@San Antonio Spurs

Dejounte Murray Did It AGAIN..

Dejounte Murray Did It AGAIN..

all right man so I’m feeling some real Deja Vu with this one this is some real Deja Vu I want some n are we having fun yet it feels like we’ve been here before because we we have been here before uh so dejonte Murray did it again turned his back on his former franchise now before we take a look at that really quick if you guys please could go follow subscribe to Spurs Invasion link below underneath this video I am working on a video as speak for this channel uh this is edited and scripted content next one I got up is a Jeremy soan one so if you want to get notified of that just head on over there subscribe hit the bell all that good stuff okay all right so I I don’t want to make this a long drawn out thing okay we we’ve talked about dejonte Murray at nauseum uh before as you guys remember we did a video back when he first left San Antonio and every single Spurs fan was confused cuz they were like where is this Deonte Murray coming from he he’s he’s he’s going off the rails he’s talking so poorly at the Spurs even though it was something that I was talking about the entire time he was with San Antonio but you know us being a fan of certain players we get a little delusional obviously like I get delusional when it comes to uh specific you know players as well at times um but with DJ man it was it was a whole another level and he was very loved uh by Spurs fans but when when he left what did he do okay we all know this all right so this is this is nothing this is nothing new um but people were talking you know trolls basically uh telling him hey man uh you’re going to be losing when you’re at Atlanta uh he said you this one basically said you didn’t really care about being in San Antonio anyways and he went on to say uh you’re mad LMAO uh but the one that everyone remembers and the one that’s brought up uh constantly shout out to Bala for uh posting this but it says fly little birdie good luck getting to the second round at least we got the picks and we’re building around Kellin uh wow that is a really now looking back that’s a really bad take from uh a a a gothy I don’t know that’s a really bad take my boy uh but DJ said and this is what everyone knows the way that system set up you’re going to be losing for the next 15 years problem bigger than basketball and this created a slight Rift uh between San Antonio Spurs fans there were a group that already had skepticism when it came to the Spurs and they were like yeah see it is bigger than basketball and then the ones that were a little bit more you know even kill with things a little chill uh with stuff were like no there this is just him this is just a DJ thing going on um now if that wasn’t enough we all know and this is and this is what kind of bothered me the most okay all of this stuff it did irk me but at the same time I was like yeah this is who DJ’s been like this entire time he took shots at our team before when he was playing for the Spurs um but the one thing that really did upset me was this interview right here um because some people will say it’s not that big a deal he just jumped on a podcast why are we tripping about it why are you so upset but this was special okay so Atlanta Hawks fans if if you’re watching this video just give you a little bit of context okay Stephen Jackson used to play for the San Antonio Spurs he played for us twice actually and he had issues and he’s one of the very few players that complain about his tenure with the San Antonio Spurs there’s like Robert him is that it is that it I think that might that might that might genuinely be it it might be another player you can tell me in the comments but um and now dejonte Murray added to that list but he went on a podcast not just any podcast but a podcast was someone that has gone on a San Antonio Spurs hating spree for multiple years at this point it wasn’t a a uh uh a partisan interview it wasn’t an interview where you come in and and any of the things you say is are going to be questioned no you were your ego is just going to be uh a stroke this entire time because the narrative around this entire interview was the San Antonio Spurs held you back which which is very laughable now even statistically very laughable when you think about it uh but yes but that’s what the narrative was going around and he talked about everybody on the team and the one thing about DJ that always irked me just as a fan is that he will say one thing and then when he’s questioned about it later go back on it and kind of Gaslight you into thinking that what he said before wasn’t even that big of a deal uh I remember my friend Carolina Teague did a interview with DJ and he basically went back on all of it and was like no I Lov the San Antonio’s SP I loved my time there I loved almost as if this interview never happened and a lot of fans said oh see he learned from that see he did he did enjoy his time he’s talking highly of pop it’s like no he he says so many things here’s one section from it that really bothered me when he talked about Tony Parker and you can even see the way Stephen Jackson reacts it is definitely a oh yeah I’m agree with you no matter what right he because Stephen Jackson couldn’t stand Tony Parker he I don’t even know if he really liked Manu he couldn’t stand Tony though a buck hold on actually I’m putting on my earphones I hate that I keep doing that keep it 100 bro I’mma I’mma love you for that you know what I mean and I know he didn’t like it you feel me cuz if he liked it he would have mentored me the way he should have he wouldn’t have went to Charlotte he would have stayed right there you feel what I’m saying and that’s me you going to get the real just how y all the smoke y y the real but see it’s not funny he say that bro because I know the type of person Tony is you know what I’m saying great player g go down in Hall of Fame but he’s very selfish he’s been selfish we would have had more championships and more success if it wasn’t for him being so selfish but he was told as the 1670 in France that he was this he come to the NBA start as a as a 19yearold now keep in mind Stephen Jackson woned minutes over mono job okay um so am am I disputing the fact that Tony Parker was selfish no like at times he he was but the to to even let that come out of your mouth we would have more championships if it wasn’t for Tony Parker is is kind of insane okay it’s kind of insane especially if you’re a Spurs man you know that that’s an insane statement uh to make but this is this is what he did right he turned his back on San Antonio and then he gaslit a lot of people into thinking that this didn’t happen he didn’t mean anything by it and you know he actually enjoyed his time no no no no no that was not the case at all so what did he do recently this is what he did recently okay I just wanted to give some Atlanta Hawks fans a little bit of context but this happened again and he has deleted the Tweet just like how he would say things about San Antonio and then delete it right after uh but a fan here said dejonte would probably still be a hawk if he wasn’t one of the most horrendous perimeter defenders in the league the last two years will I go as far as to say he’s the most horrendous def perimeter defender in the no I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go that far but he was not good okay he was not good over the past two years obviously um but DJ had this to say which is a weird response another casual that don’t watch hoop so really know what’s going on with his favorite team uh ask your head coach why when I begged him for me to guard the best player I was told they want to save my energy for scoring ha haa you will see a monster on defense 2425 season so once again throwing a coach underneath the bus uh so this this is this is normal behavior for DJ at this point I’m going be I’m going be 100 all right I’m I’mma Be Frank I I don’t I I don’t understand why any Spurs fan wanted DJ back I I I just don’t I just don’t get it I know that I’ve been known as a dejonte Murray hater over the years but I never understood it he’s selfish on and off the court uh he shown selfishness even when he played with the San Antonio Spurs there were many occasions in which he would you know take late game shots even when other players were getting going I remember a game in particular where Derek white started to get going and ball probably should have been in his hands but dejonte Murray took it upon himself to try to uh uh uh shine in in that regard uh I I know I know also when the Antonio Spurs went against the Atlanta Hawks uh this last season it was very weird DJ was taking a lot of ill advised shots just to try to get a highlight reel over wimy I mean we can go into so many different situations right uh where he was trying to show out Beno where he tried to show out you know some random guy in the gym and and embarrass him there there’s many there’s many a different things that have happened and that have occurred I’m just I’m just putting this out there for Atlanta Hawks fans just so you know you’re not alone okay uh I get it Spurs fans have been you know talked down to from DJ before um now this doesn’t mean that I I I probably need say I should have said this before this doesn’t mean that Deonte Murray is a bad player or he’s a trash player obviously he’s not right he is a baller he can ball uh but I do think that a player like this in which Spurs fans want him back you can’t win with someone like this I’m I’m just I’ll just say it if if I’m proving wrong I’m proving wrong but I don’t think you can win with someone like Deonte Murray because I think he kind of views himself a little bit better than he is which is kind of strange cuz he is a really good player but he he views himself much better like he has to be the guy I don’t know if he can just play in a system without the attention being on him uh so that that’s just me that’s just how I view it uh I know that this is a pretty long video just to go over this but I I did want to at least go over it because I think that this is silly this is crazy and he’s done it again and now to Atlanta Hawks fans so anyways um maybe this made Spurs fans feel a little bit better about you know whether or not you wanted them you shouldn’t uh I don’t know a little selfish man a little selfish anyways I give it to you guys later that’s all I had to say uh I know I’ll probably get a little heat for this video but until next time bye byebye [Music]


