@Los Angeles Clippers

Cam Christie’s Introductory Press Conference | LA Clippers

Cam Christie’s Introductory Press Conference | LA Clippers

um zero seconds he was he was actually he was there with me so um I mean it was it was super cool obviously to have him there have my whole family there on draft night uh so you know I mean I’m just super excited with the with the way it all worked out so um yes he has I I’ve been out here a couple times obviously in the past few years with uh with him being out here so I’ve been able to go see a couple games get kind of get used to the area so yeah I’d say I’m a not an absolute newcomer here what are you looking for I mean really just kind of going out there um playing basketball again you know it’s been a while since I’ve been able to playing a full um five on five game so definitely looking forward to that and also just kind of going out there competing um you know showing everybody what I can do showing everybody uh you know how much I’ve improved my game um since you know I last took the floor uh I mean kind of just to to be myself you know just to kind of know that even though I am you know 18 I’m super young compared to a lot of other guys on the team or in the league but kind of just I’m not letting that deter me I’m just staying confident who I am um knowing that I’m a great shooter and knowing that I’m um you know just a good basketball play in general and just kind of um being comfortable with who I am what would you say to people even if they saw or things that you show through school that maybe didn’t uh I think just kind of developing my playmaking ability just kind of um getting more comfortable with having the ball in my hands maybe being a secondary ball handling stuff like that just kind of making reads for others and also just being more being more um dangerous around the rim and in the paint kind of just having more options to be able to finish around the rim stuff like that and also just be able to make kickouts you’re 18 years old you probably been group with your brother your whole life how important is it to you to really build your identity in the league uh I mean it’s super important obviously I think it’s something that I take a lot of pride in I’m not going to say necessarily a pressure to do it um but I think it’s just something that’s going to naturally happen you know we’re two different people uh two different players so I think as long as I just try to stay Within Myself And um not be somebody that I’m not I’ll be good so C you still growing up with some of your new future Hall of Fame teammates were really at the peak of their careers having some of their most incredible moments is there anything that stands out to you from know your new teammates that you remember growing up watching them do uh I mean I think it’s just super cool for me to even have this um ability obviously to be able to play with guys like you know James like Kawai a bunch of other you know really really good vets just I think it’s super cool for me to be on the same team as them I’m going to try to learn as much as I can from them obviously I mean they’re very good at what they do they’ve been doing it for a long time at a high level so kind of just recognizing that and you know just trying to be um you know as good as a rookie as I can um playerwise I watched a lot of Deon Booker um I watch a lot of like Kevin Durant those kind of things obviously I you know sprinkling some kawaiian James and stuff like that just kind of watching um all those guys but I just kind of like to watch a bunch of different high level players and kind of you know take some things from their games I mean it was a good conversation obviously you know he’s super excited for me to be here um you know I’m just as excited to be here myself um obviously he’s a great coach you know won a championship stuff like that so um I’d say he knows what he’s doing so I’m just super excited to kind of um you know get this thing started kind of start to learn under him and you know get better that way what does this me uh I mean it’s super cool um for both of us obviously you don’t have um two brothers that are in the NBA too often so for us to actually do it I mean it was a really cool moment for us um just kind of setting Excellence as the standard and understanding that you know um even though we are in the NBA it’s just getting started there’s a a long and great career ahead of us so it’s kind of just understanding that and taking each day um one day at a time and getting better that way to they kind of set that each uh I’d say from a young age we kind of just both had it on our minds um it was kind of just something that was didn’t have to be said it was something that we both just strive for obviously you know you want to um you know reach the highest level of your Craft um at what you do so for us to have that opportunity it’s super cool exting is it to have not just one two facilities coming also set ex it’s super EX exciting I mean I think it’s super cool to be in a um you know an organization where we have a bunch of new um new things coming in obviously into it dome is going to be super cool to be in I’m super excited to see the The Practice Facility in there and then um obviously the new Arena and same with the g-league facility um I think it’s just super cool for the organization to have um both of those things as priorities and kind of um you know prioritize the development of the player so I’m super excited to get out there and see both would you how would you describe like your favorite way to get your chefs um I mean I think with me kind of having a high IQ I think that’s super helpful for me kind of in terms of spacing off the ball um just being able to kind of move without the ball slide into different positions stuff like that so I say that’s probably my my favorite way to get shots is kind of just moving without the ball um and playing off of the close out whether that be you know a wable pullup that kind of thing or just catch and shoot um off of those opportunities but I say that’s what it is to besides as far as like you get comforable shoo basketball R the things you would you say I would say um probably my dad he’s been super helpful with both me and my brother just kind of um molding our shots since we were really young I mean we worked on it every day with him so I say he’s probably like the main the main helper that I’ve had throughout my career thank you guys

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  2. You were Jerry West last pick so please make him proud and be the Kobe Jr that we expect
    Welcome to the Clippers

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