@Sacramento Kings

Trysta Krick, Heat Check – DeMar DeRozan Signing Is A Big Deal For the Kings

Trysta Krick, Heat Check – DeMar DeRozan Signing Is A Big Deal For the Kings

Erland trist cek what’s going on BET MGM tonight you were you were in some places that you felt like you shouldn’t have been well you know I had to get through there I said you know what let me let me get on through there that’s not where the wedding was but we had to get through there to get to the wedding and then to get back home so it was I enjoy my time out there I always do I love the DMV um I end up going to uh I went to the National Harbor yesterday oh you did that’s literally eight minutes from me really oh well you you high Rolling High rolling yeah I didn’t my my aunt she took us there we didn’t we didn’t know where we was going or whatever but because we we flew out of dullas so we we did a little time in DC but National Harbor is phenomenal that that MGM casino is phen and oh man Trista man man so this is crazy me and my aunt we play some bets you know I can’t imagine I can’t imag somebody’s got to explain something to me here in the great state of California now we don’t have this situation I just walked up to that b MGM little Sportsbook area I said oh the Guardians and the Rockies and the Reds and I want to take the overun boom boom boom boom we was in there how how look man there’s got to be so much money to be made how how did they they punt on this situation I don’t know is it up this this November or is it up on about I I haven’t seen anything so I doubt it but how does California not have that situation I think the main reason and I’m glad that you got to experience that because when you see it you’re like it’s just this easy just fair just go in get your cash everything’s legit it’s all on the up and up you know oh man no no uh CD uh uh offshore site you know um put your pick incu you know what I mean I don’t have to do that like oh man it was crazy it was crazy you don’t have to worry about like M multiple people ven moing you Jorge pada sends you $37 James brag sends you 27 Express to get my money yeah I don’t need to do all that it was right there I can imagine what that place looks like on a Saturday or Sunday for football it’s well we and we do shows from there every Monday on during the NFL season man so that’s where we are right in that kind of VIP Zone where that big bar is yeah yeah all the TVs are nice that’s a nice that’s a nice Casino yeah really nice and it’s it’s obviously I’ve been to Vegas so I know what that’s like going to Vegas but it just feels different when it feels like you’re not in Vegas and you can do that yeah that was my biggest that might have been my biggest takeaway of the whole weekend is how is this that how do we not let this happen we got to come together California we got got to make this happen well and the problem the problem is is that there’s like a bunch of uh Native American contingent contingencies that don’t want to lose the revenue from going to the casinos on the reservation and so you gotta pass out the pass out the guap baby and let them have some of that I can’t imagine there’s so much money there’s so I just $15 just it’s whatever it took about two minutes $15 let me put a little parlay here a little parlay there 15 bucks just whatever just right there how much money is being made on a daily on a weekly basis this was this was July I can’t imagine like I said when football start oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah it’s enough to get you to want to come come out for a weekend I know I gotta next time next time I’m out there because I was I was all over the DMV next time I’m out there I gotta link up with my girl TST quick we gotta do it we gotta do it but there was big news out here in sack while I was gone I was following the whole thing our guy Damen Barling was was on it from the start he was he was locked in the whole time and then it finally happened Demar D rozan going to the Sacramento Kings just your initial thoughts I think what I’ll say what I said when if first broke which is this is just huge for the city because there were so many teams that Demar could have gone to he could have gone back and stayed with Chicago and he at one point said that’s what he wanted to do the Clippers were right right there they obviously need to continue to build up their coffers go back home back to LA you’ve got the Lakers who have been sort of knocking on the door for a while to try to make that partnership happen and he thought he was going to be a Laker before the Bulls deal went down so the fact that those options were all there and that it was him choosing the Kings and saying this is where I want to be and then getting the full deal done and knowing that he’s going to be there for three years that’s just huge for the culture of of the T of the Town huge for the franchise and it shows that people want to play there right ah facts 100% we just at the the introductory press conference um live on the show and there’s something that you know I I started to like watch different interviews with demard de rozan and just hear him talk he was on the pivot he was on Paul George’s podcast and just get more familiar with him right and one of the takeaways I got from just listening to him speak very very disciplined athlete man you know what I’m saying and then he got into this press conference and he was talking and it just you you could see it on full display just discipline and I can’t I’m big on