@Los Angeles Clippers

Clippers had less success than a Kardashian marriage

Clippers had less success than a Kardashian marriage

[Music] I have these notes but I got to say I’m just fired up to be here today W what sold Paul George on leaving La and coming to Philly Clippers just were not willing to go to a fourth year on a new Paul George uh contract in La I hear wind of like you know what they’re going to give Kawai so I’m like just give me what Kawai got hell no doesn’t it just drive you nuts when your expensive Clippers start to fail you might as well just Chuck them in the bin the Clippers new Arena which is going to be called the Intuit Dome is set to finally get completed this $2 billion jaw-dropping Mega structure is projected to become the greatest basketball arena that has been ever built in history oh [ __ ] all that n you definitely got this [ __ ] burnt the [ __ ] out though like let me tell you something I haven’t even begun to Peak I’m going to peek so hard that everybody in Philadelphia is going to feel [Music] it behind you stands a symbol of delusion into it Arena where a thousand men have languished while constructing the Pinnacle of sports entertainment that would bear the face of this man Kawai Leonard who has been held up to you as the shining example of a bus driver you have been supplied with a false idol as this man can’t fasten his seat belt without cracking a rib and Philadelphia has a player that will drop more points on his podcast than in any NBA game Kawai has been injured for an entire presidential time but isn’t injured enough to stop from traveling the world to search for the holy gra and do you accept this man’s resignation how did the flash of the camera scram his sensors the Clippers determine it’s in Leonard’s best interest to spend the rest of the summer preparing for the upcoming season only for him to get injured for the first half of the season so he can spend the rest of it preparing to get injured for the playoffs every season has been a game of operation with Kawai the only season it wasn’t was when they embarrassed themselves in the bubble against the Nuggets cuz he was injured while he was on the Raptors as well but he played through that I don’t know know how he had a better flux capacitor at the time than the one that he has now I’m not sure not since he was on the Spurs did we get any consistency from this man year toe and being able to play even half of a season so much for being hyped for this and I was definitely looking forward to the four of them hitting the court at the exact same time playing together but no we never get nice things in this NBA nowadays before I go on listen to this the first initial deal was was I thought kind of disrespectful here we go again with this story I’ve heard this somewhere before oh yeah the video I just made not even a full 24 hours ago the one that’s getting a lot of iate comments and dislikes a good portion of dislikes I’d imagine I can’t see them of course but that’s because YouTube would rather create a space of universal agreement and love for everything nothing’s wrong with everyone everything’s perfect Everything’s Awesome everything is it’s only a matter of time before they just autod delete negative comments but that’s not what this video is about it’s funny we keep hearing the words disrespect used by players who they themselves disrespect the game of basketball clay himself hasn’t Paul George to my knowledge hasn’t but you see so many entitled Bunches of players around the league who get paid hundreds of millions of dollars and the second they get paid and I ow a million less than what they believe they should be getting paid they feel disrespected organizations have been disrespectful to players since the League’s Inception players have been disrespectful to organization since then as well it goes back and forth but what’s defined as disrespect nowadays has changed drastically from what it used to be Clippers are probably the most disrespectful organization in the league to its fans and people who watch the NBA on a consistent basis an eternally resting player and players with all the sleep in the world and they never get healthy they’re sleeping beauty and they wake up with a feeling sprain it’s all the time Kawai is a stande a cardboard cutout he’s not out there enough to Warrant being the face of an organization but they gave him all that money anyway Paul George isn’t consistent enough to be a number two damn near and he’s injury-prone you got two players who you can’t depend on and are injury-prone and the Clippers just sent one of their injury-prone players and Paul George to pair him alongside another injury-prone player in Joel embiid and everyone’s getting hundreds of millions of dollars meanwhile the game itself that we all know and love continues to sink down the toilet for a variety of reasons can’t complain too much about some of these things though or else you’re a hater and you can’t like too many different things or else you’re a Glazer which then brings me back to the YouTube dislike button cuz no wonder it’s not there anymore it matches the soft disposition of the audience the audience’s expectations and standards for the game have been reduced to the height of an ant’s ankle so nonsense like this gets a pass or it’s just not given the same energy I I care about how this Arena looks I care about how it works so we started on this project it would be 9 years I wanted an arena that works for the true basketball fan I can’t wait oh I can’t wait I’m not going to be here imagine building a two billion Arena so people can watch a discontinued Cyborg and systematic destruction whom the Clippers just extended by the way so now his contract is longer as well as his beard wasn’t the System supposed to go here to be a third option so he didn’t have so much of the weight and pressure on him for the second option and and now you’ve just been upgraded back to the second option because Paul George just snuck out the back window and I know for a fact Harden is going to eventually throw some sort of tantrum or not like what’s going on because Kawai doesn’t play games he’s not going to be out there consistently it’s going to turn into the Nets again where Harden is going to be out there somewhat by himself where KD is injured and Kyrie was injured except now it’s even worse because your main core isn’t as talented you’re older Kawai is away from keyboard and Westbrook he just can’t really give you what he was giving you an OKC days as well as the turnovers that come into play he gives you great energy he’s the engine of this team he gives you a lot of stuff that you’re missing down the stretch sometimes when he’s out there and he’s not contributing to turnovers and stuff like that look at what the Clippers have been reduced to you gave up Shay gilis Alexander for George Paul you put all of supposed Talent together to achieve nothing and you’ve lost so much in the way of draft capital and what do you have to look forward to a much deeper tougher West next year where you’ll have teams like the Grizzlies back in play fully healthy for the most part and you’re down a player less that was helping you through the regular season playoffs and all that be damned whether he performs well or not in there that’s different but how this team manages on getting to the playoffs I’m not sure and how they would manage not being a first round exit I’m even less sure I thought I played well enough for them to be like you know what he’s part of our future at that point it didn’t even feel right to come back Georgie you missed two playoff years and you played like [ __ ] the last one you can float down here you didn’t float down here at all what dystopian future is is this guy talking about the man also tried to get a no trade clause what the hell is the matter with these players in this league you wanted a no trade clause so on top of mediocrity and not showing up to class we can’t even trade you to get something back to make ourselves better I cannot with this league man I cannot this I it is it just me does no one see what’s going on here things that would have been seen as Blasphemous even 6 years ago I looked at is completely normal now the standards standards where are thou Integrity Where Art Thou where have you gone oh oh I can’t I I I don’t know how I don’t know how other NBA YouTubers do I don’t know how you can look at this and not claw your eyes out sometimes because of what goes on I don’t get it but maybe it’s not for me to get because I don’t play ball so I can’t have an opinion about those who do even though there are coaches and assistants and Executives who’ve never played ball but yet can tell these idiots what to do and they’ll smile and wave and say okay boss I it’s time to end this video I should just move into the hospital at this point because at the way things are going I am going to be living there even more than I already do bye good evening good afternoon good night to all of you [Music]

