@Boston Celtics

Jayson Tatum tells critics ‘refer to me as an NBA champion’, Has he silenced doubters? | UNDISPUTED

Jayson Tatum tells critics ‘refer to me as an NBA champion’, Has he silenced doubters? | UNDISPUTED

morning way and morning Kean Johnson what’s Happ how you doing good morning Rachel Nicholls how are you I know it’s a little chilly in here but we’re about to heat it up I was going to say I feel good about what’s coming okay good and let me say good morning to Jason Tatum who yesterday in Las Vegas during his Team USA media session said he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders Jason Tatum said 100% just being at the topic of discussion of so many debates or whatever it is can he lead a team is he a top five player there’s still a lot of things I guess they can debate but now I’ve done something that they can’t debate I’ve won a championship having that under my belt like obviously it’s still conversation to be had or whatever people want to say but they always got to refer to me as an NBA champion kesan you kept saying this same thing throughout the finals that you were rooting for Jason Tatum for this very reason that he just expressed to end any debate about his values so I’m assuming you loved what he said yesterday oh absolutely skip I mean like soon as he said it I’m like that’s what I’m talking about yeah because if it was you know all athletes want to win a championship because that erases a lot of doubt in people’s mind about what type of player you are and I’m talking about winning Championship not just on the team taking the photo with the team and the trophy but actually being a very important part of why you won the championship now mind you he’s done it in such short time in short order when you think about some many the other Champions that we’ve come to to to watch over the years whether it’s uh Steph Curry or Giannis or or Michael Jordan or LeBron or Kevin Durant or any of them when you look at the body of work and the time that they won their Championship he’s either done more or about the same as all of those guys it it literally when you start talking about the statistical side of things the accomplishments the the the allstar games the all mbaas he literally checked all those boxes the only box that he didn’t check he just checked last month which is winning a world championship so if I was him you know not that he would do that but if I had his money I go to give him one of them big old yacht somewhere and put on the back of you know you have to name your yacht now what to speak to people like you skip that question what type of Clos or a player I was that’s the way he has to think about these things because like you said it’s not going to go away we still gonna have a conversation about it because the next conversation will be we only got one right he only got one Rachel yes he only got one but the man’s been the five or six Conference Finals two NBA Finals in the last seven years or something like that if my m math serves me correct how can you complain about his ability to do the things that he’s done as a leader well you would simply say to me skip well it’s really Jaylen Brown yes that’s his Robin he’s the Batman his Robin helps him when he needs to really that’s the way yeah he’s the Batman the team anointed him as Batman three years ago prior to the Kevin Durant trade when they looked to move on from jayen Brown and then they decided ah We Gonna Keep jayen but they said Jason Tatum this is your team because they wanted to try to get Kevin Durant because they didn’t think Jaylen Brown was good enough so now Skip’s wiped the floor he’s done everything everything is clean now he has an opportunity to repeat that’s really I love it I mean look the numbers okay so the last five seasons in points he’s first 362 more than any player last five seasons and then wins he’s first 11 more than any other player so he’s done his job I don’t even know why people would even still be talking about whether or not he belongs belongs where wherever yeah wherever pick it we can’t put him in an all time great because he’s not done yet he’s probably got another 12 years of basketball left in his body but when you start looking at saying will he go down as one of the greatest to ever play what you going to say no you can’t say no to that so what else if if he goes down as one of the greatest ever play Skip what else is there to what other box okay I’ll I’ll speak in a minute but go ahead Rachel I don’t know exactly what the boat would say kesan but he did come out at the Celtics Championship party the night that they won and he the first thing he said to the crowd is what are they going to say now okay that’s what I put on the back of what are they gonna say now so so he’s there look the two things that he identified as his criteria right are top five player and I don’t think there’s any question that he’s considered that right now only in that you know he’s he was not he was top five on my ballot all NBA first team and clearly with the rest of the NBA media felt the same since he was top five first all NBA he’s been consistent as you say about what he has accomplished and then you know the second thing is a guy who has led his team to a championship I would not say that Jaylen Brown is Robin by any stretch well I only call him Robin because they basically anoint JT as Batman when they were going to try to trade J also the idea that someone has to be the only guy to win a championship it it just doesn’t hold up through history look at the last Celtic that won it Paul Pierce would be sitting here and saying that he and kg were equals they were both Batman on this on that team right and we could talk about you know sha and Co we can talk about all kinds of guy of teams that had two guys the truth is even though Jaylen Brown won MVP that it was Jason Tatum who led the team throughout the playoffs in points rebounds and assists and if you want to have an idea of how rare that is when I first saw that stat I thought oh all the all the