@Minnesota Timberwolves

“Everyone Has Something To Prove” | Gabe Kalscheur Summer League Sound | 07.09.24

“Everyone Has Something To Prove” | Gabe Kalscheur Summer League Sound | 07.09.24

the transition been like so far does it feel like a transition uh I mean a little bit I mean uh I’ve had one year Pro underneath me uh playing in uh g- League last year with the Wizards and then I was with the Iowa WS at the end of the season so we coming into this understand um you know the the ins and outs of like the dialogue and everything um kind of what the Ws is trying to teach us so I feel like kind of a little heades start on that um but I mean it’s it’s good getting um to know the guys and just like the guys we have I think we’re just trying to continue to figure out each other these first couple days and after that I think we’ll be good you feel you got something to prove in these Summer League games oh yeah for sure I feel everyone has something to prove I mean myself including I mean I KN in my career how it’s going so far I mean I still have a lot to prove in my career I mean I know I’m a lifestyle shooter and can defend um at a high level so just trying to impact and show that to any team possible and and that’s the opportunity that this thing gives it right now so so is this almost like play off time for you pretty much yeah I mean all all the work I mean I’ve been putting in this offseason um um just you know getting ready for the opportunity I feel like everyone’s been at that stage and I it’s just um to Showcase that Talent what we’ve been working on what’s the biggest thing you learned last year I just learned uh just start your role starts your opportunity and when your opportunity comes you got to make the most out of it um you don’t you never know when that’s going to come but when it does you just got to be ready what’s it like to have a wers young again after you had a prej work with a few years ago it feels great you know I mean this organization is always doing right by me um know the staff um the guys the Ops up there um the coaches you know they’ve always um always said High things about me that’s continue just to put in the work and um that’s kind of pay off down the road what’s what’s been maybe the biggest thing you mentioned the year in the gag what’s been the biggest thing that stood out about playing at that level and now translating into the summer league I would just say the physicality is Big um you know guys that are um NBA vets that are in the g- league or guys that are four years in in the G League or higher um you know the guy they just know how to use that body against yours so just work on your physicality in the offseason um how how you can put a little muscle more muscle here and there um but also you know just um staying confident what in what you know how to do um not doing too much out of your box cuz you know when you when you do make it to to the high you’re not you’re not going to be that ISO player one-onone those making $100 million you guys got to be a start your role what were the conversations like with the summer league team was it pretty much no-brainer what was that process like um itan was just coming in here I had a you know open open runs with them and then I sh shoot shot the lights out and defended my um my my my position well and then um they just know that offered me the opportunity to be in the summer league with that year in the G League how did that help you kind of develop into getting these opportunities with summer league and NBA clubs um it’s just uh you know just just to stay in the of course um I think it’s just you know there days that I mean that you don’t have it days that you do have it and it’s just kind of stay in that core so I think just um just you know basing that what you’re really good at and just understanding that and know that that will that will take it take its course you mentioned Finding Your Role and kind of knowing how to play Within Your Role just how hard is that to kind of understand and learn what you’ve been you know a primary option for best in your life getting to this point yeah I mean it’s it’s a big adjustment to take it’s kind of like you got to kind of swallow your pride a little bit and understand that like you know you don’t got got to do too much you just got to be really good at uh one thing or a couple things and know know that that’s good enough we’re just trying to figure that out in in a system um that you’re just kind of getting B into can kind of be uh tricky for the first first couple days but then understanding that those opportunities will come you just got to you got to knock it down and make the most have when it comes awesome thanks thank you very much


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