that right like I I I I strive to be as disciplined in my professional career and my personal life is the M Ro and I use the example of Kendrick Lamar how disciplined he is and I just I I feel like the whole time we were talking about um kosma who I I really like Lor marinan who I really like Brandon Ingram who I really I like those guys as players but it feels like what Demar D rozan can bring to this franchise and you mentioned bring to this city as far as the toughness the discipline and everything it kind of feels like a perfect fit for what the kings are looking to do yeah and I think people don’t really realize because they’re not watching a lot of Kings games Harrison was on his way out right like and no and that’s nothing that’s nothing negative about HB we loved the the positive moments that came from hb’s time but when he got his extension last summer we knew that this was not a long-term thing there were plenty of people who thought he might get let go for another Wing right and so you have that contract to move so HB production wise is is a roller coaster sometimes you can get 25 out of them sometimes you can get four out of them and you never really know you can’t can’t pencil it in but with dear you can so regardless that of of dear’s lack of three-point shooting which is the reason that I think that the tra the trade in the deal is getting somewhat killed is because of that and they’re like worried about spacing I think it’s been clutch time shooting when Deen Fox is getting blitzed and double team that’s been lacking and like we love Malik we’re so happy to have Malik back but there are times where Malik’s a little wild out there as well and he doesn’t have it going and and if if dear’s getting all the attention and Malik doesn’t have it on that particular night now you’ve got someone who’s always gonna have it to the tune of at least 20 25 points per game yes and that’s really helpful yes and and and one of the things that I look at in that situation is you know that usually I I just use the OKC for example right like here you go Gotta Get Back In Focus now she’s not in Focus now she gotta get back in Focus now we gonna get her there come on what’s Happening we gonna get her there cuse she’s got that that Ultra 4K when it’s when it’s locked in right now it’s not Lo locked in not camera your camera is not disciplined right now that’s no it’s not it’s more Kevin herder than Kevin Kevin her her oh no we got come on baby let’s go what’s happening here but as Trista gets that uh together I’ll explain to her um one of the things I’m thinking about like I take like just randomly a team like playoff team like OKC or whatever the case may be and usually late in games it’s winning time they be like all right Lou Dort you go guard dearon Fox Lou Dort is a problem you you know he’ll go out there and he’ll make it a a tough tough tough fourth quarter for dear Fox well now you say there we go now you say lud dor go guard dear and fox we be like oh all right well let’s just get the ball 15 feet from the basket to Demar with SGA guard him and SJ is a great defender but Demar that’s he’s too small for Demar you know what I mean and and now and then you say all right well uh now we can’t do that we’re gonna put Jaylen Williams on him he’ll work on Jaylen Williams and then we’ll put uh SJ on monk who’s going to guard Monk and then you you got to worry about that man 13 hanging out in the corner you can’t just leave him open no more I think and you tell me if I’m doing too much but I think this offense could potentially be dynamic like it was a couple years ago yeah I think that’s right I also think that people don’t really see what Demar has done for even a team like San Antonio he was playing four on small four he was playing small ball five in San Antonio not saying that that’s what he’s going to do on a night toight basis but he can operate in the post he can play all over the floor he can play two through five really and he’s a really good playmaker so I think that versatility offensively is going to really help and you’re right having four guys in winning time that you need to put your best defender on is huge the big question mark is when the league is getting big and jump right we’ve got teams like Minnesota where everybody’s six seven and above and multiple seven-footers same thing with Dallas how will the Kings defensively hold up because if you’re like second in the league in offense and 12th 10th in the league in defense I think you’re fine but if you’re like seventh in the league in offense and like 2 in defense then we’re kind of in the similar spot that they were we were last year and then you have to wait hope for everyone to be completely healthy and to have no lapses at any point in time during the season where we’ve got those little moments of like oh this is a bad slump Trista cek the heat check podcast the real heat check podcast uh bet MGM and I you hear that right here on ESPN 1320 every night as well I feel you on that I feel you on that but see I feel like I feel like Minnesota obviously Boston I think New York does is is kind of trending towards that way but those are the those are the only teams that are kind of there right now as far as like man this super big lineup like how do you match up well Denver yes what are they gonna do without kcp that’s a big one that’s a big loss they’re probably gonna get Russ I like I like that for for Russ I don’t like I’m a I I like Russ a lot you know that’s my guy or whatever I got two