@Dallas Mavericks

Klay Thompson saw a clear fit with the Dallas Mavericks stars and bigs

Klay Thompson saw a clear fit with the Dallas Mavericks stars and bigs

a lot has been said about how difficult last season was for you what’s the most frustrating thing on the break out of here in Dallas well uh guys like Luca and Kyrie on the floor I don’t I think just me being out there is going to give them a lot of space to operate and same with our big big men I mean and Derek and Daniels just their ability to roll and and finish is also great I play really well with uh big man who like me and Trace Jackson had a great Rapport last year because uh he’s so good at the rim and I saw the same thing with those two guys and I just um I don’t think you can stick to me as much you could in the past with guys like Luca and Kai out there and that’s what also was very attractive for me


  1. Looking back on how Dallas guarded OKC, they knew OKC had 4 good 3 point shooters, but saw Giddey as the weak link, so Kidd left Giddey open at the 3 point line. That’s what teams are going to do with PJ. So I see Kidd running a lot of 1-3-1 action, then transitioning into a 1-4 action, if PJ struggles from 3. I also think the solution to PJ is benching for Naji.

  2. I do feel like that Klay is gonna be motivated to play offense but how will he be on the defensive end? We all know that he is on the decline in that department.

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