@Oklahoma City Thunder

Oklahoma City Thunder Secretly Stumbled Upon A GEM…

Oklahoma City Thunder Secretly Stumbled Upon A GEM…

well the Oklahoma City Thunder have another young Talent AJ Mitchell he has been one of the most impressive rookies in the summer league so far and when you watch him play you’re like oh my goodness this dude is going to be very very good in the NBA he averaged per 36 22 points on 72.9% true shooting 7.3 assists and 4.4 rebounds per game during the Utah showcase the sad thing is the thunder have so much talent that he probably won’t crack the rotation as a rookie however I wouldn’t be surprised if he does because he’s that polished as a player and the Thunder can definitely use his playmaking ball handling and overall high IQ and well-rounded offensive game in the second unit overall he just reads the floor so quickly dribble hand off situation he draws two Defenders he immediately tries to hit the rle man but quickly realizes the corner Defender tagging him so he swings it to the butt nak and open threo shooter in5 seconds those are the quick instincts you will constantly see when you’re watching his film and the thing is it isn’t just in his passing ability he has it all around in transition he receives the pass he can feel that the defender closest to him doesn’t want to fully commit on the close out and then he locates his second Defender and realizes he’s going to the corner as well so if he attacks atts quick it’s over and that’s another part of his game he has different speeds he plays in control so his change of speeds are super effective so when he does decide to accelerate he can catch the defense off guard but back to his passing instincts a couple possessions later they go back to the same action this time the Jazz don’t want to commit to the rle man in the middle because they know if they do Mitchell will find the open three-point shooter with ease he put that pass on a rope the velocity was needed because that rim protector was lurking on the weak side when you play with him do not stop moving if you are his teammate because he will reward you deep into the shot clock he’s trying to create a shot for himself as he steps back he pump fakes then he steps through as that was happening he recognized the open man I don’t know when it happened but it happened very quickly an advanced Reed in chaos deep into the shot clock once again by our guy overall I just love his pace of play as he brings it up the CT he starts out slow then he crosses right to left to pick up speed as he gets the screen he comes to a sudden stop now this is important this moment is very important because this is where he reads everything number one he sees the paint is wide open number two he sees a smaller guy switching onto him number three he sees him playing his left hand therefore he knows to drive between the legs right into the burst of speed easy layup as a result to me he just doesn’t move like a rookie he doesn’t play like one or at least a guy who was taken with the 38th pick in the draft as soon as he sees the switch he’s picking up speed to catch the defender off guard he creates contact stop on a dime almost like he’s going into a step back but it’s really a crossover he’s a step ahead of the defender now the big wants to help leaving his man immediately Mitchell makes the correct read another pick and roll play or is it well he sees number 42 heavily expecting the screen tilting his head a bit so he says okay you want to do that take this right to left crossover see you later defense is broken and he feeds his big the easiest two points of his entire life as you can tell I’m just really impressed with this game he was a guy I barely looked into before the draft so seeing the summer league he really stuck out and I was like who on Earth is this dude he’s incredible how is he not a late first round pick he reminds me of gor and dragic probably mainly because they are both lefties who can score the Rock and handle it like a point guard but also they both probably have the same question marks AKA will he be a good on ball Defender will he survive defensively it remains to be seen because Summer League doesn’t tell how you’re going to perform defensively at the NBA level however he looked very good off ball so far I believe he will figure it out defensively but as a rookie there is an adjustment period for almost everyone on that end of the floor so it may take some time honestly it’s going to be really interesting to see how his career ends up in OKC because they are a contender they have tons of Tal Talent tons of young Talent so getting minutes as a rookie you got to be damn near perfect especially a second round rookie but overall I believe he’s going to get an opportunity at some point whether it’s year one or year two I’m a Believer for sure and I believe they just found yet another gem let me know your thoughts in the comments section below if you enjoyed at any point leave a like And subscribe if you got time check out my other videos most importantly have yourself a great day and peace out

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Music Credit
Causmic – Soul Searching

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