@Los Angeles Clippers

Paul George opens up on Clippers departure: ‘It didn’t feel right to come back’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Paul George opens up on Clippers departure: ‘It didn’t feel right to come back’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED

H Kean your reaction to What Paul George said man so if you gave him a buck 50 give me my buck 50 I’m cool but you trying to give me 60 said I I find that hard to believe there there’s a little complicated math because it was basically he’d have to pick up his option he’d get paid for that and then the math of what the other years were in terms of the second apron and the taxes so it’s not quite as bad as it sounds however is it not quite as bad however no no no it’s not quite as bad as it sounds because he’s not talking about the money he would also get with his opin but it definitely was not an appropriate offer regardless it was not inappropri but I’m going to get the opt in regardless I want my extension I’m GNA get the I’m gonna get the 50 or the 49 or whatever you was going to give me on my last year anyway look I’m talking about new money you was going to give me 60 million on new money I got 212 on new money that’s all I’m saying so that’s majorly disrespectful so you’re going to feel a certain way M okay and and and I understand Lis Frank right he wants to show Mr bomber look I can get this done a certain I can save us money don’t worry about these things just let me handle it so now you can go to the boss like in all of our businesses they like to go to the boss and show them see I got it for less just pay that dude man he’s worth it he just sat there and told you he’s willing to accept the same amount of money as his co-partner with no problem at all and we can run it back we can end this thing we can keep trying to get us a championship but you you told him in his mind Rachel regardless of what the math works out to be it was still him and his family they looking at his agent they going yeah two years 60 million so that means $30 million a year new money and I can get 200 plus on the open market hey that’s not a that doesn’t seem like a fair deal to me it was stupid for the Clippers to do look be fair to me this is not a money issue in terms of saving dollars Steve Balmer is one of the richest men in America it was about this new CBA I know it’s boring that we keep talking about sort of minutia and rules and stuff but in aprons in in aprons uh but the truth is if you go into that second apron if you go into the most sort of overpaying your guys compared to the rest of the league you can barely do anything going forward in terms of Trades things well no but here’s the thing I would say that the Clippers had a decision to make is do they want to invest in this Paul George Kawai era more yes to the tune of not only all these tens and hundreds of millions of dollars but in terms of this is going to be our team until these guys are 36 37 38 right they clearly decided somewhere along the way this mediocre then well they I think they kind of decided to call it right that that it wasn’t worth if that was the choice if the choice was be locked into this versus not that is the choice they made plus you had to pay pay Harden I’m not saying I would have made that choice but I I see what they were thinking I don’t think it was oh we don’t want to give them an extra few dollars I will say though a couple things I will say first of all if you’ve made that choice why not make it earlier in the season and either get something for him or handle the negotiations differently if you are eventually going to offer to pay him what Kawai did to string that out I think is really part of the problem and that’s why he led with talking about how it was dis respectful is now he doesn’t trust them now he’s like okay you didn’t offer me a good deal to begin with you also didn’t offer me what kawhai got when kawhai took his extension and by the way as he said that was at a bit of a discount and Paul was willing to be at a bit of and the fact that they still didn’t go in there so when and they didn’t get you say trust how can I trust you’re not GNA trade me when you didn’t want to give me no trade this is the this is the thing right so Paul goes in there not only does he have more money sitting on the table and more length of a contract which is important at that age in Philadelphia and probably Orlando and and other places but the trust factor and I think this is where the Clippers past Deeds are coming back to haunt them we all remember what happened with Blake Griffin Blake Griffin was a free agent they brought him into the building they put up this whole sort of display about him and his lifetime as a Clipper he walks into the arena where they’ve led him and they are raising his number into the rafters and talking about him being a Clipper for life this is what we see as your future we’re going to raise this number 6 months later they traded him to Detroit six months later which was not the team that ideally someone who wanted to contend for titles would want to play for and so I think Paul was thinking about that too and especially with the way things were Strung Out Over the year I think that puts you in that mindset more and so that’s why I I the Clippers decision is is sort of you can see their logic but how they did it came back I don’t see the logic because if you’re an older team and you got two older players already and a brook with three um three older players so they brought Westbrook back you allow one of your biggest pieces to get away you can’t replace that where you going to replace that for less money and you say they they worried about the repeater thing and all the taxes and stuff three four years from now it ain’t going to matter cuz you’re goingon to be sorry that’s just the bottom line and I know Mr bomber is not worried about the money but when you are an executive and you could show the owner look at me I’m smart I did this you know you get a little pat on the back that’s that’s what they be thinking about I see it all the time in professional sports the industry we work in everybody’s trying to save dollars that ain’t their money you’re trying to build a team to compete right now you want to put Kawai around a bunch of young players that don’t ought to play oh well okay so here’s how I see the truth of what just happened to Paul George Paul PA just said in that sound bite we just witnessed and heard yall view us as the same right no no they don’t and they never did it was always kawhai was number one and Paul was onea and we talked about Batman and Robin well this was clearly to them a Batman and a robin there was no these weren’t two coatman this was Batman and Robin and they told him with their first disrespectful offer however you want to sort of nuance it but they just showed it they just said you know what we’re good you should go whatever you got out there just take it and go and I’m not saying that they’re right about this but their their attitude toward him has been that from the start and I definitely think he is a 1A but he’s a really good 1A as he will prove this year with Joel embiid but the point was it kawhai did take a little less than Max and if you could get them both under your cap at a little less than Max I would rather do that and still have my one a on my side yeah you still get I would still do that but you do that you do that in November yeah or October whatever it was you get that deal done no don’t have me something at 60 trust me on this they don’t love Paul’s intangibles they just don’t he’s got all kinds of ability we get that just his intangibles they don’t love and they decided to cut bait with it and Bank on Kawai staying healthy which is God bless you you know