@San Antonio Spurs

Woj on NBA free agent: Kings land DeMar DeRozan, Spurs keep compiling picks to build around Wemby

Woj on NBA free agent: Kings land DeMar DeRozan, Spurs keep compiling picks to build around Wemby

three ride with you to start the week Ashley Nicole Moss Tommy TR I’m Jaclyn de austino and we begin today with the NBA because we were talking about one of the last big dominoes to fall in NBA free agency and I can tell you that Heat fans are not too excited about this last said Domino trying to get going to the West Coast not SoCal but NorCal went to the kings in a signning trade over the weekend which ended up being a three- team deal with the bulls and Spurs you can find the entire updated list of what’s happening in the association on our free agent tracker over at CBS again most of the big names in the moves took place last week are still some floating around but back to D Roan and the King sack gets a six-time Allstar they sent Harrison Barnes in a future pick swap to San Antonio in Chicago and getting CH DTE in a couple of second round picks to round it out the lights well Al welcomeing Avery Johnson into the conversation and Coach I’ll just start with you your thoughts on the Demar D Roan deal and who wins out of everything that we talked about setting this up well I like this deal for Sacramento especially he gives them another ball handler dearen Fox is a you know Superstar player he’s come on playing at a high level but the one key thing that is trade the mar R roen is one of the best fourth quarter players in the NBA and when you’re a team like Sacramento you got to win those close games the West is stacked and a lot of those games will come down to the last three to five minutes of the game now this gives the Kings another ball handler another option in the fourth quarter specifically if de’arra Fox gets trapped now he’s got another guy that he can Outlet the ball to now you we know Demar D rozan is not a prolific three-point shooter he’s start to make a few but in terms of that mid-range game is deadly and uh brings another veteran player to the Kings especially you know after they lost Harrison bonds but I really like this trade for the Kings specifically for their fourth quarter execution yeah I like it too it’s not perfect however because if you look at the way that the Kings play they have they lean more towards a motion based offense but also their defense isn’t great right so Demar D rozan for everything that he does well he’s not known for his defense so he doesn’t really help an already poorest defense in Sacramento but I agree with coach in the sense that he’s a phenomenal fourth quarter player and when you talk about the Western Conference there’s a lot of points being scored and sometimes those games come down to the wire now the Kings have missed the playoffs the 17 of the last 18 years so Demar for all intensive purposes is better than Harrison Barn when you look at the totality of who he is as a player in this stage of game this stage of the game he’s going to go ahead and help the Kings a lot especially down the stretch now um listen it’s going to be interesting how they go ahead and adjust their offense the type of player that Demar is though because he’s a ball stopping isolation scorer so he doesn’t really fit like I said into the way that the Kings play there’s going to be adjustments that need to be made but this is also going to help Darren Fox a lot right when dearen fox goes to the bench you have a prolific scorer on the floor but also dearen Fox on average misses anywhere between 15 to 20 games a season that is not going to feel as heavy for the Sacramento Kings as it has in the past because now you have Demar D rozan on the floor so for what they need immediately this works is this a long-term fix for what the kings are looking to do no so the Kings getting a veteran player we’re going to stick with that theme because we’re talking about Chris Paul going to the Spurs a 39 year-old Chris Paul um and Coach I want to start with you because I know this is a team that is very close to your heart and they are building pieces around that generational talent that is Victor wanyama again CP3 there a Oney year $1 million deal coach first what are your thoughts on what you’re seeing come together there in San Antonio and building around wemi yeah this this is also about Coach Greg papovich um you know he’s a guy that’s been preaching his team you know this is how veterans uh play the game or this is how to be a professional but but he’s got got living example now he’s got a guy that’s live in color so it’s going to take a lot of pressure off coach papovich when you add a Chris Paul you know now you can wait with Stefon Castle he doesn’t have to be rushed into starting you know he can watch Chris Paul for a year wiim minyama can watch how Chris Paul prepares for games how he plays the game uh how he carries himself same thing with Harrison bnes you got you got a guy now you know these guys have added you know over 25 years of NBA experience combined with Chris Paul and uh and Harrison Barnes so more than anything on the court yes off the court improving your culture the character of your team Chris Paul’s going to be more talkative than Harrison Barnes Harrison Barnes is going to lead more by example but again this is going to give the Spurs fans some hope in terms of can we win a few more games you know maybe tinker around that play in uh and Chris Paul wanted to start again on a full-time basis so this is a win all around for the Spurs Chris Paul and and Harrison BS and Ash know we just showed that graphic there with the picks and Coach mentioned Stefan Castle Ingram your thoughts on on those picks and building around wimy from from that perspective listen I think that the Spurs are doing what you do when you get a absolutely insane gift thrust into your lap right listen there are times where you just absolutely tank to go ahead and hopefully get that number one draft pick you get that number one draft pick and sometimes it doesn’t go ahead and equal what you want I have seen that story happen I’m a Knicks fan we’ve tried that before it hasn’t worked out in our favor to get wemi to get a generational player like this and then on top of that they also got a pick um an unprotected pick from the swap with the Kings which will come right around wy’s quote unquote Prime which is going to give the Spurs another chance to get a premium asset for this absolutely generational player but look right now they’re trying to go from Trash to Treasure they’re absolutely in a rebuild they’re trying to figure out how to be a contender they’re trying to figure out how to win quickly when I say contender I don’t mean a championship I just mean a playoff Contender because you have a generational Talent you want to go ahead and occupy as many of his years as you possibly can Harrison BS Chris Paul are going to be the type of players that can help you at least get into a playin tournament and all bets are off when you get into a play in tournament we’ve seen crazier things happen but every season you want to progress because like I said when you have a player like Wy on your roster when he has fallen into your lap the way he fell into the San Antonio Spurs lap you want to do right and you want to do right quickly so every move that you see from this point forward is going to be exactly with that mindset so we’ve established a lot of the big chess pieces are off the board but there are still some notable names kind of floating around the rumor mill Ash I going give you first word on Brandon Ingram for all for for for foreign spee spee what look foreign foree speee wait for don’t

Woj on NBA free agent: Kings land DeMar DeRozan, Spurs keep compiling picks to build around Wemby


  1. I feel like Derozen doesn't know how to play free agency. Considering he could have made a way to the Lakers or clippers. He keeps ending up on lower level teams. No championship shot and you didn't even get 100 mill to go to sac so at that price you could have gone somewhere better than a Sacramento

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