@Dallas Mavericks

Klay Thompson’s Introduction Marks a New Era for the Dallas Mavericks Narratives | Mavs Podcast

Klay Thompson’s Introduction Marks a New Era for the Dallas Mavericks Narratives | Mavs Podcast

on today’s show the Dallas Mavericks are changing the narratives about them and Klay Thompson’s introductory press conference proved a lot of that we’ll talk about all that more today is I’m L and this is lock down maveri [Applause] Mavericks it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angsten media member and NBA channel manager for locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show Making lock ABS your first listen today best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day on any podcast platform leave a five star review like the video on YouTube and comment anything below let me know what was one thing that stood out to you in Klay Thompson’s introductory press conference today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code lock down NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply today hey talking all about Klay Thompson I know Quinton Grimes and Nashi Marshall were at the press conference as well I was there I know I was there I saw them both we’ll talk about them a little bit tomorrow but today I want to talk all about Klay Thompson we’ll talk about why he chose the number 31 uh kind of a funny way that he got to 31 a little bit and uh and a cool Mavs Mavs angle to it as well we’ll talk about why uh he thinks he’ll fit he answered a couple questions about why he thinks he’ll fit with the Mavericks remember when he went to his introductory or he went to the the dinner with niik Harrison Michael Finley he had watched film and everything he was ready so we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about him and Kyrie and how Kyrie had a a play in all of this but I got to start here and it kind of has to do with Kyrie too the Mavericks narratives are changing about them think about some of the things you’ve heard said about the Dallas Mavericks over the last couple years 10 years 15 years 5 years four years 2 years one years last year a lot of things have been said about the D Mavericks things like well hey nobody wants to play with Luka donic well nobody wants to come to the Dallas Mavericks nine years ago yesterday I’m recording this on Thursday night July 9th nine years ago the reports were going around that Mark cubin was driving around downtown Houston trying to get trying to get in touch with DeAndre Jordan because DeAndre Jordan had a to a deal with the Dallas Mavericks and then went back on it got locked in the house with the Clippers they were all in there then Blake Griffin posted the infamous picture of the the chair on the back of the door propping it propping it closed and whether that story was true or not with Mark cubin that was that was the thing and that story kind of encapsulated a narrative about the Dallas Mavericks they don’t get the free agents if you haven’t been a Mavs fan for very long ask a longtime Mavs fan that you know or ask them in the chat or ask them in the YouTube comments or on Twitter how do they feel when when a free agent is connected to the Mavericks oh they’re using us for leverage I thought that about this Klay Thompson thing my first read on it was that it was leverage on both sides oh this free agent is using the Mavericks again why because they’ve been over and over again the narrative about the Mavericks is they don’t get the free agents people don’t cheat players don’t choose the Mavericks and so now you get Klay Thompson who chose the Mavericks over the Lakers and everything was going against them everything Klay is from La his dad is a former player there and a longtime beloved broadcaster there the Lakers had more money they could offer they were going to offer him more years they have LeBron James they have insane uh insane weather and like insane you know just things that that the that Dallas could never offer they have an ocean Clay is a huge boat guy huge like water sport guy they have that every celebrity ever lives there there’s so many opportunities for him to be part of a bunch of you know cool things that are happening there blah blah blah all that he chose Dallas why why did he choose Dallas well he told us today whether you play basketball or work in the corporate world or wherever whatever industry sometimes change just can spur greatness and a new change of scenery can do do wonders and um I’m very grateful for my time at uh Golden State but um I just felt like you know moving on could just re-energize me and uh do something special for the rest of my career and Dallas was so attractive because of the young players they have the style of play the uh you know you know world class treatment these players get from this organization and just a beautiful city who loves their Hoops um so when I was watching the playoffs and I’m watching the Mavs you know make a run for the championship uh I just saw myself fitting in really well with this team and the personnel and um they look like they have fun playing with each other and they play for each other and that was very attractive for me and um that’s really all I needed to see and there’s mutual interest there and that’s why here think about all the things you’ve heard about the Mavericks or that you’ve said about the Mavericks over the last couple of years nobody’s going to want to play with LCA donic the way that they play the style that they play the Pound The Rock nobody’s going to want to play with that why would anyone want to come to Dallas all they care about is the Cowboys there that’s all they talk about that’s all their their Sports media talks about is the Cowboys they dominate everything that Mavs Team all they have is just these older players and they they got to get younger and they don’t take the draft seriously and the Maverick do they treat players well like what’s Mark cubin