like I but go ahead I just I think the Clippers saw this a little bit as a pro it year for Paul just with the injuries he’s had no no no I’m not saying that they should have listen I’m saying that there was a little bit of a feeling certainly among on the player side of feeling like okay you want to see is this team really going you again when you’re talking about possibly committing to this is going to be our roster for the next three years because you can’t do anything else you want to know are these guys going to even hold up I mean that would be one of the questions we’d be asking if they resigned and put themselves in that position we would say oh they’re so injured they have they’ve only won you know what is it one or two playoff series since these guys have been together all been a disaster it so for them to say we need to see more again I understand that thinking I don’t necessarily agree with it but I also understand how Paul George is like what are you talking about this is what I’ve done and look I don’t think there’s any question that they have seen Kawai as sort of the number one if you want to put it that way and by way kawhai has a higher ceiling than Paul George he when he’s playing at his best he is one of the best players in the league yeah um you know top three top five when he is playing his best he’s an assass I didn’t say anything I’m for Rachel I nothing I hear you yes uh but Paul George is able to reach pretty you know a pretty high percentage of what kaw’s best can do and Kawai is not playing at his best and hasn’t for you know any long long period in a while he had a big he he had a few months this season of he was the best player in the league for coup but but that reliability calls a little bit into question again if you’re Paul’s side when he says we look at you looked at us the same you’re right they didn’t but his point is look I’ve played more games I played as a Clipper he’s played wildly more playoff games than Kawai has wild as a as it look there’s no question that a healthy Kawai is more desirable than a healthy Paul George okay I’m speaking Paul George’s language though because I understand what he’s saying you went and approached Kawai for a buck 50 you gave him 150 when you really probably should have gave him 220 and if you gave him 220 and You’ have gave me 160 guess what I get that I get that we understand we big boy we got it but when you want to give me 60 and you give him 150 and I got 212 over here waiting for me do the math Rachel you went to Northwestern I I am I can tell you that those were all those offers you just mentioned were for differing numbers of years doesn’t I’m matter that’s not the way we look at it but you can’t compare 221 to even 150 when one’s a four-year deal and one’s a threee deal we don’t look at it that way as athletes we look at the security no the security the belief in me that I’mma stay healthy I’mma do all these things it it think okay if you gave me a 2year 60 and you gave him a three-year 150 that’s lopsided again I’m not saying that right you didn’t say three years 120 yeah you said 2 years 60 no I I think that you had if you’re the Clippers you had to have made this decision frankly at the start of the season I I don’t know I mean I I understand we want to see more we want to see how this pans out but you knew you were headed toward this position you knew there was someone out there who is going to offer to pay him a four-year Max so I I just feel like the decision could have been made earlier and they could have either decided to keep him for you know again less than he could have stayed for or they could have decided to do something with him I don’t know if mathematically if Paul George and James Harden became either or for them like they they jumped and resigned Harden at two years 35 a year to 70 right and what if what if they had done Paul for three for 150 what if they had the Coes you know that I think they still was going to be able to do would they have money would they would they have the ability to to wedge in a Harden at another 35 I don’t know I mean then you’re looking at if you do that and I don’t know if they would I don’t know if they would have done quite as much for Harden if they had also had Paul George but who knows not only are you in the second Aon I mean that’s a given but you also can’t you know put as many guys on your roster so then you’re really filling out your roster past those three with more minimum guys you just don’t have as much money to play with you know $10 million whatever it is for for different guys and and I think that they have to look I mean the role players are important though you their role players aren’t making $17 million a year it would be it would be you would you would be a very topheavy team with three guys Paul George is I think kawai’s the youngest at 33 Paul George is 34 Hardon is 35 and again doing the deals all of those would have locked them into that roster for the next three years and again especially if you’re talking about paying Harden that much then you’re that roster becomes three guys and a bunch of of of more so now you got two guys in a bunch that and essentially going to be in the same position you was in maybe even less well it depends on what they do look now they’ve got they’re under the apron they’ they’ve got cap space you know to do stuff with over the coming years projected out so you know let’s see what they do I mean they pulled off the kawhai trade in in a way that people didn’t expect them to they were able to pull off the PG part of it it’s a smart front office I I think they’re taking the chance that hey we don’t know what the next five years are going to be but we’ve experienced the last five years and if we’re not happy doing that then we need to make cut bait and do something else it’s just when you make and how you make those decision he’s in a better place anywhere as far as I’m concerned I I think he’s got a more likelihood of winning a championship oh yeah yeah no but again at age 34 after you played a lot of years and you’re from La now you do have to spend the winter in Philadelphia and I lived in Indie who cares you lived in indie no him he lived speak for him I’m speaking for him who cares at that point but at some point you you earned the right you stay home he said I he wanted to stay home you know they have something called travel yeah you know and and you can do this all day long 5 hours across I don’t need to come to La that often until my season’s over I I think he would I think when he says I wanted to stay I mean he really means it it’s not just the weather or he grew up here his parents are here they’re aging his mother had a very difficult medical condition she can’t really travel anymore so if she wants to see him play it’s got to be here in La unless they all move back East which could happen yeah but if you come out like the Clippers and you just offer him 140 for he stays that’s the bottom line but you coming at me like I’m a sucker okay here’s here here’s 60 how really really like you for two years Rachel Kean they were just telling him from the start we’re ready to move on that’s fine that’s what they were saying so let’s not play games we big boys here let’s just be real and you’ll stay the Clippers and then I’ll go and fight for a championship elsewhere I I see the reasoning at every stage it’s just in hindsight it doesn’t make sense yeah would I rather have both sure I would of course oh well okay we got to discuss this thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Keyshawn Johnson and Rachel Nichols discuss the latest news in sports including Paul George opening up about his departure from the LA Clippers. The Undisputed crew reacts to Paul’s comments and the new look Clippers.