good players on the team must be the ones who lead their teams in playoff runs for that much he’s only the sixth guy to ever do that and the other names are yic LeBron Duncan elijahwan and Larry Bird so he is in very rare company in terms of what we all say we wanted to to think about was can you lead a team through the playoffs can you win a championship and he’s done all of those things I mean I you said his seven-year career six All-Star appearances three all-nba first team he’s dropped 51 and 46 in playoff games an NBA title five Conference Finals appearances and you know when you look at NBA history already he is only 26 and he probably has 20 you know 12 more 10 12 more years of basketball but already the only people in NBA history who have scored as much as him at this age LeBron KD Carmelo Tracy McGrady and Kobe pretty good names so he is on track with those guys doesn’t mean he’s going to become one of those guys he’s got a long way to go but that is what he’s on track for okay you make great points you make great points I got no issue with anything you just said because Jason Tatum is really really good there is no doubt about that and he is undoubtedly a champion forever and ever never to be taken away from him can’t take that part away all I ever said was I’ve sat in the same seat and first guessed this for 3 years not two years or one year for three years I sat right here and I said I’m sorry he’s not the best player on his own team he just not I I I know every night that I’m rooting against Boston and you hate Boston like I hate Boston and I root against them I pick against them and I’m watching and the guy who terrorizes me who makes me sweat watching the game is always the the other guy take nothing away from Jason Tatum because he’s really really good and he’s also really really tall because I think like Paul Pierce says he’s like a full 610 and long and it’s hard it’s hard to deal with that on a on a nightly basis he it’s so long and so skilled and he’s such a good kid and he’s still a kid to me at 26 but he plays hard he’s got all the right intangibles but the closer on that team the guy who strikes fear in my heart is the other guy and I’ve always felt sorry for the other guy cuz he had to play in a shadow that was inflicted upon him by the team because they coronated Jason before he really did too much just because he was Jason Tatum from duke and and he was high pick and we we get that and we all thought coming out like he’s going to be really really good the point is I was rooting harder for Jaylen Brown through these playoffs because he did some things that astonished me and made me very happy for him because who was the MVP of the Eastern Conference Finals it wasn’t Jason Tatum it was Jaylen Brown who was the MVP of the NBA Finals it was Jaylen Brown I I was like whoow that that is it’s beautiful to watch because he deserved that and I thought he earned that because the biggest shots made in the playoffs and then in the finals were made by Jaylen Brown and I don’t think he’s Robin I’m not saying he’s Batman maybe you could say they’re Co Batman whatever you want to call it you want to call it co Batman call it co Batman Co Batman because I’ve never seen a show with two Batman though okay I haven’t either I’ve seen a lot of NBA finals with two Batmans on one team though okay you have and it’s hard for me to say Jason Tatum’s a robin because he’s not a robin but the other guy is really good in different ways because the other guy is explosively athletic in ways I don’t think Jason Tatum is in the end I’m talking about explosive athleticism with with fire in belly where where I look at Jaylen Brown’s face and I say he scares me because he is a coldblooded killer and I don’t know that Jason has quite that stuff operating in him that kind of fire burning deep down inside him nothing get it’s just how you’re born you either have it you’re either kesan or you’re not kesan and I think you see more of yourself in jayen brown than you see in Jason jayen Brown Ed it’s not it’s not it’s not that Jason Tatum is considered when I look at Jason Tatum he might scor 30 and I might not know he hit 30 because smooth and clean and it just flows with everything you look up and it’s like oh he had 30 oh okay where Jaylen might get 30 but at least what I’m looking at 12 of them 30 gonna be excited all of a sudden it’s two dunks off somebody’s head and a steal and a fast break and they’ll pull up Jay so it looks different that that’s all is it’s just an edgier look to him that’s all it is okay I mean what do we say when a guy is just sort of unconsciously hitting shots the way Jason Tatum does sometimes we say oh man he’s just so cold he can’t he can go there he can go into that place that zone absolutely and we say about that kind of guy oh he’s so cold you know like that sort of thing you know there’s a difference there’s that fieriness from Jaylen Brown scrappiness in the way that he plays but obviously Jason Jason Tatum isn’t the type of player not that he wouldn’t but he’s not going to like dive on the ground no and dive in in a pile to get the ball he’ll just reach in and get it he be like oh okay where jayen might go head first into it it’s just a style that he has that’s all when jayen gets loose and dunks one yeah you’re like God like it’s angry man it is like but but it doesn’t have to be who’s better they can both be better right and well skip skip likes jayen more okay people like I was dug in on that early and so again is it a debate I don’t know is it a reflection on I I thought seriously I thought Jason and when I watched his interview I I thought he got a little defensive and didn’t need to for all the reasons you both just made like no he’s he’s a made man he’s done that first team all get tired of not in the world but people get tired there only one there’s only one but people just get tired as athletes you get tired of got it hearing people talk negative about your game who you are what you’ve done when you look at it you got all these accolades but