eyes now I got glasses I see the deficiency are those glasses like for real or are those glasses for for show no they for show you know I gota I found some specs look good I you know the the crazy thing about it trist is I need glasses but I got the little fake glasses first but I’m going to get my um I’m going to my optometrist I’m going to get my uh my my appointment and then I think I’m going to get the Malcolm X glasses like black with the clear underneath you know that’s what I’m gonna go with right now sophisticated look yeah but but I got two eyes I see I see Russ hitting the side of the backboard I see him hitting the top of the backboard I I see all that I understand but I still I still feel like he can bring a lot to a team like Denver so I think that’d be a good look I don’t know what that defense is GNA look like with Russ though yeah that’s a big I mean Russ had one of his best defensive Seas last year and yeah he’s UND he could probably operate a little like Bruce Brown that’s kind of how they bet they want to use him he’s stocky he’s versatile he’s not a great shooter Bruce Brown was a very streaky shooter yeah I’m I’m interested to see how this West looks like Memphis has gotten better I think they’re gonna be fascinating to watch what you think about Zack Edy last night you look good I bet Zack Edy I bet Zack Edy to have 14 or more rebounds at plus 550 and they went to overtime off of his tip 15 rebounds in overtime it was that’s why you’re a professional that’s why you’re you see these things I I bet uh I I because I can talk about I bet I was right there me and my a big UPS to her man we said Sixers to win and then I went under on the points and they obliterated the the over on that yeah there a lot of points th so what are these G Leaguers doing scoring this amount of points Ricky counil looks good I missed the game Rick who who he for who he play for plays for the Sixers Ricky counil the fourth uh he played for Arkansas two years ago and he was balling he had 29 29 Points I saw IA my boy Jer uh Jer McCain doing his thing too manam he was doing well I’m about to get locked into summer league though I was I was stuck in the Denver Airport so I didn’t get a chance to see a whole lot of stuff but um you’re flying back yes yes I was flying back um check this out I want to know what you think about this I talked to Jesse about it earlier and I said Demar D rozan to the Sacramento Kings could be a better version of when Paul Pierce went to the Wizards and they got to the second round you know they he had a great moment in the playoffs and he gave them like a uh you know he he gave them like a a I don’t I don’t want to use the word swagger or nothing like that but he they had a Aur to him because yeah yeah yeah exactly like and and and you know he it was it was uh the truth every time they needed a big shot they still had their Stars John Wall Bradley Bill doing their thing but the truth was there and it was like oh man like we could we could do some stuff and he showed up a couple times I think Demar Paul Pierce was 37 at that time Aver 12 points a game dear is going to be 35 I think dear is better now than Paul Pierce was at that point but he just added a level of like you said toughness some excitement um some reassurance with what he’s able to do I think he can be they can have that type of U season and he can have that type of impact but on a better level what you think about that I think that’s right I think that’s a good point especially considering that like Demar is at the tail end of his career this is is probably his last big contract of his life he’s going to enjoy that but I think he adds a level of like toughness you know that you can’t really screw around with thear yeah yeah you know that you’ve got somebody to kind of steady the ship if things get too exciting he’s been in playoff big playoff moments before when he was with Toronto and you know they they always ran into the buz saw that was LeBron James but they were the number one weren they the number one seed in the east at one point when when he was on that team yeah yeah and they ended up losing to lebronto but I mean they had a lot of really good teams so yeah I like that comparison I think he’ll be better than Paul Pierce I think he could still average 20 points for this team well and I went back and looked at the numbers like I said dear’s 34 turning 35 next month I think at that point because the more I started to like look at their games their games are kind of similar um Paul Pierce and Demar de rozan as far as like staying where they know where to be getting to their spot whenever they want to and being unbelievably efficient in their in their office where they go to work at 34 Paul Piers averag 20 points a game now I don’t know if this is GNA be the same situation for Demar to I don’t expect him to average 24 I don’t know if he’s going to average 20 I don’t know if it’s the same situation but he’s gonna have that level of production here like he’s gonna be that caliber of player that can get you at any point he can get you 20 to 30 but as far as averages he might be around 19 maybe 20 a night how do you feel about the um just the ball movement with Demar do you feel like it’s going to be a feeling out process in order for them to kind of get a sense of how they want to flow I’m preparing myself for that I mean it’s it’s a different style of play he’s a different type of player there’s been some good videos I’ve seen where like he he would kind of fit