@Toronto Raptors



what is up the dust is starting to settle on this NBA offseason and we gonna start talking RS are we happy with this offseason I think you have to be man I think you have to be Talent infusion to the roster a lot of young guys I like pretty much everything they did I like the pick jacobe Walter obviously we don’t know how they’re going to turn out but he fits like a positional need they get a little more athleticism Jonathan mobo our boy drafted top of the second round his best friend I love Jamal shed like you like you know Raptors fans love Kyle Lowry he’s not going to be Kyle Lowry obviously it’s a to put on the guy but dog dog has that little like that Killer Instinct they acquired Davon Mitchell who again dog I think a sneaky underrated move I like man they call him off night for a reason he was great and Baylor now that he was a top like top 10 pick top 10 pick yeah two years ago I I like the type of guys they brought in I think they needed a little more toughness a little more tenacity wasn’t happy that they weren’t able to add another top pick but you know that is what it is they get to move it to next year and they get to do whatever they want we’ll talk about whether they should tanker look we’re not trying to hit home runs here with the way the offseason went like you’re just trying to fill in the Gap you’re trying to get some good singles doubles fill it in and I I just like you said character guys I think just brought in some guys that are going to really shape how Defenders yeah that’s important I mean look look at how the defense was the moment purle went down last night right so yeah all these guys good character do they have a ceiling not really but you know at least you’re filling in spots with guys who can do some stuff yeah I think they’ve well with the Barnes and quickly contracts theyve now locked down who they think are the two cornerstones of their franchise so Quickly’s contract I mean probably came in a little higher than some have thought he there’s going to be a lot of pressure on him next year who who’s got more pressure Barnes or quickly in your opinion I would say quickly does because Barnes has made an All-Star team and quickley is now being considered the second fiddle on the team and the fans already love Barnes and he’s on that Ascension whereas if quickley has a couple games and struggles that’s the type of player with the big money that a fan base will turn on quickly pardon the punch well and then and then Barnes already got his max look uh fron got his max Kade got his max I think those guys are likely going to give him a floor to perform cuz Scotty as it’s all set up he’s probably going to outperform both well you can make the argument he was most deserving of the max of that draft class yeah at this point time I think time will tell is still with Cade and the way Kade can create offensively like but talking about pressure right you got like two guys there as like kind of a a benchmark they’re well you know how did France get that money BL well IQ so like it’s funny you guys say it quickly like to me Barnes did make an All-Star team I want to see that commitment on the defensive end like to me that’s what’s required in my opinion for this team to be good now whether they’re going to be good or not I think you know we could talk about what their Outlook is but you I mean you gotta be ready to pull the shoot if things go the other way before we get into the whole yeah the the the tank debate or whatever if you’re a tax team why is that even a question and that’s why I’ll play Devil’s Advocate a little bit here with their offseason what are you really locking yourself into you’re paying the tax for a team that what on the high end next year wins 40 is 42 games that’s that I think we would all consider that a great season I’m saying what are you really locking in all this money for I think the Raptors have like a recipe right I don’t think they are a a prototypical tanking team I think they like to find themselves in the middle they actually have some young guys they can build on and they are making a bet on those young guys now whether they are able to make the leap or not I think it’s a lot to ask you said 42 wins OB I think that’s crazy I don’t even think that’s like what’s their what’s the raing over under like you know is at like 30 and a half prob2 and a so if they if they get 40 if that’s the team you believe in that’s a success in my opinion because now you can start that’s a building block you can talk yourself into these guys being legitimate young pieces that you can start now building around the margins that’s the bet like so you know quickly obviously 35 million a year a lot of pressure on to be a second option but gonna have to average like what at least five six assists a game gonna have to bang a few threes a game but it’s on Barnes like Barnes needs to make that leap he needs to be a no doubt Allstar again second year in a row like that needs to be a thing that happens for this team to make that leap everyone needs to stay healthy they got a nice couple