you hadn’t won a championship no and you praise all these other dudes that didn’t win championships and got it took them a whole career to get those accolades when his dude here is going from zero to 60 in a heartbeat 0 to 60 think about how fast that is like that you know it’s like that car you drive mhm you know and now all of a sudden his job is not to be complacent now his job is to advance it a couple more steps to get a couple more championships so it won’t be can he win again conversation I think it eats at him that he’s not sure if he’s the best player on his own team and that’s a hard thing to sort of live with first your first team all NBA I don’t think this point no there’s no way there’s no possible way Rachel he’s sitting there saying I’m not the best player on my team no that that there is attention given to jayen as the potential best player on the team and that he was back to back because what happens is you squash one man and lift another one that’s what that’s what we get in his mind and irritating that every time he turns on the television or or or looks on his social media somebody is squashing him and raising somebody else up when he has equal billing yeah okay so who made the biggest shots of the playoffs for the Boston Celtics Jaylen Brown made that corner three against Indiana and it was it wasn’t just a game saver it felt like it was a playoff saver to me because it was a shocker and then Rachel the other guy went in at overtime and dropped 12 I think it was he did yeah so I I just think that’s that look he led the team in points assists and rebounds Jason Tatum so yes I agree that Jaylen had more flashy shots especially in the late rounds but those shots don’t mean anything if you’re down by 20 okay game three of the finals it was the turning point game the first game at Dallas Luca fouled out but all of a sudden it looked like Kyrie might be able to get this game home because they were in not in command of it but they had all the momentum at that point even though they had lost their quote unquote best player and all of a sudden it’s a one-point game and out of nowhere appears Jaylen Brown for a putback where I’m saying where did that come from when when Kyrie didn’t uh didn’t box him out here’s a sh this made it a three-point game with three minutes left Jaylen Brown’s just right there okay so no big deal but that’s that’s like well there he was again and then the shot of shots in the NBA finals for what it was worth as non-competitive as you like to think that it was but the shot was the killer the coldblooded dagger came from this right here when he went straight up from about whatever that was 18 ft and ripped it to make it back to a four-point game with a minute left because it felt like here comes Dallas again and he said nope nope I got this so I I look at his body of work and did he deserve to be the MVP yes he deserved to be the MVP and then I I look at if if we’re going to pick some nits here if I look at Jason Tatum’s three-point shooting through let’s just look at the whole playoffs he shot 28% from three which is not very good because he was 39 of 138 so he missed 99 threes in the playoffs and made 39 it’s not very good just in the NBA Finals alone he shot only 26% he was 10 of 38 so he made 10 and he missed 28 threes well that that’s not great and he’s not been a great three-point shooter when it mattered that’s all that really matters is when did he take the shots yeah when when did he take the shots and when did they fall if I’m if I’m shooting in the first two quarters a high clip and I’m not making them but I’m coming down in the late fourth quarter and I’m knocking them down that’s all that matters also you have to remember the Celtics play uh style now under Joe Missoula where they take a million three-point shots they’ve led the league by a lot right in both regular season and the playoffs and so if you’re taking more that that group of that you’re taking more that top layer above the other teams some of those aren’t the best shots because the other teams are ignoring the three and they’re going inside because that feels like a better shot in a percentage of those situations and the Celtics Mantra is take the outside shot anyway so I I think the comparison you just have to think about style of play with that with them but look again I would put Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum on the same level I think there was a time very early in their careers where Jason has even acknowledged that bothered him and who was better and all of that but man you get through all of these Conference Finals without making the finals and hear all the noise around you and finally make the finals and then lose in the fashion they did you don’t care about any of that stuff anymore you just went want to win a championship you don’t as a player but the media do care and they going CH they GNA choose a side that’s just the reality of it it’s only as much as we wanted to be two Batmans it’s only going to be one as you say look at the history of the NBA they’re never going to as as much as we think about the Championships it’s always always going to be magic even though he had Kareem MW worthy it’s always going to be Larry Bird even though he had those guys and and so it’s always going to be either a Shaq getting it all or or Kobe getting it all from po but it’s that’s just how it’s gonna be but when Shaq and Kobe were playing for the same Lakers team were you like oh man one’s clearly better than the other one’s rob it was all about it was all about Shaq that’s what it was all about that was all about sh it was literally all about the dies know a lot of people who were all about Kobe that’s true but from a media standpoint it was about Shaq cuz Kobe hadn’t won the MVP yet it was just all about the diesel just was so but then under that circumstance you would call Kobe Robin which certainly he don’t necessarily you don’t you don’t necessarily uh call him a robin but that Batman and Robin has been used throughout sports with a with a