@Golden State Warriors

KD really said that about Embiid😭

KD really said that about Embiid😭

do you know how to spin a ball on your finger uh so I can do a lot of things with the basketball a lot of things try I ain’t ready my thing I bet you drew said he didn’t think you knew how come on Drew you know me better than that you think all of your teammates for usab can do it y 1,000 200,000 H at the point guard don’t know how to do it tyese oh j z do you know how to spin a ball on your finger no I cannot no I’ll be the only guy on the team you can Jo that’s SI have more coordination do you feel like you should be able to as a basketball player that’s one of the most embarrassing things of just me you got me nervous to even thinking about spinning the ball in my finger it’s that can’t do it I can’t do it


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  1. It's just a trick, you can't dribble around people or score by spinning the ball on your finger. 😅

  2. through out my years, some of the most limited and ineffective players have always been able to spin the ball on their finger

  3. AD has just been ruled out for the upcoming season after injuring himself spinning the ball on his finger. Oh well.

  4. I am the only one in my team who cant do it! Its not elite level and in a small basket country Sweden. But!!! i have played for 20 years and have never seen any better then me at "sky hooks" most of the games i did most of the points (about 20) am only 6.3 but a good jumper so noone below 7 feet can block my skyhooks. I think both the spinning ball talent and skyhooks are a "gift" thats why Steph is so good at 3 pointers, but still cant spinn the ball. And the same with skyhooks. If players have a better percent with skyhooks, al tall players would use it!!! but its imposible to learn, its a gift!!!

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