@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Rookie Johnny Furphy 1-on-1 Interview

Indiana Pacers Rookie Johnny Furphy 1-on-1 Interview

Johnny first of all welcome to Indiana thank you thank happy to be here when you found out that the Pacers were the team drafting you what was your initial reaction uh there were a lot of emotions yeah just a a massive relief you can’t really describe it as uh didn’t really feel real at the moment but it was cool to share it with my family super exciting how much did you know about the organization heading into the draft and how much have you learned over the last couple weeks learning I obviously learning as I’ve been here but beforehand I just knew about their play style just how how quickly they play and how unselfishly they play so that kind of when I found out that was really exciting for me to to kind of realize that’s what I’m heading into like an amazing organization I’m just like meeting everyone so far it’s been it’s been awesome you mentioned that play style is that something you think fits your game really well yeah absolutely as I got drafted speaking to coaches and that sort of thing everyone was super excited for me they thought this is like one of the best fits you mentioned your family I know you come from a really athletic family for Pacers fans getting to know you could you maybe tell us a little bit about your your family’s background in sports yeah super sporty family both parents were athletes uh my dad played Australian football and my mom was a diver my brother currently plays Australian football back home and my sister older sister plays soccer the University of Santa Clara St very sporty did you play multiple Sports growing up and when did you decide the basketball was the path you want to pursue yeah so growing up Australian football is the sport that everyone kind of plays so that was one of my like favorite Sports along with basketball when I was about 16 I decided to focus on basketball but growing up yeah I played football and Cricket as well as basketball coming over to the states and going to Kansas for the last year how did that help prepare you for the NBA uh in so many ways leaving home going to a new country new environment definitely helped me mature as a person and then going to a program like Kansas just gets you ready for like for anything pretty much being in that environment with the coaching staff everyone just made me feel super welcomed prepared me in so many different ways playing for a legendary coach like Bill s who’s coached so much talent over the years how did he help prepare you yeah full credit goes to him he kind of saw me earlier on envisioned what who the player I can be get like had a lot of confidence in me and eventually gave me an opportunity to play so I think all the credit goes to him he’s just really really helped me and guided me as well through this whole process and giving me a lot of a lot of advice and a lot of encouragement the next phas of your career how excited are you to to get to know your new teammates new organization can’t wait yeah this is you know dream come true so excited to get to know everyone uh as well just kind of being a professional this is something I’ve always always dreamed of so kind of try to soak this all in the quick transition going from the draft right into summer league what are you hoping to get out of the next couple weeks in Vegas try to enjoy it I think kind of learn the new kind of play style with a lot of new teammates try to establish myself a little bit learn how others play um but yeah really as I said just kind of enjoy this and soak soak it all in congrats again Johnny and welcome Dy thank you so much [Music]

Indiana Pacers rookie Johnny Furphy spoke with’s Wheat Hotchkiss about moving to a new country, his time at Kansas and what he has learned about the Pacers organization so far.

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