@Denver Nuggets

Could Nuggets GM Calvin Booth be on the hot seat? | Stokley & Josh [denver sports]

Could Nuggets GM Calvin Booth be on the hot seat? | Stokley & Josh [denver sports]

we’ve been waiting for potential Russell Westbrook news all day that has not come quite frankly I’m pretty surprised that they don’t have at least one one of the two spots filled to this point so we’ll see what happens I thought it was also a little bizarre that Calvin Booth wasn’t the one addressing the media yesterday and that he was in Europe is what I was told Europe that’s what I was told in Europe with Aaron Rogers or like I don’t know what the story is there he scouting what is he doing in Europe now I don’t know I don’t think you’re scouting anybody I don’t think so but they Scout a lot of Euros so I’m not going to say that he wasn’t yeah but why are you scouting right now you know like that’s kind of my point this is we’re we’re in the middle of free agency I know it was weird to me our general managers in Europe yeah during free agency yeah doing what I don’t know we need that is that is very very odd um what other what okay this is shows you this will show you how odd it is and different and concerning this is um what other general manager is not in the States of America right now in the NBA I would guarantee you or be willing to guarantee you that every other one is right here right here working on deals and doing stuff um so I don’t know maybe I’m wrong maybe maybe they don’t care in NBA maybe your general manager can be out of the country and it it it not be a big deal but to me I’m like holy cow I mean things are happening pretty quick quickly I kind of want my general manager here for everything that is happening not in Europe so like what the hell is going on in Europe for him to be in Europe right now this is a pretty important time a lot of stuff is happening it happens fast it happens quick I I I man I don’t know that’s that’s very very odd to me yeah bizarre they had their assistant general manager Tommy balus up there speaking to the media yesterday and look he spoke and and that’s fine I just don’t even think it’s worth it to listen to the audio because he’s not the decision maker there I thought it was kind was not a good look for the Nuggets yesterday I whatever he’s doing he should have been there yesterday I agree with you 100% look I I can understand if he’s not there at the press conference but really because well yeah I mean like it’s it’s not the worst thing for me but he’s got to be here I don’t understand that at all that’s kind of where I’m going here I mean I like GM to be the face of the team I I I would also um but at the same time like it’d be like okay I would like to hear from Calvin Booth but at least I know he’s working on you know helping this basketball team out you see everything that’s happened and you know kcp is gone and um we trade Reggie Jackson and a bunch of second round picks just to get rid of his contract what do we what are we going to do here what’s going on what’s Happening like if we sucked then I wouldn’t care go to Europe go to you know um wherever it doesn’t matter but like we have a championship window and and right in the middle of free agency at the start of it where everything is happening our general managers in Europe okay that’s that’s just very strange to me it’s bizarre Jake also told us that there has been more conflicting reports on whether or not they actually paid kavia calwell Pope last night on social media kyp’s wife pretty much no not paid but they offered excuse me that they offered did I say paid thank you thanks for the correction they they offered a similar contract to what he received from Orlando which was three or 66 million and we said yesterday kind of alluded to I don’t know if they offered him a similar number to Orlando did he just pick Orlando over Denver and why would he have done that well we’ve we’ve gotten multiple people that have pushed back on that it was Tony Jones of the athletic and I know Tony known him for years I I respect him he wouldn’t have put that out there if he didn’t hear from somebody in the no but it sounds like maybe his sources may have been more on the Nuggets side and not on the kcp side which we really didn’t know but it sounds like maybe a little bit more clarity there if that’s the case well what did what did his wife do you know what his wife said she just said false under under a an Instagram you know graphic that said that the Nuggets offered kcp something similar to Orlando she said false and I had a hard time going there okay with the report that said they offered him a similar contract because you listen to kcp talk and it just seemed like he loved it here and he loved playing on this team and to me if it was really close he would have stayed here um no like you you know that’s just my read on it um and and so that’s why I had a hard time going there yeah right that uh he would leave here to go to Orlando but everyone wants a different role everyone a different situation was it more you know I I I get it um no state income tax those types of things closer to his home in Georgia uh but um you know it it doesn’t sound like it was close which I kind of thought because also we we got to remember Calvin Booth making those comments right before free agency started talking about yeah Christian Brown’s ready for that next step and and so you put all the clues together it’s like really so that they say all those things but then they’re going to offer him that type of contract or you know 20 million a year over 60 million for three years that’s kind of odd so no it didn’t add up to me it was like they were ready and they knew kcp was going to walk they weren’t going to be able to be close to it and they were ready to move on and then the report came out which you know maybe maybe it was a bad Source right maybe it was a bad Source within the Nuggets that was trying to make it look yes exactly yeah I agree with you a little bit of a PR spin on the nuggets on the Nuggets side but you’re right if we had just read the tea leaves Calvin Booth basically told us after draft night that kcp was out the door in not so many words he basically said look I mean we’re going to be okay here which basically was the tip off that N I don’t know about bringing him back all right let me ask you who has has more pressure on him this year Michael bone or Calvin Booth Calvin Booth how so I think when you look at the situation it’s you I mean obviously navigating the second apron navigating a salary cap in the NBA is not an easy thing it’s a difficult thing to do he’s the one that said we’ll take three out of five you know maybe not we maybe we don’t go back to back that bad bad job by him ever saying that into a microphone um and so he’s making these types the moves and doing these things and these this is his draft pick Holmes um St right I mean it’s starting to be his basketball team and and so um you know he’s got to get it done Michael Malone got it done on the court as a head coach right and and Calvin boo just kind of took over something that was already 90% built from Tim Connelly 95 but yeah okay yeah exactly so he’s got to prove that he’s capable of doing this job at a high level like expect are high you know they’re not expectations just to make the playoffs it’s to win championships now with joic and Murray but he’s got to find the right pieces around those guys right I mean Conley’s the one that brought in Aaron Gordon or was that Calvin booth that was connley connley so you look at Aaron Gordon Michael Porter Jr joic and Murray those those are all Connelly right so like he’s got a prove that he could do something right or am I just like Bo Booth got kcp right yeah right but but that’s why I didn’t say I said I was just giving him I was giving him credit for that that was exactly but now you look at some of these draft picks they have got to start taking that that that next step and they’ve got to contribute not just be bench players we need some starters here so we’ll see well and then also the other thing is there might be a big move that he has up his sleeve here when it comes to a possible trade I don’t know we we’ll see what it looks like but I I would say for sure to me it’s and it’s not even close it’s Calvin booth I agree completely in fact I I I’d agree to the point where if by the end of the year these young guys look like what in the world was he thinking I would say he’s almost on the hot seat absolutely it’s Championship robust man if they don’t move in the right direction this year then I think if you’re if you’re um Josh Kony and Stan you look at all right time to move on from him you’re not moving on from Michael Malone right because it’s been so clearly Booth’s plan to go younger and to do it this way he didn’t have to he could have structured things differently and not used the first round picks in the draft and those you know early seconds that he used last year he could have easily gone about it a different way but that’s the way he chose to do it and look I mean not everything you’re going to do is going to work out and I’m not trying to bury the guy he’s done some good things here but understand that you’re 100% right it’s boo ass that’s on the line high expectations

