@Denver Nuggets

PJ Hall & Trey Alexander Ready for Nuggets Summer League Opportunity

PJ Hall & Trey Alexander Ready for Nuggets Summer League Opportunity

today uh I mean just just a competitive nature everybody uh I think our team regardless of who’s on which team everybody’s competing everybody’s playing at a high level and we’re sharing the ball I mean these are a lot of different guys a lot of different faces and we’re just you know just playing basketball the right way and that’s why I think we’ll be successful in the summer league so what do you think I mean in addition to that what else is the identity of this team do you think uh I think defense I think that uh we know we have a lot of guys that can score I would say we’re one of the more loaded summer league teams uh but I think that the thing is going to put us over the hum our defense uh coach Malone has talked about it every single day he said you’re not going to get on the court if you don’t defend so everybody’s been trying to defend we’re getting down our coverages and things like that so we’re ready and I think that’s going to be our calling card how difficult is it to play the right way with the guys that you’re still getting to know really uh yeah I mean it’s just different I mean the good thing about our team is we have a lot of guys that are very unselfish and I think that that that makes the game a lot easier when you’re playing with a lot of guys that are unselfish and I think that uh at this level it’s hard to find a lot of teams that that play that way just because you have a lot of different faces a lot of guys moving in and out of the rotation so but I think we do a very good job of that in practice so Trey what led you to the Nuggets initially uh yeah I mean I just seen the opportunity obviously we have JP at point guard and then we have Jamal who can play either position I feel like myself can play either position so I feel like there’s always uh a situation where you can have somebody playing the one or the two and my being myself so I mean just just a lot of opportunity uh I like the way the coach Malone coaches his team and uh we’ve had a lot of talks over over the course since I since I signed with them about about what type of opportunities will be presented in my development so that’s what led me to the Nuggets what has what were those messages and what were those conversations like with Malone uh yeah I mean he was just telling me that uh he see he sees a lot of me being able to play the one and the two he said he he likes me being able to develop and play the one at the next level and then also using myself as a two as much as I can but he’s just saying that the versatility is there and he likes what he sees from me into the versatility wise and he just he just wants to see me uh continue to develop and see how my game grows what do you think developing as a one entails for you what part of your game do you think most needs to develop to be a one uh I think just the patience I think that uh at the at the college level I think that uh me bringing up the ball I could be aggressive at any point and get to my spots but I think at this at this stage there people a lot more physical a lot more strong and I think that uh me just having to take control of offense at the one is going to be something that’s going to be different for me because I’m used to you know like coming off and scoring now I’m now I’m over here setting guys up and being able to be aggressive and making things happen for other people as well as myself so that that’s the biggest thing for me what have you Le from Jamal that you’ve seen this game I mean I I see a lot of different things I think that uh like like I said his versatility being able to play the one and the two uh he knocks down the three-pointer he’s very good at p and pick and roll situations uh he’s he’s a very patient player he gets to his spots you’re not going to speed him up slow him down anything like that so I watch a lot of his film and I like the way he plays and obviously I want to learn from him this year to be able to hopefully develop my game in a way that he plays so if you envision a good summer league for yourself what is that that look like for you to you uh for me uh I like to win so I mean that’s winning the whole thing that’ll be well enough for me regards to how I play or anything like that I know that uh the game is going to have its ups and downs I know that we’re going to have some I’m going to have some good games I might have a game where I don’t shoot it so well but I mean as long as I’m impacting winning and we’re winning I’m I’m chilling Tre the experience with at Bron over the course of the last few years just how do you think that that changed you how do you think that evolved you and then just what do you think you learned just playing with guys like Baylor too uh yeah I mean Max system is one is the NBA system uh you you you have a lot of situations where you’re just reading a defense and I think that’s what it is at the at the next level and I think that’s why my game will translate is because of how I played it Katon we were just making a lot of reads not really just a lot of robotic things so at this level I mean