doing over there Mavs team is not a title Contender Klay Thompson checked all of those boxes in that answer talked about the young players group of young players that he wanted to play with the Mavs have youth now the Mavs have you in interesting young Talent when’s the last time we could say that the style of play he specific mentioned he could see himself playing in there how they treat players this one I don’t think was in Super was was in question that much but how the Mavs treat players is is a thing that is a thing that’s going around the league that Klay Thompson knew the Mavs treat players well and it worked out for players like Kyrie and now he chose the Mavericks a city that loves Hoops what a quote from Klay Thompson City that loves their Hoops you know that I know that people outside of Dallas would go a it’s just a Cowboys Town Cowboys dominates everything well this year they’re they’re not going to dominate anything run cidi run City that loves Hoops they look like they want to play for each other they play for each other the fun style of play how they how they play how they approach the game oh all luuka does is complain and whine and it just looks exhausting to play with him what about that anonymous a scout that’s like every time Luca leaves the game all the other players on the court breathe a sigh of relief get out of here they play for each other and they are title Contender imagine that last season last season where was everybody putting the Mavericks Oh They’ll miss the playoffs again they missed it last year so they they’re going to miss it again this year title Contender think about all those things Klay Thompson said in that answer do I have to Play It Again young players style of play how they treat how the organization treats players City that loves Hoops having fun looking like they play for each other title Contender that’s a good thing to hear if you’re a Dallas Mavericks fan think about all the stuff you’ve been through over the last 10 15 years even two years even last year you and I sat here listening to this podcast me on this podcast after they lost twice to the Hornets in a row and I sat back in my chair like this looking befuddled and bewildered about how this team with a top player missed the entire postseason 10 teams and they missed it and now Klay Thompson one of the top free agents in the class said I want to go to the Dallas Mavericks because they’re a title Contender think about how far they’ve come and you’ve got to give credit to Nico Harrison to Jason kid yes to mark cubin for putting them in charge and for stepping away stepping away and let letting Nico and Jason kid do what they do do and then selling the selling part of the team and really stepping out of the way and and the new ownership for not meddling and for not getting in the way and now now now Mavericks have a streamlined source of leadership they have established leadership with contract extensions for Jason kid they’ve got Jason kid who uh players around the league for all the stuff that I said all the criticism I gave Jason kid this season never said players didn’t want to play for him that was never a thing players want to play for him M have a coach that players want to play for that was not the case with Rick carile all the time Mavs changed their narrative think about all the things Klay Thompson just said think about all the things people have said about the Mavericks over the last couple of years last 10 years the Mavericks narrative is changing and coming up I’ll tell you how Luca’s narrative is changing and what Klay Thompson said about him more stuff with Klay we talk about all that and more coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here today’s episode is brought to you by one of my favorites Game Time download the game time app and use the code uh locked on go check out see what’s available at game time there’s all kinds of great stuff on game time I use it all the time I literally used it uh I used it to go to a Dallas Wings game the other day you’ve got the 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lowest price guaranteed shut it down let’s go thanks everybody for hanging out with this on lockdown Maps being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day appreciate you for doing that if you want to support the show text me get text alerts from me on Mavs rumors watch film with me on more kind of stuff I’ll probably do some Klay Thompson film things later in in the week and and do some more stuff like that but I’ve been sending you rumors I sent you a bunch of quotes that I love from the press conference today all that kind of stuff subscribe to the sub text 214 643 8637 you can text that number click the link in the description everything’s in the description wherever you’re listening watching this all right Klay Thompson the Mavericks changing their narrative I thought that the answer of Klay Thompson why he chose the Mavericks just checked so many boxes for things that either we complained about the Mavericks or that other people complained about the Mavericks Mavs are changing their narrative you’d love to see it with LCA donic same kind of thing there have been narratives about LCA donic oh this game is Just nobody’s gonna want to play with Luca because of the way he plays oh luuka all he does is whine and complain what Klay Thompson say about him uh he text me um saying how excited he is and I relay the same message back and I think there’s definitely a mutual respect there I mean I remember seeing him at the end of the West finals in 2022 and I told him just how much I loveed his game and how he really elevates his teammates and this guy’s a limit for his ability and I think that resonated well with him and he was real gracious in defeat and um I just appreciate someone who is not afraid of the moment and competes to the to the end and Luca fits that bill so uh I think we’ll be able to bring the best out of