Why can’t the Denver Nuggets keep their roster intact? Is GM Calvin Booth going to put himself on the hot seat? Watch Stokley & Josh!


  1. Even if Booth's a** is in a hot seat – he wouldn't notice it. He's that kind of a moron.
    And Kroenke's DON'T CARE – they're set to sell Nuggets before the season start.
    All of this is about $s now – for Kroenke's.

    Jokic is not dumb, nor is his agent Raznatovic – they know what's happening and expect to hear about the DEMAND FOR A TRADE coming from Jokic's camp in the next few days.

  2. so who do we have guarding Conley/Edwards or Kyrie/Luka? Murray and Braun? šŸ„“ I think we need to bring in Westbrook or Pat Bev for defensive purposes more than we need to replace KCPs shooting

  3. This is the owner taking away the head coach crutch. The GM is in lock step with the owner. The coach is not.

  4. šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ See: Recent head coaches who got fired a couple of years after winning the championship. GM is in lock step with the owner. KCP was not retained because the owner did not want him retained. The owner signed on to the 2nd apron to create a system where teams need to start developing their talent, looking for expensive short cuts. Denver's HC does not trust players. It's a trait. He better adjust. Dallas got to the Finals depending on a 20 yr old center that they threw in the deep end on day 1. And their veteran core was no where near as good as Denver's core.

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