team of players for years yes he’s the Batman he’s the robin you know you go back and forward basically and I think people now might look at Robin as less of a player than a Batman and that’s not true that’s not because they go hand in hand they go hand in hand I mean do Batman’s the guy I think a team I think a team can have two Batman I think that in fact a lot of championship teams have two Elite level players at the Top This is not rare and that when you look at his age cohort if you look at the guys 26 and younger I I think Luca is the only guy that you can sit there and say he is probably objectively just talent-wise and sort of allaround game wise either right there with Tatum if you’re a Celtics fan or maybe higher if you’re not see I got I got to I’m G have to stop you there because that Tatum plays defense okay so there you go so when you start telling me All Around Talent Rachel I got to exclude my man Luca from that equation we’re we’re gonna be arguing about Luca’s defense until I’m hey man they all I know is they got a rip reel of him playing defense yes yes and look Jason is certainly a much more consistent Defender and has been for a longer amount of time but if you look at the guys younger than that you’re talking about Anthony Edwards you’re talking about you know John Morant you’re talking about guys who have huge talent but have not won titles but they also behind J done that but he’s also he’s been in the league a couple years more longer than them so they kind of behind them now if you ask me to project where Ant Man in in uh JN may be two or three years from now I could say they might be depending on what happens in Memphis I don’t know but they might very well be on the road to winning a championship they might be but the question and the discussion is about hey is this guy an elite player and not to get back to Joe Flo or anything but the idea is is he in the league is he Elite um is he in the league he plays in right now an elite player and if you look at what he has accomplished in his age that’s what I’m talking about what position what position would you because it’s positionist basketball right now but what position would he be right now Tatum what is he a forward a guard what is he he’s a wing player okay so way we talk about what other Wing would you take before you take Tatum well who did the bulk of the defensive work on Luca just for the record who did that well I I think it was Jaylen he was spectacular it got so much that it remember the the closeout game as they were starting to take players out jaylen’s over on the side he was I think he was miked up because we could hear him and and he said if Lucas stays in the game I’m staying in the game that’s how much he wanted to make sure he didn’t score anymore right yeah so that wasn’t Jason that was Jaylen yeah but jaylen’s he he approaches it different yeah it wasn’t like all of a sudden Jason decided I’m g go since we going to play defense let me move on over here it wasn’t like that he just say hey that’s my assignment I want it it’s like football oh can I take Rachel or can I take skip who’s going to cut I got skip man don’t even worry about it I’d rather take cuz I’mma shut him down yeah that’s the mentality that’s all it’s just a mentality okay and the final Point saying you’re scared of me he is scared of you I I see it every day I can feel it I can just feel it come across the table you strike fear in his eyes I can see it yes okay final point was I don’t care what you say it was a 19point blow out in the closeout game the game five at Boston and in the fourth quarter Jason Tatum was trying to win the MVP he took seven shots and five of them were horrible shots where he just forced it up and I I can’t blame him because the the game was decided the finals were decided he’s just like I’m going to no it was decided I’m going to try to leave a final taste in the voter M stop but he took some shots where I’m saying what are you doing about their misery that’s all no he was trying to he was trying to win the MVP he wasn’t going to win it though he needed that even if he would have scored even if he’ have scored those I don’t know how many shots he made let’s say it would have been 20 points even if he’d hit them shots he scored 11 in the fourth yeah so let’s give him another 10 it would be 21 points he wouldn’t have won the MVP it was already decided it was going to Jaylen Brown the game was Out Of Reach when they came out you just want to make it seem like because he was pulling pulling the trigger a lot he was though no he was I’m not going to sit here and lie to you and say oh God cuz when I was looking at it first thing I was saying was okay he out here hot doging trying to get his money yeah but I don’t he chasing in the end I’m happy for Jason Tatum because you know what he got to do over the last three days he got to walk into that gym with all those other guys who are most of them made men and look around and they had to say hey congrats man right that was a big deal to him cuz that that you you arrive when you get to do that so who is on that Olympic team that did win a championship there’s there’s definitely guys on that team who haven’t won a championship but well Tyrese Halbert you know like he’s yeah but but again most of them yeah look boy there there’s a lot of made men on there the majority of that team are Hall of Famers yeah so yes him being able to walk in there and be amongst them Jason Tatum has always been penalized for the fact that he was so good so young yeah and still took him until the ripe old age of 26 to win a title and so that sort of promoted a little bit of this failure idea outside of Magic Johnson who came in as a rookie and led their team to win the championship yeah thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from 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Skip Bayless, Rachel Nichols and Keyshawn Johnson react to Jayson Tatum’s latest quote where the Boston Celtics star addresses his critics after winning the 2024 NBA Finals.