bets too I think that can help the defense well that’s I was just going to say I mean the defense is going to be very bad it’s the most let’s be honest I mean I the Personnel they’re small they’re a small team they don’t really have the defensive Personnel to be good at this point I know Davon is a nice guy off the bench who great a guarding point of attack but how many minutes is he going to play and he’s not going to you you know completely transform your defense in a limited role so you’re looking at who the starters might be quickly maybe Grady dick RJ at the three Barnes at the four I mean that’s a bad defensive lineup you know but I mean considering what was available and with what the Raptors were able to do I don’t think you’re going to find a full-on solution right now so based off of what was available you just add on assets add on players who have the opportunity to grow a little bit and then you don’t know what can you turn that into no don’t a good example uh a track record of that don’t get me I think the Davon Mitchell trade was good even I hope venkov stays he was a EUR League MVP I think he can be a useful player because what did they really give up they acquired a couple second round p and they Tri for a bit of cap speed so those are the little moves around the margins that you need to make they used their space very wisely there they found a way to get Talent on the team because they have like a real bench now like last year they did not like no offense we had like Jordan MOA coming off the bench like baji playing a lot heavy minutes like we see what he can do this year as well they just have dudes now yeah and I think it’s very important to see what you have with these guys and you’re just kind of building around the you okay I’m okay you’re like building around the mar Dev develop develop can you develop players supposed to be darko’s thing too thank you for not bringing Gary Trent back no it was the right thing to do I mean it’s not at the time of this taping he hasn’t been signed hold on wait wait let’s check with RZ what Tim are we at Riz because there was several there was a hot Market of what time Fab would bring Gary Trent up so like we CL did we hit the under on that or what okay line yeah because he didn’t the fit wasn’t there anymore a 25-year-old who why are you keeping him Walter plays the same position he’s hemorrhaging pling time from younger guys and it’s you know the the market hasn’t been that hot for either wellist nonexistent look at look at some of the other shooter types look at what they’re getting out there these oneyear contracts so I mean it’s really telling tough spot for Gary but hey at the same time I mean we talked about this the last time we went through this you talk about oh he’s a bad asset well it bad asset depends on the price given right so heend up on a really cheap contract it could literally be the exact opposite he could play himself into being a better asset I think the issue with him though is people look at the shooting they’re like w he’s look he’s a knockdown three-point shooter he’s stationary though he’s not a guy who can come off screens you know and and hit he has to have the ball in his hands kind of set up for it it wouldn’t shock there’s a big difference it wouldn’t shock me if he lands on a really good team as like a ninth or tenth man you can get hot and hit threes in a big moment but that’s that’s it was kind of like playay ending up on Dallas like that if they weren’t able to swing that type of move Trent’s kind of the type of guy that comes off the bench and plays that Tim Hardway role that was there before they traded him away but I I mean when you talk about coming into the off season talk about bad contract good contract I think the main thing Raptors fans should be thinking about is developing guys who two to three years from now are going to be part of a team that can make an effective champ be a asset on a championship run you got to think Grady is the guy that you’re trying to set up for that right so having kind of someone in the way of that development it’s just over long term it’s not good for the team so regardless of what price they pay Gary if it comes we’ll see man the reason why Gary’s not being signed right now is because he can’t defend like that’s and that’s what you you I think what the playoffs showed us is you need two-way guys so maybe hopefully Grady can develop into a two-way guy I maybe he’ll have to fill out his body and stuff so I think they’re just they’re just taking shots now right you take shots with young guys see what you got and listen man like we’re going to talk about their outlook for this year all right man if you start the season like 10 and 20 like might have to pull the shoot might have to pull the shoot like you’re going up against Atlantic division you got three juggernauts in that Division I don’t but I don’t think you go into the season saying we’re tanking from the play it out play it out play it out half the season 30 40 games see how you play try it early give Darko like give Darko a chance to