you’re going to have some plays here and there but at the at the same time it’s just a lot of you reading the defense and and playing off of close outs and things like that and I think that’s something that I was taught very well at Katon kind of a stock question but who are some of your favorite players or players you mold your game after uh I mean more than my game after I watch a lot of like I said Jamal Murray he he’s I mean it’s weird that I was able to Sil with the Nuggets because I watch a lot of his a lot of his stuff I just think the way that he’s able to score off a picking roles and things like that and being able to play two different positions and just being able to do it so efficiently uh obviously I like to watch guys like Kyrie Irving just cuz the way that they’re able to get to their mid-range jumper and also being able to score at all three levels then I like to watch people like Deonte Murray that play both sides of the Court very well and are also kind of long and lanky like me so I I watch those guys a lot for the yeah hey man I mean competitive uh going up now fight for possession that’s the biggest thing going in summer league can’t get through Ling at all think something’s going to be sweet so going out there with an edge having a Competitive Edge yourself and fighting for every possession can you give us a scouting report on PJ Hall uh last set right there got a fighter I tell you what man going out there wanting to win that’s the first thing willing to do whatever that takes uh whether that be shooting the ball or setting the ball setting the screen getting rid of it whatever it may be I’m here to win and on top of my actal skill like you know stretching the defense pick and pop threes free and transition uh guard multiple positions and punish the switch what initially LED you to the Nuggets uh well I mean I had a had a good workout with him uh actually really good workout was one of my best ones and uh after the first round they called me and they called my agent we’re trying to see you know what the situation was in the second round and then then on out it was kind of like figuring out what was on the table with other teams and figuring out all right it’s proba best we uh let get to go to the nuggets and I found a home here and it’s been a great spot you my best friends here Hunter Tyson roed with him in college so it’s a great spot for me great development and uh great guys how much have you gotten to develop a relationship with Coach Malone I know it’s you haven’t been around too long but yeah yeah it’s early but uh I think I mean what we’ve been able to do has been you know maximize I mean he’s been at every practice so far he’s talked me after before um I come out of the scrimage talk me about you know what’s going on uh certain things they want to do in the offense and defense how they guard certain things then there’s you know just you know jabbing each other messing around a little bit when I Val Hunter uh to actually lose the game right there you know he’s giving me a little crap and stuff so it’s uh it’s building right now and it’s nice to have a coach you know is a relatable guy what do you hope to take away with this Le um I mean for one thing you know go out there and compete go out there and win we have a good team we have a team that can go out there and win the whole thing and uh from there you know sure what I can do uh to go out there and show these guys that I belong in this league I can be effective yesterday your your buddy Hunter Tyson told us he could beat up a bear a black bear in hand toand content uh you know him better than me so is this uh could he do that dude he’s been saying that for like three or four years that makes sense explain why yeah like about this we actually we used to go through a scenario uh about this is going to sound stupid but like I I used to say you’d have a better chance of a shark which you yes do like there’s very little shark attacks like if you fight a shark it’s going to sound dumb but like I know like you jab the eyes you uh rotate the nose it’s actually unless it’s coming actually like Jaws it’s not that bad but uh a black bear is the only bear he has a chance but he’s going to get torn apart he’s going thanks for that it’s the largest animal you think you have a chance against uh kangaroo I’d kill i’ kill okay those things are dangerous but I mean like I’ve seen videos them fighting people and they kind of get stunned so I’m hit just go at them off topic but how much your Chemistry play it’s incredible you I mean like even like small things just like you know knowing his voice that sounds dumb but like on the last play right there or the last uh game we played um treyer drove B on thre him me in the middle I heard his uh LP at the last second just like knowing that voice knowing where he’s at thr skip past over the top and hit a three knowing I can trust somebody like that and knowing the other guys can do it too but having the guy that I played for 3 years with lived with one of my closest friends that’s awesome happen

Denver Nuggets 2-Way players Trey Alexander and PJ Hall Press Conference before Denver Nuggets Summer League.

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