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Paul George opens up on Clippers departure, ‘It didn’t feel right to come back’ | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. How PG want Kawaii money? PG never played i a final, KL have 2 rings with 2 MVP. PG must be tripping.

  2. I’m sorry but Rachel doesn’t know what she was talking about…… “it didn’t look as bad as it was” he was going to get his opt in regardless so I’m not sure why she even brought that up 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. How does Keyshawn not see the logic? The PG and Kawhi experiment was obv not working and they were never healthy. You save a lot of money now and harden can actually play his “game”

  4. Khawi barelyed helped this year and was a no show for playoffs then all of a sudden he is good to play on team USA that's crazy he should not be allowed some other player should have gone there teach Lenard a lesson

  5. These people are all delusional. Pg didn't help the clippers accomplish a damn thing. He didn't deserve anywhere near the max

  6. Keyshawn had no understanding of what the cba is 😂😂…having multiple years in the 2nd apron is essentially nuking your franchise and its future…nothing will be able to grow from it for years 😂😂😂

  7. Still remember that if you're so unhappy watching? Go to watching speak here it's not a popular contest we conver the we show up every day sober n debate Interesting and fun Fact thks u 😎

  8. As interesting as this is, the Clippers were never going to win a chip as they were constructed. 3rd round playoff exit at best.

  9. For the LOVE OF GOD…if you care about sports…STOP LETTING KEYSHAWN TALK BASKETBALL, PLEEEASE!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  10. I get PG's point, Kawhi might be slightly better, but I'm available, and he's not. And I dint even like pandemic p for that matter, but on this one, I get. So still Kawhi town Skip? You still rocking with them boys?

  11. It’s funny that none of the major so called sports outlets barely even mention demar not choosing the lakers and picking the kings into a story 😂😂😂😂.

  12. Every single day most comments are about how insufferable Keyshawn is. Maybe they should take the hint…

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