each other I really do Luca donic Klay Thompson respected his game makes his teammates better gracious in defeat think about some of the things that have said been said about Luca oh all he does is whine and complain oh does he Elevate the teammates around him or all he does just stat pad Klay Thompson after the West finals when the Warriors dominated the Mavericks it was very much like the NBA finals this past year I was there where they dominated them but Luc came out and he fought every single game and he tried hard every single game Klay Thompson I have respect for his game he makes his teammate better gracious in defeat Luca donic Making Waves across the NBA and changing his narrative and it’s a narrative that is is made by you know media and by other fans and all that but it’s good to see the difference between what Fans Say and what the league is saying or what Klay Thompson is saying and yes now he’s his teammate and of course he’s gonna say positive things about him but he didn’t have to say all that he didn’t he could have said man you know remember remember when Draymond Green and Chris Paul became teammates and they were like yeah I hated this guy I didn’t really I didn’t really want to be teammates with him but Klay Thompson said a bunch of great things about Luca at the end of the 2022 playoff run where he goes hey he I respect his game he makes his teammates better gracious in defeat love that kind of stuff from Klay Thompson and I think that changing Lucas narrative is important too as he’s stepping up as he’s becoming a leader and Clay the I think the most important thing was at the end I think we’ll both get the best out of each other I agree with that too getting the best out of each other Luca is going to have more space to operate Luca is gonna have a guy that can actually knock down threes when he he throws these crazy passes Clay is a master at finding open spots on the floor Luca is going to create those and for Klay Thompson he’s going to get a bunch of open shots in a way that he hasn’t before and I know I keep saying that but it’s going to be true and I’m excited to watch it and excited to see how it all plays out Kyrie Irving talk about changing narratives Kyrie has changed his own narrative for sure the Mavericks have helped him do that but kyri now reached out to Klay Thompson that’s been a big part of this whole story and I think that’s something needs to be mentioned too Kyrie and I are good friends I mean we came to the lead together in 2011 we played on Team USA together twice obviously played against each other in the highest stages for many years and I’ve always been a fan of Kai’s game and guarding him was hell so it’s it’s nice to be on the other end of that for once and see other Defenders get loose and get shook by him that’s going to be a good sight to see he actually was one of the first people to text me just how uh grateful he is to be here and how the city’s embraced him the organizations’s Embraced him especially after what he had to go through and I’ve known Kai for a long time and he’s been super Down to Earth ever since I met him and uh just a very gracious person and um for him to come here and embrace the city and embrace the role he has uh just inspired me um cuz I mean they were so close to winning the whole thing and you know I think we can help get them over that hump can get him over that hump you love to hear that but you love to hear about all the stuff that Kyrie had been through he took all that Kyrie took all that experience took everything that had happened to him where the Mavericks embraced him the city embraced him the team embraced him allowed him to be who he was told that to Klay Thompson he goes actually that sounds pretty good actually that sounds like somewhere I want to be what did he say at the beginning sometimes change can spur greatness and a new change of scenery can do wonders moving on could re-energize me and do something special for the rest of my career that’s what he’s going to do with Kyrie and Luca he gets to have the opportunity to do what Kyrie just did in a different way clay was in a spot where he was frustrated he had come to the end of his tenure there with the Warriors he had done everything that was possible with that group that group was coming to an end it needed to end at a certain point all all groups all groups do decided to end and he’s like all right now I want to go somewhere else and Kyrie even goes hey man uh it’s pretty good over here changing the changing the narrative for the Mavericks how about that but you got to love that that Kyrie Irving had a a a play in this that Kyrie Irving was uh a crucial part in this that Kyrie Irving was part of uh recruiting Klay Thompson here that he was you know reaching out on behalf think about think about a year ago now Kyrie Irving was not signed to the Mavericks he was a free agent he was unrestricted there was rumors that he was going to go to to the Lakers all the time and now maybe that’s just Brian windhorse wanting that to happen maybe that was just wior of ESPN wanting Kyrie to go to the Lakers but I’m sure he wouldn’t report that if there wasn’t any smoke to it oh the Mavs are going to lose another guy to the Lakers oh here comes the Suns where are they coming from and I thought that was all leverag then it it end up being true but now he chose the Mavs K Klay chose the Mavs and didn’t choose the Lakers and we’re all happy about that right love that I love how Kyrie was part of this and I love that Luca and Kyrie in their own ways are changing their narratives and that this this whole thing is part of that that Klay Thompson is now part of that story for them Luca and Kyrie changed their own narratives making the finals winning together winning at the getting to the highest level overcoming some obstacles Luca fighting through injury Kyrie having no issues on or off the court the whole season nothing nothing nothing