@Boston Celtics

Jayson Tatum Still Can’t Believe The Bucks Traded Jrue Holiday to The Celtics

Jayson Tatum Still Can’t Believe The Bucks Traded Jrue Holiday to The Celtics

I have a question the second you saw you got the text that Drew holiday is coming to Boston where you in the back of your mind you know a lot of things have to happen you know how tough it is to get through it in the back of your mind are you like we’re winning this [ __ ] at first I was like I can’t believe Milwaukee let this happen so thanks to the bucks um but yeah kind of I knew we had a really good chance um to win a championship a lot of things have to go right you have to stay healthy have to be on the same page people have to get along it’s a little bit of luck that’s involved um but knowing that Drew had Championship DNA and I want to Gold Medal with him I knew you know what kind of player and person that he was uh I knew it was going to make our team better and we already got KP and we already had a really good team so um yeah when we got Drew I was pretty confident about what we could accomplish is there someone for you for you guys where you feel like H when we got Candace oh okay I think going say Chelsea Shout I’m Jing but even then like honestly you have like you could pick from all of them at this yeah but when we got Candace I was like uh oh like our our roster looking pretty nice like okay uh so yeah it was just one of those things that I was like it can look great on paper and I’ve been on Team where it looks so good on paper and then when it’s on court it’s like a [ __ ] show um so when we got cace and I finally got to like play alongside her I was like okay this could be something well to that point we talk a lot about Alicia and her her impact we were talking about during the finals last year but su’s former teammate and just what she brings you have a lot of teammates like this you know Dereck is one but there’s a bunch going up and down the list what do you guys think makes uh just broadly what makes a good role player like what makes somebody who is like you when this person is on your team whether it’s your team or an opponent you like you know they are going to provide something that uh is just an intangible the little things like like you said the intangibles just the 50/50 balls like just anything they just things that don’t show up on the stat sheet I feel like it’s so key when it comes to role players and you honestly can’t win without them uh they are some of the biggest ones that make the biggest plays at the right moment because I mean Superstars goingon to be Superstars at the end of the day you’re going to get what you going get out of them but it’s like who’s doing the little things that Superstars can’t always do and that’s the separation Factor right there yeah uh and it’s like role players on a championship team would be uh you know one or two on a different team like the fact that Drew holl and D white are considered our role players um we’re extremely lucky not cool and like she said like the Superstar is like you’re going to have off nights especially in the playoffs it’s just how it goes um and in those moments when role players of guys off the bench can buy you a a three minute stretch or or whatever it is that where they make plays and hit shots and then you come back into the game and now everybody’s rolling um it really is a collective effort and you never know when a role player can win you you a playoff game and that’s so valuable yeah it’s like a stress reliever when you’re sitting on the bench and you see them even if they just keep the score where it was when you came out it gives you a little bit more um I always find what I find interesting about role players is in a lot of ways we talk about the superstars and their egos do they have one do they not how do they Embrace their teammates to me the role players ego is so interesting because like you said they could be number one number two on another team and yet they choose to be God I was going to say lesser that does not do it justice it’s not lesser I got got get a new vocabulary here but they’re choosing a lesser role right they have to be efficient in that role and yet their ego can never comes in and I always find that fascinating because we always talk about egos of superstars but never about the role players and they’re the ones that have to probably take even a bigger hit in a lot of ways and continue to show up continue to be efficient that’s how I feel about AC about Alicia Clark like she just comes in she’s going to guard the best player she’s going to hit the corner three she’s going to Yap at the ref a little bit when they call a foul on her um but players like that are so important

In this clip, Jayson Tatum talks about The Milwaukee Bucks trading Jrue Holiday to the Boston Celtics and the roles that he and other Celtics players played in the 2024 NBA Championship. Presented by NBA2K.

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  2. Je ne me suis jamais senti aussi stimulé intellectuellement qu’en ce moment. Ce fil est un véritable terrain de jeu pour l'esprit.😻

  3. Thanks to the bucks when he got traded to Boston for a box of scraps while the bucks had to give up there entire chance for a future to get dame

  4. They didn’t trade him to the Celtics. They traded him to the Trailblazers, who then traded him to the Celtics.

  5. I love this channel, but the clickbait title makes me so mad. The bucks did NOT trade Jrue to the Celtics, and definitely wouldn’t have traded him if they had known he would end up with the Celtics, their #1 rival. Acting like the bucks had control over where he ended up is WILD.

  6. Tommy that shirt is such a throwback! I haven't seen that design since my Polish grandmother used it to remove a hot pan from her oven

  7. Its not like Jrue was straight up traded to Boston. He was traded to the Blazers in the Dame trade. Jrue is too good to be playing for a bottom feeder, so he wants, understandably, and he gets traded to Boston

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