into this Harrison mode like where they would put Harrison a lot and he’s just better than Harrison Barnes so like now when he gets the ball at the high post or something like that he’s able to just rise and fire or get to the cup or do whatever where Harrison maybe was hesitant to do that or just isn’t as skilled of a player to be able to get that done so there’s going to be some sets and some things that they do that may be seamless but I’m preparing myself for the first 15 games of the Season where they’re just trying to find everybody’s trying to find their comfort spot in that office offense and I I think it okay one of the things that I do think is going to be super beneficial for the Kings is sabonis is now going to be maybe your fourth option offensively and the way he plays basketball where he’s not like give me the ball let me go to work I still think his I don’t think his numbers will take that much of a dip you know he might score less points but he’s still going to rebound like crazy but he does a lot of his stuff somebody dumped down to him finishes there offensive rebound he finishes there so I feel like he’s going to get the same amount of looks and be able to do the same thing offensively but you’re not relying on him getting 21 every night else you don’t have a chance and that’s just gonna help out sabonis and it’s gonna help out the Kings where you got two guys I I’ll ask you about this too what you think about the starting lineup I think Malik Monk and dearon fox should start so that I say that to say you can get the starting lineup sabonis might be your fifth option yeah I think you’re going to need some defense and so part of me thinks that Keon will be a better fit in the starting lineup I think you have to talk to Malik about it honestly because I don’t think he imagined you know a world where de where Demar was gonna be here and it came on so fast you know I was listening to Tim legler right before I came on and he said it shocked the hell out of him so I don’t know that anyone saw it coming so you gotta I mean you gotta talk to him and see how he’s feeling about the fact that he just did Sacramento was solid he took less money to stay here and now and he wants to start and now maybe he’s back to the six-man role yeah I kind of think he’d be down with it he’s gonna close games that’s the thing is is Malik’s always gonna be a closer I think really what you have to do is find a way to stagger some variation of Malik and dear Malik and dearen de and and Demar so that you’ve got that level of offensive potency along the way and maybe when dearen comes out at like the five minute Mark maybe Demar stays in for the rest of the quarter and so the rotations are going to be really interesting but the defense is definitely going to be a question mark because you know that that sabonis is a negative Defender pretty much yeah yeah I think he’s better than people get credit for but he not like he not he’s not a cone but he’s not like a tough inside presence you know so he’s he’s not going to rim protect like some other guys are going to rim protect if you get cooked on the perimeter so you need some level of like perimeter fortification in order for it not just to be like a a show of of Hoops you know I think is a much much improved Defender absolutely the league for most of it I think at the end of the end of the season he led the league right and I put Keegan in that category too yeah Keegan’s a Keegan’s not like a super plus Defender he’s not like particularly his his foot speed is not crazy he’s not like a guy who is gonna lock you down at the point of attack but he’s he’s a decent standard ground Defender I I like I like him on the perimeter he’s he’s he’s kind of surprised me he’s got he he took a a big leap last year with what he was able to do on the defensive end and we’ll see what he’s able to do uh this year on the defensive end for sure so somebody somebody posed uh trade uh to to ship out Kavon for probably and maybe a pick for Isaiah Stewart but Isaiah Stewart to me feels way too close body type to ran Holmes like just way too close what do you like what’s the missing piece I don’t think it’s C I don’t think it’s bi but like to you what’s that maybe it’s not even a player but what’s a player type that you think helps sort of fill in the holes of this roster it’s probably um an athletic Wing right which is a little bit of a conundrum right because I’m sold on Fox and monks stared in a back court right but even if they don’t I think at this point in his career demard de R rozan is a three more times a n he’s he’s pretty like he he can play two or three or defend two and three or whatever in some cases fours like you talked about but if I just had to like put him in a box real quick I’d say three at this point in his career so do you go get a just a defensive minded two that you know is like 66 or something like that I think Keon Keon Ellis has the opportunity to be that type of Defender right and be an all League type Defender I I I’ve seen the light with him but I’m with you where I look at closing games and whoever you go out there and get I don’t know if they’re cracking that that five line that five closing lineup of fox monk the rozen Keegan and sabonis so because of that you probably get like maybe a little lower level guy I’ve been looking at finny Smith you know I feel like he’s the type of guy that you can go get and and I don’t know if he’s gon to cost you hurder or draft pick or what the Nets are trying to do the