prove himself give these guys a chance to prove themselves as the season goes along if you get hit with injuries if the guys are devel if you’re just running into tough opponents every night you’re losing close games some point I think you just need to be very methodical about what you’re going to do if you can at some point pull the shoot fans are kind of behind it they understand it that’s an ideal scenario and then you put yourself in situation to draft a legit Prospect I also think it’s important to plant a fa a flag before draft after draft you probably weren’t excited with how things are setting up in terms of development going into this year now that they’ve made all these offseason moves plus the draft it’s like w this is great like regardless of how they play win or lose there’s a scenario where okay like you said if they got to pull the shoot well that’s great because they got a lot of dudes now who can really gain from those uh rotation minutes that are going to be put on their plate which is like value added versus dumping them off to some dude that’s like not going to be on the team in the year it feels like a fresh start at the very least not that it’s super a super optimistic season coming up but at least you know they’ve kind of charted out a reasonable path man I was at Summer League last year like there was nothing to look forward to like it was Grady dick and then just a bunch of dudes were no longer he also didn’t look good dude this this summer league roster like Raptors are stacked like I minut I’m not encouraging people to bet on hold on no no no but I will say this but I would bet on the Raptors to win some gam this is kind of a Darkest Timeline thing where it’s like yo that Raptor Su League we’re stacked on our Su leag roster that is not a good thing but I think you’re you leave for Vegas what in a couple hours or tomorrow I think you’re just excited and you should be you you’ll get to watch good basketall they got Drew Timmy or Gonzaga guy on the roster they got they actually have a decent like decent centers who can shoot it they got hold on hold on I I actually have an important question before getting away from this summer league Stu did the Bruce Brown Gambit fail for the Raptors I expect to be seen no CU they’re probably but at what point is his value increasing now AR they just going to move you move you you’ve had a deadline and a draft to move him and you haven’t so what does that tell you he’s making 23 million I like Bruce brown but if the value hasn’t been there but but if the value hasn’t been there at those two points when are you getting value for him you have to assume that if the Raptors opted picked up the option on his contract that they think there’s a they can trade him for something I know but you have we but we’ve now seen that they can’t well I okay sorry so they were not trying to shop them they can’t they haven’t been able to so or maybe or maybe they’re I maybe they chosen not to a culture guy maybe they weren’t ready to accept some of the offers or they’re just really trying to hold on for a big payout right we don’t know yet but I don’t I don’t see his value increasing that’s the issue no he could play no he his value can definitely increase what if he’s a good rotation dude but they know teams know who Bruce Brown is at this point I know but like he’s not three months of him playing well isn’t going to sway a contender and saying oh he’s that guy now I think to West’s point maybe the price tag wasn’t what they thought it should have been and then now going into this year people might be like oh we you know what we actually need that he’s shown he can be a a good contributor on a championship team I I I I like what he does I’m just saying the draft felt like the time where you were going to move him I I just don’t think we know it’s going to happen this year a contender comes along and says we really need a seventh guy we need someone a little bit of tenacity I agree I we can’t predict the future get injes can happen you can get an extra like to me I think you trade them for a first- round pick that’s on the table especially in the 2025 draft see I don’t know if they got a second I don’t think a first was on the table for him that’s the problem so then I would agree with the Raptors then to hang on to the ass and see if you can get that and in the meantime I think he’s a decent culture he’s a veteran because you know we talked about this a lot man you don’t want a bunch of young dudes just running around failing doing like pros there to show them how to be Charlotte Hornet’s esque right you don’t want that happen you like Garrett temples like another put a grownup put an adult in the room but see what happen but as an asset what we’ve seen is that you know the the cap limitations are really stopping good teams from acquiring salary and he it’s it’s not nothing he makes 20 over 20 million yeah but that’s sort of what worries me about this this makeup of this raps team is like you’re what8 8 mil or 9 mil below the first apron why are you paying this Sal this the salary to