anything close that was the narrative about Kyrie oh well eventually he’s going to be a problem I don’t know we’ll see even if he is a problem after this getting to the finals okay you’ll take that the trade was still worth it contract was still worth it to have him here to make the finals even just that one time that doesn’t happen for teams all the time got to go back and appreciate that that run was so special yes they came up short but man a finals doesn’t happen all the time the Clippers would kill for a finals right now they just lost Paul George they ain’t getting back there anytime soon Clippers talk about their Western Conference Finals run that they got with Paul George when K when when kawhai was hurt when the Mavs when they beat the Mavs in the first round they talk about that all the time Kings talk about their 20 2002 Western Conference Finals run M has been little finals it’s crazy changing narratives I thought that I thought that all that stuff was great just Klay Thompson coming in being like pow pow pow pow here’s all these things that have been said about the Mavs and here’s all the things that I think about them and reason why I chose them is the opposite of all those things that have been said coming up let’s get into why clay thinks he’s a fit I think he he answered a couple things and gave the quote of the day I’ll tell you what that is coming up you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here uhoh all right let’s get into the quote of the day for me from Klay Thompson was about what he thinks he can bring to the Mavericks and what kind of player he thinks he is at this point in his career I thought this was was awesome at this point in my career I mean still can’t leave me open and uh I can guard and I’m just excited I still think I can do what I’ve been able to do and it’s just about being the best shape I can possibly be but I know I can um help this team whether it’s the knowledge I’ve gained or um big big scoring nights I just uh still know I can be a very very good player in this league yeah absolutely absolutely he can be a good player in this league but the quote of the day still can’t leave me open still can’t leave me open 100% you got to love that part of it because that’s all the mavers need him to do those other guys sitting next to him Naji Marshall Quinton Grimes they can come in and help the defense when they need it PJ Washington Derrick Lively they’ll step up and help the defense Klay Thompson just got to fit into a spot gotta fit into got to fit as a piece of the defense if it all works well together and you get all three of those guys Luca Kyrie and Clay working together playing their role on defense the defense will work out they needed an offensive boost badly Michael Finley mentioned earlier in the Presser that even in the losses to other teams not just the losses to the to the Celtics the front office went hey man like we could use some more offense like this is not working for us we need to figure something out and Tim marway Jr wasn’t it and so he gets traded and then Klay gets brought in basically in you know in place of him and to me that’s an upgrade can’t leave me open think about who you could leave open on the Mavericks last year drick Jones Jr yes PJ Washington that’s times yes at times no but at times yes Josh Green got left open Maxi got left open all the time half of those guys are gone Klay Thompson can’t leave me open the other one this question I asked him about what he was what was one thing that was so frustrating to him that he’s ready to leave behind and that he’s ready that he’s excited to try to break through and uh he kind of answered it but I think that his answer actually gave us something a little more interesting about why he thinks he’ll fit with the Mavs well uh with guys like Luca and Kyrie on the floor I don’t I think just me being out there is going to give them a lot of space to operate and same with our big big men I mean and Derek and Daniel just their ability to roll and and finish is also great I played really well with uh big man who like me and Trace Jackson had a great Rapport last year because uh he so good at the rim and I saw the same thing with those two guys and I just um I don’t think you can stick to me as much as you could in the past with guys like Luca and Kai out there and that’s what also was very attractive for me so we’ve talked about how he fits with Luca and Kyrie how K Luka and Kyrie are going to create open shots for him how he’s going to create space for them and all that and I think that’s true and he said that he reiterated that again at the end of that at the end of that statement where he said yeah I mean people aren’t going to be able to stick to me as close as they did in Golden State because in Golden State you got to do all this ball movement do all this stuff and when it works right and when everybody’s on the same page all of a sudden you can create a bunch of open shots and it really works for you when it doesn’t all of a sudden hey like it would be nice if we could have a guy that breaks somebody down off the dribble and you know create something if you listen to this episode of this of this show when kylin Mills from Lockdown Warriors was on here kylin mentioned specifically Klay Thompson did really well last year when he was playing Off the Bench next to Chris Paul just needed a guy to break down break down a team off you know break down a Defender off the dribble and then create an open shot Curry not necessarily his game he can do that but that’s not necessarily his game and not the offense that Curry has designed around around Curry and clay and then Draymond was missing for some games too and so you don’t have that extra you don’t have that playmaker that creates those P that makes those passes and creates those plays and things like that he was the guy that actually really kind of ran their offense with his passing because he needed that