Los Angeles Clippers are the prototype for disappointment and headache. The team had so much hype and potential all to do nothing with it and squander their chances of ever making a deep playoff run. Paul George left to the 76ers while Kawhi remains injured, and James Harden is upgraded to replace PG as the 2nd option, which is something he came to the Clippers to avoid. Westbrook won’t be enough to cover the loss of Paul George though even with him this team wasn’t winning……probably.

Music: The Chase by Soundridemusic
Link to Video:     • NoCopyright Minimal Te…  ​



  1. Raptors fans here commish, he only played 60 regular season games for his season here. He took a shit ton of load management games and the team was deep enough to handle him not being there. It did cause a bit of a locker room turmoil that the FO swept under the rug and quietly traded away a bunch of guys over.

    He was still a little injured in the playoffs (you can see him hobbling here and there sometimes) but played all of them iirc

  2. NBA players these days what to get paid compared to how popular they are with fans, not how good they are on the court.

  3. Other people who tell you you can't have opinions because you don't play ball are goddamn hypocrites cause they don't play ball either.

  4. Kawahi fanbois after kawahi signing 🎉😊, Kawahi fans after 😢😒😵‍💫🥺😤😤😤😭😭😭

  5. Please, put some respect on the Kawhi Raptors – literally the reason he’s been allowed to keep getting away with this.

  6. DAMN BRO! I just thought u interspliced the scene from Dark Knight Rises and the Clippers area, then I heard "THIS MAN, KAWHI LEONARD!" That was a spot on imitation man I couldn't tell!! Bravo Commish, bravo

  7. They never should’ve paid Kawhi. He barely plays games. I rather pay PG-13 because he at least shows up to work. Clippers should’ve just blow it up, and rebuild. Give up on Kawhi and PG-13 and Harden.

  8. My guess in to why some players may also feel "disrespected "is they associate who's gets paid more with who are the better players. every year it seems that the average salary for good players gets higher . And stars don't like some players who they think they are better than getting paid close and definitely more.

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