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Jayson Tatum tells critics ‘refer to me as an NBA champion’, Has he silenced doubters? | UNDISPUTED



  1. How can you stand there and proclaim yourself an elite player if your teammate Jaylen Brown literally had to lead your team for you because you were incapable of doing that yourself?

  2. D.C. got more ppl. Than Batman and Robin. Remember Dwade WAS FLASH. YOU JUST SAID ANTMAN😂😂😂

  3. This is why that whole Batman/Robin debate that goes on about basketball in sports media is the lowest form of debate… I’ve always maintained that HoF players can’t be Robin

    Tatum/Brown, Duncan/Robinson, Malone/Stockton… like who’s Robin? It’s dumb and they should do away with this kind of topic

  4. As a die hard celtics fan,the worse thing ever would have been trading j.b. for Durant. Thank you boston for keeping our studs together and please let's retire the j's! We got 3 to 4 more banners coming! Let's go celtics!

  5. Skip being Skip🤡. Celtics and Tatum continues to live rent free in his mind. Just a plain hater who creates intrigues and gossips

    There is no problem between the 2. Plain and simple. Either of them can lead this game night in and night out… yes, they’re that potent as a duo. Deal w it and accept this, Bayless. Geez… I can’t believe he spent all that air time creating friction and still doubting the Jays.

    They’re world champs already and have proven naysayers like you wrong. Deal w it 🤡

  6. Keyshawn Johnson you're going to buy a yacht are you f**** that stupid you got to be broke that's why you're working this TV show because anyone that's going to spend money on a yacht you know just about every year just start throwing your money into the f**** Ocean or river wherever you have it at just to maintain a yacht you are going to be spending thousands of dollars a month even when you're not using it it's a stupid investment it's for people that don't care about pissing money into the ocean

  7. Keyshawn, "winning the world championship", really? AFAIR, he was not on WC team last time in 23', he'll may become Olympics champion soon. Im aware of the topic and stand on the world's side, not States' side, this just hurt my ears, sorry

  8. Skip should realize the other teams say differently when they double team tatum almost every possession and not Jaylen who is left wide open. They compliment each other with their play style.

