@National Basketball Association

Jaylen Brown covers the Nike logo on his Kobe’s with the phrases “Just do better”, “Hidden Pyramids” and “Was it really Neismith?”

Jaylen Brown covers the Nike logo on his Kobe’s with the phrases “Just do better”, “Hidden Pyramids” and “Was it really Neismith?”

by LatinX_Ally


  1. 789Trillion

    Jaylen got his ring, now he can focus on what really matters.

  2. CumAssault

    Who is supposed to do better? What does any of this have to do with the other phrases on the shoes? What a mess

  3. reddit-ricky

    What does “Was it really Neismith” mean?

  4. lcsolvr08

    Whats with the Naismith stuff ? Is there a conspiracy theory even about Naismith ?

  5. FERFreak731

    Poor Aaron on the Pacers getting undeserved hate

  6. flamingviper3175

    He’s Kyrie lite. No one should forget the weird black Israelite video he shared. Going to Berkeley on an athletic scholarship doesn’t mean the dude is smart lol. He just picked the right major that he could perform well enough in.

  7. alphanumer1c

    Why tf does he insist on wearing Nikes then? I understand the jersey sponsor but the shoes he can literally wear anything else.

  8. No wonder Nike doesn’t want this loon on the USA team.

  9. throwstuff165

    Championship run made everyone forget what a nut this guy is.

  10. Johnnywannabe

    “Just do better” while giving a platform to pseudo-archaeology, conspiracy theories, and not even taking the time to make sure that he spelled names correctly.

    Oh, the irony. I’m not sure wether to laugh or cry.

  11. crunchsmash

    Does he think Naismith didn’t invent basketball?

  12. baylonedward

    Kyrie did pass on something during his stint with Boston lmao.

  13. Admirable_Strike_406

    Just Jaylen brown pretending to be smarter than he really is 😂

  14. remember when we all thought this motherfucker was smart? yeah… he’s DUMB DUMB.

  15. IcarianWings

    Our yearly reminder that JB is a radicalized dipshit.

  16. ChrisPaulGeorgeKarl

    btw everyone should be clear that all the “alternative theories” on Aztec/Mayan/meso-american civilizations are just straight up nasty racism. entirely about the dehumanization of indigenous nations.

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