys that are going to be on the team just in terms of what then they obviously have more experience like how do you see that Dynamic kind of playing out you know experience is key um they got more experience in the NBA um even though I’m um older than some of their guys I can still learn from them because they’ve been here before so they’ve been through things that I haven’t uh in this league uh so I’ve always ask questions uh whether I’m older or younger than the than the guys I’m I’m always looking to learn what’s it like settling in in Minneapolis as opposed to Illinois uh it’s not too far away um I mean I played here a couple times uh Minnesota and in the Target Center uh so I mean it’s just a new new city I’m living and uh although that it’s going to be cold here so was really nice what’s kind of been the most surprising thing since the draft to you just in terms of like personal just being here um yeah just being here I mean this I’m grateful and uh happy for the opportunity um but yeah just being here is is what was surprising and then John had mentioned a couple times you know you are one of those older players on the team I wonder how that extra time in college if you could just touch on how that is impacting you and trying to K so far how it’s help uh I feel like like I said the experience of just playing um coming in ready to play um and just doing what I’m doing what I do really well uh consistently like playing defense uh driving the ball um making other guys better uh so just to experience uh matur my maturity uh just stay ready awesome than CJ


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  1. I’m and ohio state and Dayton fan bc my siblings go there but I’m a wolves fan bc I was born there idc about my college fan hood I loved watching this guy play and it sucks that that girl tried to accuse him

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