  9. I'll be honest as a Celtics fan I believe the narrative heading into the season for JT and JB is how easy of a journey they had to get to the NBA finals and I feel strongly they will continue to face uncertainty through sports media platforms and podcasts can the Celtics do it again etc Boston should be hungrier to prove these doubters wrong.

  10. Stop it Skip, when teams game plan for the Celtics I guarantee the first person they trynna stop is Tatum , Brown is good but he getting a little extra off of the other teams trynna stop Tatum

  11. Basically they want to say the Celtics are the Justice League. JT is Superman and JB is Batman

  12. Keyshawn be having everyone lost like bro what are you talking about no one is arguing about his points lol

  13. Tatum not even top 7 on team USA Tatum nba champion Yes best player in the world No stop it Celtic fans this why y’all hated no love to Jrue Holiday Derrick white Jaylen Brown Tatum got carried by not having to be the star player cause they have a superteam be fr Celtic fans

  14. Damn sports media really never heard of the Justice League. Boston got a Green Lantern, a Flash, and a Wonder Man. They even got a Martian Manhunter coming off the bench. And we're over here calling Superman Robin.

  15. Tatum literally lead his team in points, rebounds and assists throughout the playoffs.
    The disrespect is INSANE.
    He is most definitely the best player on the Celtics, it’s not even debatable.

  16. As a Celtics fan I’m just happy to have them both. Tatum is definitely a better player, his stats are self explanatory and he’s the face of the Celtics. More natural talent and better numbers. Brown makes better clutch shots, yes. But he definitely the Robin if that’s what you want to call it. But I’ll admit that’s it’s a lot closer than say MJ and Pippen.

  17. It's funny, Tatum is known as the guy who worships Kobe, but Jaylen Brown is definitely way more like Kobe

  18. Jaylen played great in the playoffs but he benefitted from JT getting more defensive attention and especially because guarding Luka kept him away from one of his biggest weaknesses–off ball defense. having watched 70+ reg season games of the Celtics this year, anyone saying JB is better than JT is delusional

  19. Robins dont get conference and finals MVP in the same playoffs. Tatum good but he should try to get one of those trophies.

  20. Is he a champion, yes. Is he a top 5 player, arguable (I still prefer guys like embiid, kd, bron, steph over him despite him making first team). When comparing Steph, Lebron, and even Giannis/Joker to Tatum, those guys were either the best or top 2 in the world when they won and had MVPs and fMVP . So is Tatum a great player? Sure. He’s just not as great as the other fMVPs we’ve seen in recent years and not as great as he and some people think he is. Can he get there? We’ll see.

  21. Jayson, sure you're a champion, but you are no where near a top 10 player. Take that how you want it.

  22. I know all media members were not athletes, but do we really need or want to hear a guy who couldn't even make it as a high school player, and decided to write an article criticizing his own coach for not letting him play, talk about sports? He mentioned the shoot against IND as a playoff saver. Didn't we sweep or gentlemen sweep IND? How would that shot be a game saver, let alone a playoff one (and I'm a JB fan more than JT), then this old man be yalking about "fire in the belly", at your age what you're talking about is gastritis pops, FOH and rush to a clinic, get your a$s home somewhere, with all this nonsense

  23. There’s no Batman or Robin on this Celtics Team they can only be decried as The Justice League because everyone played a vital part in every game

  24. So basically, skips only argument is:

    "I like Jaylen Brown better because his demeanor on the court is more aggressive."

    Can't refute any points made because deep down he knows Tatum is easily a top 5 player. Has consistently made the all NBA first teams 3 or 4 years straight now. Continously made the all star teams almost every year. Consistently made the playoffs and conference finals 7 years straight and most of those playoffs when he was literally just a rookie, Made 2 finals, Only the 5th player ever in NBA history to lead the stats in points, assists, rebounds in the playoffs/finals, one of the only players ever to score 50+ points in a playoffs, the best player and face of his team, just lead one of the most dominant teams in NBA history to a championship. FIBA world cup champion and olympic gold medal winner. And that's not even including many other achievements like breaking some all-time celtic records. All this and he's only 26 years old. So many players haven't even come close to doing anything Tatum has at the same age, yet many still write him off. Tatum is only getting started and on his way to becoming one of the greatest of all time. Cope and seethe about it.

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