this team why do you care because it like it really limits you and you’re not going to be able to what like what have you built for this money limit them to do what like what are they doing hun sign no you’re not going go big game hunting but like you’re to me you lack a direction you’re directionless you’re in the middle you either need to be one of those five teams that’s going for or you need to be ESP going into a draft you need to be a bottom bottom that’s how they do things they like maybe they should do things that way listen like look at what happened the last time they won a title that lead up to that it was dear and Kyle I think even and how many time that team made Conference Final made a Conference Final made the playoffs every year this team is just is directionless hold on a while to get there though but hold on though but now you’ve at least drafted a first rounder you’ve sprinkled a few se now it comes down to can you develop these guys into something that’s what they’re betting on because you have to use the space to some extent right they’re making a bet on Barnes and quickly this is a big bet on those two guys they also paid them I agree with the Barnes bet it’s it’s the quickly one where it was just like see and we all kind of had that same reaction 35 mil years just it’s a big it’s a lot big big Sal quickly Barnes and AR like 30 you might be like ah you feel a little better but like it’s wait I don’t know well I think they’re going to be more fun to watch the end of the day I think they’re from a fan perspective for us trying to make content out of the Raptors it’s much better than we deal last year exactly they’re going to tread water they’re going to tread water the best they can and then you know they’re going to make a decision right I think that’s why it’s very important that if they start off this season like if you look at the 40 game Mark and they’re like 10 games under think you need to make a decision early because there are a lot of other teams are going to take you have faith in them in this group mlsc this management to make a bold move like that my gut says they’re going to wait as long as possible yeah well again usually how they do it so important to set expectations right you look at the landscape of how the Atlantic is you look at what they’re coming into this season versus pre-draft get excited about the opportunity for some of these young dudes to really show some stuff and develop this year that’s the expectation don’t be expecting anything more than that you’re setting yourself up for failure dude New York Boston Philly come on man those are Juggernaut what top three favorites to win in the East I probably put all three of them up there I had a Milwaukee those FRS sorry any anything else I got summer league yeah bet the Raptors man bet the Raptor what kind of blind advice is that rer roster what El you what you do exciting summer league what are you doing with your money where the RS are you know what you can bet on explore the lovely novelty prop Market on FanDuel because there’s a lot of good stuff like betting on the weather that’s what we can do instead of betting sum yeah our girl do you not want to talk about like Philly signing George do you want to go there real quick no no no yeah like I was going to use I was going to use that as a jumping off point it’s like the the East yeah I know like the East is absolutely loaded and this is why for me from a rap’s perspective I think they lean more into that tanking Direction because of how good everybody else got and it’s sort of like there is definitely like a clear divide at like the five or six Mark versus the rest of the league but I I still don’t think Boston’s good enough to compete or sorry Philly’s good enough to compete with Boston and I don’t think New York’s good enough to compete with Boston really yeah the New York thing to me it’s all just honestly it’s all kind of hinges on the on the health of OG if OG is healthy and they have their full Squad that would be keep in mind with Boston like porzingis is out for six months so I mean who knows what he’s do they even really need him to win the title not really look at the P look at the pth they got though it’s going to be tougher yeah you can’t get easier than that but tell you that much no no for sure it’s just funny that like darl Mory went for the three star approach again right like but are we really good at how many times you need to see embiid get get tired I agree man and exhausted in the play 30 hasn’t made out of the second round you’re making the same bet like you’re making the same bet myy made like we could talk about all we want you’re and you’re making the same Kawai Paul George trade as well 2019 we’re doing the same Mor’s never won a championship he’s come close well he hasn’t well hey one out of 30 teams Philly arguably I think No One’s Gonna argue that Philly had a great off season even with bringing their own Martin thing that’s that’s underated was as good as you could have done yeah I think I think Philly is going to be very I I just it’s funny that