and so Clay did really well and thrived last year when he was playing next to Chris Paul well how much better is Luca n than Chris Paul at doing those things the other part of that though so we mentioned the luuka and Kyrie the other part of that though that I think is is interesting and that we haven’t talked about a lot is Clay being able to play with bigs do you know the tallest player on the Warriors right now the tallest player on the Warriors last year Trace Jackson Davis who you mentioned before measured at the combine 6 eight and 34s inches in without shoes the Warriors do not have bigs I know lock on Warriors last year was complaining about that a lot they just didn’t have bigs they didn’t have guys that were uh actual centers and they didn’t ever want to get seven-footers and ever since you know ZaZa and uh ZaZa and jav McGee have been gone from there feels like they don’t have any big men like actual real big men and so he talked about playing with them because vertical gravity their roll gravity I think that’s going to be something that’s going to help him too with a guy that can roll all the time live and Gafford he mentioned them by name first names but still he mentioned them that when they roll to the basket that’s going to create open opportunities for clay as well I think that’s something that’s exciting too and exciting for him and I think that’s something that is uh is interesting to kind of note as well not only is he going to be playing with great Playmakers he’s going to be playing with great Rim rollers and those guys are going to create for him as well and remember how good Lively is in the short rle it’s not just Luca creating these open shots Lively comes up sets a screen for Luca Lively rolls to the basket Luca gets double teamed or a delayed double or delayed help or whatever Luca throws the pass over the top Lively gets the pass right in the middle or the free throw line the help comes from either Corner who you helping off of huh who you helping off of help off PJ okay the other option is Klay Thompson you helping off of Klay Thompson okay that creates an opportunity for lively to get to the rim clay to relocate if the defender comes over and helps and then that’s a wide open shot but what Lively makes the right passes that that was one of his superpowers last year passing out of the short roll amazing love that stuff you could tell that Klay Thompson had really thought about playing with the Mavericks and we knew that that was a report that he came with like he had watched film and he said a couple times I haven’t played the clips but he said that a couple times in this that he was watching the finals and he was just thinking like man I would fit in with this team he could Envision it and see where he could play on the court and all that last thing I want to get to is why he chose the number 31 and I just found it kind of interesting because the story about Reggie Miller had been out there Reggie Miller was 31 and he mentions Reggie Miller and uh this the answer to this question also just gives you a little insight into who Clay is because it was just kind of like stream of Consciousness up there and I kind of found it pretty endearing well uh Kyrie took my number so I was pretty I’m just kidding uh I mean it’s a change for me so I’m it’s I’m not mad at the change I’m actually excited for it I mean there’s been a lot of great 31s in this franchise history uh Jason Terry won a championship wearing that number and we play very similar style as far as the offu position spacing the floor shooting um so he had a great year with them um who else I mean grew you had Nick War 31 here wow I don’t remember the Nick days when he he was on the mass huh that’s right he had a good they had a good year with him too but uh love Nick the quick but um I mean Reggie Miller wore 31 and I I I uh watch so much footage of Reggie coming off screens as a teenager especially the his game-winning his his ability to make game-winning shots I mean Desiring thing to see as a shooter because he had no fear whether he took he made or missed the shot live or die by it and I still have that image of him in the East finals pushing off Mike curling off the right wing and C cashing that three I mean that’s how I modeled my game after just being able to space the floor and you can’t leave me open like you could regie and that was an inspiration for me as well and I thought I’d have a chance to pass him in threes made so that’d be a cool way to honor someone who really pave the way for a shooter like me so you can kind of hear Klay Thompson how he’s kind of working through it as as he’s talking through but uh yeah to to pay an homage to Reggie Miller he’s probably going to pass him in threes May that’s a cool thing for him I thought that was interesting that he wanted to honor him with that number as he probably passes him in most threes made and then Jason Terry the jet Jason Terry wore 31 I thought that was was was interesting as well that that hadn’t really been mentioned that there have been some great 31s uh Nick Van Exel was also uh really great um Maverick that that had played obviously I’m I’m very partial to him that’s my that’s why it came up with my Twitter name um and so I think that that is an interesting thing they made the Western Conference finals went to six games with the Spurs in 2003 that’s the the year that he was talking about where he’s like oh they had a pretty good year that year too yeah yeah they did um yeah great stuff great stuff from Klay Thompson that’s what I think about Klay Thompson that’s what I think about the uh the Klay Thompson presser the maps are changing their narrative and I think that there’s some great stuff in there uh tomorrow I’ll be I’ll be back talking more about the Naji Marshall and Quinton Grimes side of things and probably talking about some more things too guys thanks much for listening to locked on Mavs peace out boom