Nets just like the Bulls just like everybody else needs to be saying to hell with this season after seeing that scrimmage uh footage yesterday Cooper oh man I already knew he was the truth but kind of looked like he had ad in Hell a little bit he had him in hell so there ain’t no need to win no games if you’re Brooklyn and they may just take whatever you they want to get a guy like PNY Smith but that’s what I’m thinking about a guy in a in a pinch in a crunch can close a game for you but if you have all your guys there it’s not going to be an issue that he doesn’t close the game yeah and if you need somebody more defensive minded at the four sort of three four combo spot he’s there what do you think about cam Johnson oh I love cam Johnson I love cam Johnson but see I was talking about this with Jesse as much as I love offense I don’t want to I don’t want to get like have too many offensive guys here my idea situation I think FY Smith kind of fits this if we’re talking about the corner three I want like a a a knockdown shooter and a and a hard grimy working guy on the defensive in you know I mean yeah yeah and and this guy isn’t exactly that but I’m thinking of like a Duncan Robinson type like a guy that’s just kind of hangs out around the perimeter knows how to play basketball catch and shoot not knock it down he’ll work on the defensive end you don’t want to get him ISO because then you might be in trouble but he works yeah he’s a good team Defender right he understands team defense principles so not necessar necessarily Duncan Robinson but a guy like that uh finy Smith I think fits that pretty good yeah that’s a good that’s a good call I’m fascinated to see if anything else transpires they said M they said mty still still making calls still make I would love cam Johnson you think cam Johnson would be all right coming off the bench yes I have it on good authority that cam Johnson would love to live in a small town like to live in more of a I was told literally yesterday all the places that free agents want to go Miami New York La Dallas Houston cam is like I am not about that I do not want five Lane freeways I do not want all these damn people I do not want all this damn attention I just want to do normal stuff and live in like a kind of a small town come on man come on we here in Sacramento like I said we’re already advocating for less and less people to come here because we don’t want people were getting upset about Gilbert Arenas or whatever I said no Gilbert continue to say that this place stinks so people don’t come here we already got too many people coming here so I don’t even understand that comment either it just feels like a salty a guy who is salty CA his baby mama you know like it had some it had some real like the energy of it was way too aggressive for that not to be personal hey he did he was like kicking the the ground when he said he stomping his feet like he was upset I I chocked it up Trista Gil is just a loser when it comes to basketball very skilled he’s a you could say he’s a winner at life because he’s very rich he played in the NBA and all this other stuff I’m not talking about him personally I’m talking about basketball he’s just a loser he’s a loser he was never like you never looked at Gilbert and said yo this guy he trying to win oh no no he was trying to get his bread you have you ever seen I’m sure you’ve seen this I know you’ve never done it because it’s a loser move when like a guy tries to holler at a girl and she’s not paying him any mind and he’s like hey hey girl what’s your name and then she walks away and he’s like help you I didn’t want you anyway you ugly ass hoe and you’re like that’s Gilbert Arenas to Sacramento that’s perfect you’re like what happened to you it’s Z’s like all the girls there are ugly and you’re like did they all reject you what what happened that is that is perfect he had a bad experience here in Sacramento that’s exactly what happened TK after the experience that I had over the uh yesterday I’m definitely have to VI vimo I’m need you to go to real quick you look like you got a little DMV tan too your chocolate your chocolate level went up that’s what Miss P said I mean I just I guess so you know what I’m saying I’m just out here doing what I gotta do out here you know on DLo in KC that’s all I’m doing where is DLo anyway where he go he’s on vacation champ it’s just just got his toes in the beach that’s it that’s it man champag with a with a nice drink in his hand I’m sure nice well I’ll see next Tuesday I’ll be in Vegas I was about to ask you you going to summer league so you’ll be there next week yep I’m leaving tomorrow morning I’m gonna go see Team USA team Canada tomorrow night oh they play each other tomorrow night tomorrow night Team Canada plays Team USA yes sir it is lit okay all right well I know you gonna see everybody while you’re out there so we definitely gonna have to know what’s going on in Vegas I’ll let you know killer take care t

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  1. Fox-Ellis-Murray-DeRozan-Sabonis.


    Getting DeRozan cements Monk as the 6th man, imo. Beforehand? No, I'm looking at starting Monk if we got an athletic defender @ 4 instead of our second scoring option. Now tho, I'd roll with Keon in the starting 5.

  2. Cricket 🦗 is always my favorite guest and has been absorbed into the Kings fandom

    Blazers may be her first love but her heart is in Sacramento

    We 🫶🏻 ya’ Trista 🟣🔦

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