@Charlotte Hornets

Hornets vs China: Leaky Black Postgame Media Availability | 7/7/2024

Hornets vs China: Leaky Black Postgame Media Availability | 7/7/2024

Ley another uh fast start for you guys just like in the uh the Spurs game last night what was kind of I guess key for you in the first quarter just to get off and up to the 22 point lead you um I feel like we just have a good group of guys who’s just willing to buy in we got um a lot of Defenders I feel like it’s a lot of dogs so um I mean dogs I mean people who don’t care about the box score don’t care about who scores and that whole thing so I feel like um we’re all just buying together just just trying to get a win so when we’re all moving on the string in one beat like that we pretty good um stylistically this is obviously a different opponent compared to your traditional summer league uh you know opponent that you would see what kind of stood out to you about facing this team that was uh you know a little bit different yeah uh they ran a lot of sets and they uh they’re big they’re like they’re very physical out there um yeah really just very physical down low and just um like I said a lot of sets you know they had a lot of um a lot of action they wasn’t very stagnant you know they were always cutting back cutting um flare screens a lot of um movement so a little weird playing against them but uh felt good to get the win somebody that’s been through this before and you know kind of been around the summer league and summer league atmosphere what are you kind of doing in terms of leadership to help everybody kind of stay organized particular in that starting unit yeah um I just remember last year being in that position and um just kind of being nervous you know um not really knowing what tomorrow may bring you know um so just trying to like the mood and just be a good locker room guy just controlling what I can control is um making sure everyone’s just loose and not so tense before the games and just do what I can on that part so uh yeah that’s really been my main focus what’s it like right now with this group some just the energy is just different um everybody how do you sense that and what’s it been like to be around it and be a part of it it’s fun man it’s fun being around uh there guys who just want to win and win is fun so obviously we trying to keep that going but um like I said just having a good group of guys who don’t really care about the the box scores and you know who really getting all the shine per se so just um a lot of guys who just willing to buy in and it’s been pretty fun you came out with Nick Smith Jr last year what you seen from him so far so far this summer as he’s try to improve second year yeah Nick has always been a dog to me man I tell him every day he’s a dog and this from last year you know he just always had that confidence man you just can’t teach and Nick is just a matter of just I guess his time you know cuz he’s always been a great player in my eyes so um obviously he’s gotten better but I feel like he’s just been just as good as he was last year to me so and then what about Coach can you explain what like being around coach Le I mean we’ve seen the videos of him the practice there energy out there in the court chest bumping guys looks like kind of be around him man it’s awesome man it kind of reminds me of Co Davis a little bit this his energy just um I know it’s kind of like a players coach you know he’s just lighting the mood you know making sure everyone’s I feel like he’s been in that position you know where you don’t really have it that day he knows that you need a little pick me up and uh that’s been his biggest thing and I feel like he’s been doing a good job of it I think he’s even out there with you guys some time to practice like what’s it like to have a coach out there that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying yeah it’s awesome man you know you can’t um get out my face bro get out my face but um no it’s awesome he’s actually like he’s a player coach and um I love playing for him for sure

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  1. Deserves to stay on two way, bro is developing well on offense and has always been a dog on defense.

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