Klay Thompson had his introductory press conference with the Dallas Mavericks and in it, he dispelled many of the narratives that have been said about the Mavs, Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and more.

Nick Angstadt discusses the Dallas Mavericks’ evolving narrative, highlighted by Klay Thompson’s decision to join the team. In this episode, Angstadt delves into Thompson’s reasons for choosing Dallas over the Lakers, including the young talent, style of play, and the organization’s player treatment. He also explores how Thompson’s arrival impacts Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, emphasizing the newfound space and offensive dynamics Thompson brings. The episode touches on the changing perceptions of Doncic and Irving, with Thompson praising Doncic’s game and leadership. Additionally, Angstadt covers Thompson’s choice of jersey number 31, honoring Reggie Miller and Jason Terry. Tune in for an insightful look at how the Mavericks are reshaping their future.

0:00 Klay Changing Narratives About the Mavs
12:14 Klay Thompson on Playing With Luka Doncic
15:12 Klay Thompson on Kyrie Irving Recruiting
19:47 Klay Thompson’s Fit with the Mavericks
27:11 Klay Thompson on Choosing #31

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  1. Klay chose the Mavericks because he wants to win at least one more championship. Luka, Kyrie, PJ, Lively, Gafford, Maxie, Hardy, Prosper, Exem, Powell and the new players Naji and Quentin along with Klay are a very strong team. If that team fails, Luka will always take responsibility because he believes his job is make all of team mates better. Luka just needs to manage his health so; he is at 100% for the playoffs. The loss to the Celtics in five is going to motivate Luka and Kyrie to prepare to meet them again and change that result. Now with Klay and the rest of this team they are made to when a championship. And Nico is not finished with tinkering with this line up and he has good players to use to make some more trades before the trade deadline.

  2. Fortunate no porn sounds cane out from one of the media's phones during the interview right Nick?

  3. Don't you love it? Klay, Naji and Quentin sound like they're ready to go and I'm ready to start watching next seasons games. I can't wait to see what this team is going to do.

  4. If I was good enough I'd love to play on this team with Luka and Kyrie. Klay is good enough and I'm glad he feels the same way. Things are changing for the better.

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