they’re going to three star mold where I think a lot of other teams were like two stars and a bunch of like players CL they went three they went all in by December you’re going to see the Philly’s a problem post when they’re like they’re going to be like 25 and six and then it’s going to be the same thing and be’s going to be hurt or they’re going to Flame he’s toring the wizard on another note like embiid being able to play the Olympics when he when he when he’s hurt all season and Kawai Ka that’s that’s crazy how can you actually let that guy play in Olympics doesn’t make it through a round in the playoff medal man he wants a gold medal I think it’s what he needs I don’t think he has he needs that I need you to play a series it’s resume man okay so on the Clippers are just they’re a joke joke of a franchise man were how embarrassing of a franchise can you be we’re giving up grades for the offseason Clippers are probably like a d or an f and I think Phil be done with them man they tried to copy the whole Raptor’s blueprint if they failed it’s over for them man it’s a wrap on the Clippers outside outside of Philly then who do you think who offseason do we like the most Dallas I mean OKC OKC number one more than Philly OKC gets the gold medal listen Philly landed Paul George great but you’re talking about longterm I just don’t think they have the longterm like OKC longterm is really really well set up right now so I just think all the I love Caruso I just think Caruso was the piece of he’s so much better a fit than Josh Giddy and then hardenstein big overpay overpay but still lines up with how the books are going to be for them with the guys that they gotam third year while I love that trade for OKC Chicago actually I think wins that trade getting giddy no dude I think giddy is a better asset than Caruso what’s giddy I think ISD I think giddy is a how old is giddy okay giddy is gonna be this guy who plays on Bad teams his whole career so fantasy stud next year gidy will win fantasy leag that guy couldn’t even stay on the floor in the playoffs that’s F he’s super young a shot for your fit Caruso makes sense but I think giddy will be a very good player for bad Chicago team who’s going he’s going to put up numbers on bad teams I think there’s a win there’s a win-win scenario that happens in dra trades and this could be one of those but I just think Caruso on a team that’s competing for championships right now is so much better than what was the previous iteration I think the giddy thing so I like the zag I respect the zag I actually do think he’s fitting in with Chicago especially when they got rid of D Ro figure out a ro for him think he’s underu at all is what the Bulls are doing from an asset like management situation like you you essentially lost to R rozan and Caruso and got like not much back Gideon what like well the dzan trade they got nothing back but you could have traded him in the regular season knowing you weren’t going anywhere I just question what they’re doing how did San Antonio get a pick swap out of that D rozan because they took barnes’s contct yes but like yeah how do the bull the Bulls only get two seconds also shout that it was two two seconds right that’s all they got San Antonio made some decent moves I don’t know what their win total is going to be but honestly it’s a good idea to just whenever Wy Awards come up just bet everything how do make money on W how do we make money I want to see what the DPO odds okay I know we’re not like so dpoy Wy what are his odds we were talking about the other day right now going to be I think it might be like plus 100 yeah it’s it’s going to be tough it’s going to be like even money you’re not giving it to go be again not doing that he can’t be minus money man that’s crazy you know what turn the cameras off we will carry on this conversation we’ll keep going this conversation will carry on until you hopefully see us again in September the boys of sub yeah last last pod right yeah yeah so little Hiatus yeah bet R over see thanks like And subscribe

Did the Toronto Raptors make impactful moves at 2024 NBA Draft? What should be their expectations for the 2024-25 season? Which team overall has had the best offseason so far? Chris Hein, Wesley Cheng, Fabio Lucarini and Michael “Hambone” Hamarneh sit down to discuss the current state of the Raptors and more.

@ 00:00 – Raptors Draft
@ 05:44 – Gary Trent Jr.
@ 10:09 – Looking Ahead
@ 15:17 – NBA Free Agency


  1. Fellas this is not the view.
    Less gossiping, more Knowledge please.
    Gradey 21 mpg 8.5 pts Trb 2.2 Ast 1.1
    Is that a starting SG to you.
    can you see a 1 st year Apprentice electrician running hydro companies only if they look like Dick

  2. I’m 1 Min in and had to post. Why do guys keep saying IQ is the 2nd guy after Scottie. Do you guys watch the games. IQ isn’t and has never been on RJ’s level. You just saw RJ be the best player in Tor when he came over. The question is does that continue. IQ got paid but he can’t do what RJ does. He’s too small.

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