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  1. No, we would’ve had more championships if pop would not let Manu play at the end of crucial playoff games, when you know, he’s going to turn the ball over with his high risk no look passes.

  2. Spurs convincing the world that DJ is great at defense and worth all these picks was the biggest robbery in recent history

  3. Dejounte is HIGHLY overrated by delusional Spurs fans and I’m glad the Spurs didn’t bring him back. He’s AT BEST a substitute All-Star. He’s not that guy.

  4. Without Wemby we would be in rebuild mode for 10-15 years. One man shaved years off of our time line.

  5. Lets not forget Tony had sex with his teammates wife….. thats selfish. Lmao the spurs were great cause of him but also could have been better due to him.

  6. I never felt Dejounte to begin with. People were downvoting me in the Spurs' subreddit like 3-4 years ago because I said he was overconfident and self-absorbed. I am glad we got a million picks out of this guy.

  7. Me as a DWhite fan love your DJ review very much 😂❤, you are the only youtuber who tell the truth about DJ funny nonsense. Glad he been traded again 😂
    Go Spurs Goooo

  8. Two things can be right. DJ thinks he's better than he is but TP was very selfish. He spoke on Kahwi's injury publicly, slept with his teammates wife, and left the min he wasn't promised a starting job.

  9. His reasoning doesn't even make sense, he was put on worst players and his defense got worst… I still like DJ but man he needs to chill, to sit back and think for a second before he says something. I don't even know how he gets hurt by fans, especially if they're really casuals like he says. Ego bigger than basketball 🤣

  10. As a WA native who doesn't watch college bball but is a husky fan (football) I was rooting for Dej big time. Loved watxhing his game grow… until I figured out that him and DeRozan didn't particularly fit great together. But then DeMar left… and I actually expected White to be "the guy," but he never consistently displayed enough aggressive chops to be what he is rn. Dej was easily our no.1 but I was disappointed… fast forward we got rid of both and Dej thoroughly pissed me off almost instantly… the TP remarks, immature back and forth with fans, shitting on SA after YEARS of crap like "The spurs saved my life" talking about his upbringing. Then he disgraced himself further taunting people at the Carawsover pro-am and eventually the douchy ass Banchero incident. How about Dej and Trae taunting and flexing all over a trash Rockets team when they're up dbl digits and then blowing the game like total clowns? Yall are all stars? Lets see you treat a real team like that… oh wait you wouldn’t be up in the first place huh. Both Dej and Trae have issues getting along with coaches/players I cannot stand either of them thank God we didn't make that poor decision. On a side note D-White is taking the shots I used to beg him to take and now he's a ring owner fulfilling the perfect role with humility and honor

  11. As a Hawks fan, I don't take this personally. DJ is gonna be DJ no matter what. How do you see things going for him in New Orleans?

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